Topic: Damn, but life sucks!!!!
MrKatOwner's photo
Tue 03/06/07 07:06 PM
I am feeling really down today. I got word earlier that a good friend of
mine and former professional wrestler in the WWF and in Stampede
Wrestling, Bad News Allen/Brown passed away this morning of heart

Two weeks ago, I got word from my brother that my uncle had died. Last
week, a colleague (I have spoken and worked with him several times, but
never met in person) passed away from cancer. I am currently stressing
over outstanding bills that are outstanding because I was stupid enough
to agree to keep utilities and gas bills in my name in a "boarding
house", and discovered this world is full of parasites who refuse,
though they are fully capable, to pay their own way. I am about to
engage in a fight with the house owner over the outstanding funds ($1600
total). I am sure I will get a settlement, but not before my credit is
totally ruined.

All of this has robbed me of sleep, an appetite, and the desie to do
anything anywhere, for anyone. I'm beyond tears right now. I don't know
how much longer I can "hold it together", and am honestly having
difficulty wanting to do even that....

Sorry for the post, but I thought that maybe putting all this down might
help. Not so sure it has....

SadieJ's photo
Tue 03/06/07 07:11 PM
You've had a rough go of it lately. Even though it doesn't seem like
it, it'll get better. If it helps at all, I loaned a "friend" 7 grand
last year to keep his harley out of repo and had to take him to court to
get it back. He's nowhere to be found. So I just have to suck it up and
move on.

mommysangels65's photo
Tue 03/06/07 07:12 PM
So to hear about your troubles. Keep your head up, things will turn
around. I know from experince, it seems rough, but things do get better.
I Sorry to hear about your uncle and good friend and co-worker. May god
bless them and now they can look do from heaven with a smile on their
faces. Try to relax! Look towards the big guy in the sky he does help.
Hope you feel better soon and your luck changes.

FedMan's photo
Tue 03/06/07 07:40 PM
MrKat I hope you have learned something from this, when it comes to
financial obligations and matters of such you truly can trust no-one but

SadieJ's photo
Tue 03/06/07 07:41 PM
I agree with what Fed said...

Redykeulous's photo
Tue 03/06/07 07:55 PM
Stay focused - one day at a time, one task or mission at a time. I've
been in far worse positions, am in one now but one day at a time, and
every day I tell myself, do what you can and tomorrow try again. It's
ok to be depressed, it's easy when you are tired, so get plenty of rest.
Each day you try will make each tomorrow better.

greeneyedlady42's photo
Tue 03/06/07 08:02 PM
Mr KatOwner.
I can SO empathize with your situation. It is truly sad that good
people get taken advantage of. I too have found in hindsight that I have
been to eager sometimes to help people. But you did a good thing. You
should be proud. It's sad how it turned out, but you have a good heart.
As for the death in your family and your wrestling friend, I am truly
sorry for your loss. Just know in their way they added to your life and
you can always cherish that about them.
Things will soon look up. 2007 is the year of restoration.
Wait to be restored!
have a good day.

FedMan's photo
Tue 03/06/07 08:04 PM
well the reason good people are the ones that get taken advantage of is
because we are the only ones willing to stick our neecks out on the line
for these idiots, hence the term "good person"

MrKatOwner's photo
Tue 03/06/07 09:45 PM
Thanks, gang.

I moved out of that house last week and into a nice house of my own. The
problems I'll have deal with the legal stuff with the property owners.

I hate to say this, cause it sounds like whining to me, but I sometimes
think my life is a country song. Everything seems to sour on me. I am a
brain-injury survivor (recovered from a cerebral hemmorhage & multiple
concussion -- wasn't supposed to live), my childhood was abusive, I keep
running into bad luck. Yeah, I know, I know, I keep coming through, but
there's only so much one can take before suffering a collapse. Right
now, I am on the edge of an emotional breakdown....

purplecat's photo
Tue 03/06/07 09:50 PM
(((((((((((((((MRKAT OWNER))))))))))))))) I know how you feel ,, more
then most would suspect ..I know it gets pretty crappy sometimes and
just feel like throughin the arms up in the air and sayin "" kill me
now!!! jeezuz !! I know all toooooooo welll ,,,try to cheer up ... aw
kermit and me are havin a rough day toooooooooooooooooooooooo sad

(((((((((((((((((group hug????)))))))))))))))))glasses