Topic: Why do Democrats deny their direct ties to slavery and take
KerryO's photo
Mon 12/07/09 04:27 AM
Somebody is forgetting that two of the most radical racists of the last century in Congress, Strom Thurmond and Jesse Helms, switched to the Republican party and were welcomed with open arms to protest the Democratic party's civil rights initiative.

Let's also not forget that Thomas Jefferson never freed Sally Hemings, the mother of some of his children.

-Kerry O.

msharmony's photo
Mon 12/07/09 05:59 AM

Somebody is forgetting that two of the most radical racists of the last century in Congress, Strom Thurmond and Jesse Helms, switched to the Republican party and were welcomed with open arms to protest the Democratic party's civil rights initiative.

Let's also not forget that Thomas Jefferson never freed Sally Hemings, the mother of some of his children.

-Kerry O.

Everybody has a past..aligning with past racists could be just as bad as aligning with past communists, except we arent living in the past and to get things done,,sometimes we have to open the lines of communication with more than just our friends. I agree with you though about the civil rights not being a democratic or republican monopoly.

willing2's photo
Mon 12/07/09 06:24 AM

Somebody is forgetting that two of the most radical racists of the last century in Congress, Strom Thurmond and Jesse Helms, switched to the Republican party and were welcomed with open arms to protest the Democratic party's civil rights initiative.

Let's also not forget that Thomas Jefferson never freed Sally Hemings, the mother of some of his children.

-Kerry O.

Everybody has a past..aligning with past racists could be just as bad as aligning with past communists, except we arent living in the past and to get things done,,sometimes we have to open the lines of communication with more than just our friends. I agree with you though about the civil rights not being a democratic or republican monopoly.

Those so-called Commies of the past still practice enslaving their own people. Ever here about them changing their Human Rights abuses or is the money more important?

msharmony's photo
Mon 12/07/09 06:27 AM

Somebody is forgetting that two of the most radical racists of the last century in Congress, Strom Thurmond and Jesse Helms, switched to the Republican party and were welcomed with open arms to protest the Democratic party's civil rights initiative.

Let's also not forget that Thomas Jefferson never freed Sally Hemings, the mother of some of his children.

-Kerry O.

Everybody has a past..aligning with past racists could be just as bad as aligning with past communists, except we arent living in the past and to get things done,,sometimes we have to open the lines of communication with more than just our friends. I agree with you though about the civil rights not being a democratic or republican monopoly.

Those so-called Commies of the past still practice enslaving their own people. Ever here about them changing their Human Rights abuses or is the money more important?

Have we found proof that said leaders have done this, or is it only as much a theory as Bush sending troops knowing there were no WMDs? I would imagine it is an issue of not having actually PROVEN ties to the actual leaders and said 'slavery.'

michiganman3's photo
Mon 12/07/09 06:41 AM

As for your title, everyone was associated with slavery at the There was no monopoly on it.

The only for sure thing was the slave owners were not black and the slaves were black or oriental.

There have been some recent articles in the news regarding the role of Black Africans who kidnapped and sold fellow Africans into slavery. It is Humanities's shame.

willing2's photo
Mon 12/07/09 06:53 AM

Somebody is forgetting that two of the most radical racists of the last century in Congress, Strom Thurmond and Jesse Helms, switched to the Republican party and were welcomed with open arms to protest the Democratic party's civil rights initiative.

Let's also not forget that Thomas Jefferson never freed Sally Hemings, the mother of some of his children.

-Kerry O.

Everybody has a past..aligning with past racists could be just as bad as aligning with past communists, except we arent living in the past and to get things done,,sometimes we have to open the lines of communication with more than just our friends. I agree with you though about the civil rights not being a democratic or republican monopoly.

Those so-called Commies of the past still practice enslaving their own people. Ever here about them changing their Human Rights abuses or is the money more important?

Have we found proof that said leaders have done this, or is it only as much a theory as Bush sending troops knowing there were no WMDs? I would imagine it is an issue of not having actually PROVEN ties to the actual leaders and said 'slavery.'

You're kidding,right?
Do you also believe the Holocaust never happened either?

Quietman_2009's photo
Mon 12/07/09 06:53 AM
I was also reading about the difference between the Spanish and the English slave owners

the Spanish brought many times more slaves to new world but most of them were brought to South America

the Spanish treated them much better and had a sort of bill of rights for slaves. They were allowed to buy their own freedom from the slave owners after so many years of work

The English (and by extension the Americans) though were brutal and treated em like sub humans

willing2's photo
Mon 12/07/09 06:55 AM

As for your title, everyone was associated with slavery at the There was no monopoly on it.

The only for sure thing was the slave owners were not black and the slaves were black or oriental.

There have been some recent articles in the news regarding the role of Black Africans who kidnapped and sold fellow Africans into slavery. It is Humanities's shame.

Those aren't recent. It's been history as far back as I can remember. They used to teach that in world history.

Quietman_2009's photo
Mon 12/07/09 07:02 AM
the English and Spanish (and Dutch) didn't go off into the jungles of Africa and capture slaves

they bought them from the slave markets in coastal Africa

the coastal Africans were the ones who went into the interior and captured Africans. Often the slaves were the losers in tribal wars. The coastal Africans were just as complicit in the slave trade as were the Europeans

msharmony's photo
Mon 12/07/09 07:30 AM

Somebody is forgetting that two of the most radical racists of the last century in Congress, Strom Thurmond and Jesse Helms, switched to the Republican party and were welcomed with open arms to protest the Democratic party's civil rights initiative.

Let's also not forget that Thomas Jefferson never freed Sally Hemings, the mother of some of his children.

-Kerry O.

Everybody has a past..aligning with past racists could be just as bad as aligning with past communists, except we arent living in the past and to get things done,,sometimes we have to open the lines of communication with more than just our friends. I agree with you though about the civil rights not being a democratic or republican monopoly.

Those so-called Commies of the past still practice enslaving their own people. Ever here about them changing their Human Rights abuses or is the money more important?

Have we found proof that said leaders have done this, or is it only as much a theory as Bush sending troops knowing there were no WMDs? I would imagine it is an issue of not having actually PROVEN ties to the actual leaders and said 'slavery.'

You're kidding,right?
Do you also believe the Holocaust never happened either?

No, Hitler is on video with his beliefs and many survivors attesting to the holocaust. Not the same for said heads of state from the previous post.

willing2's photo
Mon 12/07/09 07:41 AM

Somebody is forgetting that two of the most radical racists of the last century in Congress, Strom Thurmond and Jesse Helms, switched to the Republican party and were welcomed with open arms to protest the Democratic party's civil rights initiative.

Let's also not forget that Thomas Jefferson never freed Sally Hemings, the mother of some of his children.

-Kerry O.

Everybody has a past..aligning with past racists could be just as bad as aligning with past communists, except we arent living in the past and to get things done,,sometimes we have to open the lines of communication with more than just our friends. I agree with you though about the civil rights not being a democratic or republican monopoly.

Those so-called Commies of the past still practice enslaving their own people. Ever here about them changing their Human Rights abuses or is the money more important?

Have we found proof that said leaders have done this, or is it only as much a theory as Bush sending troops knowing there were no WMDs? I would imagine it is an issue of not having actually PROVEN ties to the actual leaders and said 'slavery.'

You're kidding,right?
Do you also believe the Holocaust never happened either?

No, Hitler is on video with his beliefs and many survivors attesting to the holocaust. Not the same for said heads of state from the previous post.

You truly believe China doesn't abuse the Human Rights of its people?

msharmony's photo
Mon 12/07/09 07:46 AM

Somebody is forgetting that two of the most radical racists of the last century in Congress, Strom Thurmond and Jesse Helms, switched to the Republican party and were welcomed with open arms to protest the Democratic party's civil rights initiative.

Let's also not forget that Thomas Jefferson never freed Sally Hemings, the mother of some of his children.

-Kerry O.

Everybody has a past..aligning with past racists could be just as bad as aligning with past communists, except we arent living in the past and to get things done,,sometimes we have to open the lines of communication with more than just our friends. I agree with you though about the civil rights not being a democratic or republican monopoly.

Those so-called Commies of the past still practice enslaving their own people. Ever here about them changing their Human Rights abuses or is the money more important?

Have we found proof that said leaders have done this, or is it only as much a theory as Bush sending troops knowing there were no WMDs? I would imagine it is an issue of not having actually PROVEN ties to the actual leaders and said 'slavery.'

You're kidding,right?
Do you also believe the Holocaust never happened either?

No, Hitler is on video with his beliefs and many survivors attesting to the holocaust. Not the same for said heads of state from the previous post.

You truly believe China doesn't abuse the Human Rights of its people?

What I believe is secondary to what can be proven. So long as we are not enemies, our heads of state should show respect to each other. Unless they are of dark skin,,historically, it has not been our place to overthrow anyones leaders for them. That is basically the policy America has worked on since I was born,,It is their place to try to help themself first.

willing2's photo
Mon 12/07/09 08:11 AM

Somebody is forgetting that two of the most radical racists of the last century in Congress, Strom Thurmond and Jesse Helms, switched to the Republican party and were welcomed with open arms to protest the Democratic party's civil rights initiative.

Let's also not forget that Thomas Jefferson never freed Sally Hemings, the mother of some of his children.

-Kerry O.

Everybody has a past..aligning with past racists could be just as bad as aligning with past communists, except we arent living in the past and to get things done,,sometimes we have to open the lines of communication with more than just our friends. I agree with you though about the civil rights not being a democratic or republican monopoly.

Those so-called Commies of the past still practice enslaving their own people. Ever here about them changing their Human Rights abuses or is the money more important?

Have we found proof that said leaders have done this, or is it only as much a theory as Bush sending troops knowing there were no WMDs? I would imagine it is an issue of not having actually PROVEN ties to the actual leaders and said 'slavery.'

You're kidding,right?
Do you also believe the Holocaust never happened either?

No, Hitler is on video with his beliefs and many survivors attesting to the holocaust. Not the same for said heads of state from the previous post.

You truly believe China doesn't abuse the Human Rights of its people?

What I believe is secondary to what can be proven. So long as we are not enemies, our heads of state should show respect to each other. Unless they are of dark skin,,historically, it has not been our place to overthrow anyones leaders for them. That is basically the policy America has worked on since I was born,,It is their place to try to help themself first.

So, the claim Hillary made, just before Bill ran for office was just unfounded BS? She stated Bush wasn't hard enough on China for it's atrocities against humans.

And when she spoke before a bunch of Chinese women, she was just spouting more unproven BS concerning forced abortions, limiting family sizes and how wrong it was?

msharmony's photo
Mon 12/07/09 09:53 AM

Somebody is forgetting that two of the most radical racists of the last century in Congress, Strom Thurmond and Jesse Helms, switched to the Republican party and were welcomed with open arms to protest the Democratic party's civil rights initiative.

Let's also not forget that Thomas Jefferson never freed Sally Hemings, the mother of some of his children.

-Kerry O.

Everybody has a past..aligning with past racists could be just as bad as aligning with past communists, except we arent living in the past and to get things done,,sometimes we have to open the lines of communication with more than just our friends. I agree with you though about the civil rights not being a democratic or republican monopoly.

Those so-called Commies of the past still practice enslaving their own people. Ever here about them changing their Human Rights abuses or is the money more important?

Have we found proof that said leaders have done this, or is it only as much a theory as Bush sending troops knowing there were no WMDs? I would imagine it is an issue of not having actually PROVEN ties to the actual leaders and said 'slavery.'

You're kidding,right?
Do you also believe the Holocaust never happened either?

No, Hitler is on video with his beliefs and many survivors attesting to the holocaust. Not the same for said heads of state from the previous post.

You truly believe China doesn't abuse the Human Rights of its people?

What I believe is secondary to what can be proven. So long as we are not enemies, our heads of state should show respect to each other. Unless they are of dark skin,,historically, it has not been our place to overthrow anyones leaders for them. That is basically the policy America has worked on since I was born,,It is their place to try to help themself first.

So, the claim Hillary made, just before Bill ran for office was just unfounded BS? She stated Bush wasn't hard enough on China for it's atrocities against humans.

And when she spoke before a bunch of Chinese women, she was just spouting more unproven BS concerning forced abortions, limiting family sizes and how wrong it was?

Those would be her opinion about their current culture based upon our culture. An opinion that many share but still is not widely held enough in China for the CHINESE to do anything about it.

willing2's photo
Mon 12/07/09 10:01 AM
Edited by willing2 on Mon 12/07/09 10:15 AM

Somebody is forgetting that two of the most radical racists of the last century in Congress, Strom Thurmond and Jesse Helms, switched to the Republican party and were welcomed with open arms to protest the Democratic party's civil rights initiative.

Let's also not forget that Thomas Jefferson never freed Sally Hemings, the mother of some of his children.

-Kerry O.

Everybody has a past..aligning with past racists could be just as bad as aligning with past communists, except we arent living in the past and to get things done,,sometimes we have to open the lines of communication with more than just our friends. I agree with you though about the civil rights not being a democratic or republican monopoly.

Those so-called Commies of the past still practice enslaving their own people. Ever here about them changing their Human Rights abuses or is the money more important?

Have we found proof that said leaders have done this, or is it only as much a theory as Bush sending troops knowing there were no WMDs? I would imagine it is an issue of not having actually PROVEN ties to the actual leaders and said 'slavery.'

You're kidding,right?
Do you also believe the Holocaust never happened either?

No, Hitler is on video with his beliefs and many survivors attesting to the holocaust. Not the same for said heads of state from the previous post.

You truly believe China doesn't abuse the Human Rights of its people?

What I believe is secondary to what can be proven. So long as we are not enemies, our heads of state should show respect to each other. Unless they are of dark skin,,historically, it has not been our place to overthrow anyones leaders for them. That is basically the policy America has worked on since I was born,,It is their place to try to help themself first.

So, the claim Hillary made, just before Bill ran for office was just unfounded BS? She stated Bush wasn't hard enough on China for it's atrocities against humans.

And when she spoke before a bunch of Chinese women, she was just spouting more unproven BS concerning forced abortions, limiting family sizes and how wrong it was?

Those would be her opinion about their current culture based upon our culture. An opinion that many share but still is not widely held enough in China for the CHINESE to do anything about it.

I suppose if anything was done about their abuses, all Wal-Mart and Kmart prices would skyrocket.

Best leave those sweatshops alone. Lord knows the elites pay enough for those Nikes!rofl rofl slaphead

Maybe, it would be wise for us to follow the Commie lead. At least everyone would have a job.laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Mon 12/07/09 10:15 AM

Compromise, as in, becoming allies with Communists, bail out the rich because they mismanaged. Is compromising, flat out lying?

yeah okay i did not mean that type of compromise, i meant like ronald reagan or newt gingrich. they where good politicians that got a lot accomplished!

willing2's photo
Mon 12/07/09 10:19 AM

Compromise, as in, becoming allies with Communists, bail out the rich because they mismanaged. Is compromising, flat out lying?

yeah okay i did not mean that type of compromise, i meant like ronald reagan or newt gingrich. they where good politicians that got a lot accomplished!

Good for one 'Atta-Boy!!:thumbsup:
Now, go out and vote Ron Paul!

One other thing, where can i photoshop a body like yours? The one I have ain't sellin'.rofl rofl rofl

no photo
Mon 12/07/09 12:41 PM

Compromise, as in, becoming allies with Communists, bail out the rich because they mismanaged. Is compromising, flat out lying?

yeah okay i did not mean that type of compromise, i meant like ronald reagan or newt gingrich. they where good politicians that got a lot accomplished!

Good for one 'Atta-Boy!!:thumbsup:
Now, go out and vote Ron Paul!

One other thing, where can i photoshop a body like yours? The one I have ain't sellin'.rofl rofl rofl

ahhh but i live near San Francisco and only democrats are i'm lonely too! lol... The Shame!

no photo
Mon 12/07/09 12:59 PM

Somebody is forgetting that two of the most radical racists of the last century in Congress, Strom Thurmond and Jesse Helms, switched to the Republican party and were welcomed with open arms to protest the Democratic party's civil rights initiative.

Let's also not forget that Thomas Jefferson never freed Sally Hemings, the mother of some of his children.

-Kerry O.

Okay first off what democrat civil rights initiative are you refering to??? can you show proof of that please? Sorry the most radical racists of the last century switched parties due to politics and i will explain! The democrat party is about controlling thought and therefore uses rhetoric only.... they where not about racism persay they where about gaining that voter block and controling the masses with what they wanted to hear! Any issue they take on is about the vote and therefore transform themselves accordingly. today it's about lying to black people that hand outs will work and telling mexicans they really care about them. But they are just tyranical white guys laughing under their breath with a few sell outs from the minority races. True Conservatives actually stay true to their principals, however we have been over run with career politicians! You see equal rights to conservatives means equal rights to everyone and yes that includes the mean ol' white guy too! So when democrats today fight for laws to benefit the minorities conservatives are against it because its not for all people as it should be. Well ofcourse if your against a minority getting something not offered to the mean ol' white guy you must be a racist right? If you don't beleive that mexicans should be able to cut in line and walk accross the border you must be racist right? The racists switched parties because it fit THEIR agenda, but the agenda of the conservative is equality for all people even white people! The agenda for democrats are keeping the minorities in check just like they kept the racists of old in check! The democratic platform has never made sense, it has never been equal, it has never been rightous. It caused many blacks to be killed and suffer miserably for many years! It has caused much harm to this country for many many years! Sure we have had bad apples but racism was never our platform is was yours and you have to own it like it or not!

Fanta46's photo
Mon 12/07/09 01:08 PM
Edited by Fanta46 on Mon 12/07/09 01:09 PM

Somebody is forgetting that two of the most radical racists of the last century in Congress, Strom Thurmond and Jesse Helms, switched to the Republican party and were welcomed with open arms to protest the Democratic party's civil rights initiative.

Let's also not forget that Thomas Jefferson never freed Sally Hemings, the mother of some of his children.

-Kerry O.

Okay first off what democrat civil rights initiative are you refering to??? can you show proof of that please? Sorry the most radical racists of the last century switched parties due to politics and i will explain! The democrat party is about controlling thought and therefore uses rhetoric only.... they where not about racism persay they where about gaining that voter block and controling the masses with what they wanted to hear! Any issue they take on is about the vote and therefore transform themselves accordingly. today it's about lying to black people that hand outs will work and telling mexicans they really care about them. But they are just tyranical white guys laughing under their breath with a few sell outs from the minority races. True Conservatives actually stay true to their principals, however we have been over run with career politicians! You see equal rights to conservatives means equal rights to everyone and yes that includes the mean ol' white guy too! So when democrats today fight for laws to benefit the minorities conservatives are against it because its not for all people as it should be. Well ofcourse if your against a minority getting something not offered to the mean ol' white guy you must be a racist right? If you don't beleive that mexicans should be able to cut in line and walk accross the border you must be racist right? The racists switched parties because it fit THEIR agenda, but the agenda of the conservative is equality for all people even white people! The agenda for democrats are keeping the minorities in check just like they kept the racists of old in check! The democratic platform has never made sense, it has never been equal, it has never been rightous. It caused many blacks to be killed and suffer miserably for many years! It has caused much harm to this country for many many years! Sure we have had bad apples but racism was never our platform is was yours and you have to own it like it or not!

The 1964 civil rights bill was started after a speech by JFK.(Democrat)
Even though he died before it was enacted. The bill was a bipartisan effort. The final bill was mainly influenced by his brother Bobby. (another democrat)
Bobby Kennedy is best known for his efforts regarding civil rights and his work with King. He was probably assassinated due to his support for such.

I have a question.
Who has decided to start pointing fingers defining racism to one political party?