Topic: do you worry to much about your weight?be honest
PacificStar48's photo
Sun 04/15/12 12:07 PM
I think you hit the nail on the head about not trying to cut out certain foods all together becaus it just making you crave that food.

Most of us have foods or eating patterns we associate with comfort or stress and too much of either is going to upset the balance of intake and coloric burn.

I do think some foods are just empty colories though and try to avoid more than small amounts of them.

I think sexual desire is a lot more complicated than just a few biological markers. I really doubt that men or women have a fixed type that will turn them on or off especially long term.

I do think trying to manipualate your body is a recipie for disaster. Careing, murtureing, or even applying a little personal self discipline is ok but the body is a very complicated system and if you think just a couple of simple thricks are going to be a get out of jail free card you are probably kidding yourself.

Cheer_up's photo
Sun 04/15/12 10:41 PM

There was a time i USED to worry/think about my weight....
I think EVERY WOMAN thinks they could afford to lose abit...whether they need to or not!!!!

believe me, it was harder to lose it, worrying about it all the time!!laugh

I don't worry so much about it able to drop a few lbs
when i don't think about it so hard....besides....I think a woman
with "curves" is wayyyyyyyyyyy more attractive, than skin and bones!!sick
Society, magazines, and people in general have made girls today so
conscience about what the "IDEAL" woman should look like...
its no wonder there is so much low's sad!!

Ive found the BEST way to lose the weight, and keep it off, is to eat WHAT YOU WANT.....only cut down the proportions.....cutting out things is only asking for binging later and gaining alot back!!

besides.....WHO CARES what others think, you need to be happy with YOURSELF.....not what anyone thinks!! If a man judges a woman by her curves, they have a big problem with themselfs!:smile:
They need to judge a woman by her personality, mind and her heart....thats where true happiness is anyway!!

the best curve anyone can have is......THEIR SMILE!!!bigsmile

well said my friend right on flowerforyou :banana: :thumbsup:

carold's photo
Sun 04/15/12 10:55 PM
I think about it allot I worry about other things.:wink:

Cheer_up's photo
Sun 04/15/12 10:59 PM

I think about it allot I worry about other things.:wink:
glad you don't worry about it my friend:)flowerforyou and not good to worry about things to much:) either :) cheers biggrin :thumbsup:

carold's photo
Sun 04/15/12 11:00 PM
Lord don't I know it winking

no photo
Thu 04/19/12 08:07 PM
I eat what i want. If i end up fatter than fat, well i won't care. More for him to grab i guess. ohwell

Cheer_up's photo
Thu 04/19/12 09:21 PM

I eat what i want. If i end up fatter than fat, well i won't care. More for him to grab i guess. ohwell
laugh good way to look at it lolll

shandi69's photo
Fri 04/20/12 09:48 AM
i used to be very fussy and worry alot about my weight but now i just don't care cause it don't matter if fat or smaller my personality has a bigger impact on ppl more then my wieght does and apparently i have been told that i,m just perfect the way i am... See for yrself... I love me and that counts...

Cheer_up's photo
Sat 04/21/12 08:16 PM

i used to be very fussy and worry alot about my weight but now i just don't care cause it don't matter if fat or smaller my personality has a bigger impact on ppl more then my wieght does and apparently i have been told that i,m just perfect the way i am... See for yrself... I love me and that counts...
well my friend you are good looking but your right personality to me is more important too:)flowerforyou waving :thumbsup:

ken143applepie's photo
Mon 04/23/12 08:27 AM
i do actually.. like a LOT! lol i just stop eating when i know i'm done for the day ohwell

Cheer_up's photo
Wed 04/25/12 07:58 PM

i do actually.. like a LOT! lol i just stop eating when i know i'm done for the day ohwell
LOLLLLL i know how you feel i love to eat myself and i snack way to much and i eat way to much i just feel hungry all the time hahahalaugh :banana: :thumbsup:

fearthephoenix's photo
Wed 04/25/12 09:44 PM

I worry alot about it- although I try not to let it rule my life,,

it's the way beauty is portrayed in the media these days-
but I think it's easing up a little and showing some women with curves thank god!happy

;) I'm new to the site but I can tell you I'll take a girl with lovely curves over the twig any day. Not only do curves drive me crazy, when I hug my girl tight like she should be, I don't want to feel like I'm gonna break her :p

Cheer_up's photo
Sun 04/29/12 09:57 PM

I worry alot about it- although I try not to let it rule my life,,

it's the way beauty is portrayed in the media these days-
but I think it's easing up a little and showing some women with curves thank god!happy

;) I'm new to the site but I can tell you I'll take a girl with lovely curves over the twig any day. Not only do curves drive me crazy, when I hug my girl tight like she should be, I don't want to feel like I'm gonna break her :p
right on my friend cheers :):thumbsup:

no photo
Mon 05/07/12 01:13 AM

Society, magazines, and people in general have made girls today so
conscience about what the "IDEAL" woman should look like...
its no wonder there is so much low's sad!!

Ive found the BEST way to lose the weight, and keep it off, is to eat WHAT YOU WANT.....only cut down the proportions.....cutting out things is only asking for binging later and gaining alot back!!

besides.....WHO CARES what others think, you need to be happy with YOURSELF

Nice to see someone has common sense. lol. That reminds me, i once friends with a model. He was so vain it was unbelievable. He was way thin. Probably a bit TOO thin at times. He thought he was the best thing since sliced bread. Not to mention he though ANY and EVERY woman would want to sleep with him. Well his smile soon turned into a frown, when i once turned him down. Why on earth would i want such a guy with that type of attitude? See :)

no photo
Mon 05/07/12 01:43 AM
"do I worry about my weight?"


If anyone else used this line I get royalties.

no photo
Mon 05/07/12 09:53 AM

"do I worry about my weight?"


If anyone else used this line I get royalties.

laugh :) You tell em, Mg. Nobody has a right to steal copywritten work. I should know, what with being a songwriter and all. lol.

Just thought I'd add that some people's weight problems, can be due to having certain illnesses. I used to suffer with Chron's disease. That keeps you from gaining weight, because your digestive system doesn't work properly. I don't understand how i ever went into remission with it then. Some illnesses are just too difficult to hold down. Sometimes you need such strong meds just to control the pains. So yeah.

soufiehere's photo
Tue 05/08/12 05:41 AM

rara777's photo
Tue 05/08/12 07:10 AM

Popcorn is a food group! :banana: is chocolate blushing

Two of my most favorite food groups.:wink: drool

rara777's photo
Tue 05/08/12 07:11 AM

I`m one of your chubbiest friends.laugh

soufiehere's photo
Tue 05/08/12 07:22 AM

I`m one of your chubbiest friends.laugh

hahahaha and it makes me happy :-)