Topic: If life gives you..... | |
....then be sure that you are smiling.
If life makes you wonder... |
...then make sure you think it through
If life sends you flowers... |
Send a thank you card.
If life gives you a beautiful view... |
...try to enjoy it to its fullest
If life lets you run with the bulls... |
Run faster than the other guy.
When life continually puts you in situations to help people... |
make sure you're helping yourself as well..
If life gives you seeds in your watermelon... |
make sure you spit them out and not swallow them. If life gives you a sense of humor..... |
When life sabotages your parachute... |
be thankful for your backup chute when life gives you death of friends or family |
..Know that only the body dies.. and that the Spirit is eternal..
When life gives you blessings... |
| thankful
If life asks you to be quiet... |
Listen for a moment, but...
If life starts speaking BS.... |
Walk away.....
If life gives you love..... |
Love back with all you have.
When life gives you a mountain.... |
Climb it and enjoy the view....
If life gets complicated....... |
Remember that your only obligation is to live and die.
When life plays your favorite song... |
Dance like no one is watching......
If life rains on your parade...... |
Forget the umbrella and play in the puddles.
When life feeds you Brussels sprouts... |
ahhh yummy eat what you know is good for your body .. if life stops you from doing what you really want |
Do it anyway, because only you can stop you.
When life gives you an ugly sweater... |