Topic: Why do Democrats deny their direct ties to slavery and take | |
There was enormous antislavery sentiment in the North, hut such sentiment was also strongly anti-Negro. White Northerners did not wish slavery to expand into new areas of the nation, which they believed should be preserved for white nonslaveholding settlers. This was, in part, why Republicans pledged to protect slavery where it existed. They and their constituencies did not want an influx of ex-slaves into their exclusively white territories, should slavery end abruptly.
Edited by
Mon 12/07/09 09:00 PM
The KKK was formed by Democrats in Pulaski, Tennessee in 1866 and soon expanded throughout the state and beyond.
Socialist/Demoncrats, same same. Founder: Confederate Civil War veterans Captain John C. Lester, Major James R. Crowe, John D. Kennedy, Calvin Jones, Richard R. Reed, Frank O. McCord Founded: 1866 Headquarters: Each different Klan group has its own headquarters. Background: The Klan has fragmented into more than 40 separate factions of varying sizes. There is no “one” Ku Klux Klan. Estimated size: There are over a hundred different chapters in the various Klan organizations, with varying memberships. Overall, there may be as many as 5,000 members and associates of the Ku Klux Klan. The Klan is strongest in the South and in the Midwest. Criminal Activity: The Klan has a relatively high association with criminal activity, ranging from hate crimes to acts of domestic terrorism. Media: Mass mailings, leafleting and the Internet Strategy: Public rallies and protests, "adopt a highway" programs and other attention getting stunts, Internet Ideology: White supremacist ideology not far from that of neo-Nazis, although it tends to be more Christian-oriented and to stress nativism. Affiliations: National Socialist Movement, Aryan Nations, Christian Identity groups Financial support: Little. Most funding comes from membership dues and sales of Klan paraphernalia. |
Below is an actual interveiw with general Forest! He states the KKK give their support to the democrat party! Now you already admitted he was the founder as a matter of fact you pointed it out. I agree with you, but you can now change your opinion and say he is not the founder because he always claimed he was not even though there is clear evidence he was! But you didnt dispute he was the founder you disputed he was not a democrat and had nothing to do with politics. just read it! sorry your just wrong! He clearly states that the KKK as a political orginazation and it's intent! "Well, sir, there is such an organization, not only in Tennessee, but all over the South, and its numbers have not been exaggerated." "What are its numbers, general?" "In Tennessee there are over 40,000; in all the Southern states they number about 550,000 men." "What is the character of the organization; May I inquire?" "Yes, sir. It is a protective political military organization. I am willing to show any man the constitution of the society. The members are sworn to recognize the government of the United States. It does not say anything at all about the government of Tennessee. Its objects originally were protection against Loyal Leagues and the Grand Army of the Republic; but after it became general it was found that political matters and interests could best be promoted within it, and it was then made a political organization, giving it support, of course, to the democratic party." "But is the organization connected throughout the state?" "Yes, it is. In each voting precinct there is a captain, who, in addition to his other duties, is required to make out a list of names of men in his precinct, giving all the radicals and all the democrats who are positively known, and showing also the doubtful on both sides and of both colors. This list of names is forwarded to the grand commander of the State, who is thus enabled to know are our friends and who are not." "Can you, or are you at liberty to give me the name of the commanding officer of this State?" "No, it would be impolitic." so here it is The ku klux klan act of 1871 proved that the democrats founded the KKK. look it up in the congessional record! Sorry sweetheart it's fact! I never fail just educate the ignorant! He didn't say he was a democrat nor that the kkk was democrat. So you still have failed. so here it is The ku klux klan act of 1871 proved that the democrats founded the KKK. look it up in the congessional record! Sorry sweetheart it's actually not an opinion, but a fact the democrats have apoligized for! Okay he founded the KKK, and i quote "and it was then made a political organization, giving it support, of course, to the democratic party." so as the founder and head of this orginazation that he founded they give their support to the democrat party, but he was not a democrat? As a confederate General he took his commands from the democrat party, lost the war and i quote again "and it was then made a political organization" The ku klux he states later in the interveiw. Come on i am not gonna call you any names, but are you honest? I mean really you can not conclude the democrat party founded the KKK? democrats lose the civil war...... One of the democrats most popular generals founds a new political orginazation called the ku klux right after losing the war. the ku Klux begin enforcing democratic ideology thoughout america when they lose in the ballot box. The other evidence is overwhelming and it is in the congessional records! Most politicians don't even deny it this point they just say they have changed! You see whether you admit you are wrong or not you have proved a point! As a democrat you refuse to admit the wrong of your party and are willing to lie for them! I wont i plainly state when my party is wrong! He was not a democrat and the kkk was created by him. So the dems did not create the KKK as previously stated. I am not a democrat so I must have another reason for not allowing a lie to happen, huh? |
The KKK was formed by Democrats in Pulaski, Tennessee in 1866 and soon expanded throughout the state and beyond. Socialist/Demoncrats, same same. Founder: Confederate Civil War veterans Captain John C. Lester, Major James R. Crowe, John D. Kennedy, Calvin Jones, Richard R. Reed, Frank O. McCord Founded: 1866 Headquarters: Each different Klan group has its own headquarters. Background: The Klan has fragmented into more than 40 separate factions of varying sizes. There is no “one” Ku Klux Klan. Estimated size: There are over a hundred different chapters in the various Klan organizations, with varying memberships. Overall, there may be as many as 5,000 members and associates of the Ku Klux Klan. The Klan is strongest in the South and in the Midwest. Criminal Activity: The Klan has a relatively high association with criminal activity, ranging from hate crimes to acts of domestic terrorism. Media: Mass mailings, leafleting and the Internet Strategy: Public rallies and protests, "adopt a highway" programs and other attention getting stunts, Internet Ideology: White supremacist ideology not far from that of neo-Nazis, although it tends to be more Christian-oriented and to stress nativism. Affiliations: National Socialist Movement, Aryan Nations, Christian Identity groups Financial support: Little. Most funding comes from membership dues and sales of Klan paraphernalia. Not accurate, I already checked it out. This group was not the first KKK |
The presidential election of 1860 had resulted in the selection of a Republican, Abraham Lincoln of Illinois, as president of the United States. Lincoln won because of an overwhelming electoral college vote from the Northern states. Not a single Southern slave state voted for him. Lincoln and his Republican party were pledged only to stop the expansion of slavery. Although they promised to protect slavery where it existed, white Southerners were not persuaded.
Indeed, many Southern radicals, or fire-eaters, openly hoped for a Republican victory as the only way to force Southern independence. South Carolina had declared it would secede from the Union if Lincoln was elected, and it did so in December 1861. It was followed shortly by the other lower South states of Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Georgia, Florida, and Texas. in February 1861, a month before Lincoln was inaugurated, these states formed a new nation, the Confederate States of America. After the firing on Fort Sumter and Lincoln's call for volunteers to suppress the rebellion, the other slave states of Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Arkansas joined the Confederacy. The border slave states of Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, and Missouri remained--not entirely voluntarily--in the Union. |
Edited by
Mon 12/07/09 09:04 PM
The KKK was formed by Democrats in Pulaski, Tennessee in 1866 and soon expanded throughout the state and beyond. Socialist/Demoncrats, same same. Founder: Confederate Civil War veterans Captain John C. Lester, Major James R. Crowe, John D. Kennedy, Calvin Jones, Richard R. Reed, Frank O. McCord Founded: 1866 Headquarters: Each different Klan group has its own headquarters. Background: The Klan has fragmented into more than 40 separate factions of varying sizes. There is no “one” Ku Klux Klan. Estimated size: There are over a hundred different chapters in the various Klan organizations, with varying memberships. Overall, there may be as many as 5,000 members and associates of the Ku Klux Klan. The Klan is strongest in the South and in the Midwest. Criminal Activity: The Klan has a relatively high association with criminal activity, ranging from hate crimes to acts of domestic terrorism. Media: Mass mailings, leafleting and the Internet Strategy: Public rallies and protests, "adopt a highway" programs and other attention getting stunts, Internet Ideology: White supremacist ideology not far from that of neo-Nazis, although it tends to be more Christian-oriented and to stress nativism. Affiliations: National Socialist Movement, Aryan Nations, Christian Identity groups Financial support: Little. Most funding comes from membership dues and sales of Klan paraphernalia. Not accurate, I already checked it out. This group was not the first KKK BS. Where is your source? Oh lookie, a Kennedy. |
Below is an actual interveiw with general Forest! He states the KKK give their support to the democrat party! Now you already admitted he was the founder as a matter of fact you pointed it out. I agree with you, but you can now change your opinion and say he is not the founder because he always claimed he was not even though there is clear evidence he was! But you didnt dispute he was the founder you disputed he was not a democrat and had nothing to do with politics. just read it! sorry your just wrong! He clearly states that the KKK as a political orginazation and it's intent! "Well, sir, there is such an organization, not only in Tennessee, but all over the South, and its numbers have not been exaggerated." "What are its numbers, general?" "In Tennessee there are over 40,000; in all the Southern states they number about 550,000 men." "What is the character of the organization; May I inquire?" "Yes, sir. It is a protective political military organization. I am willing to show any man the constitution of the society. The members are sworn to recognize the government of the United States. It does not say anything at all about the government of Tennessee. Its objects originally were protection against Loyal Leagues and the Grand Army of the Republic; but after it became general it was found that political matters and interests could best be promoted within it, and it was then made a political organization, giving it support, of course, to the democratic party." "But is the organization connected throughout the state?" "Yes, it is. In each voting precinct there is a captain, who, in addition to his other duties, is required to make out a list of names of men in his precinct, giving all the radicals and all the democrats who are positively known, and showing also the doubtful on both sides and of both colors. This list of names is forwarded to the grand commander of the State, who is thus enabled to know are our friends and who are not." "Can you, or are you at liberty to give me the name of the commanding officer of this State?" "No, it would be impolitic." so here it is The ku klux klan act of 1871 proved that the democrats founded the KKK. look it up in the congessional record! Sorry sweetheart it's fact! I never fail just educate the ignorant! He didn't say he was a democrat nor that the kkk was democrat. So you still have failed. so here it is The ku klux klan act of 1871 proved that the democrats founded the KKK. look it up in the congessional record! Sorry sweetheart it's actually not an opinion, but a fact the democrats have apoligized for! Okay he founded the KKK, and i quote "and it was then made a political organization, giving it support, of course, to the democratic party." so as the founder and head of this orginazation that he founded they give their support to the democrat party, but he was not a democrat? As a confederate General he took his commands from the democrat party, lost the war and i quote again "and it was then made a political organization" The ku klux he states later in the interveiw. Come on i am not gonna call you any names, but are you honest? I mean really you can not conclude the democrat party founded the KKK? democrats lose the civil war...... One of the democrats most popular generals founds a new political orginazation called the ku klux right after losing the war. the ku Klux begin enforcing democratic ideology thoughout america when they lose in the ballot box. The other evidence is overwhelming and it is in the congessional records! Most politicians don't even deny it this point they just say they have changed! You see whether you admit you are wrong or not you have proved a point! As a democrat you refuse to admit the wrong of your party and are willing to lie for them! I wont i plainly state when my party is wrong! He was not a democrat and the kkk was created by him. So the dems did not create the KKK as previously stated. I am not a democrat so I must have another reason for not allowing a lie to happen, huh? He was not a democrat and the kkk was created by him. So the dems did not create the KKK as previously stated. I am not a democrat so I must have another reason for not allowing a lie to happen, huh? |
The KKK was formed by Democrats in Pulaski, Tennessee in 1866 and soon expanded throughout the state and beyond. Socialist/Demoncrats, same same. Founder: Confederate Civil War veterans Captain John C. Lester, Major James R. Crowe, John D. Kennedy, Calvin Jones, Richard R. Reed, Frank O. McCord Founded: 1866 Headquarters: Each different Klan group has its own headquarters. Background: The Klan has fragmented into more than 40 separate factions of varying sizes. There is no “one” Ku Klux Klan. Estimated size: There are over a hundred different chapters in the various Klan organizations, with varying memberships. Overall, there may be as many as 5,000 members and associates of the Ku Klux Klan. The Klan is strongest in the South and in the Midwest. Criminal Activity: The Klan has a relatively high association with criminal activity, ranging from hate crimes to acts of domestic terrorism. Media: Mass mailings, leafleting and the Internet Strategy: Public rallies and protests, "adopt a highway" programs and other attention getting stunts, Internet Ideology: White supremacist ideology not far from that of neo-Nazis, although it tends to be more Christian-oriented and to stress nativism. Affiliations: National Socialist Movement, Aryan Nations, Christian Identity groups Financial support: Little. Most funding comes from membership dues and sales of Klan paraphernalia. Not accurate, I already checked it out. This group was not the first KKK BS. Where is your source? Oh lookie, a Kennedy. Did ya'll know, one Kennedy, an ambassador, was rooting for Hitler? He even witheld news that would have save millions of Jews. |
yes i have been trying to tell her, i showed the evidence and even pointed out the democrtas dont dispute it they themselves except it as fact. 1871 ku klux klan act proof on record they founded it!
The KKK was formed by Democrats in Pulaski, Tennessee in 1866 and soon expanded throughout the state and beyond. Socialist/Demoncrats, same same. Founder: Confederate Civil War veterans Captain John C. Lester, Major James R. Crowe, John D. Kennedy, Calvin Jones, Richard R. Reed, Frank O. McCord Founded: 1866 Headquarters: Each different Klan group has its own headquarters. Background: The Klan has fragmented into more than 40 separate factions of varying sizes. There is no “one” Ku Klux Klan. Estimated size: There are over a hundred different chapters in the various Klan organizations, with varying memberships. Overall, there may be as many as 5,000 members and associates of the Ku Klux Klan. The Klan is strongest in the South and in the Midwest. Criminal Activity: The Klan has a relatively high association with criminal activity, ranging from hate crimes to acts of domestic terrorism. Media: Mass mailings, leafleting and the Internet Strategy: Public rallies and protests, "adopt a highway" programs and other attention getting stunts, Internet Ideology: White supremacist ideology not far from that of neo-Nazis, although it tends to be more Christian-oriented and to stress nativism. Affiliations: National Socialist Movement, Aryan Nations, Christian Identity groups Financial support: Little. Most funding comes from membership dues and sales of Klan paraphernalia. Not accurate, I already checked it out. This group was not the first KKK BS. Where is your source? Oh lookie, a Kennedy. Did ya'll know, one Kennedy, an ambassador, was rooting for Hitler? He even witheld news that would have save millions of Jews. ![]() ![]() ![]() Some people believe everything they read on a blog site. both parties. It's hopeless to continue a discussion with either of these. I quit! |
The KKK was formed by Democrats in Pulaski, Tennessee in 1866 and soon expanded throughout the state and beyond. Socialist/Demoncrats, same same. Founder: Confederate Civil War veterans Captain John C. Lester, Major James R. Crowe, John D. Kennedy, Calvin Jones, Richard R. Reed, Frank O. McCord Founded: 1866 Headquarters: Each different Klan group has its own headquarters. Background: The Klan has fragmented into more than 40 separate factions of varying sizes. There is no “one” Ku Klux Klan. Estimated size: There are over a hundred different chapters in the various Klan organizations, with varying memberships. Overall, there may be as many as 5,000 members and associates of the Ku Klux Klan. The Klan is strongest in the South and in the Midwest. Criminal Activity: The Klan has a relatively high association with criminal activity, ranging from hate crimes to acts of domestic terrorism. Media: Mass mailings, leafleting and the Internet Strategy: Public rallies and protests, "adopt a highway" programs and other attention getting stunts, Internet Ideology: White supremacist ideology not far from that of neo-Nazis, although it tends to be more Christian-oriented and to stress nativism. Affiliations: National Socialist Movement, Aryan Nations, Christian Identity groups Financial support: Little. Most funding comes from membership dues and sales of Klan paraphernalia. Not accurate, I already checked it out. This group was not the first KKK BS. Where is your source? Oh lookie, a Kennedy.,2933,448684,00.html |
yes i have been trying to tell her, i showed the evidence and even pointed out the democrtas dont dispute it they themselves except it as fact. 1871 ku klux klan act proof on record they founded it! That is not true and you haven't proven anything. So stop lying about it. |
The KKK was formed by Democrats in Pulaski, Tennessee in 1866 and soon expanded throughout the state and beyond. Socialist/Demoncrats, same same. Founder: Confederate Civil War veterans Captain John C. Lester, Major James R. Crowe, John D. Kennedy, Calvin Jones, Richard R. Reed, Frank O. McCord Founded: 1866 Headquarters: Each different Klan group has its own headquarters. Background: The Klan has fragmented into more than 40 separate factions of varying sizes. There is no “one” Ku Klux Klan. Estimated size: There are over a hundred different chapters in the various Klan organizations, with varying memberships. Overall, there may be as many as 5,000 members and associates of the Ku Klux Klan. The Klan is strongest in the South and in the Midwest. Criminal Activity: The Klan has a relatively high association with criminal activity, ranging from hate crimes to acts of domestic terrorism. Media: Mass mailings, leafleting and the Internet Strategy: Public rallies and protests, "adopt a highway" programs and other attention getting stunts, Internet Ideology: White supremacist ideology not far from that of neo-Nazis, although it tends to be more Christian-oriented and to stress nativism. Affiliations: National Socialist Movement, Aryan Nations, Christian Identity groups Financial support: Little. Most funding comes from membership dues and sales of Klan paraphernalia. Not accurate, I already checked it out. This group was not the first KKK BS. Where is your source? Oh lookie, a Kennedy. Did ya'll know, one Kennedy, an ambassador, was rooting for Hitler? He even witheld news that would have save millions of Jews. ![]() ![]() ![]() Some people believe everything they read on a blog site. both parties. It's hopeless to continue a discussion with either of these. I quit! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
The KKK was formed by Democrats in Pulaski, Tennessee in 1866 and soon expanded throughout the state and beyond. Socialist/Demoncrats, same same. Founder: Confederate Civil War veterans Captain John C. Lester, Major James R. Crowe, John D. Kennedy, Calvin Jones, Richard R. Reed, Frank O. McCord Founded: 1866 Headquarters: Each different Klan group has its own headquarters. Background: The Klan has fragmented into more than 40 separate factions of varying sizes. There is no “one” Ku Klux Klan. Estimated size: There are over a hundred different chapters in the various Klan organizations, with varying memberships. Overall, there may be as many as 5,000 members and associates of the Ku Klux Klan. The Klan is strongest in the South and in the Midwest. Criminal Activity: The Klan has a relatively high association with criminal activity, ranging from hate crimes to acts of domestic terrorism. Media: Mass mailings, leafleting and the Internet Strategy: Public rallies and protests, "adopt a highway" programs and other attention getting stunts, Internet Ideology: White supremacist ideology not far from that of neo-Nazis, although it tends to be more Christian-oriented and to stress nativism. Affiliations: National Socialist Movement, Aryan Nations, Christian Identity groups Financial support: Little. Most funding comes from membership dues and sales of Klan paraphernalia. Not accurate, I already checked it out. This group was not the first KKK BS. Where is your source? Oh lookie, a Kennedy. Did ya'll know, one Kennedy, an ambassador, was rooting for Hitler? He even witheld news that would have save millions of Jews. ![]() ![]() ![]() Some people believe everything they read on a blog site. both parties. It's hopeless to continue a discussion with either of these. I quit! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The written history books mean nothing. Reliable sources mean nothing. All because they read it on a blog. Therefore it must be true! To tell you what I see. Would be page after page of irrationally motivated hate coming from one party. Why we are even talking about ancient history beats me. I guess its to distract us from the reality that's happening now. |
yes i have been trying to tell her, i showed the evidence and even pointed out the democrtas dont dispute it they themselves except it as fact. 1871 ku klux klan act proof on record they founded it! That is not true and you haven't proven anything. So stop lying about it. sure did its right there in black and white you kust refuse do go read it lol.... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
yeah the other dude too, couldnt firgure out his angle so anti obama but was disputing white racism! then i looked at his profile and BINGO! Dude it was like playing basketball with elementry school children! I was dunken on both of them left and right and took them on and the same time! It was tooooooooooo easy! they had nothing! Straight shreded them, i doubt they will ever debate me again??