A little Canadian news for a change. It was probably going there anyway, but the thorny issue of assisted suicide is headed back to the Supreme Court of Canada after the B.C. Court of Appeal on Thursday upheld the prohibition against it. There's a thin chance the high court may decline to revisit the issue, having ruled on it 20 years ago, but observers think enough has changed since then that the justices will be forced to take another look. In a 2-1 decision, B.C.'s top court overturned a B.C. Supreme Court ruling that found the ban violated Charter rights to equal treatment by preventing seriously ill people from killing themselves, which is not illegal for able-bodied Canadians. In their ruling, two of the three B.C. Appeal Court justices declined to challenge the Supreme Court of Canada's 1993 ruling that ALS sufferer Sue Rodriguez of Victoria had no right to physician-assisted death. They accepted the top court's narrow definition of "life," in Section 7 of the Charter as essentially meaning the right to breathe rather than a measure of enjoyment of life. The judges also noted that the high court's decision to uphold Section 241 of the Criminal Code in Rodriquez ruling fit the definition outlined in Section 1 of the Charter, which says the rights it guarantees can only be subject to reasonable limits "demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society." More at: http://ca.news.yahoo.com/blogs/dailybrew/assisted-suicide-issue-headed-back-top-court-b-001458301.html Personally I see nothing wrong with someone who has suffered and continues to suffer in pain or severe loss of quality of life and who desires to end that suffering. If a doctor is willing to state that there no chance of any improvement but only decline and is willing to assist then so be it. The individual suffering knows their limits better than any legislator. They feel it not a lawmaker. |
WASHINGTON (AP) — It's long been known that America's school kids haven't measured well compared with international peers. Now, there's a new twist: Adults don't either.
In math, reading and problem-solving using technology — all skills considered critical for global competitiveness and economic strength — American adults scored below the international average on a global test, according to results released Tuesday. Adults in Japan, Canada, Australia, Finland and multiple other countries scored significantly higher than the United States in all three areas on the test. Beyond basic reading and math, respondents were tested on activities such as calculating mileage reimbursement due to a salesman, sorting email and comparing food expiration dates on grocery store tags. More http://news.yahoo.com/us-adults-score-below-average-worldwide-test-090114407.html More money definitely needed for the education system. |
It’s almost like a page right out of the National Rifle Association playbook: The Obama administration has announced millions of dollars in funding to put armed officers in the nation’s schools.
Specifically, the Department of Justice said $45 million is going to “create 356 new school resource officer positions,” CNN reported. The money is coming from Community Oriented Policing Services grant dollars — and first up on the list of intended recipients is Newtown, Conn., the site of the massive Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. The money to Newtown will fund two new officers in the town’s schools, Breitbart reported. Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. said of the grants: “In the wake of past tragedies, it’s clear that we need to be willing to take all possible steps to ensure that our kids are safe when they go to school.” But the NRA was way ahead on that belief. Just days after the Sandy Hook shooting occurred, Wayne LaPierre, the NRA’s executive vice president and chief executive officer, suggested more armed guards inside the schools. He said that “we protect our banks … airports, office buildings, power plants [and] sports stadiums [with] armed security.” Why not kids in schools? As Breitbart reported in December — in the wake of the Sandy Hook massacre and the Obama administration’s pledge to crack down on guns and Second Amendment rights — the president’s own children attend a school that staffs armed security guards. At Sidwell Friends School in Washington, 11 armed guards patrol the campus grounds. At the time of the report, the school was in process of hiring two more. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/sep/30/obama-shifts-45m-armed-cops-schools-la-nra/ Looks like someone finally woke up and smelled the coffee. |
Helps when you know your rights and can cite case history.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10202372336292978 |
A 19-year-old Dighton man is suing the town and its police chief for seizing his guns and suspending his firearms identification card, according to a lawsuit filed last week in U.S. federal court in Boston. Matthew P. Plouffe claims that town’s police department violated his Constitutional right to bear arms. The lawsuit calls for the reinstatement of Plouffe’s FID card and the return of his guns. The lawsuit also requests an order permanently enjoining all the law enforcement officials involved from enforcing the state’s gun license law, and calls for the payment of Plouffe’s attorney fees. Plouffe is represented by Framingham-based Second Amendment lawyer Matthew Trask. Also listed as a plaintiff in the case is Commonwealth Second Amendment, a gun rights advocacy group, of which Plouffe is a supporter. The lawsuit states that Plouffe was stopped by a Dighton police officer in the late afternoon on March 26, after a passenger in a car matching Plouffe’s vehicle had been involved in a verbal altercation earlier that day. The officer spotted an unloaded shotgun, equipped with a cable trigger lock, in the back seat, the lawsuit states. Plouffe, according to the lawsuit, produced a valid FID card and the officer inspected the gun, but the items were returned and no citation was issued. However, the lawsuit states that in a supplemental police report, a Dighton police sergeant “expressed his distaste” that Plouffe “befriended someone younger than he,” that he went target shooting with minors and that he cleaned guns with them. This all caused the sergeant to question Plouffe’s “maturity,” the filing states. The lawsuit claims that Plouffe got the permission of the minors’ parents first, in accordance with all applicable laws. “Despite questioning the Plaintiff's ‘judgment’ and ‘maturity,’ (the police report) makes no allegations of a criminal nature against the Plaintiff,” the lawsuit states. On March 27, the lawsuit states, police Chief Robert MacDonald and the sergeant decided that Plouffe’s FID card would be suspended and any weapons in his possession would be seized. That same day, Dighton police entered Plouffe’s home and seized two pump-action shotguns, 10 rounds of rifle ammunition, five rounds of shotgun ammunition, a muzzle-loading black powder rifle, a 28-inch shotgun barrel, a box of black powder bullets and other accessories and tamper-resistant locks. Attempts to reach MacDonald on Friday were unsuccessful. Dean Cronin, a Dighton selectman, said that the town and MacDonald were each served with the lawsuit on Thursday, but that they are still reviewing the case. Read more: http://www.tauntongazette.com/news/x1843598971/Dighton-man-sues-town-police-chief-after-cops-revoke-his-firearms-license-seize-his-guns#ixzz2gUy2WkvT |
she suspected him of sexually molesting a child
I bet she gets off.
Why would she?She admitted to killing a man, a felony. He was 'suspected' with no investigation done by law enforcement. Innocent until proven guilty ring any bells? She named herself judge, jury and executioner. Now the courts and a real judge will decide. |
Assad tells Obama to stop arming rebels, or no deal President Obama must promise not to arm rebel forces or Syrian dictator Bashar Assad will not hand over his chemical weapons, the embattled leader told a Russian state media outlet today while demanding that Israel also surrender its nuclear arsenal. http://washingtonexaminer.com/assad-dictates-to-obama-stop-arming-rebels-or-no-deal/article/2535700 There should also be a hand-over of all-ALL the chemical AND biological weapons by the US as Obama keeps saying the US signed the treaty banning all those types of weapons, yet the research, development and stockpiling goes on all across the US, especially over at Fort Detrich in Maryland and at Los Alamos and Hanford Weapons / Nuclear Labs in Washington; the enormous old chemical weapons stored at the Blue Grass Army Depot near Richmond, KY or the Pueblo Chemical Weapons Lab in Colorado. The US has been making chemical weapons since WW1 and have only sporadically and allegedly destroyed only relatively small amounts. And, of course we have the number one ally and 'friend' of the US in the whole world: Israel. Both Israel and Egypt refused to sign the Chemical Weapons Ban Treaty and both have extensive stockpiles of nearly every type of chemical weapon known. Egypt has shown no reluctance to use theirs as they openly gassed thousands in the Yemeni civil war...no US thetas to launch missiles there if they don't hand over their stockpiles.I wonder why...Egypt's could very well 'fall' into 'terrorist' hands while all the weapons in Israel already belong to a 'Terrorist State' or all practical purposes as in Zionism is just another form of terrorism being waged on all Arabic countries, as far as I see it. This world; this Planet would assuredly be better off without any chemical and biological weapons. Given the many ways of wiping humans and animal/ plant life out, no one really needs them just as no one really needs anyone who would use them or stockpile them. They are the products and weapons of diseased minds. We just don't use them on our own citizens. Don't have to use on your own citizens to be in violation. A Global Convention to Ban Chemical Weapons The CWC aims to eliminate an entire category of weapons of mass destruction by prohibiting the development, production, acquisition, stockpiling, retention, transfer or use of chemical weapons by States Parties. States Parties, in turn, must take the steps necessary to enforce that prohibition in respect of persons (natural or legal) within their jurisdiction. All States Parties have agreed to chemically disarm by destroying any stockpiles of chemical weapons they may hold and any facilities which produced them, as well as any chemical weapons they abandoned on the territory of other States Parties in the past. States Parties have also agreed to create a verification regime for certain toxic chemicals and their precursors (listed in Schedules 1, 2 and 3 in the Annex on Chemicals to the CWC) in order to ensure that such chemicals are only used for purposes not prohibited. http://www.opcw.org/news-publications/publications/facts-and-figures/ |
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Mon 09/23/13 11:35 AM
If the number of firearms in society is directly correlated to the number of gun deaths each year as gun control advocates would like us to believe, how do you explain this? According to Gunpolicy.org, Russians have far fewer guns than Americans — and far more homicides. There are fewer than 13 million firearms in circulation in Russia, compared with an estimated 300 million in the United States. That works out to about 9 guns per 100 people in Russia and closed to 100 guns per 100 people in America. The most recent homicide statistics for Russia show that there were 21,603 killings in 2009. According to the FBI, the United States had 13,636 homicides in 2009 with a population that is more than twice as large. More than 80 percent of those killings were gun-related. And oddly enough, Russia’s gun laws look a lot like those being proposed in the U.S. these days… Russia has tough gun laws on the books. It’s illegal for Russian citizens to own automatic and semi-automatic guns. It’s possible to apply for a handgun or shotgun license, though citizens are required to provide reasons such as hunting or target shooting. Applicants face strict background checks, including criminal history, a full psychological evaluation and a medical exam. They must pass a test on firearm laws and safety. Each weapon is then registered by the police during a home visit. Police take bullet patterns, test bullets and cartridges so bullets can be matched if the gun is used in a crime. A license lasts five years, after which applicants must go through the whole process again. In spite of these laws, the country does have periodic mass shootings by people thought to be mentally ill. http://www.theblaze.com/blog/2013/09/23/russia-has-fewer-guns-more-homicides-than-the-u-s/ Gun Policy Facts http://www.gunpolicy.org/ Probably because criminals don't care about the laws. If more citizens were armed, as in US, the rate would probably drop because the 'victims' would be armed. |
Curiosity and not aggression likely led to the killing.
http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2012/11/121105-african-wild-dogs-pittsburgh-zoo-animals-science/ The reports that I have seen from various news agencies is that the mother had stood him on the railing for a better view and he lost his balance. (in some reports almost immediately lost balance). These railings are there for a reason....and that isn't to sit, stand on for a better view. ![]() |
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Zee's Pub! - part 3
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Tue 09/17/13 06:38 PM
Bleh 31 pages late but wht ever
![]() Z You need to make a copy of this to open each new time. lol |
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Tue 09/17/13 06:13 PM
I know I am happy about the lives saved by this law. Yep, now he'll buy it off the street along with deadlier ammo giving the criminal that sold it to him more money to buy more. Problem solved! ![]() Stop buying the nra fearmongering... He is dead so no such luck the shotgun was enough to get him and 12 others dead. Actually he took the gun off one of the armed security in the atrium and shot more people with the GUN HE TOOK OFF THE ARMED SECURITY THAT WAS THERE TO DEFEND THE PEOPLE.... CAN I SAY THAT AGAIN....HE TOOK THE GUN OFF THE ARMED SECURITY THERE TO DEFEND THE PEOPLE AND KILLED MORE WITH IT. So your point is that a criminal stole a gun? That's how most criminals get there guns. No the NRA premise is the armed security that was all over the place should have prevented the shooting and their arm actually made it possible for the shooter to SHOOT MORE... So again, it wasn't the gun, it was a lack of training in the person, or lax hiring protocols responsible for it. So again, your point is....... what? Your excuses are useless. Nothing negates the fact the armed security did not stop the gunman from killing anyone in fact they helped him fire more shots by providing him with another weapon. Uhhh ... you are aware that security / police at building entrances are there to monitor those going in? The shooter was inside. When he killed the police / security officers he probably did so from BEHIND!! Even after firing his first shot the other armed person would have had to draw their weapon while his was already out. In the case of that particular building, as at many other, they were looking at ID cards and not doing bag searches. Had they done bag searches they would have found the disassembled weapon and taken him in custody. No doubt this procedure will now be added to their Standing Orders. |
I guess you forget the words "well regulated" eh? I want those fearfully owned weapons regulated as put in our constitution. Regulate them like we do cars, insurance would be good. A good test of the mental health of the bearer would be good. Yearly exams would be good. Etc... Regulations boys, it WRITTEN IN OUR CONSTITUTION Yea Got more Disinformation? The meaning of the phrase "well-regulated" in the 2nd amendment The phrase "well-regulated" was in common use long before 1789, and remained so for a century thereafter. It referred to the property of something being in proper working order. Something that was well-regulated was calibrated correctly, functioning as expected. Establishing government oversight of the people's arms was not only not the intent in using the phrase in the 2nd amendment, it was precisely to render the government powerless to do so that the founders wrote it. http://constitution.org/cons/wellregu.htm Following one simple rule led to being a well regulated militia. Order #2 from "Standing Orders of Roger's Rangers" "2. Have your musket clean as a whistle, hatchet scoured, sixty rounds powder and ball, and be ready to march at a minute’s warning." The available weaponry every man had at home, could afford, at the time. |
Factually speaking more guns equals more murders. Factually speaking a gun present means more women and children die in family disputes Factually speaking more guns equal more gun accidents :) Ect.... Factually speaking guns have been present at mass shootings and the gun toter did not save the day. Fearful gun toters are not good guys. They are full of fear so badly they need to have a gun so they are a bit neurotic. Factually speaking .... the town of Kennsaw GA can give you the facts about more guns equals more murders. [EDIT] And because my previous post came from an NRA site means nothing. The stories are originally printed in local papers. American Rifleman simply uses them to show that guns in the hands of the 'average joe' can and do stop criminals. Crap from pro gun toting sites is just that fearmongering crap. ooooo BE SCARED SOME IS COMING TO GET YOU AND TAKE YOUR GUN AWAYoooooooo ![]() So the facts from Kennesaw GA are fear mongering? The are proven results. Guns in the hands of responsible people can and do stop crime. |
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Tue 09/17/13 03:18 PM
Factually speaking more guns equals more murders. Factually speaking a gun present means more women and children die in family disputes Factually speaking more guns equal more gun accidents :) Ect.... Factually speaking guns have been present at mass shootings and the gun toter did not save the day. Fearful gun toters are not good guys. They are full of fear so badly they need to have a gun so they are a bit neurotic. Factually speaking .... the town of Kennsaw GA can give you the facts about more guns equals more murders. http://rense.com/general9/gunlaw.htm [EDIT] And because my previous post came from an NRA site means nothing. The stories are originally printed in local papers. American Rifleman simply uses them to show that guns in the hands of the 'average joe' can and do stop criminals. |
Oh yea armed people never save the day that is the fact of the matter. Presidents have been shot and killed while surrounded by armed individuals. Buy into the gun lobby's crap so they can get richer.... Meanwhile as before no gun toter will ever save the day and we will be shot down by self proclaimed armed good guys daily..... A resident told police he was upstairs around 2 p.m. when he heard three men kick in the front door and enter his home. The intruders attacked there evident and placed him in an upstairs closet while they ransacked the home. What the intruders didn't know was that particular closet was where the resident kept his gun. When he thought the intruders were gone, the resident left the closet armed with that firearm. Downstairs, he encountered one of the men and the two exchanged gunfire. The intruder was struck in the shoulder and leg. He fled, but collapsed a few blocks away. The other two intruders fled as well. The resident was not injured. A neighbor commented on the incident, saying, "What happened today is exactly what guns are supposed to do--to protect your home and defend your life and your family." (Houston Chronicle, Houston, TX, 5/15/13) Two men attempted to force their way into a home at about 12:10 a.m., according to Knoxville Police Department Sgt. Jason Keck. The 51-year-old homeowner said she got her shotgun and fired a round into the front door, apparently not striking anyone but ending the invasion. The woman told police she had been outside with family members when the two men approached her home. She and her family went inside, and the men came and asked to use the phone. When she told them she didn't have one they began trying to force their way in, which is when she got her shotgun and fired. (Knoxville News Sentinel, Knoxville, TN, 6/6/13) From The Armed Citizen Archives August 1971: When two ex-convicts forced their way into the home of Roy Ambrosen of Pacifica, Calif., the homeowner tried to shove them out, but one of the men drew a knife and cut Ambrosen on the hand. Ambrosen's wife got a gun and gave it to him, whereupon the two men fled. The two were later arrested by police. (Pacifica Tribune, Pacifica, Calif.) Jimmy Foster was returning home when he found multiple suspects loading his property into a car outside. After Foster exited his vehicle, the burglars got in their car and rammed Foster's vehicle before driving toward him. Foster fired several shots at the vehicle striking one of the tires and causing the burglars to flee. Police were called and a search involving K-9 units and a helicopter led to the arrest of the three burglars. Foster was reportedly not injured during the burglary. (News Sentinel, Clinton, TN, 4/10/13) A pregnant Texas woman, who claims to have been anti-gun before the incident, was home alone when she heard someone banging loudly on her front door. She didn't answer the door. While the first suspect was banging on the front door a second was breaking in through the back door. The woman grabbed her husband's .40 S&W handgun and called 911. When the intruders saw she was armed they fled to their car. The woman opened fire on the truck as they were getting in. The suspects were arrested in a nearby home after a standoff with police. (Gunssavelives.net, Palmview, TX, 9/10/13) ................... Plenty more examples here. http://www.americanrifleman.org/article_list_tag.php?tag_id=6921 Never say never. Being armed saves lives. |
Zee's Pub! - part 3
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Mon 09/16/13 08:37 AM
![]() (just ignore the London part .... Old sign. lol) ![]() |
Zee's Pub! - part 3
*yawn* Can't sleep.
![]() Hello people. Figured I'd pop in and say hi. I'm still alive and semi-kicking. Hmmmmm Floor needs a shine. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
well, it wouldn't be the first time a woman blamed 'black' people for a crime she committed or the first time one killed their own kid,, including one who had 'bipolar' disorder and there WAS gun powder on her and the babys father and she did give conflicting stories the day of to her daughter and she had collected on life insurance before and lost another child to violence so, there was enough there to pose some 'reasonabale' doubt or point to her involvement,,,,, that's why its important if the suspects actually ADMITTED to the shooting or spoke about the circumstances/motive Gunshot residues emitted from the muzzle will travel out to distances of approximately 3 and 5 feet in most firearms but in some cases can travel even greater distances. At the 3-5 foot range the gunshot residues may only consist of a few trace particles and make determining the firing distance difficult if not impossible. http://www.firearmsid.com/a_distancegsr.htm GSR can be transferred by contact. It is safe to assume that at some point there was was contact between husband and wife. |
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Tue 08/27/13 09:55 PM
Canadian laws require registration of all people who own guns and registration of all guns. Applicants for gun permits are screened through a background check and a gun safety course where an instructor must sign off that the applicant successfully took the course. Finally, a mandatory 28-day waiting period is imposed on first-time applicants.
Okay... sounds innocent right? Sounds reasonable right? Of course it does. But registration is basically a list of gun owners. When the time comes for a tyrannical government to confiscate guns, they have a list. (But criminals can steal the guns they need.) In addition, Canada has special laws against the use of non-hunting firearms. Individuals are granted permission to use such arms only when the individual has genuine needs for restricted firearms or prohibited handguns that include a need to protect the life of that individual or of other individuals where
But the right to bear arms is not about hunting. It is about the ability to defend the country if and when a government turns on its own people and turns into Tyranny. And don't say that it will never happen here, it ALWAYS HAPPENS. Look at history. Also, saying that you are a member of the NRA and of the NFA (National Firearms Association) is not a free pass to support lame gun control ideas like these. The right to bear arms is not about keeping guns from criminals, or about hunting. It is about the freedom to bear arms without the government regulating, and controlling or confiscating them. I find it quite amusing that you do exactly what you accuse others of....not looking at all material. You select only what fits your view. I did state SOME of the Canadian laws. I see that you either did not bother referring to the chart in the article or choose to ignore it because it does not fit your view. The chart specifically states that all those Mass Killings were done with legally obtained weapons. Weapons which the killers would Not have had such easy access to if SOME of the restrictions were put in place. As far as the rest of it goes.... I joined NRA / NFA because I believe in the right to have firearms for defense and not just hunting. Anyway time for some shuteye. |