Topic: peanut butter | |
i say peanut butter makes everything better. i enjoy it in a sandwich,
on my pancakes, with oreos, with fig newtons, with various candy bars, as the main ingredient of a pasta sauce, by itself...i even once had peanut butter porter at the boston beer works! who else loves peanut butter, and what is your favorite way to consume this gourmet delight? |
I love peanut butter and jelly sandwiches... or just a spoonful!!! Love
peanut butter!!! |
Peanut butter and bananas...yummy. No, I am not Elvis.
Honestly, I go through phases where it's straight out of the jar. Can't
help it. |
Sometimes straight out of the jar is the best meal!
peanut butter and banana sandwiches are amazing. but have you had peanut
butter and peach? since peaches are juicier, it's more like having a pb and j. soooo good! |
I take two wheat thins, spread on pntbutter and dip in swiss chocolate.
mmm great treat! I also like to put pntbutter on banana slices and then cover with rice crispies. yea like the pntbutter. |
Oh...I'll have to try it with peaches...
Hey Redy... that swiss chocolate combination sounds great!!!
im definitely trying that, as soon as i can actually afford chocolate...
You can also throw chocolate chips in the open jar of peanut butter...
that is good too! |
ALSO, If you make Rice Crispy treats, add about three tablespoons of
bntbutter to the marshmallows before melting, then melt a hershey candy bar and drizzle on the treats. |
Oh forgot to mention that warm melted chocolate has a multitude of uses
- just imagine! |
I generally dont like peanuts, but, peanut-butter is one of those "gotta
have it" things once it gets on your mind. And, if you like the peanut flavoring, you'll love Thai food. They're nuts with it. |
peanut butter cookies!!!!!!!!!!hot out of the oven with milk
of all the things that include peanut butter, peanut butter cookies are
the one thing i actually don't particularly care for. but hooray for all the peanut butter lovers of the world!! |
It's funny but, Me and my son just raided the peanut butter jar 1/2 an
hour ago!! with teaspoons of course. Don't forget FLUFF!! |
Ok thanks to this thread I had to grab some peanut butter and
crackers.... But I like making peanut butter cookies using crunchy peanut butter and chocolate chips. |
i just had a peanut butter and cheese sandwich!!!