human nature is human nature... doesn't really matter which gender you put on top. if woman governed over man, it doesn't necessarily solve or lessen problems between the two genders, it is just a different set of problems to deal with, but just as likely to be on similar issues as those of a patriarchal one.. With that thinking, it would make no difference if women had the right to vote, since you make no differentiation between men and women. |
Pansytilly- I don't think I need to define matriarchy unless you don't know the definition but you have search engines to read more about it.
I think you're being a bit pessimistic. Do you care to elaborate?
Although in western countries domestic violence is illegal, the levels are still too high, in a way resembling countries in the middle east where much of domestic violence is not illegal. What do they have in common then? The west and the middle east share patriarchal system. What if patriarchal societies changed to matriarchal, would this solve most of the problems between men and women?
How do we know anything? I'm not going to get into a philosophical debate about what is knowing.
How Fast Or Slow
we are supposed to learn about each other.?..ohhh...hmm... how much do I have to learn about them.?.. .. because I like it better when they're quiet.... well not totally That is all good and fine until you start cheating because essentially any woman can take her place next to you in bed. |
Video games vs shopping. It's like hunting and gathering. Compatible right?
If Rand Paul is like his dad, he can't be bought. Is this true? That would explain less media coverage right?
You said it's nurture, now you say it's nature.
You 2 guys above reread my question..children do exist, we all used to be children remember? Also remember, children are almost always made through sex between a man and a woman. Children do take prolonged amounts of time to be grown, this is why my question about the compatibility of men and women baffles me. If children are made by man and woman, and they really do best having mom and dad together, why can't mom and dad love each other?
When I was younger i used to think when your with a guy you do everything thing around him. As i got older I learnt that it doesnt have to be that way. I think its good to have some time apart to do what you enjoy with you girl or boy mates. For me I don't think it selfish I think its allowing that person to be who they are. These are my thoughts. Ladies do you really want your guy around when you talking girl stuff? Guys do you really want to be around to listen? Well, men and women can be different, but there are women who talk about more interesting things, and there are men who can't hold a decent conversation. |
Edited by
Mon 04/13/15 03:49 PM
But that way naturally makes babies that need mom and dad for about 2 decades at least. |
Hmm.. I always thought we fit together quite nicely... ... even if you turn each other up side down... still a good fit... WHAT.. IT'S TRUE..LMAO Is that the only way men and women are compatible anymore? |
Edited by
Mon 04/13/15 03:23 PM
Most men and women relationships are very difficult to prolong. If children do best with a mom and a dad why do so many relationship fail and fail the kids? Are the incompatibilities due to nature or nurture?
very hard to judge.
That guy seems like a jerk, so he would probably kill her and take the bottle of malt.
your EX
It doesn't matter if I would or he would stay friends, what matters is after getting into a new relationship it wouldn't be respectful to the current boyfriend.
The topic was about men abusing women. I think if you know a man is abusive, you should let the woman know. If he were a pedophile you would say something right?
The constitution is not the word of god.
If foreigners are taking advantage and having 'anchor babies' then the laws need to change. Most countries don't give citizenship for being born there, and that protects it's citizens. The US is way too nice to foreigners. |
It is not the same for men, I'm definitely not ignorant, thanks.
Does Rand Paul accept 'donations' from big businesses/banks? If not he won't stand a chance.