Topic: Why do Democrats deny their direct ties to slavery and take | |
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Kim |
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Tue 12/08/09 04:13 PM
the democrat party was created by non other than Andrew Jackson.the donkey used as a symbol of derision for his populist roots was adopted by the party The original Jacksonian party had no place for blacks, women, or Indians. The democrats are the party of the Trail of Tears they have morphed and evolved snce then but that is their origin Yes i am nearly one half Native American and remember going to the reservations . Many Indians would not use twenty dollar bills because of how Jackson slaughtered Indians wholesale! Another example of the blood on their hands! The democratic party founded on Slavery and Dead Indians! Yet according to some says it had nothing to do with slavery the poor southerners where just misunderstood. I wonder why some would have such an opinion opinion? The south wanted to free the slaves too right? I mean it was just the mean ol' republicans wouldn't give them enough time to accomplish the task that's all! |
The OP's source, Your source, About us, HUMAN EVENTS is the news source President Reagan called his "favorite newspaper" and we still hold high the Reaganesque principles of free enterprise, limited government and, above all, a staunch, unwavering defense of American freedom. HUMAN EVENTS gives voice to the great conservative thinkers of our era -- Newt Gingrich, Michelle Malkin, L. Brent Bozell, Terence Jeffrey, Bruce Bartlett, Thomas Sowell, David Limbaugh, Oliver North, Pat Buchanan and many more. HUMAN EVENTS is the periodical in which the peerless Ann Coulter, author of the smash bestseller, Guilty, drives multicultural defeatists up the wall. (Recent sample: "Baby formula doesn't kill people. Islamic fascists kill people.") HUMAN EVENTS is the home of Jihad Watch - the fearless watchdog column that alerts you to the true intentions and deadly plots of the greatest threat to world peace since the fall of the Soviet Union. "Page 3" confronts liberal lawmakers with the kind of tough questions the Big Media won't ask -- and then puts their outrageous answers on record. ![]() ![]() ![]() There's fair and accurate reporting! And he claims to have posted facts? ![]() ![]() ![]() Well never said it wasn't an op ed post and said absolutely it was. But in that report it gave dates, facts, documents and so on. The facts quoted and stated within the opinion is what i was refering to and you knew that but it's not about that is it. It's about ignoring facts and finding an excuse to do so! |
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maybe the same reason that Republicans deny their racism? Another thing that never gets mention is the Vatican and Judism's tie to slavery. So why blame just Democrats for their so called ties to slavery? Look into the Mormon church which is 90 percent conservative, or which party has passed more civil rights legislation.
maybe the same reason that Republicans deny their racism? Another thing that never gets mention is the Vatican and Judism's tie to slavery. So why blame just Democrats for their so called ties to slavery? Look into the Mormon church which is 90 percent conservative, or which party has passed more civil rights legislation. Vatican is off topic i am not a Catholic, Morman, nor am I jewish or pratice judism. I know their sins though and they are well covered in the media. Republicans aren't racist never have been, however some racists have crossed over becuase it fits their agenda. Where you come up with the figure mormans are 90 percent republican i have no idea, but i would assume they are probably majority republican because they are against abortion. But how many would be a complete assumption without some research not to mention many religous people are "A" politcal so i would bet your figure is way off! Republicans have passed far more civil rights legislation, its not even close! Not to mention repealing all the old racist laws enacted by the democrats! But ofcourse even though the Republicans have passed more laws protecting civil rights you probably won't except it or research it you will just say i am wrong. But if you read the OP you will find a lot of good information that will lead you to the facts! |
![]() ![]() Hallucinating! LMAO The Republican propaganda campaign has you hooked bad! |