Topic: do you worry to much about your weight?be honest
artman48's photo
Sun 03/18/12 10:53 AM
There were hundreds of em. Big money making scam.

Cheer_up's photo
Tue 03/20/12 09:55 AM

There were hundreds of em. Big money making scam.
just tell me a name of a few i curious never heard about them i know a lot of people make money on phony diet crap thou cheers :thumbsup:

prashant01's photo
Tue 03/20/12 10:12 AM
do you worry to much about your weight?be honest

Normally this question is for heavy weight people.

In my opinion,they don't at all worry about anything that's why they gains weight.

laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Tue 03/20/12 12:42 PM
No I don't worry about my weight. If I start to get too uncomfortable, I exercise and loose a bit until I feel more like myself.

Am I self conscious about being fat? Yes, sometimes but I have come to terms with the fact that this is who I am. I look well, dress appropriately for my size and I'm relatively happy with who I am...that's all that matters to me.

Cheer_up's photo
Fri 03/23/12 08:22 AM

No I don't worry about my weight. If I start to get too uncomfortable, I exercise and loose a bit until I feel more like myself.

Am I self conscious about being fat? Yes, sometimes but I have come to terms with the fact that this is who I am. I look well, dress appropriately for my size and I'm relatively happy with who I am...that's all that matters to me.
well thats awesome you don't worry and who you are is who you are my friend you looking good to me if you feel good thats the most important thing hugsssflowerforyou :banana: :thumbsup:

mattsk1's photo
Sun 03/25/12 03:47 AM
I do not worry about my weight. I am concerned about being healthy, by improving my relationship with God and with others, getting good sleep, maintaining good eating habits, and staying fit. It has been easier said then done!

Shy_Emo_chick's photo
Sun 03/25/12 05:00 AM
No i really don't care. It's MY body. I have no health problems. That's all i need to worry about. So i ate a burger, deal with it, otherwise worry about looking thin just cos your friends do. It's not a concern in my life.

pyxxie13's photo
Sun 03/25/12 09:27 AM
I usually worry about how I will manage to get that entire cheese cake into my system. bigsmile
Does that count?

no photo
Sun 03/25/12 09:31 AM

I usually worry about how I will manage to get that entire cheese cake into my system. bigsmile
Does that count?

I.V. Drip..........

rofl :laughing: :laughing: rofl

pyxxie13's photo
Sun 03/25/12 09:34 AM
Aww ..but I want to taste it..and no, not in the I.V bag. Plus I already have my coffee going through the I.V.

no photo
Sun 03/25/12 10:49 AM
Try a straw............
same principle as drinkin booze tru a straw.........
Just tastes better!!!!!

PacificStar48's photo
Sun 03/25/12 12:02 PM
Edited by PacificStar48 on Sun 03/25/12 12:15 PM
I have things so much more crucial to worry about than if I gain or loose a pound that I rarely think about it.

Yes when I go to the store and clothes look like they were design for a refugee from the Mr. Potatoe Head factory I get a little wrecked.

But I believe I am the same core woman regardless of what my body looks like or even how well it functions on a paticular day. My eyes even if clouded with damn cataracts still see through my heart and my arms and legs still would wrap around the love of my future life if he wants my soft lips on his and my miffin top tummy against his. He will still think my flat butt is cute and come on even if the girls aree a little lower his heart will still skip a beat when we kiss.

Abd I don't care if he has a receeding hairline and I doubt like the devil if he really wants my clean graying hair to be smelling of dye if I am laying my head on his shoulder.

What will be important is we are buddy's, pals, know each other secrets and can keep them. It will matter if I know his kid's birthdays and where he left his glasses when we decided that sex really was better on the bed than a couch. Yea we will probably talk about food and weight and say 'OMG did you see so and so at WalMart and did you remember the vitamins and the hershey kisses?" because we want to be together, happy, as long as possible; not because we have to look perfect. So no I really don't worry about my weight

no photo
Sun 03/25/12 12:26 PM
I don't worry about loosing weight......
Any time I think I am.........
I just look behind me.....
and I find it!!!!!!

:laughing: rofl :laughing: rofl :laughing:

Cheer_up's photo
Tue 03/27/12 07:55 PM

No i really don't care. It's MY body. I have no health problems. That's all i need to worry about. So i ate a burger, deal with it, otherwise worry about looking thin just cos your friends do. It's not a concern in my life.
i got friends over 350 pounds 6'7" and then i got friends 5'5" great shape lollll it don't matter as you say what matters is that a person is healthy :)flowerforyou :banana: :thumbsup:

Cheer_up's photo
Tue 03/27/12 07:56 PM

I don't worry about loosing weight......
Any time I think I am.........
I just look behind me.....
and I find it!!!!!!

:laughing: rofl :laughing: rofl :laughing:
:laughing: laugh :thumbsup:

Cheer_up's photo
Tue 03/27/12 08:03 PM
Edited by Cheer_up on Tue 03/27/12 08:04 PM

do you worry to much about your weight?be honest

Normally this question is for heavy weight people.

In my opinion,they don't at all worry about anything that's why they gains weight.

laugh laugh laugh
prashant01 well sometimes its a person metabolism is off and they get heavy or a thyroid problems my friend or other health reasons so its not always that they don't worry about anything lolll

krupa's photo
Tue 03/27/12 08:05 PM
Fat people are fat....I think of them as "plush"

I eat like a starving fat man at a buffet. But, I think I may have tape worms so, I can eat and drink whatever I want and just laugh at the people who drink diet cokes.

My, drink and smoke whatever you want...or eat right, don't drink, don't smoke, exersize...die anyway.

Let me ask you ever see a skinny person on a diet?

I haven't.

krupa's photo
Tue 03/27/12 08:15 PM
I am about to chow down on a pound of sausage with cheese on a loaf of french bread with a side of tater tots with extra-cheese and peppercorns and ranch dressing....

Do I care about my weight?

....not even in the slightest.

Why?.....cause I work my butt off.

Cheer_up's photo
Tue 03/27/12 08:15 PM

Fat people are fat....I think of them as "plush"

I eat like a starving fat man at a buffet. But, I think I may have tape worms so, I can eat and drink whatever I want and just laugh at the people who drink diet cokes.

My, drink and smoke whatever you want...or eat right, don't drink, don't smoke, exersize...die anyway.

Let me ask you ever see a skinny person on a diet?

I haven't.
well i saw skinny people who thought they were fat in their mind so they try and diet lolll but it like a good buddy of mine who was a boxer he ate so much and almost anything and never put on weight either some peoples metabolism just burns faster then others but as for you Krupa yes you may have a tape worm make sure you give your tape worm beer too rofl drinks laugh drinker :thumbsup:

Cheer_up's photo
Tue 03/27/12 08:18 PM

I am about to chow down on a pound of sausage with cheese on a loaf of french bread with a side of tater tots with extra-cheese and peppercorns and ranch dressing....

Do I care about my weight?

....not even in the slightest.

Why?.....cause I work my butt off.
Well there you go you said it you work hard and burn it off a lot just sit at a desk all day and eat buffets and never burn it off lolllll thats a big difference bro :thumbsup: