Topic: do you worry to much about your weight?be honest
krupa's photo
Tue 03/27/12 08:25 PM
My tape worms love beer.

I should probably feel bad.....but, I just don't.

12-15 beers is a standard night...which is why I switched to hard liquor.

Still, at the end of the night....I swear I can eat steaks, hams with lotsa potatoes, salads with extra bacon and breads with extra butter and cheese.

Don't hate me for trying to maintain my insulating layer of winter fat. I do good to hit 160 pounds at 6'2".

krupa's photo
Tue 03/27/12 08:35 PM
Back on topic...

My answer is no...

I don't worry about my weight.

Actually, I would be happy to make it up to the weight that standard medical charts say is my "normal" weight...180

for that, I will need a chick to jump on my back.

I will never be the medical reason to expect it after 43 years of plush people calling me a skinny a#$hole.. My advice...see if a doc can embed a couple of has got to be be cheaper than bariatrics.

Cheer_up's photo
Tue 03/27/12 09:11 PM

My tape worms love beer.

I should probably feel bad.....but, I just don't.

12-15 beers is a standard night...which is why I switched to hard liquor.

Still, at the end of the night....I swear I can eat steaks, hams with lotsa potatoes, salads with extra bacon and breads with extra butter and cheese.

Don't hate me for trying to maintain my insulating layer of winter fat. I do good to hit 160 pounds at 6'2".
WOWWW your right bro you must have some type of tape worm or a super metabolism that burns up fat like crazy i mean bacon,ham,and steak and potatoes with bread and butter and cheese dam i hungry now lolll and all that beer and you don't gain weight thats amazing :thumbsup:

Cheer_up's photo
Tue 03/27/12 09:20 PM

Back on topic...

My answer is no...

I don't worry about my weight.

Actually, I would be happy to make it up to the weight that standard medical charts say is my "normal" weight...180

for that, I will need a chick to jump on my back.

I will never be the medical reason to expect it after 43 years of plush people calling me a skinny a#$hole.. My advice...see if a doc can embed a couple of has got to be be cheaper than bariatrics.
Man i wouldn't give a **** what others say if you feel great then thats cool bro and you eat great lots of food and cold beers and booze and you work hard no need to worry about what people say but no need to tell you that lolll i bet you already tell them where to go if they bug you laugh :banana: :thumbsup: cheers have a great night :)

PacificStar48's photo
Tue 03/27/12 09:51 PM
I do think a lot of it is metabolism and stress. I was model skinny as a kid and pretty small until about 36. It was really a drag having people act like it was something I did on purpose andy more than the weight I have bbe the last decade it just is. When the weight went up and leveled off I was kind of relieved because it has been nice being more invisable.

But the weight cycle is typical for the women in my family so I don't see taking credit for it even if I do loose quite a bit. Now it is dropping back off but that may be nedical stuff so not good news..

It really doesn't seem to be that related to my lifestyle all that much becasue I have always been active even when I was in the chair I would wear people out.

I have wondered if it wasn't effected by sleep becasue it is hard for me to drop weight if I have insomnia. Thing the body stores weight if you have poor quality sleep.

I think Krupa is kidding about the tape worm. Least I hope so because they would do a lot of damage to your body.

Lot of weight issues are endocrin problems. Extreamly thin people often have it as much as the extreamly heavy.

But some people are used to being stuffed all their life and feel paniced by normal hunger feelings.

HawaiiMusikMan's photo
Tue 03/27/12 09:58 PM

My tape worms love beer.

I should probably feel bad.....but, I just don't.

12-15 beers is a standard night...which is why I switched to hard liquor.

Still, at the end of the night....I swear I can eat steaks, hams with lotsa potatoes, salads with extra bacon and breads with extra butter and cheese.

Don't hate me for trying to maintain my insulating layer of winter fat. I do good to hit 160 pounds at 6'2".

I think I have the same beer loving tapeworm. At least, that would explain a lot of things

5'11" and 150 here

Cheer_up's photo
Wed 03/28/12 07:43 AM
Edited by Cheer_up on Wed 03/28/12 07:46 AM

My tape worms love beer.

I should probably feel bad.....but, I just don't.

12-15 beers is a standard night...which is why I switched to hard liquor.

Still, at the end of the night....I swear I can eat steaks, hams with lotsa potatoes, salads with extra bacon and breads with extra butter and cheese.

Don't hate me for trying to maintain my insulating layer of winter fat. I do good to hit 160 pounds at 6'2".

I think I have the same beer loving tapeworm. At least, that would explain a lot of things

5'11" and 150 here

roflrofl rofl Yes them beer loving tapeworms will do that too ya LOLLLLLLLLLLL the bigger the tapeworm the more you can drink LOLLL so next time you with a lady on a date and she says why you drinking so much just say its ok my tapeworm drinks most of it don't worry LOLLLLLLLL rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl to funny hahaha cheers:thumbsup:

speedbug89's photo
Thu 03/29/12 12:30 AM
im happy at 6' 1" 280 pounds.

im a cook an a mechanic and from what i see many worry too much about thier weight

Cheer_up's photo
Mon 04/02/12 06:24 PM

im happy at 6' 1" 280 pounds.

im a cook an a mechanic and from what i see many worry too much about thier weight

yes i agree a lot of people do but well if you feel healthy dude then thats cool cheers :thumbsup:

Cheer_up's photo
Wed 04/11/12 11:28 PM

Nope anyone don't like it I let them worry about it. I've been the same weight since I was 40 so not like I'm gaining and I don't eat junk. I do watch the colesteral and sugar and salt because the Dr tells me too but that is about it.
well as long as you feel healthy my friend:)flowerforyou waving :thumbsup:

Cheer_up's photo
Thu 04/12/12 03:14 PM
Edited by Cheer_up on Thu 04/12/12 03:29 PM
summer almost here i need to cut down on food lolllllllll

Thu 04/12/12 04:19 PM
Went to the Doctor today and I weigh in at 178. I should lose a few pounds.

no photo
Thu 04/12/12 04:24 PM
I have been this height and weight since I was 14.
I'm in my 50's now so I would think it a safe guess that I have little concern about it!!

Ruth34611's photo
Thu 04/12/12 05:25 PM
Not since I threw away all the mirrors in my home and office.

Cheer_up's photo
Thu 04/12/12 05:55 PM

I have been this height and weight since I was 14.
I'm in my 50's now so I would think it a safe guess that I have little concern about it!!
so you stopped growing at 14 then wow most grow till around 19:thumbsup: but if you feel good i wouldn't worry cheers :)

Cheer_up's photo
Thu 04/12/12 05:58 PM

Went to the Doctor today and I weigh in at 178. I should lose a few pounds.
178 is not bad how tall are you? me i am around 235 pounds but not really fat i use to lift weights a lot more muscle on me but i still need to lose some :) cheers :thumbsup:

speedbug89's photo
Sat 04/14/12 11:40 PM
Went to the Doctor today and I weigh in at 178. I should lose a few pounds.
178 is not bad how tall are you? me i am around 235 pounds but not really fat i use to lift weights a lot more muscle on me but i still need to lose some :) cheers :thumbsup:

lol my doctor was always whining till i picked up the exam table and offered to hit him with it :banana: oops !

oldhippie1952's photo
Sun 04/15/12 01:57 AM

I do think a lot of it is metabolism and stress. I was model skinny as a kid and pretty small until about 36. It was really a drag having people act like it was something I did on purpose andy more than the weight I have bbe the last decade it just is. When the weight went up and leveled off I was kind of relieved because it has been nice being more invisable.

But the weight cycle is typical for the women in my family so I don't see taking credit for it even if I do loose quite a bit. Now it is dropping back off but that may be nedical stuff so not good news..

It really doesn't seem to be that related to my lifestyle all that much becasue I have always been active even when I was in the chair I would wear people out.

I have wondered if it wasn't effected by sleep becasue it is hard for me to drop weight if I have insomnia. Thing the body stores weight if you have poor quality sleep.

I think Krupa is kidding about the tape worm. Least I hope so because they would do a lot of damage to your body.

Lot of weight issues are endocrin problems. Extreamly thin people often have it as much as the extreamly heavy.

But some people are used to being stuffed all their life and feel paniced by normal hunger feelings.

People who sleep poorly (less than 5.5 hours) have been shown to have a slower metabolism...thus gain weight fsater.

BL4766's photo
Sun 04/15/12 01:59 AM
There was a time i USED to worry/think about my weight....
I think EVERY WOMAN thinks they could afford to lose abit...whether they need to or not!!!!

believe me, it was harder to lose it, worrying about it all the time!!laugh

I don't worry so much about it able to drop a few lbs
when i don't think about it so hard....besides....I think a woman
with "curves" is wayyyyyyyyyyy more attractive, than skin and bones!!sick
Society, magazines, and people in general have made girls today so
conscience about what the "IDEAL" woman should look like...
its no wonder there is so much low's sad!!

Ive found the BEST way to lose the weight, and keep it off, is to eat WHAT YOU WANT.....only cut down the proportions.....cutting out things is only asking for binging later and gaining alot back!!

besides.....WHO CARES what others think, you need to be happy with YOURSELF.....not what anyone thinks!! If a man judges a woman by her curves, they have a big problem with themselfs!:smile:
They need to judge a woman by her personality, mind and her heart....thats where true happiness is anyway!!

the best curve anyone can have is......THEIR SMILE!!!bigsmile

JamieRawxx's photo
Sun 04/15/12 11:41 AM
Yes, yes i do.