Topic: First Date Advice - Add Your Own
Ladylid2012's photo
Fri 06/11/10 11:55 AM
103. Ladies, if you arm wrestle..let him win.

franshade's photo
Fri 06/11/10 12:03 PM
104. ladies tell your date if his fly is down

Ladylid2012's photo
Fri 06/11/10 12:24 PM
105. If they have parsley in their teeth, don't say will allow you to show your smile periodically through the evening..

franshade's photo
Fri 06/11/10 12:37 PM
106. If they have toilet paper stuck on their shoes - let them know or not laugh

Dragoness's photo
Fri 06/11/10 12:39 PM
107 Do not eat a bunch of bean burritoes the night before the date.

franshade's photo
Fri 06/11/10 12:43 PM

107 Do not eat a bunch of bean burritoes the night before the date.

108. Dinner dates - eat a sensible lunch so not appear as if your starving.

no photo
Fri 06/11/10 12:50 PM
109. Ladies, it's not always a good idea to do your Jar Jar Binks impression on the first date

OKCUTIE67's photo
Fri 06/11/10 12:53 PM
110. Don't take your medicine for your most recent herpes break out at the dinner table.

franshade's photo
Fri 06/11/10 01:00 PM

110. Don't take your medicine for your most recent herpes break out at the dinner table.


111. ask date how to get rid of STD

FearandLoathing's photo
Fri 06/11/10 01:05 PM
112. Make sure you get all of your Batman things out of the way, wouldn't want to call the date short because I have to go save someo...err...nevermind.

franshade's photo
Fri 06/11/10 01:06 PM
113. don't bring entire family out for a free meal

franshade's photo
Fri 06/11/10 01:15 PM
114. show him/her your house arrest bracelet as soon as you see the cops heading your way.

no photo
Fri 06/11/10 01:23 PM
115. Try to avoid telling stories that end with, "and then they let us go with a warning."

AmbiantNight's photo
Fri 06/11/10 01:40 PM
116 Leave this --> at home

franshade's photo
Fri 06/11/10 01:50 PM
117. speak about yourself in the 3rd person

Cinderella75's photo
Fri 06/11/10 01:53 PM
118. On a blind date... map an escape route.

AmbiantNight's photo
Fri 06/11/10 01:54 PM

118. On a blind date... map an escape route.

without a doubt!

MiVidaLoca's photo
Fri 06/11/10 01:57 PM
119.If your having her over for dinner always offer her the plate you eat out of the frisbee.

AmbiantNight's photo
Fri 06/11/10 01:57 PM
Edited by AmbiantNight on Fri 06/11/10 01:57 PM
120 never ask if they want to come to your naked bonfire party...

RowBaby's photo
Fri 06/11/10 02:00 PM
Nah, inviting someone to your naked bonfire is the only polite thing to do.

121. Always order the most expensive thing on the menu.