Topic: Last days | |
Yes and no. The Last Days. One of the most misunderstood concepts in the Bible. I will start another thread on this. |
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Sun 05/06/18 03:37 PM
No one before the reestablished State of Israel could state with any sincere confidence that we are approaching the closeness of The Last Days. Also anyone who hasn't received the indwelling of The Holy Spirit truly doesn't understand The Scriptures regarding The Last Days nor Scripture as a whole because they cannot rightly divide The Word nor properly discern the Scriptures. Prophecy = History told in advanced. Any prophecies from God WILL come to pass. Almost all prophocies regarding The Last Days have come to fruition. Almost. As another poster has stated earlier The Third Temple needs (and will) be built. It is in the works as I post this. What is the hold up you may ask? Location, location, location. The Word of God doesn't clearly state the location although I have a very good idea where. Friends at this present juncture we are not living in The End of Days, but we most certainly are at the threshold. The cusp if you will. Once the seven year tribulation is implemented than yes some will be living during The Last Days , but not for long. Hell and its demons will literally be unleashed upon the Earth as well as the pure wrath of God. The Church WILL NOT be here during that time. Christ takes His bride before hand . Be not dismayed for many will come to Christ as Saviour during this time. The biggest revival will occur during this time. People question why God does what He does, well the last sentence of the above paragraph clearly gives some insight to the answer. A lot of times the judgment of God brings multitudes to repentance and salvation. Open your eyes friends the time is near. And all God's people shouted. .. AMEN!!! ⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘ good stuff right here in this post ![]() i would only differ on a couple of things though you highlighted . one, the temple DOES NOT need to be built for Yeshua to return. two, it does need to be built for the antichrist to offer idol offering. three, the Jews in Israel have already voted and have their High Priest...this is significant because they have not had an actual high priest since 70 A.D. and it means, they have returned to old ways of Moses. also, there is rumor of an identical temple already built 10 miles from where they want the true temple located. they have been practicing old traditions in wake for when they can do it for real once the temple is constructed. every piece of the temple is made and just waiting to be assembled. and according to Jewish news, they have petitioned the United Nations THREE times to build. the U.N. has denied them claiming it is rightful Muslim territory. this is where i think Trump and Pence will step in. they have threatened to stop the financial aid of these Muslim nations who vote at the U.N. i believe this will correct itself and Israel will get its votes over this money loss ![]() ![]() ![]() |
The bible uses,use the expression "the last days" to refer to the concluding time period leading up to a divinely appointed exertion that marks the end of a system of things. Do you believe that we are living in the last days?? Yes, I do. |