Woman gives birth to Man
I bet the father acted like a child and the mom put up with him, so it's both parents fault. I changed my mind. It's the fault of men. |
Woman gives birth to Man
All the middle class American jobs have gone to countries like India. It might not be enough but you should thank America for bringing the jobs to you at the expense of it's own citizens. Meanwhile the other jobs in America went to illegals living there.
America has plenty of rape, we call it rape culture in America, it's a part of our culture, so many rape kits left unchecked in America. |
Those Words
Saying 'I love you' is also love, if you mean it. People do deceitful things as if it were love, it can turn out a lot worse than a few words said. Who cares if people say it and don't mean it, just worry about what they do.
Somewhere where the majority of men are real men, and the ones who aren't are not cool.
Woman gives birth to Man
I bet the father acted like a child and the mom put up with him, so it's both parents fault.
I'm not dissing any country. There are cultural differences between the East and the West.
West- Lot's of sex before but no more sex after marriage.
East- no sex before, but after marriage lot's of sex. West- Shower is a must before sex. East Shower is a must after sex. Cultural differences. |
What happend to traditions?
I live with housemates actually, I share my room with my daughter. That housemate is moving out. He needs to go. |
What happend to traditions?
Is it disrespectful to someone to get consent from the parents now days? just curious, what would you do if the parents don't consent? to answer the original question, it all depends on who you ask. many people feel we live in a modern world. they are adults and responsible for themselves. my family still holds to some old fashioned traditions. my mom says if she's a hundred and I'm fifty that doesn't make her any less my mom nor me any less her daughter. so I introduced zippy to her but not in the sense of asking permission. he and my brother haven't yet met, but that will come whenever it does. zippy took me to meet his family with his sister as the matriarch of the family. there was some getting to know me kind of questioning, but every one was very welcoming. If the parents don't consent then you might check your 'love'. If it's ok then go ahead and get married. Personally my parents would consent to whomever I choose to marry since this tradition is gone. |
What happend to traditions?
I live with housemates actually, I share my room with my daughter.
What happend to traditions?
Since my philosophy is, Better dead, than wed... Meeting parents for consent to marry, is pretty much pointless. My philosophy is only marry for true love. This is why I've never married. True love is uncommon. |
I think the best thing about joining the military is the training and education available, the military is better educated than most of the US population, but I think this happened after they joined not before. Americans in general are seriously undereducated.
What happend to traditions?
Is it disrespectful to someone to get consent from the parents now days?
My daughter has a mother with a maiden name, is this a joke about women?
What happend to traditions?
If you are a man who is dating a woman, what would your next step be? How likely is it that you would have your parents meet her parents to seal the marriage deal?
It seems that some people still don't know that economic incentive is a huge driving factor for new recruits in the US military, which does not have mandatory military service for men or women. Possibly it may help someone understand if they read an article about it like this one:
Of course not everyone joins for the economic incentive, however giving up or risking one's life for anything is usually not something one takes lightly. Usually it is out of some type of need or drive. Possibly some feel a patriotic drive, others feel that violence is something that they need to express or are used to, there are many reasons. |
Military Mingling
Boy, that Miss Michigander is sneaky! ![]() Just found your edited stuff. The 'independence' issue isn't something I ever considered. Whole new can o'critters. How do you reconcile when your growth and that of your SO occurs separately, under different conditions and influences? on one hand it has to be this way on other hand everyone needs to feel needed I was the spider killer, the one who took care of kids if they got sick or towed the truck out of ditch when my oldest slid off road when he was 16. I was one handling the doctor appts, running em back and forth to school plus the visiting with inlaws on families and the annual camp out in the UP each summer we did stuff together vacations when he was home he would take boys skiing or we would all go golfing or bowling I can remember sitting marriage counseling towards the end hearing him say to the counselor " I want my wife back like she was at 23" no he didnt mean young and perky he meant dependent, innocent and naive he could not handle strong, independent and wise Men are strange but I think they get turned off by women who want to flaunt their strength, I know women do it because they finally feel confident, but men just don't like it. It's not the strong qualities they dislike, it's the loss of femininity in the woman (we have to be careful not sure how exactly lol). I have suffered from this due to boyfriends not being a man (or a woman lol) as in taking any role or equal contribution, and I have complained that it made me feel like I had to be the man, and not feel feminine, they lost attraction, but didn't know it was all their fault. I also lost attraction, before they did. But if both don't address this issue, it will never work out. It could be either ones fault... power struggle, competition and gender role imbalances kill relationships fast. |
By Merina
The one with the smallest vocabulary, except then you need to learn 20 meanings for each word, still I think it's easier. Eskimo language?
Escorts get paid well. It's not about the attention. It's about escorting someone to a high profile event and making them look good, in theory. But in reality, they expect more, as in prostitutes. I've found that no matter what men always expect more. It seems it would be easier to provide that 'more' while being someone who can be up front and say 'ok this much more... will get you this much more'. Any regular woman would have a hard time saying that to her boyfriend/husband due to the expectations, so it is easier for an escort to decline sex. |
I think also Rhode Island, but the point is it is legally confined within certain areas in the US, that is not the same as illegal. Back to the topic.. Here is a make believe scenario: What do you call it when a man tells a woman to go and bring home money when he barely works part time and makes.. let's say ... only $300 per month, and this man says he is too old fashioned to help around the house, help with his child? Would this man be a modern man expecting his wife to work, or would this man be nothing more than a traditional pimp? Is this not what a prostitution-pimp arrangement is all about? There could be many variations such as the man never works at all, but the question is, when a healthy man does not provide the basics, will not help around the home/childcare, and yet expects his wife to do all of this while he hangs out or sits around the house...what does this man resemble the most? I have seen this scenario many times, men exploiting a woman's right to work. Is this not being a pimp? In many cultures women are valued for being housewives and mothers, and it would be up to her if she wanted to squeeze in some part time work for the benefit of her family in mind. But, it would be a man's honor to provide what's needed for his wife and child at home. This seems to have been replaced with something vulgar in modern society, where the women are now valued for bringing home a this not the prostitution of women? It does not matter where it is? Although, I have only seen this in the US. |