Mud Country |
Leftest want Trump out so they can Replace him with another Obama ! Hopefully that never happens!!! Wake up. People your sleep in America. Amen. Hammer meet nail. ![]() |
Trump: 'If I ever got impeached, I think the market would crash'. Wow! He thinks we can't do without him? It will recover. Such a humble guy. Some just can't take the truth. They live in their own little bubble where truth and facts mean nothing. But alternate facts, what some "think" is the truth, half-truths and whole lies mean everything. So far, 4 pages worth of proof that Trump supporters are standing behind the wrong man. And Congress, They are just as bad. They sit back and let this man-child belittle our Gov to the world like it's a three-ring sideshow. The man should be an insult to every real American. Every day, it's almost like the "Apprentice" never went off the air. Charles, we get it already you do not like President Trump. But to say he should be an insult to every real American is 100% out of line. Basically what you are saying is that anyone who is a Trump supporter isn't an American. That is ridiculous and obviously untrue. I know a whole lot of Marines and law enforcement officers that would highly disagree with that nonsensical statement you made among many others as well. I think you are an okay guy Charles, but that statement was waaaaaaaay out of line. OK, It sounds like another Republican double standard. It's OK for Trump followers to say that people who don't follow Trump, should all be shot. Or that they are un-American. Yes sir, I read. I read a lot. I see a lot of nonsense posted by Trump followers. But we are not supposed to be offended? Of course, Trump followers, Most of them choose to live in the dark. They would rather stick there heads in the sand and believe nothing except what "God Trump" says. And be offended by everything else that doesn't fit in their little bubble. And as usual, Trump followers can't take what they dish out. At least I prove out what I post. That seems to be something that most Trump supporters can't do. So, I apologize if you are offended by facts. Whether you want to believe them or not. And please, feel free to post your links that prove out what you say. I guarantee you that I will not be offended at all. I would like to see a Trump supporter prove out some of what they say. Instead of just spewing what they think, (and their hate) and it is true because Ernest next door said so. Me, I'm more offended by stupidity than anything else. So, if you can prove me wrong, go right ahead. It's an open forum. You can say what you want. At least within reason. But, if you can't back it up, it's just empty words. If you think anything I've posted is wrong or untrue, You are welcome to prove it out to be if you can. But please, say something besides, fake news, or but Hillary or, but Obama. That's getting old. And it never was an excuse. Wow. Actually I cannot say what I want because it will be deleted. And, you sir never actually commented directly on the issue that I brought up. Instead you dug an even deeper hole . You speak in a manner that all Trump supporters are alike and that is foolish to say the least. And spare us with your "facts" and rhetoric. Because that is what actually is old and lame. And yes you do seem quite offended so don't pretend you are not when your posts CLEARLY paint a different picture. Seems like you are the one spewing forth hatred that you accuse others of doing. Congratulations. And don't even bring up standards as you say because if it wasn't for double standards liberals like you wouldn't have ANY. That being said , what do you say regarding your statement (that you obviously deflected) that Trump should be an insult to any "real Ametican"? Seriously? Don't deflect again , answer that simple question. You sir have insulted millions of real Americans with that unfounded, foolish statement. |
Trump: 'If I ever got impeached, I think the market would crash'. Wow! He thinks we can't do without him? It will recover. Such a humble guy. Some just can't take the truth. They live in their own little bubble where truth and facts mean nothing. But alternate facts, what some "think" is the truth, half-truths and whole lies mean everything. So far, 4 pages worth of proof that Trump supporters are standing behind the wrong man. And Congress, They are just as bad. They sit back and let this man-child belittle our Gov to the world like it's a three-ring sideshow. The man should be an insult to every real American. Every day, it's almost like the "Apprentice" never went off the air. Charles, we get it already you do not like President Trump. But to say he should be an insult to every real American is 100% out of line. Basically what you are saying is that anyone who is a Trump supporter isn't an American. That is ridiculous and obviously untrue. I know a whole lot of Marines and law enforcement officers that would highly disagree with that nonsensical statement you made among many others as well. I think you are an okay guy Charles, but that statement was waaaaaaaay out of line. |
My logic isn't flawed whatsoever and I never said the 20/20 rule was Scriptural.
The Scriptures tell us how to study the Scriptures. And there is no mention of a 20/20 rule. It's a shame you don't understand the simple implications. And, yes, your logic is flawed. Gods will that all be saved and that all will be saved are two greatly different things.
The first is true , the latter is not. You don't think God can make His Will come true? Oh, ye of little faith. I cannot continue this discussion. You have provided no Scripture to back up anything you say. Your posts are nonsense and you have been attacking me. Grow up. CLV Matt 5:48 You, then, shall be mature as your heavenly Father is mature. Seems you are the one who needs to grow up since you continue to falsely accuse others repeatedly because they do not agree with you . Also once again , I never said the 20/20 rule was Scriptural. It is a shame you cannot comprehend something so simple. My logic as you say is not flawed regarding the Scriptures whatsoever. And it isn't a lack of faith on my part regarding Gods will that all come to repentance and receive Him as Saviour. Rather , it is a matter of fact that all do not get saved. That is Scriptural. What isn't Scriptural is the lie you try to promote stating that all will get saved , and then trying to back it up by taking Gods Word completely out of context. Apparently your "logic" is flawed . Your understanding of the Scriptures is wacky and nonsensical. And if someone doesn't agree with you , then you attack them then have the audacity to say others are attacking you. Grow up , no one is attacking you whatsoever. |
Not Sleepless
Hugging a burning tree seems inadvisable. Proactive not reactive. |
Not Sleepless
But Breathess in Seattle! People are using masks because of the poor quality of Air. From CA to Washington the air is really getting worse. Maybe they should hug more trees. |
Do you need LSD? Try LDS! Why LDS? And , why the exclamation point after said suggestion? |
this wasnt hard to find. a link to what Chicagoans have been doing to try to navigate and decrease the violence. and from the BLM website: The Black Lives Matter Global Network is a chapter-based, member-led organization whose mission is to build local power and to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes. BLM focus is issues with the STATE (taxpayer supported) kind of like a holocaust survivor,whose life as a jewish person should matter, may focus more on nazis(sanctioned establishment) than on jewish who killed jewish. So BLM will march and riot when it is white on black, but turn the other way when it is black on black?.. even when it is 350 of their own kids in a concentrated area? BLM IS IN CHICAGO, so they see it, right? I saw a black cop in Baltimore totally beating the living hell out of a black man on the news here on Friday, even the other cop with him tried to get him to stop.. no good. Punching the hell out of the defenseless guy in the face. caught on tape...police brutality.. damn right it was.. worse kind. all over the news.. everywhere. Why no protest.. no march Why no statements from BLM, Sharpton, Farrakhan ( well Farrakhan I understand, he is a has been.. time passed him by.. and pretty much.. gone) Because they are nothing but a bunch of hypocritical clowns. |
Absolutely ridiculous.
Interesting that constant berating wasn't an issue for FOX with the previous president. Odd how standards go back and forth depending upon the WHO instead of the WHAT. from Fox news? Unprovoked? Absolutely. Much of what Trump gets is because Trump fishes for it and provokes it. He makes media the enemy and the media responds in kind. Ms, you are correct. Trump has admitted as much (the citation evades me at the moment), as a defense for when he gets called on reversing his position. He states that he does it to get a rise out of people... Fox never calls Trump on it (although they have called the same tactic if done by Obama or Kerry "waffling" or "flip-flopping"), and of course when CNN calls him on it, he just declares American jihad on CNN. Also to consider, there is the new coarseness that Trump himself brought into American politics during his campaign. He introduced things like dirty debating (i.e. criticizing his opponent through interjection as a "nasty woman" instead of criticizing her points during his allotted time). By degrading the civility of the position and the procedures, he has encouraged others to fight at his level. Obama is cited as not following his critics into the mud (the quote Obama's team used is "When they go low, we go high"). By Trump engaging in cheap name-calling ("Pocohontas", "Nasty Woman", "Rocket Man") or school-boy tactics, he is encouraging the opposing viewpoint to go just as low and petty.... but then when it is done, the Trump supporters call that "bashing". Obama took just as much (possibly more) berating from Fox than Trump does from CNN.... the difference is, Obama was much more classy Wrong. And, wrong. |
Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeererzzzzzzzzzeeeeeeeeeeweeee.......... This is the spirited debate skills that we have come to expect from Trump supporters. The extra letters harken back to grammar school thought processes, because the debater can't think of concrete evidence to offer in counterpoint. Usually a comment like this is followed by such elucidation as "Oh yeah?" Fell for the snare did ya. ![]() Don't worry or fret . You only have 6 and a half years. Then there is Pence.... |
Stubellous the fishing King. |
Interesting friend.
My main focus is on Jesus The Christ. The Saviour of mankind. |
![]() Stu... |
In the sermon at Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church, Farrakhan said he was looking for "10,000 in the midst of the million ... 10,000 fearless men who say death is sweeter than continued life under tyranny" to retaliate against white Americans because of their alleged oppression of black people. Farrakhan said the Quran calls for retaliation when "slaves" are oppressed. "Retaliation is a prescription from God to calm the breasts of those whose children have been slain. So if the federal government will not intercede in our affairs, then we must rise up and kill those who kill us. Stalk them and kill them and let them feel the pain of death that we are feeling," Farrakhan said. ___________________________________________________________________ This Louie Farrakhan?.. the one who call on his people to kill white people. Anyway, wonder where his 10,000 soldiers are?... been 3 years now. Would have been nice if they stopped off in Chicago.. cleaned things up a bit.. but... I guess it was not in their plans. Him and Sharpton.. those two knuckleheads seemed to fall of the planet. Exactly. Both of them are total clowns. and both of them, when they speak, dont lose their base who think they are just 'telling the truth'. Thats the point, just like with politicians or any other public figure. They are 100% total CLOWNS. |
In the sermon at Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church, Farrakhan said he was looking for "10,000 in the midst of the million ... 10,000 fearless men who say death is sweeter than continued life under tyranny" to retaliate against white Americans because of their alleged oppression of black people. Farrakhan said the Quran calls for retaliation when "slaves" are oppressed. "Retaliation is a prescription from God to calm the breasts of those whose children have been slain. So if the federal government will not intercede in our affairs, then we must rise up and kill those who kill us. Stalk them and kill them and let them feel the pain of death that we are feeling," Farrakhan said. ___________________________________________________________________ This Louie Farrakhan?.. the one who call on his people to kill white people. Anyway, wonder where his 10,000 soldiers are?... been 3 years now. Would have been nice if they stopped off in Chicago.. cleaned things up a bit.. but... I guess it was not in their plans. Him and Sharpton.. those two knuckleheads seemed to fall of the planet. Exactly. Both of them are total clowns. |
Marriage Proposel.
A Queen needs something a little bigger... Try this ring... ![]() Miss Queen needs a loving heart , not an ostentatious chunk of mineral. (Yes , I did slightly let out a giggle as I was posting this) ![]() |