Topic: New Age Energy | |
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Sat 11/29/08 07:31 AM
In a study of 125 adults, Rush University Medical Center's Dr. Mary C. Tobin and colleagues found the likelihood of IBS was significantly higher in patients with seasonal allergic rhinitis (2.67 times), patients with allergic eczema (3.85 times), and patients with depression (2.56 times).
Irritable Bowel Syndrome, affecting 15 percent of the general population, is a cluster of symptoms including abdominal pain for 12 weeks within the past year, change in stool consistency or frequency, and relief of abdominal pain with defecation. Various findings suggest indirectly that allergen exposure may lead to IBS symptoms in some patients, but the frequency has not been studied. "The reported presence of allergic dermatitis was highly correlated to the presence of IBS in our population," investigators noted. "In atopic disease, allergic dermatitis is the first step of the ‘atopic march.’ In early childhood, AE (allergic eczema) is frequently associated with gastrointestinal dysfunction and food allergy. A clinical history of AE may be a useful marker for patients with gut hypersensitivity and atopic IBS." Asthma and Irritable Bowel Syndrome was reported by 12 of 41 patients (29 percent), which is similar to findings in a previous report. Authors propose that "this subgroup of IBS (atopic IBS) be considered separately from patients with IBS without atopic symptoms, because they may have distinct pathophysiologic features and may benefit from specific therapeutic interventions." This research was published in the January issue of Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, the scientific journal of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. Not everything is a conspiracy jb . . . we already know companies are about profit first, that should be no surprise. National guidelines on the management of IBS should be updated in light of this evidence, say the authors.
IBS is characterised by abdominal pain and an irregular bowel habit, and affects between 5% and 20% of the population. Because the exact cause of IBS is unknown it is difficult to treat. A wide range of therapies are currently used including fibre supplements, probiotics, antidepressants, hypnotherapy and laxatives. Because of a lack of suitable drug treatments, international and national guidelines promote the use of complementary and alternative treatments, including the recently published National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidelines on the management of IBS. Fibre, antispasmodics and peppermint oil are used to treat IBS, but evidence of their effectiveness is unclear because of conflicting conclusions and errors in previous studies. In an attempt to resolve this uncertainty, Dr Alex Ford and colleagues performed a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised trials comparing fibre, antispasmodics and peppermint oil with placebo or no treatment in more than 2500 adult patients with IBS.. Fibre, antispasmodics and peppermint oil were all found to be effective treatments for IBS. The number needed to treat to prevent IBS symptoms in one patient was 11 for fibre, 5 for antispasmodics, and 2.5 for peppermint oil. None of the treatments had serious adverse effects. The researchers analysed 12 studies which compared fibre with placebo or no treatment involving 591 patients. Interestingly, insoluble fibre such as bran was not beneficial, only isphaghula husk (soluble fibre) significantly reduced symptoms. They identified 22 studies comparing various antispasmodics with placebo in 1778 patients. Hyoscine was the most successful at preventing symptoms of IBS. The authors suggest that hyoscine, which is extracted from the cork wood tree, be used as the first-line antispasmodic therapy in primary care. Peppermint oil seemed to be the most effective treatment of the three, based on four trials involving 392 patients. These treatments have been overlooked because of the introduction of newer more expensive drugs which were withdrawn due to lack of efficacy and safety concerns, say the authors. All three treatments have been shown to be potentially effective therapies for IBS and current national and international guidelines need to be revised to include this new evidence, they add. The results of this study should "reawaken interest in the pharmacotherapy of irritable bowel syndrome and stimulate further research", says Professor Roger Jones from King's College London. However, he cautions that this new evidence must not detract from the need to make a holistic diagnosis and integrated approach to the treatment of IBS which takes account of the physical, psychological, and social factors involved. It appears this is a general symptom based diagnosis, where the symptoms could be caused by many different things, and thus treated by different things with differing success based on the cause. ME? If I had this issue, I would start simple with cheap and safe. And if that did not work I would get further consultation from a doctor, if he prescribed a drug I would research it before even filling the prescription. |
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Sat 11/29/08 08:00 AM
Not everything is a conspiracy jb . . .
You don't get my point and you don't see what is happening. This one little example "disease" is only one of hundreds of symptoms that have been labeled with a name, called a "disease" and givien initials (IBS) in order to qualify for a prescription of some drug. The drug industry is a multi billion dollar industry. They spend obscene amounts of money on these clinical trials because they are required by the FDA in most cases, in order for them to peddle their drugs THAT ARE NOT NEEDED. DRUGS WITH SIDE EFFECTS THAT HARM PEOPLE. Then they spend another obscene amount of money advertising these drugs. Yes, I believe it is a conspiracy. It is a conspiracy to sell drugs. You can take every single little symptom that they have named a disease and created a drug for and google it and find some official looking information about the disease and their tests and treatments and you can be real impressed with it if you want. I can see that you are too easily taken in by that kind of bullsh*t. They count on it. Now this next week, if you watch television I want you to pay some very close attention to how many ads you see for some new drug that "educates" the public about some new problem that they have a solution for. I want you to pay attention when you hear them say "ASK YOUR DOCTOR IF (insert name of drug) IS RIGHT FOR YOU." This is called "Direct to consumer advertising." They do this because doctors started to get tired of these drug dealers hounding them, bribing them and threatening them to peddle these new drugs and a lot of doctors were just turning them away and ignoring them or just throwing their samples away. This kind of "direct to consumer" advertising did not used to happen. It has been around now for a number of years. It is a disparate attempt by the drug industry to get people to go to their doctor and request these drugs. The IBS was just one example of something that as you can see can be treated with fiber. So then why create a drug? To sell it of course. Don't let a few clinical trials and tests fool you into thinking anyone cares about people who can't sh*t properly or digest their food. They are just in the drug business. They pay for all those trials because it is required. |
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Sat 11/29/08 07:58 AM
Is it a conspiracy? Maybe it is, maybe its not, but it is just business as usual. The drug industry sells drugs with side effects and then your doctor prescribes more drugs that treat your side effects.
Its vicious circle. Old people if they go to the doctor on a regular basis with a problem end up with more problems and more drugs and many old people are taking at least 5 to 20 different kinds of drugs. And most are convinced they need them. Maybe some of them do but I bet most of them don't. People trust their doctors as if they were Gods. New doctors are basically trained to prescribe drugs, not cure disease. |
This thread seems to have taken a left turn at Albequerque and I am happy to follow along cuz this stuff just frosts me ... I'm with you on this JB
it is not about cures, it is about managing symptoms ... ![]() You take something to try to alleviate a set of symptoms ... which then causes side effects and a host of (often worse) symptoms which now have to be added to the mix and now you need to take something else and something else ... That sounds like smart business to me that has nothing to do with the wellbeing of people. We are not talking about lego where you need to keep buying special sets to get the special building pieces here ... we are talking about human life and it is being treated like a game ... We should all be outraged... Modern medicine is wonderful! If I break a bone, they are masters at resetting it. Heroic medicine ... modern medicine is able to do some amazing things. I just heard from a doctor friend about a woman whose windpipe was so severely damaged by TB that she was dying and would leave small children behind. Her own stem cells were used to grow her a new windpipe ... it was replaced in her and it held ... now that is truly inspiring and amazing. What modern medicine is not good at, however, is chronic and degenerative illness. President Nixon declared a War on Cancer in 1972. Hmmmm War on Cancer, War on Drugs, War on Poverty ... they all seem to be meeting the same fate of ineffective ... when will we quit declaring war on things? There was an article in Fortune Magazine about why we were losing this war on cancer...they spoke with medical professionals in New York and Texas ... The four biggest killers are lung, prostate, breast and colorectal cancers. The trouble occurs when the tumor metastasizes and spreads to other places like the brain, liver etc. ... Just to give a little perspective: 18 years - to map the human genome 9 years - to put a man on the moon 17 months - to develop an atomic weapon before we even knew what atomic energy was and in 2006 when the article was written ... 34 years 200 Billion dollars in cancer research 1.56 million research papers written and NO progress in the big 4: lung, breast, prostate and colorectal cancers. In 2006 1.3 million people would be diagnosed with cancer ... 600,000 would die .... cancer is such big business that there are more people making their living in the cancer industry than people who have it ... So back to 'why they thought we are losing the war on cancer' ... because the "model stinks"... Drug companies come out with promising new drugs predicated on the fact that it shrunk a tumor by 10% in field mice... The tumor doesn't kill ... the trouble is when it metastasizes and spreads elsewhere ... hmmmm So why aren't the drug companies dealing with that? It is simple really... 90% of the gene defects in a human are corrected internally by the bodies amazing ability to turn things on and off ... it is 0-13% in mice as a comparison What affects the bodies ability to self correct? IMMUNITY ... the key lies in a healthy immune system ... ...and drugs do not support that! A tumor the size of a grape has 1 billion cells ... doing what all cells do ... divide. For it to get to that state, the immune system has been compromised for awhile ... What affects a healthy immune system? environmental factors, nutritional deficiencies, stress, lifestyle ... Drug companies can't do anything about that ... and we have become a dependent culture too lazy to take responsibility for our own wellbeing. Just give us a pill and it will all be fine ... we have given our power away ... Just imagine if a fraction of the 200 Billion dollars spent on cancer research in the last 3+ decades would have been spent on the things that could have made a difference ... the environment, food supplies, water systems ... I am reminded too of a Nova program I saw a few years ago in which they were talking about cancer warfare ... and how chemotherapy is still the primary weapon ... ....ummmm it is a derivative of mustard gas ... WWI technology ... how far we have not come ... ![]() Conspiracy? If it is not then it is sure screwed up ... I so need an emoticon that stomps around all in a huff ... ![]() |
Tempera, tempera, AG, calm down - take a couple of vallium or __________________ [insert other lousy drug of choice]
set back and drink a bottle of natual synthesized alcohol of your choice, until you pass out. ![]() ![]() |
Tempera, tempera, AG, calm down - take a couple of vallium or __________________ [insert other lousy drug of choice] set back and drink a bottle of natual synthesized alcohol of your choice, until you pass out. ![]() ![]() Do you think I am in need of medicating? ![]() My drug of choice is chocolate ... ![]() |
Tempera, tempera, AG, calm down - take a couple of vallium or __________________ [insert other lousy drug of choice] set back and drink a bottle of natual synthesized alcohol of your choice, until you pass out. ![]() ![]() Do you think I am in need of medicating? ![]() My drug of choice is chocolate ... ![]() then may i reccomend chocolate flavored ex-lax - ![]() |
Tempera, tempera, AG, calm down - take a couple of vallium or __________________ [insert other lousy drug of choice] set back and drink a bottle of natual synthesized alcohol of your choice, until you pass out. ![]() ![]() Do you think I am in need of medicating? ![]() My drug of choice is chocolate ... ![]() then may i reccomend chocolate flavored ex-lax - ![]() ![]() |
Aaaaahm tinkin' we be doin' it t'hall wrong - we be doin' duh new age backwards.....
![]() (Don't ask why suddenly I be speakin in dah lingo of Whoopi goldberg.....I don't be knowin' why) ![]() ![]() ![]() |
All of the meds I am prescribed cause side effects that are just as annoying as my Lupus. Some of them I can't live with and have found natural remedies for my symptoms that do not cause such side effects. There is no cure for Lupus. It's about managing symptoms.
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Sat 11/29/08 01:23 PM
All of the meds I am prescribed cause side effects that are just as annoying as my Lupus. Some of them I can't live with and have found natural remedies for my symptoms that do not cause such side effects. There is no cure for Lupus. It's about managing symptoms. I wish you well on your path to health ![]() ![]() I was told the same thing ... incurable ...I didn't believe them ... but it turns out they were right ... 'in' 'curable' ... curable from within ... |
I believe there is a cure for everything. We just need to discover it.
Tempera, tempera, AG, calm down - take a couple of vallium or __________________ [insert other lousy drug of choice] set back and drink a bottle of natual synthesized alcohol of your choice, until you pass out. ![]() ![]() Do you think I am in need of medicating? ![]() My drug of choice is chocolate ... ![]() |
I wish you well on your path to health ![]() ![]() I was told the same thing ... incurable ...I didn't believe them ... but it turns out they were right ... 'in' 'curable' ... curable from within ... This is so true. And, I have found that many internal changes I have made have diminished my symptoms greatly. |
I believe there is a cure for everything. We just need to discover it. I truly believe that. |
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Sun 11/30/08 11:25 PM
Sky. Here is my example.
I was not trying to pull apart your motives. It seems to me that you see an injustice and want it corrected. I think that is admirable and commend you for it.
"Given the HUGE amount of molecules on the market, and the fact that money is being made regardless of benefit . . . the drug companies do not have much incentive to do thorough research, but maybe now that they are actually being sued . . . maybe it will get better. " This was to point out that profit does not equal benefit to the end user which was my point about capitalism, just becuase you have a product does not mean its the best thing for you. My other point was that, maybe now that the companies are being sued more often they will have a financial incentive to do better research and tighter more accurate marketing, (which was previously not in the financial interests) Herbal supplements should be approved by the FDA, but they know that this will be a **** storm and are trying to drag there feet. (the FDA) You right to bring up ethics, but you really seem to be trying to pull apart my reasoning and motives instead of talking about this topic . . . perhaps that was just my take on that last posts . . . But yes I am trying to pick apart your reasoning about the source of and solution to the problem – because I don’t agree with it. I don’t agree that capitalism has anything whatsoever to do with causing, allowing or perpetuation the problem. I don’t agree that the FDA should regulate herbal supplements. I don't agree that suing the companies will solve the problem - even a little bit. I don’t agree that the entire responsibility for the problem rests on the sellers. I think that the ignorance of the buyers is fully 50% of the problem. |
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Mon 12/01/08 03:49 AM
Yes every "thing" and I mean absolutely every "thing" is an conspiracy, or the result of one.
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Mon 12/01/08 06:34 AM
I believe there is a cure for everything. We just need to discover it. Some times its mechanical in nature. Lupus is a defect in the immune system that causes the immune system to target healthy tissue and attacks it as if it where an invader. To "cure" lupus we would have to replace, or correct the targeting proteins that are used within the immune system. Believe it or not, this work is being researched, send a letter to your local representatives asking that they support stem cell research. Sky. Here is my example.
I was not trying to pull apart your motives. It seems to me that you see an injustice and want it corrected. I think that is admirable and commend you for it.
"Given the HUGE amount of molecules on the market, and the fact that money is being made regardless of benefit . . . the drug companies do not have much incentive to do thorough research, but maybe now that they are actually being sued . . . maybe it will get better. " This was to point out that profit does not equal benefit to the end user which was my point about capitalism, just becuase you have a product does not mean its the best thing for you. My other point was that, maybe now that the companies are being sued more often they will have a financial incentive to do better research and tighter more accurate marketing, (which was previously not in the financial interests) Herbal supplements should be approved by the FDA, but they know that this will be a **** storm and are trying to drag there feet. (the FDA) You right to bring up ethics, but you really seem to be trying to pull apart my reasoning and motives instead of talking about this topic . . . perhaps that was just my take on that last posts . . . But yes I am trying to pick apart your reasoning about the source of and solution to the problem – because I don’t agree with it. I don’t agree that capitalism has anything whatsoever to do with causing, allowing or perpetuation the problem. I don’t agree that the FDA should regulate herbal supplements. I don't agree that suing the companies will solve the problem - even a little bit. I don’t agree that the entire responsibility for the problem rests on the sellers. I think that the ignorance of the buyers is fully 50% of the problem. Do you think that everyone should be a chemist and be completely responsible for knowing what each chemical reaction will do when they take medications? Where does the other 50% responsibility lay? |
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Mon 12/01/08 09:18 AM
Do you think it should be legal for me to sell "snake oil", that claims to detox your body, but has no benefit, in fact can cause an allergic reaction in a small part of the population?
Do you think it should be legal for drug companies to sell drugs that claim to fix a problem but do not cure anything and has a long list of side effects? "Allergic" reactions happen to drugs, foods and natural substances. Do you think people should be allowed to sell peanuts when peanuts can cause an allergic reaction that can actually kill a person who is allergic? Yes, people should be allowed to sell natural remedies or "snake oil" or herbs or food. Why should the government have control of EVERYTHING? They would love to control all the food and all the herbs and all the drugs. They want to control your life and your death. Beware governments who claim to be restricting your freedoms because they care about protecting you. They just want control of everything. If you give up your freedom to feel safe, you don't deserve either your freedom or to feel safe. Shame on people who will turn over every aspect of their lives to government control. Do you think that everyone should be a chemist and be completely responsible for knowing what each chemical reaction will do when they take medications? Where does the other 50% responsibility lay? If a product is known to be dangerous without a doubt it should be taken off the market or a warning placed on the product. But to let the government or the FDA seize control of every substance and all our food is a dangerous proposition. |
Do you think people should be allowed to sell peanuts when peanuts can cause an allergic reaction that can actually kill a person who is allergic? Not even the same, try again and also try to understand the topic at hand.
Do you think it should be legal for drug companies to sell drugs that claim to fix a problem but do not cure anything and has a long list of side effects? JB stop taking my questions and making them into statements, it is ridiculous in the extreme. Can I not ask a question and have it only be a question? Can I not pose an issue without being an advocate for that issue? Can I not present a topic without having an opinion on that topic? Do not use me as your straw man. DO NOT PROJECT OPINIONS ON ME! |