Community > Posts By > FedMan

FedMan's photo
Tue 03/06/07 07:52 PM
well a good outcome for a tragic event

Teen survives being shot in the heart with a 3" nail
By: CJ Cassidy

CAPE GIRARDEAU, Mo. - Can you imagine getting shot in the heart - and
then living to tell the tale? A 17-year-old from Dexter will be telling
the story for years to come.

It turns out he survived because he left the nail in his heart until he
got to the hospital. "I thought I was going to die," Matt Robinson says.
You would too if you shot a nail through your heart.

Matt calls it an accident he'll never forget. "I was helping frame up a
barn and the guy was lowering the gun down the ladder to me. The nail
gun swung, my finger hit the trigger and it hit me in the chest," he

The three and a quarter inch nail, went through Matt's right ventricle,
and came out the other side. "I dropped the gun and looked down and I
could see the head of the nail stuck on the outside of my shirt. I
wanted to take it out, but I was scared and didn't know what to think
really," he says.

Had Matt pulled the nail out - the St. Louis doctor who performed heart
surgery on him says he would have died. Dr. Hendrick Barner pulled the
nail out about four hours after the accident. While inside, the nail
acted like a plug - leaving no space for blood to seep out.

Still, the computer generated 3D images leave even technicians in shock.
"It's the first time I've seen a foreign body through the heart and
someone survived that, and was actually talking - it's surprising to
us," one technician tells Heartland News.

"It was bad timing!" Matt's girlfriend, Brittany Morgan says. Pregnant
with his twins, she can joke about the scare now - but at the time, the
episode with the nail gun terrified her. "Everybody told me if it goes
through your heart you die, so I was really scared," she says.

As for Matt - he's not giving up on his construction job just yet.
"Construction's something I like to do -you get to do different stuff,'
he says.

Amazingly, the accident happened on a Monday, Matt had surgery that day,
and was up and walking by Wednesday.

So a remarkable recovery and an unbelievable story almost any way you
look at it.

Matt's still on pain medication and will probably not be able to return
to work for a couple of months. He says the next heart stopping moment
he expects to have will be the birth of his twin babies in the next few

FedMan's photo
Tue 03/06/07 07:51 PM
gina hannity is who makes the show I listen to his radio show everyday

FedMan's photo
Tue 03/06/07 07:47 PM
there's alot of people who do not deserve to have children

FedMan's photo
Tue 03/06/07 07:42 PM
yeah and there's other ways to have different area codes I have an area
code on my landline from another state the reason being I got Vonage
and chose the area code I wanted for specific reasons.

FedMan's photo
Tue 03/06/07 07:40 PM
MrKat I hope you have learned something from this, when it comes to
financial obligations and matters of such you truly can trust no-one but

FedMan's photo
Tue 03/06/07 06:31 PM
was it peter pan? lol

FedMan's photo
Tue 03/06/07 06:17 PM
need to know the name of the virus
but trendmicro's housecall is a good free online scanner and removal
tool if it cannot get it for you it will tell you what steps to take

FedMan's photo
Tue 03/06/07 06:15 PM
mahaskins yes you can change your sign in name but it would entail
creating a new profile and I'd say if you do that you should contact
Vanchau and provide all you other account details (acct you do not wish
to use anymore) and have them delete it for you.

FedMan's photo
Tue 03/06/07 02:05 PM
amen!! Be yourself!! Good luck Jeff gotta call gotta go

FedMan's photo
Tue 03/06/07 02:04 PM
talk about what interests you, no need in trying to be something you're
not. If she does not like what you want to talk about then there's a
good chance it's not going far anyhow, best to find someone you can make
happy and that makes you happy

FedMan's photo
Tue 03/06/07 01:58 PM
but wouldn't a cell phone listed in your area still have the same area
code? should have only excuses maybe he was a trucker and got a cell
phone on the road somewhere or had lived there prviously otherwise he
should have the same area code as anyother phone number that is close to

FedMan's photo
Tue 03/06/07 01:54 PM
sorry that was for XOBri

FedMan's photo
Tue 03/06/07 01:54 PM
looks 10 personality no clue

FedMan's photo
Tue 03/06/07 01:51 PM
guilty on 4 counts if he's not put in jail then what will that tell

FedMan's photo
Tue 03/06/07 01:35 PM
fox news is an awesome media source Sean Hannity is awesome

FedMan's photo
Tue 03/06/07 01:32 PM
if he's guilty then yes

FedMan's photo
Tue 03/06/07 07:59 AM
we will win the war. You think that al-Qaeda wanted to drop the WTC and
only that? You don't think for a moment that the al-Qaeda would not love
to bring more terror and destruction onto our soil especially after we
targeted them on their own land? The al-Qaeda would love to do it more
now than ever but how many times since 9-11 have they been successful?
We are winning the war on terror. We will continue to do so and more of
the world will ban together with us as far as al_qaeda goes. We will
never have the support for Iraq because people believe it's for
different reasons. Has anyone seen that in Pakistan the Taliban are
threatening to kill people for shaving or trimming their beards? Well,
with stuff like this going on the Taliban and al-Qaeda will turn others
against them also. It's a tough war and no-one ever said it would be
easy. Bush told the American people it would be very difficult. I am
glad that people are willing to go and fight the evil doers so that we
may enjoy our freedoms without worrying about boarding an airplane, bus,
train, or anyother method of transportation. For all of you that say
most GI's don't want to be there, why when the war on terror started did
the enlistment into the armed forces jump? Because thankfully most
Americans are not pansy asses sitting back wanting for al-Qaeda to come
knocking on their door before they are willing to admit it's time to
stop these bastards in their tracks.

FedMan's photo
Tue 03/06/07 07:46 AM
not sure depends on how sensitive the person is, but the main point is
can you do it before it get's to a point that you are miserably living a
lie to spare their feelings.

FedMan's photo
Mon 03/05/07 08:27 PM
sorry too many for me to name but one of my top classic favs is Caddy

FedMan's photo
Mon 03/05/07 08:25 PM
Stephycats if I read that right I'd say you need to just be you, if you
aren't a slut then I don't think you have to worry about acting or
seeming that way.

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