sweetsimplesassy's photo
Sat 11/14/09 06:05 PM
THANK YOU! flowerforyou

sweetsimplesassy's photo
Sat 11/14/09 05:59 PM

I love all animals. I have a Blue Quaker now, BB and a Cat, Fancie, but thinking REALLY hard on getting an Umbrella Cockatoo. I have had birds and raised them for about 16 years and I really miss my big ones but just want a medium size one now is why i'm going with a U2. But I would have one of every kind of animal if I could!..Love em all!..flowerforyou

That is so cool! I want birds again, But cant where I am currently living. :(
I was in the pet store looking at them and WOW!!! They are pricey!!!! Holy COW!!! Hundreds of dollars. BUT they are beautiful animals!

sweetsimplesassy's photo
Sat 11/14/09 05:56 PM
Edited by sweetsimplesassy on Sat 11/14/09 05:57 PM
hey all...up the butt in homework and studying this weekend.
I have two papers to write and a test Monday in my Vet Tech class on Physical Exams and history taking. Been working on making me note cards to help study by. I have to write one paper on Mastiffs. I also have math and 7 pages in my Vet Tech workbook to do. Also a paper in another class to write... Oh and also a dog breeds quiz Wed...
Does any one have any advice on easier ways to study? Any experience in this and what worked for you?

I did get an A on last week's math test and a 95/100 on my 12 page midterm paper. I also won the drawing for perfect attandance and picked out a set of our school's Vet Tech scrubs...whoohooo:banana:

I'm not trying to brag up, but I am pretty proud of how I am doing...I was so scared to start school and wondered if I could do it...so far so good. This Tuesday I am registering for next quorters classes already....

sweetsimplesassy's photo
Sat 11/14/09 05:48 PM

well the fleas died. it turned cold. they can't take that...pitchfork

well thats good...die little suckers..LOL pitchfork laugh

sweetsimplesassy's photo
Sat 11/14/09 09:12 AM
yes, my son :)

sweetsimplesassy's photo
Sat 11/14/09 09:04 AM
I too think its the individual...I dated a guy when I was 30 who was 18 years older than me and it was like there was no age difference...we had a great time together, i also at a different time had a guy friend about the same age difference and he wanted to date, but I could never get past the feling of being around , "my dad" when we hung out, so dating was never an option for me. I never really dated anyone younger. Itwas always men older then me, ...my 5 yr olds "dad" is nine yrs older than me....maybe I need to rethink this...lol since none of those relationships never worked out.......lol

sweetsimplesassy's photo
Sat 11/14/09 08:57 AM

I don't mind older women but it bugs me when they call me "sonny"

and what's the deal with the tennis balls on the feet of their walkers?

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

sweetsimplesassy's photo
Sat 11/14/09 12:06 AM
A dream come true
as you take my hand
holding me close
beside you I stand.
You look in my eyes
a smile so real
as you pull out a box
to your knees you kneal.
I start to speak
as my alarm blares out
Just another dam dream
I wake up and shout!


sweetsimplesassy's photo
Fri 11/13/09 11:46 PM
Promises unkept, hidden secrets untold
letters from another, the truth unfolds
Gone past hours, should have been home
not where you said you'd be, a heart that roams
The sun coming up, still no word from you
wondering who is it this time, is it someone new?
The kids start to wake and I haven't gone to bed
I look in their faces seeing questions unsaid.
I give them a hug and hold them tight
At least they know Mommy is here, every night.
You walk through the door like nothing is new
You no longer hide what it is that you do.
You set your coat down and glance my way,
then go take a shower and go on with your day.
We watch as again you go out the door
As I hold my kids as my knees hit the floor.
Silence fills the room as we sit and stare
waiting for a man's return who we know won't be there.


sweetsimplesassy's photo
Fri 11/13/09 11:46 PM
Promises unkept, hidden secrets untold
letters from another, the truth unfolds
Gone past hours, should have been home
not where you said you'd be, a heart that roams
The sun coming up, still no word from you
wondering who is it this time, is it someone new?
The kids start to wake and I haven't gone to bed
I look in their faces seeing questions unsaid.
I give them a hug and hold them tight
At least they know Mommy is here, every night.
You walk through the door like nothing is new
You no longer hide what it is that you do.
You set your coat down and glance my way,
then go take a shower and go on with your day.
We watch as again you go out the door
As I hold my kids as my knees hit the floor.
Silence fills the room as we sit and stare
waiting for a man's return who we know won't be there.


sweetsimplesassy's photo
Fri 11/13/09 11:18 PM
I stand and watch, a 21 gun salute
an American flag covers your coffin
A woman in tears being handed a flag
Children and family watch in silence
I'll never forget the day my
Mother lost her husband and friend
My sisters and I lost a Father and hero.

For My Dad and best friend, a hero in so many ways....
RIP Feb. 1996

I love you Dad! See you someday in Heaven!
Take care of my two Angel babies, your grandchildren. Rock them to sleep like you used to do to me. I miss you and love you!

sweetsimplesassy's photo
Fri 11/13/09 10:29 PM
I have a dream I'm hoping to fullfill
Going back to school to learn the drill.
Steady and forward I do go
even though somedays it seems so slow.
Doing homeowork and studying for a test
taking care of children, I do my best.
So, everyday I see as a blessing
and maybe someday I'll start resting. laugh

LOL 11-13-09

sweetsimplesassy's photo
Fri 11/13/09 10:18 PM
I have a friend I cannot compare
He is so sweet and is always there.
We may not always seem to agree
but he is a very special friend to me.
Even though we have never met
we talk on the phone and over the net.
So, in this poem I just want to say
I'm so glad he is my friend each and every day.

sweetsimplesassy's photo
Fri 11/13/09 10:11 PM
The worries and cares I cannot deal
I give to a God box for Him to steal
I close the lid and give Him my fears
as He carefully holds everyone of my tears.
I know alone I cannot go
day to day without Him, I know.
So, I put any problems I may face
In my God box for Him to errase.


sweetsimplesassy's photo
Fri 11/13/09 06:37 PM
indifferent I feel blah and kinda sad......hohumohwell

sweetsimplesassy's photo
Fri 11/13/09 05:44 PM

would you forgive them and accept them back?

I forgave and took them back, they did it again, I forgave and DID not take them back... Everyone makes mistakes, true sincere apologies means to NOT repeat those mistakes... We are friends but nothing more now...

Myself, I do not think screwing someone else is JUST a mistake!

accidentally cutting a board 3 inches to short is a mistake.

Cheating.. They know exactly what they are doing, and make the decision to do it, knowing how wrong it is.

If they cheat, it better be someone they want to live with because they have made the decision already that they don't want to be with me.explode

AMEN to that one! I dealt with a cheating abusive man for years ..literally years...why? well...long story, but NEVER again!

sweetsimplesassy's photo
Fri 11/13/09 05:22 PM
Why he asked, do we have to be here?
Why are we in a shelter, is there
something to fear?
Holding his hand, I look in his eyes
telling him we will be fine,
but inside my heart cries.
Leaving behind his favorite toy,
it shouldn't be like this,
he is just a little boy.
I try to be strong for his sake
I give him a smile
but inside I just ache.
I know we will be okay
leaving a past behind
hoping for a better day.
Wondering if I can trust again
Knowing it will be a while,
but asking "when"?
I have the world right by my side
I have my little boy
and to him I am his guide.
He looks to me, innocense and all
I'm gonna be strong,
for him I'm going to stand tall.
My little big man, an age of five
so full of life and dreams
and so much alive.
His innocense shows what
I wish I had back
Will it ever be there
or be something I lack?
But for now I know we are fine
me and my little
big man of mine.


sweetsimplesassy's photo
Fri 11/13/09 04:51 PM

could we talk about fleas?

my dog picked up cat fleas....big black ones, and the hair on his butt fell out, and he had a rash on his stomach.i took care of some indoor cats, and they got loose, and found the dog.

u could not seemum however. who uses what to get these buggers under control.
i was told in the state of washington they do not live outside, they live in the house, and now i am tearing everything out. including old carpet.
what do other people use in this state?

Well, I'm not from your state, but Frontline works great! I use it on my pets. They make it for both cats and dogs.
As far as the house, vacuun good, but a flea cannot live off of an animal for very long. It may bite humans, but cannot live on humans and survive. Good luck. Fleas are a pain!

sweetsimplesassy's photo
Fri 11/13/09 07:06 AM
Thank you for the kind words, that seems like a lifetime ago, yet the memory is still so there....Life has taught me so much and I have become a stronger better person though because of it and only because I have allowed it to. I have such a more sence of who I am now and who and what I want to be. :)

sweetsimplesassy's photo
Fri 11/13/09 07:00 AM
Edited by sweetsimplesassy on Fri 11/13/09 07:00 AM

Well, tonight I am nursing my idiot dog Chatka. She bailed off for a day and two nights. Showed up this morning looking like Hell!!!!

She scrounged up a rattlesnake to bite her on the face and took a header into a paddle cactus. Miserable would describe her look. Sore. Walking like she is 500 years old. Reminds me of dates I've had.

So, I am using pantyhose to snag out the cactus needles I can find. Fixed her and Black Betty some eggs with hamburger and queso along with a bowl of milk with honey in it. (Betty is extatic). Chatka is barely touching hers but she is doing better....but, I can tell she is ignoring all my advise about "stay home where it is safe".
Oh well, time for another shot of whiskey then continue the hunt for cactus needles. (Yay)

Poor Dog, you sound like such a good mom to her tho...
LOL sounds like some hell of a few dates if you ask me LOL
Good luck on the cactus pulling, something we dont have to worry about here in Mn and ND lol

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