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FedMan's photo
Wed 03/14/07 11:28 AM
I still say Scarlett Johansen

FedMan's photo
Wed 03/14/07 06:59 AM
I have no problem with it until the kids get teased and made fun of at
school but then again kids are kids and they will always find something
to make fun of another about.

FedMan's photo
Wed 03/14/07 06:53 AM
if you don't want to be that close a friend then yes, so really it boils
down to how you feel screw how she feels

FedMan's photo
Tue 03/13/07 03:17 PM
yeah she's good with honey bar-be-que sauce

FedMan's photo
Tue 03/13/07 09:58 AM
lol verb Gina there is NO draft in effect now so how is the rich
dodging anything, other than not signing up to go over there? If I was
young enough I'd go kick some terrorist ass and if the bastards wanna
come over here and I see them try their **** I will be the first one out
my door to go kick some ass here.

FedMan's photo
Tue 03/13/07 09:53 AM
and just for those that do not like mine or Gen. Peter Pace's comment,
here is a survey apparently the majority speaks that his comments must
not be out of place

Do you think Gen. Pace should apologize for calling homosexuality
immoral? * 20809 responses



I'm not sure
Not a scientific survey. Click to learn more. Results may not total 100%
due to rounding.

FedMan's photo
Tue 03/13/07 09:23 AM
Great post, but I am gonna take this further and step right into the
midle of the battle just like Gen. Pace has done. I believe in God and
I believe the bible. So do many other people, or at least so they say. I
want to know how people can be against adultery, stealing, murder,
bearing false witness, but yet homosexuality to these people is ok. I
know the afore mentioned are part of the ten commandments and
homosexuality technically isn't in that category but the Gd has spoken
against it. It's against the laws of nature and God is nature. So how
can all these hypocrites think so badly of these other sins and not

FedMan's photo
Mon 03/12/07 10:35 PM
the pursuit is quite fun, but then again so is wrestling under the

FedMan's photo
Mon 03/12/07 08:13 AM
Trial Uses Measles to Kill Bone Marrow Cancer


Researchers look to engineer the virus as treatment for multiple myeloma
-- Robert Preidt
Find More
Today's Health News

SUNDAY, March 11 (HealthDay News) -- U.S. researchers are launching a
phase I clinical trial to test an engineered measles virus against the
bone marrow cancer multiple myeloma.

Multiple myeloma is a type of cancer where plasma cell tumors are spread
throughout bone marrow.

In this trial, conducted at the Mayo Clinic Cancer Center in Rochester,
Minn, the measles vaccine will be administered intravenously to adults
with relapsed or refractory (meaning patients have failed more than one
type of treatment) myeloma. The participants must not have had allogenic
(from another person) stem cell transplants and must have previously had
the measles or been vaccinated against it.

This is the third in a series of Mayo studies testing the potential of
measles to kill cancer. The other two studies are looking at the effect
of measles on recurrent ovarian cancer and a type of brain tumor called
glioblastoma multiforme.

The measles viruses used in the research were engineered by inserting
additional genes into the measles vaccine strain. The measles viruses
seek out a protein called CD46 -- which is overexpressed by many cancers
-- and use it as a receptor to enter the cancer cells.

Once inside the cancer cell, the measles virus spreads and infects
nearby tumor cells, causing them to fuse together and increasing cancer
cell death.

FedMan's photo
Mon 03/12/07 07:00 AM
People in other countries are gonna hate us no matter what we do. We
send millions in aid annually to Columbia but they still protest and
burn our flag along with other nations that we give aid to. The war
won't make the hatred any deeper or more widespread, it will just
reaffirm it. Terrorism could be winnable and would be if all countries
would participate within their own borders to eliminate threats. The
best thing for us to do to combat terrorism would be to lock our borders
tight and anyone including american born citizens get caught planning
terrorist acts upon the US should be dealt with as treason and dealt
with swiftly and harshly.

FedMan's photo
Sun 03/11/07 10:55 PM

The only awards show I ever watch is Hollywood’s annual ego fest, the
bestowing of the Oscars. For one thing, the shows are always funny even
if the jokes aren’t. For another, I always bet on the results with my
wife, and I always win, even though she sees four or five times as many
movies as I do. The reason, I believe, is that, seeing as many films as
she does, she tends to let her heart dictate her choices, whereas I base
my selections strictly on the voters’ prejudices. As a result, out of 24
categories, I managed to get 15 right; she got six.

My system isn’t infallible, but it works more often than not. Of course
you can’t always do anything but guess when it comes to things like
animated short subjects and visual effects. But, for instance, Eddie
(“Dream Girls”) Murphy was a heavy favorite to take home the Oscar for
Best Supporting Actor, but I went with Alan Arkin. I based my guess on
two things: Arkin is old and very well-liked, whereas Murphy is neither.

Although I hate to give away my secrets, when the voters like a low
budget movie as much as the Academy members obviously liked “Little Miss
Sunshine,” even going so far as to nominate it for Best Picture, you
know that they’re not going to give it the big prize. Instead, they’ll
compensate by giving it Oscars for, in this case, supporting actor and
best original screenplay.

Some people felt that the closest thing to a sure thing was Helen
Mirren. Seeing as how she had already copped the Golden Globe, the SAG
award and England’s version of the Oscar, you could have safely bet your
house that she was not going to go home a bride’s maid. But even she was
a long-shot compared to “An Inconvenient Truth.” Anyone who thought that
“Deliver Us From Evil,” “Iraq in Fragments,” “Jesus Camp” or “My
Country, My Country,” was going to deprive Hollywood’s glitterati of the
opportunity to give Al Gore a standing ovation must be the sort who
believes in the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy.

Some folks wonder if Hollywood would have been quite as giddy about
sharing space with the Veep if the news about his mansion had broken a
day or two earlier. For those of you who missed it, the Tennessee Center
for Policy Research released a statement declaring that, according to
the Nashville Electric Service, Gore’s 20-room, eight-bathroom, mansion
devoured nearly 221,000 kWh last year. In one month alone in 2006, the
Gores consumed almost 23,000 kWh, burning up more electricity in August
than the typical American family uses in an entire year. My friend Pat
Sajak attributes most of that to the little light in Al’s refrigerator.

What’s more, the Gores have increased their energy consumption in the
year since his movie was released. So, apparently all that scary stuff
about melting polar caps was strictly for public consumption.

It’s fortunate that the Gores aren’t having to wait for Al’s social
security to kick in, for none of this comes cheap. Their average monthly
electric bill is $1,359. Their natural gas bill runs them an additional
$1,080. That’s about $30,000 a year, and that doesn’t take into account
their other dwellings!

But lest you think any of these embarrassing facts would have had an
adverse effect on the affection in which Hollywood holds Al Gore, you’re
even a bigger sucker than my wife. I mean, let’s face it. If the Gores
are plunking down $2,500-a-month to make sure that Tipper’s electric
blanket doesn’t conk out, what do you think all those celebrity greenies
are spending to keep their gargantuan homes and Olympic-sized swimming
pools heated?

How many of those clucks hugging Al Gore at the Kodak Theater do you
think fly commercial? I mean, don’t you find it the least bit odd that
the person ahead of you in the security line at the airport taking off
his shoes and unbuckling his belt, or, God forbid, having his hair gel
confiscated, is never George Clooney or Leonardo DiCaprio?

I happen to live very near to the Van Nuys Airport. Commercial airlines
do not use it. Instead, the heavy traffic is caused by private jets
constantly flying in and out. Their passengers are more often than not
movie actors and rock stars. Yes, those very same people who are always
insisting that the rest of us walk to the supermarket, bicycle to work,
and drive cars that run on cow poop and cabbage leaves.

Frankly, the only way that Al Gore’s piece of left-wing propaganda
wouldn’t have won the Oscar this year is if Michael Moore had had a film
titled, perhaps, “My Country, My Curse,” in competition.

W. Burt Prelutsky is an accomplished, well-rounded writer and author of
Conservatives Are from Mars (Liberals Are from San Francisco): 101
Reasons I'm Happy I Left the Left.

FedMan's photo
Sun 03/11/07 10:40 PM
Why gas prices are so high and oil companies enjoy record profits
Thursday, May 4th, 2006

On “The Daily Show” the other night, John Stewart hosted an oil industry
expert talking a bit about current oil prices. She was a very happy
woman, and her engaging, bubbly personality was just charming enough
that she could repeatedly evade John’s questions without being too
obvious. I thought I’d step in and answer her questions for her.

Why are gas prices so high?

John asked why gas is so expensive. She replied, “supply and demand.
When demand goes up, prices go up.”

So far, so good. She’s quoting basic economics. John was ready for her:
“Yes, but why do profits go up? If oil is more expensive, wouldn’t that
offset the higher prices resulting in the same profits?”

Bubbly oil company rep: “Oh, but John, when demand goes up, prices go

… and this exchange was repeated about four times.

Should gas prices go up while oil profits don’t?

At first glance, it seems like John’s logic is sound. Let’s say oil
costs $1/gallon. Let’s assume it costs an oil company 50 cents to
refine, transport, and sell the gasoline. They sell it at the pump for
$2.00. Their profit:

Revenue $2.00
Cost of oil ($1.00)
Cost of processing ($0.50)
Profit $0.50

If oil goes up 50 cents to $1.50/gallon, the oil companies should pass
that cost through to the consumer, sell the gas at $2.50, producing:

Higher prices
Revenue $2.50
Cost of oil ($1.50)
Cost of processing ($0.50)
Profit $0.50

Same profit. So if they’re enjoying record profits, they must be
price-gouging, right? Wrong.

The problem is Wall Street or, more accurately, how we all treat money.
Oil companies just don’t pass costs through to consumers. We as
investors and Wall Street don’t look at the actual dollar amount of
profits. We care about profit as a percentage of sales. We don’t say “My
investments made $3,000 for me last year,” we say “My investments made
an 8% return last year.” That’s the profit margin. Profit margin is a
company’s bottom line profits divided by top-line sales.

Let’s look at the above scenarios again, but this time we’ll look at
profit margin, not profit dollars:

Revenue $2.00
Cost of oil ($1.00)
Cost of processing ($0.50)
Profit $0.50
Profit margin 25%

Higher prices
Revenue $2.50
Cost of oil ($1.50)
Cost of processing ($0.50)
Profit $0.50
Profit margin 20%

When oil prices go up, if oil companies simply passed through the cost
without an additional markup, their profit margin would fall. In the
world of investors who care about percentage profits, this is a strict

So when oil companies raise their prices to keep their profit margin
constant, they have to raise their prices from $2.00/gallon to
$2.67/gallon even though the oil price change was only 50 cents:

Higher prices
(constant profit margin)
Revenue $2.67
Cost of oil ($1.50)
Cost of processing ($0.50)
Profit $0.67
Profit margin 25%

Instead of gas going up 50 cents when oil prices go up 50 cents, keeping
profit margin constant means gas prices will raise 67 cents when oil
prices go up 50 cents. That extra 17 cents flows straight to the bottom
line. In dollar terms, profits formerly at $.50 are now at $.67.

(So that is a 34% increase in the actual dollar amount of profits! Even
though the profit margin (percentage) stayed the same, the media will
likely be reporting it as “a 34% increase in profits.” And it’s quite a
large increase for the company doing nothing but marking up their
product using a standard business markup practices.)

Now we can ask whether oil companies are using the tight supply to mark
up their oil even more. If so, that’s where the unethical behavior and
price gouging is coming in. But sadly for the rest of us, unless we want
to let oil companies report lower percentage profits without penalty,
every increase in oil prices will be offset by a much greater increase
at the pump.

FedMan's photo
Sun 03/11/07 10:29 PM
I can't think of any reason the store in question cannot be forced to
accept cash. The words "Tender Legal For All Debts Public and Private"
has a meaning. They probably have had or are afraid of being robbed and
are trying to take measures to prevent it, but for the time being I do
not foresee a cashless society in this generation. I don't know what
kind of store you are talking about but if they have gasoline and I pump
it they will take my cash if they want reimbursement.

FedMan's photo
Sun 03/11/07 10:22 PM
GhostWhisperer I must say you are a very beautiful lady, but I find
everyone's thinking of christians trying to convert others wrong, for
their religion teaches them this and I believe the rewards the bible
tells about are very true, we (christians) are supposed to try to help
the lost find their way, but by no means, do I think we should be pushy,
just maybe persuasive. Now for Satanism, here is a description but I
truly do not believe this bs for the fact I believe in Satan, demons
and heaven and hell.

Religious Satanism:
This religion recognizes Satan, generally as a life principle. Followers
are usually serious adults, although a few are mature teenagers. Of the
many main traditions which exist, the Church of Satan is by far the
largest. Other Satanic groups currently exist and have existed in the
recent past. Many are short-lived; their web sites often come and go
within a few months. According to Statistic Canada, the 1991 census
found only 335 Canadians who identified themselves as Satanists. This
would imply that there may be on the order of 3,500 Satanists in the
U.S. The actual number is probably significantly larger. A US Department
of the Army pamphlet #165-13 estimated that there were 10 to 20 thousand
members of the Church of Satan in the US during the late 1970's. 1,2
Accurate data for this movement is impossible to estimate, since the
largest group (the Church of Satan) does not release its membership
It is important to realize that the Satan that they recognize has few if
any points of similarity with the historical Muslim or Christian concept
of Satan. The Satanists' concept of Satan is pre-Christian, and derived
from the Pagan image of power, virility, sexuality and sensuality. To
almost religious Satanists, Satan is a force of nature, not a living
quasi-deity. Their Satan has nothing to do with Hell, demons,
pitchforks, sadistic torture, buying people's souls, demonic possession,
performing miracles, human sacrifices, cannibalism, and profoundly evil

FedMan's photo
Sun 03/11/07 09:59 PM
keith I have 3 kids and am a single parent my kids mother is truly
unfit I have my kids 24/7 365 days I'ts hard at times but the rewards
outweigh it all. You can do it brother.

FedMan's photo
Sun 03/11/07 09:51 PM
Well Bill I would not drop a friend for it but probably would someone
that was wanting to get intimate or did get intimate. I would NOT risk
giving it to no-one if the shoe was on the other foot and just expect
the same consideration. Getting fropped or dropping someone like a sack
of potatoes is one thing, having a terrible life changing experience is
something entirely different.

FedMan's photo
Sun 03/11/07 07:23 PM
ok well if I really cared for someone and had been dating them and they
waited to tell me I think I'd feel sort of disrespected by them not
being open and upfront and would probably show them the door.

FedMan's photo
Sun 03/11/07 05:55 PM
I saw a valtrex commercial (no not for the first time) about a man with
herpes and a woman without and how valtrex helps to keep it that way

So this got me to thinking, I have an ex sister-in-law on my ex-wifes
side of the family with it and her husband didn't

Who here would, knowingly, date someone with herpes?

FedMan's photo
Sun 03/11/07 04:15 PM
Pay it Forward

FedMan's photo
Sat 03/10/07 09:47 PM
I am not a sports fan but I just watched it and to me it looks like
aggrevated assault in my eyes, I say incarcerate his sorry ass.

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