Topic: Last days | |
The bible uses,use the expression "the last days" to refer to the concluding
time period leading up to a divinely appointed exertion that marks the end of a system of things. Do you believe that we are living in the last days?? |
TOTALLY! YEP, Christ is coming....very, very soon!
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Sun 10/06/13 01:32 AM
been saying that for 2000years,and the first Christians believed it would be in their time,according to what they were told by their Jesus!
Here are 242 of them but you can find plenty more in GOOGLE! and these are chronologically ordered going back 5000years! |
"Knowing this first,that there shall come in the last days scoffers,walking after their own lusts,and saying,where is the promise of his coming?for since the fathers fell asleep,all things continue as they were from the begining of the creation.For this THEY WILLINGLY ARE IGNORANT OF......"2peter 3:3-15.Scoffers are fulfiling the scripture!
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Sun 10/06/13 02:34 AM
"Heaven and earth shall pass away but my words shall not pass away" mattew 24:35.And let all men be liars but God can never lie
Anybody with eyes and a mind that has an understanding of the scriptures at all knows we are`unquestionably in the last days. A biblical generation is 70 years. Jesus said that the generation that saw Israel reborn as a nation would not come to pass before his return. Israel was reborn as a nation 65 years ago. This kinda stuff goes on and on. Proof, prof, proof. People are more comfortable in ignorance unfortunately, because attempting to know the Lord might require some accountability and perhaps some change in their behavior so instead of seeking God while he may be found, they will find an Oprah book or Deepak or something else existential in teaching to justify themselves so then they can keep their lifestyles and not feel guilty about their choices. They lie to themselves (because they know damn well God is there)but are quick to tell believers their little mantra (someone elses opinion) which usually goes like this:"The Bible was written by men, you can't trust it" or something even more absurd like "Oh yeah God is a real nice guy, look at all the suffering, if he's real why doesn't he do something" Sorry for so much text, but you got me started.
"Knowing this first,that there shall come in the last days scoffers,walking after their own lusts,and saying,where is the promise of his coming?for since the fathers fell asleep,all things continue as they were from the begining of the creation.For this THEY WILLINGLY ARE IGNORANT OF......"2peter 3:3-15.Scoffers are fulfiling the scripture! True! |
The bible uses,use the expression "the last days" to refer to the concluding time period leading up to a divinely appointed exertion that marks the end of a system of things. Do you believe that we are living in the last days?? Yes! I believe that we are living in the last days. The end as foretold by CHRIST and the prophets are here with us. We are in the last days as the bible says in Matthew 24: 12,And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. See the world today and reason with the scripture. GOD made woman for man but many women, majority of them found solace in lesbian love woman to woman, man to man, woman to animal, man to animal, murderers here and there, immoral dressing of women and men are also the iniquity the scripture talks about which is the last days. |
"Heaven and earth shall pass away but my words shall not pass away" mattew 24:35.And let all men be liars but God can never lie The creator of heaven and earth can not lie. |
TOTALLY! YEP, Christ is coming....very, very soon! Surely with respect this is a failed prophesy. Christ is not coming back ever for this reason. With respect please read these scriptures in the Bible for reference and evidence: Matthew 10:23. This says I tell you solemnly you will not have gone round all the towns of Israel before the son of man comes. This would take less than 2000 plus years to accomplish. Luke 9:27 Says, "Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the kingdom of God." This states that some in that particular time frame will be alive still when the second coming would take place. |
a couples of things here: almost every prophecy pertaining to the end of times has basically been fulfilled. the messianic jews have turned from the Law and now claim Yeshua as their rightful Messiah.
we also know Israel has petitioned the U.N 4 times to rebuild their temple and have elected a High Priest to resume their traditional ways. obviously, the new temple falls in line with Daniel chapter 10-11 speaking about the antichrist and offering ungodly sacrifice. this May marks the 70th year since 1948 that Israel has been viewed as a true nation. there are many 70th week prophecies that people apply to this occasion. but Revelation's 7 churches being church dispensations seems to be one of the biggest clues here. and we know we are specifically in Laodecia right this very moment. but aside from that, look at Sweden and European nations right now. Sweden is going to a cashless society [rumor is Australia is soon and France], and some are taking a chip [RFD chip] into their right hand and scanning it like a credit card. so clearly the BEAST, or the System, in which we buy and sell is in place!! |
Peace, Morrie 9er.
Over and out. ![]() |
Do you believe that we are living in the last days??
No, not really. I don't see it as the "End is Nigh" Its delusional fearmongering. Sure there are things wrong in the world but there is always things wrong in the world. There is also a lot of good things in the world. There is always good things in the world. Perhaps I'm wrong, perhaps I'm not. I choose to focus on the good. |
The bible uses,use the expression "the last days" to refer to the concluding time period leading up to a divinely appointed exertion that marks the end of a system of things. Do you believe that we are living in the last days?? "End times" yes. Jesus' return? Probably not anytime soon. He's only been gone for 2 Paradise days. Why would he want to return to this place after 2 of His days? If he takes a year off, he'll be back in 365,000 years or so. |
The bible uses,use the expression "the last days" to refer to the concluding time period leading up to a divinely appointed exertion that marks the end of a system of things. Do you believe that we are living in the last days?? "End times" yes. Jesus' return? Probably not anytime soon. He's only been gone for 2 Paradise days. Why would he want to return to this place after 2 of His days? If he takes a year off, he'll be back in 365,000 years or so. actually this is a very astute observation. but you did forget a couple of things. let's keep going in line with the paradise days or 1 day = 1,000 years. from Adam to Yeshua is 4 days. from Yeshua to now is 2 days. the only thing left to make this a perfect week in God is the 1,000 year reign / New Jerusalem. this seems more in line why it could be closer for Yeshua's return than at any other time. also, the state of Israel is coming up on it's 70th year anniversary. and one of the signs of Yeshua's return is Israel being world wide news. we have Trump making Jerusalem the recognized capitol, Israel trying to rebuild its temple, Muslims growing hate for Israel is at its all time high, and this major influx of Messianic Jews accepting Yeshua as God is spot on prophetic. there are several other issues like countries going to a cashless system and [people getting RFD chips implanted into their right palm, to scan like a credit card. seems like this is a very good time for His return, in my honest opinion ![]() |
Yes I do ..
There are prophesies made and coming to pass. There are wars and rumors of war. Food shortages. Earthquakes have increased. There will be pestilences. People of the last days are lovers of themselves .having and appearance of goodliness.lovers of pleasure.they are dishonest etc. In this troubled world knowledge have increased... We are indeed living in the last days |
The bible uses,use the expression "the last days" to refer to the concluding time period leading up to a divinely appointed exertion that marks the end of a system of things. Do you believe that we are living in the last days?? All the religious loons of every generation think they are living in the last days. It's a form of narcissism to think that you are so important that God must want to meet YOU. |
The bible uses,use the expression "the last days" to refer to the concluding time period leading up to a divinely appointed exertion that marks the end of a system of things. Do you believe that we are living in the last days?? All the religious loons of every generation think they are living in the last days. It's a form of narcissism to think that you are so important that God must want to meet YOU. and yet, to those who will die today are in their last days and will meet their God. the term last days for the believer has more than one definition. since you are not a believer, you would not understand as such [your reply in this very thread gives you away]!! |
The bible uses,use the expression "the last days" to refer to the concluding time period leading up to a divinely appointed exertion that marks the end of a system of things. Do you believe that we are living in the last days?? This is what I believe 2 Timothy reads: But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. and 2 Peter reads: Knowing this first of all, that scoffers will come in the last days with scoffing, following their own sinful desires. They will say, “Where is the promise of his coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all things are continuing as they were from the beginning of creation.” and Matthew 24 reads: “But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only. So, my observation and conclusion is that we are NEARER to the time, but WHEN that time is will always be a mystery and exactly how near will also remain so. However, I find it troubling that the conditions mentioned in 2 Timothy, although they have always been present, seem to be more admired and more promoted as virtues than they have been before. |
No one before the reestablished State of Israel could state with any sincere confidence that we are approaching the closeness of The Last Days.
Also anyone who hasn't received the indwelling of The Holy Spirit truly doesn't understand The Scriptures regarding The Last Days nor Scripture as a whole because they cannot rightly divide The Word nor properly discern the Scriptures. Prophecy = History told in advanced. Any prophecies from God WILL come to pass. Almost all prophocies regarding The Last Days have come to fruition. Almost. As another poster has stated earlier The Third Temple needs (and will) be built. It is in the works as I post this. What is the hold up you may ask? Location, location, location. The Word of God doesn't clearly state the location although I have a very good idea where. Friends at this present juncture we are not living in The End of Days, but we most certainly are at the threshold. The cusp if you will. Once the seven year tribulation is implemented than yes some will be living during The Last Days , but not for long. Hell and its demons will literally be unleashed upon the Earth as well as the pure wrath of God. The Church WILL NOT be here during that time. Christ takes His bride before hand . Be not dismayed for many will come to Christ as Saviour during this time. The biggest revival will occur during this time. People question why God does what He does, well the last sentence of the above paragraph clearly gives some insight to the answer. A lot of times the judgment of God brings multitudes to repentance and salvation. Open your eyes friends the time is near. And all God's people shouted. .. AMEN!!! ⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘ |