Community > Posts By > Mrstraycatt
I would go back and try to convince Mark Chapman to shoot David Bowie instead of John Lennon! lol
Say Something Vague - part 5
The cowboys are going nowhere, even if they somehow manage to win this game which they will not. Put a fork in their *** and turn them over. They're done.
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Very simply this: Black people who have completely different ideas than he does, hear him say something contrary to their beliefs and they say" well, he's smarter than me, so I will go along with him" and white people are tole they are racist if they say anything contrary to his agenda, so they keep quiet. Not to mention many white people want to distance themselves from the negative past toward black people, so they remain silent. That's whats happening.
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sorry about the typos:)
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At what point does "Hope" be realized for what it is? "Hoax"? When will the defelecting statements about "not being aware of" "not informed about" etc. going to wake the country up? Does anybody have eyes and a mind anymore? Black people ( and white people) will follow Obama to hell if he announces that is where he is going. So sad.
Read our history books? You have got to be kidding...the books record a lone gunmen shooting JFK? The books that tell us the U.S. won the revolutionary war? Maybe you mean the ones that tell us that 19 hijackers with boxcutters outwitted NORAD and brought the towers down to dust? The history books that tell us our ancestors are primates? History is written by the winners...the industrialists.i.e human farmers with an agenda. Oh yeah the history books that tell us "islam is a peaceful religion" Islam is a peaceful religion" Really? Really. Why the smokescreen? Open your eyes and see things for what they are, not what you are told your opinion should be.
What do you base such nonsense on? God is well able and has seen to it that we have the scriptures we need which are 1 translation away from the original Hebrew, Greek or Aramaic. Extant texts dating back to 135 A.D. exist today. Most Christions keep a concordance of those languages for eytomological purposes handy so we are getting the exact truth. Since you are probably getting your info from the illuminati owned Discovery Channnel and History Channel, you might want to ask yourself if the people feeding you such rubbish might have an agenda behind propagating such twists on reality. The Bible speaks for itself. I need not defend it,because you don't break God's word it breaks you.I like the King James Bible, which has been the same for centuries. The modern translators infected the other versions with well intentioned (I think) interpretations that I feel miss the mark. These arguments of the type you assert are foolishness. In reality, you are simply seeking to convince yourself that in someway somehow there will be some loophole in the authenticity of the books to give you a free pass to your lifestyle. I know I was there. So scoff if you must, but YOU and everyone else WILL BOW to Christ. Now as your Lord and Savior, or later as your judge and jury. Your choice.I highly recommend the now option.
What the Bible says is TRUTH. What people SAY the Bible says is RELIGION.
i would agree all the religions of the world navigate around basically the same thing but only peripherally....that is to say that to treat others the way you want to be treated etc. is a common denominator in the worlds religions. When it comes to the relationship with God whoever, this is where Christianity psrts company. We are not in any spiritual condition to interact with God in our presne condition, therefore our reconciliance to him is his gift to to all who acknowledge that the barrier of sin was taken out of the way ...and nailed to his son's cross. If you follow the mainstream thought process as propogated on television, you will believe that Jesus is the emaciated figure on the glass candles at the supermarket. If however you use your own mind (most people at this point believe that the media is controlled)you would realize that it is in the best interests of the greed filled rulers of this world to keep you away from Christ. Why? He who has Chris has the truth, and the truth shall set you free. Not a popular notion for the control freak money junkie rulers of this world.
Those who dismiss the Bible have simply not opened their heart and read it...many who have set out to disprove it simply end up as Christians because truth is truth...however painful at times. So if you are a scoffer, you are a in darkness. God does not play let's make a deal. He says This is the deal. Free gift. Accept it while you can. |
Last days
Anybody with eyes and a mind that has an understanding of the scriptures at all knows we are`unquestionably in the last days. A biblical generation is 70 years. Jesus said that the generation that saw Israel reborn as a nation would not come to pass before his return. Israel was reborn as a nation 65 years ago. This kinda stuff goes on and on. Proof, prof, proof. People are more comfortable in ignorance unfortunately, because attempting to know the Lord might require some accountability and perhaps some change in their behavior so instead of seeking God while he may be found, they will find an Oprah book or Deepak or something else existential in teaching to justify themselves so then they can keep their lifestyles and not feel guilty about their choices. They lie to themselves (because they know damn well God is there)but are quick to tell believers their little mantra (someone elses opinion) which usually goes like this:"The Bible was written by men, you can't trust it" or something even more absurd like "Oh yeah God is a real nice guy, look at all the suffering, if he's real why doesn't he do something" Sorry for so much text, but you got me started.
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Sun 10/06/13 02:30 AM
There is so much porn out there, that for example, after school a kid is walking home and he goes into 7/11 for candy. HE SEES the magazines on the rack, and little parts of the raunchy ones behind the counter. So he walks home eating his M&Ms and and begins to develop an impression of women. There is a problem here, in my opinion.Any commentary?
It's fine because the only way to get a genuine and honest answer is to get it from someone who isn't going to be affected by the spoken content, which allows for a great deal more freedom of expression.A stranger doesn't have to suffer the ramifications of saying something or admitting something that could cause issues in your family/ with your partner, etc.This is the place to see what people REALLy think, and that's what we should use it for.
"Aliens" have been around since the beginning of time. They preach new age philosophy, take an animal now and then, and "abduct" certain people sometimes. If they wanted something don't you think we would know by now? They are nothing more than demonic entities. Watch out.
Absolutely true. Consciousness brings forth matter, not vice versa.
I like to think of myself as decent. Comparatively, I am very decent. I suppose though that every guy has his own definition/rendition of what the word actually conveys.
Why the charade?
Why do these women think its trendy, hip, cool, or whatever they are thinking when they put "Beverly Hills" as to where they are/from? There is no way in life all these so-called Beverly Hills women are in Beverly Hills.I won't click on any of them because I don't know who the pretentious ones are. I went to Beverly High. The minute I find out they were BSing, I wouldn't be interested. If a girl is cool, I don't care if she lives in a tar-paper shack in the ghetto. Wish they would keep it real.
New girl
I just joined too. Seems like it will provide a shortcut to meeting someone cool. I sure hope so