300 a month? That's some serious third world chit goin' on there. Estelle, again I ask... Are you equating women who have jobs to whores? No. |
Edited by
Thu 04/23/15 04:14 PM
To IamwhoIam-- Why? Do you prefer attention of many to intimacy with one?
I think also Rhode Island, but the point is it is legally confined within certain areas in the US, that is not the same as illegal. Back to the topic.. Here is a make believe scenario: What do you call it when a man tells a woman to go and bring home money when he barely works part time and makes.. let's say ... only $300 per month, and this man says he is too old fashioned to help around the house, help with his child? Would this man be a modern man expecting his wife to work, or would this man be nothing more than a traditional pimp? Is this not what a prostitution-pimp arrangement is all about? There could be many variations such as the man never works at all, but the question is, when a healthy man does not provide the basics, will not help around the home/childcare, and yet expects his wife to do all of this while he hangs out or sits around the house...what does this man resemble the most? I have seen this scenario many times, men exploiting a woman's right to work. Is this not being a pimp? In many cultures women are valued for being housewives and mothers, and it would be up to her if she wanted to squeeze in some part time work for the benefit of her family in mind. But, it would be a man's honor to provide what's needed for his wife and child at home. This seems to have been replaced with something vulgar in modern society, where the women are now valued for bringing home a this not the prostitution of women? Or here's another " make believe" scenario: what would you call a woman who chose a man who made $300.00 per month ( $10.00 per day) to be her mate.. the one to support her? I would call her... stupid I assure you these women are not stupid, they take care of more than their fair share, these women are far more intelligent and competent than most. The men who do this think they are right since women are 'expected to work now days'. It seems that the right for women to work has been turned into something vulgar by misogynist men and there are no laws to protect women from this form of exploitation. Often the man will stay home and 'babysit', while in reality he is only playing video games and ignoring the child. |
Military Mingling
I think if the man is leaving in order to provide for his family at home, this is totally doable. Women have been used to this from the beginning of time when they would have been left to fend for themselves in worse conditions. As I have made a topic about another problem with men abandoning everything and not even providing for his family, I think if he is at least providing then it is doable.
Edited by
Thu 04/23/15 03:37 PM
I think also Rhode Island, but the point is it is legally confined within certain areas in the US, that is not the same as illegal.
Back to the topic.. Here is a make believe scenario: What do you call it when a man tells a woman to go and bring home money when he barely works part time and makes.. let's say ... only $300 per month, and this man says he is too old fashioned to help around the house, help with his child? Would this man be a modern man expecting his wife to work, or would this man be nothing more than a traditional pimp? Is this not what a prostitution-pimp arrangement is all about? There could be many variations such as the man never works at all, but the question is, when a healthy man does not provide the basics, will not help around the home/childcare, and yet expects his wife to do all of this while he hangs out or sits around the house...what does this man resemble the most? I have seen this scenario many times, men exploiting a woman's right to work. Is this not being a pimp? In many cultures women are valued for being housewives and mothers, and it would be up to her if she wanted to squeeze in some part time work for the benefit of her family in mind. But, it would be a man's honor to provide what's needed for his wife and child at home. This seems to have been replaced with something vulgar in modern society, where the women are now valued for bringing home a this not the prostitution of women? |
I don't think illegal is the word, I would say confined since it is legal in some parts of the US.
I may not always be right, this is debatable, but I'm not insulting anyone or any institution. And I was not comparing, I was correlating, right or wrong, it's not insulting. |
After reading what I've missed I have something to say...
I was never comparing prostitution to military, I was never disparaging the military, it is you who is disparaging prostitution. As someone stated before it is no secret that the military offers educational opportunities to those who would otherwise not have them. And there is nothing wrong with that. We should respect military. We should also respect prostitution. We should not disrespect anything or anyone obviously. This is only people sharing thoughts, nothing personal. |
What just cause is there for a married women to keep her husband from knowing that she is HIV positive? I know not of any. ![]() Sorry I can remember each and every man I have ever slept with and I have never had an issue of being honest and upfront with this... Some may be this way not all ![]() ![]() I can honestly say I don't remember and I'm sure no future boyfriend wants to know even one sex act I had before him. Guys never want to think of their girlfriend with another man.. |
Well then plenty of well educated middle class to upper class women get into prostitution to be fair. Do I need to point this out? Who cares really?
The vast majority of people who enter into prostitution are poor and same for the military. They do it because it's better than working at McDonalds for minimum wage. |
Legal prostitution, means better living standards for women, means less poor women, means less women in bad marriages, means more tax money, means less poverty for children, means more children will be able to afford college, means not enough of them willing or need to serve the military, means mandatory military service for men.
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Legalization of prostitution would mean mandatory military service for every man.
What she did makes me think some women are truly evil.
This is true, just like massage therapy, it can turn sexual but in the end it's just another service with another fee.
Maybe we should think that in the US legal prostitution has been contained, not banned. Illegal prostitution is rampant in the US, so I assume if it were legal everywhere, hardly any families would exist. Like I said no more children for the Army would be a problem for the government. We need to keep women poor so their kids will go to war for us. |
Then why is prostitution illegal in the US (except in parts of Nevada).
Because there would pretty much be no more families, no more children to send off to war.
So, did the husband catch HIV from his wife or not?
She must have used the man she married for something, or meant to, if she didn't marry him for love. She can get a divorce or stay. You can stay out of her life or get involved? I don't know if there are any constrictions to anyone doing what they want because I'm not in it...but no one can make someone else do anything.
Why love hurts??
I don't believe true love falls apart, it's not mutual that's all. One is using the other and the other doesn't know because they are feeling different. But if we are objective we can see one not loving the other is the cause of falling apart.
prostitutes are no different than professional athletes they both sell their physical attributes for monetary gain fully aware of the risks they are taking associated with their chosen profession........the athlete...concussion, broken limbs, impaired physical and mental capabilities .......the prostitute...veneral disease, robbery, assault, even murder... they do this to satisfy another persons desires... the athlete.......... spectators, who pay to watch their athletic performance... the prostitute.......tricks, who pay for sexual performance... one is glorified and becomes a hero....the other is shunned or worse jailed... it's a double standard...each has a right to do as they please with their bodies... prostitution should be legalized .........or start arresting athletes for behavior detrimental to their own health.... It seems that my topic is far worse than simple prostitution of the body, since it is also the soul. Children growing up with no soul. It's sad isn't it? |