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Topic: Developing: Shootout at Naval Shipyard
Sojourning_Soul's photo
Mon 09/16/13 09:04 AM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Mon 09/16/13 09:44 AM

Shooter Dead After 11 Shot at D.C. Navy Yard

So Obozo never misses a crisis or opportunity to come out and make a push for his gun control agenda (it's a military yard.....they all wear guns....and many uniforms), an attack on Syria, chemical weapons, and the whole gambit of his other lies using "the bodies of patriots" because no children were available this time it seems.....but they did close area schools out of fear.

Can anyone say "false flag"? We are to believe these shooters just marched on to a secure Naval facility, with weapons, and just started shooting people? slaphead

InvictusV's photo
Mon 09/16/13 09:23 AM
The MSM speculation is nauseating..

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 09/16/13 10:03 AM
The gunman then walked through the building, and seemed to target victims, Bensen reported. Some reports indicate he was armed with an AR-15, a military-style assault weapon.

very intressting as Arte Johnson used to say!

Wonder if it had a Bayonet-Lug!pitchfork

no photo
Mon 09/16/13 11:05 AM
Unfortunately tagedy will continue someplace. No fault of Obama it is all about terrible minds at work.

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 09/16/13 11:25 AM
from another Forum!
So far only conjecture that someone like those were involved!

FEAR Plot to Overthrow U.S. Government Part of Rising Domestic Extremism
Aug 29, 2012 4:45 AM EDT
A U.S. Army soldier’s revelation that his group, FEAR, planned terrorist attacks at home, including trying to assassinate the president, underscores the growing threat of domestic extremism—and vindicates a 2009 DHS report warning of right-wing radicals recruiting military-service people.

willing2's photo
Mon 09/16/13 12:26 PM
Wasting Hussein would be one dumb move.

Not only would that make him a martyr, they'd want some dead end roads named after him and then there's drunk Uncle Joe driving the bus.

DHS is reeealy stretching.

boredinaz06's photo
Mon 09/16/13 12:27 PM

I find it odd that all these mass shootings seem to happen while democrats have the White House and one or both houses of congress smack dab in the middle of a so called debate for gun control.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Mon 09/16/13 12:53 PM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Mon 09/16/13 12:54 PM

Unfortunately tagedy will continue someplace. No fault of Obama it is all about terrible minds at work.

Obozo made it about Obozo when he used the bodies of the dead to push his agendas!

Now if you want to talk about terrible minds...... I agree, I can't think of a better example!

isaac_dede's photo
Mon 09/16/13 01:12 PM
Okay, I used to be stationed here, and this is proof that Gun Control doesn't work, for those not familiar Washington D.C. has some of the strictest gun laws in the country.

While I was stationed here I was part of ASF(Auxiliary Security Force) meaning I was armed and did patrols with the local Federal police who were also armed. However, we were not allowed to carry our guns off duty ever, not even to take them home, we had to arrive at work early to check our weapons out of the armory, the reason for this was because in D.C. you can get 5 years in jail just for possessing a gun, and an additional 3 years in jail for each round in the gun. So even though it is a Military installation most of the men and woman who serve there are unarmed, the only exception being the security on the installation. But most of the time they are patrolling the outside of the installation, and watching the gates. Unfortunately not everyone's bag is checked when coming on base, well because frankly there are too many people that work there both civilian and military. But I do wonder how many shots the gunman had gotten off if the people who legally had the right to carry, had on them at the time, maybe someone would have taken the gunman after his first shot, or who knows maybe when he drew the weapon. But we all know if that happened it would not make the news, because that would highlight the good side of guns(for protection, of life or property).

metalwing's photo
Mon 09/16/13 01:28 PM

Okay, I used to be stationed here, and this is proof that Gun Control doesn't work, for those not familiar Washington D.C. has some of the strictest gun laws in the country.

While I was stationed here I was part of ASF(Auxiliary Security Force) meaning I was armed and did patrols with the local Federal police who were also armed. However, we were not allowed to carry our guns off duty ever, not even to take them home, we had to arrive at work early to check our weapons out of the armory, the reason for this was because in D.C. you can get 5 years in jail just for possessing a gun, and an additional 3 years in jail for each round in the gun. So even though it is a Military installation most of the men and woman who serve there are unarmed, the only exception being the security on the installation. But most of the time they are patrolling the outside of the installation, and watching the gates. Unfortunately not everyone's bag is checked when coming on base, well because frankly there are too many people that work there both civilian and military. But I do wonder how many shots the gunman had gotten off if the people who legally had the right to carry, had on them at the time, maybe someone would have taken the gunman after his first shot, or who knows maybe when he drew the weapon. But we all know if that happened it would not make the news, because that would highlight the good side of guns(for protection, of life or property).

How right you are!:thumbsup:

Kleisto's photo
Mon 09/16/13 03:42 PM
Edited by Kleisto on Mon 09/16/13 03:43 PM
If anyone has any doubt this was a false flag............this oughta change your mind, note the dates on these two articles.........

Government, you are BUSTED!

Lpdon's photo
Mon 09/16/13 04:25 PM
Obama's a real class act. He gets on to address the nation about the incident and uses it as an opportunity to attack Republicans on budget issues. What a POS. At least Harry Reid had the class and respect to shut the Senate down today and not call any votes.

Lpdon's photo
Mon 09/16/13 04:27 PM
I am curious why the DC police were responding when that is the home to NCIS, and at anytime they have a ton of Agents on base not to mention MP's.

Lpdon's photo
Mon 09/16/13 04:28 PM

Wasting Hussein would be one dumb move.

Not only would that make him a martyr, they'd want some dead end roads named after him and then there's drunk Uncle Joe driving the bus.

DHS is reeealy stretching.

Obama has a perfect insurance policy, Bumbling Biden. That is the only reason he selected him to be Vice President.

Lpdon's photo
Mon 09/16/13 04:29 PM

I find it odd that all these mass shootings seem to happen while democrats have the White House and one or both houses of congress smack dab in the middle of a so called debate for gun control.


Lpdon's photo
Mon 09/16/13 04:29 PM

I find it odd that all these mass shootings seem to happen while democrats have the White House and one or both houses of congress smack dab in the middle of a so called debate for gun control.


Lpdon's photo
Mon 09/16/13 04:35 PM
I bet Obama, Reid and Pelosi are meeting right now to try and figure out how to take guns away from members of our military, even in combat situations. Democrat logic, because of this no service member can be trusted!

Kleisto's photo
Mon 09/16/13 04:37 PM
Edited by Kleisto on Mon 09/16/13 04:38 PM

I am curious why the DC police were responding when that is the home to NCIS, and at anytime they have a ton of Agents on base not to mention MP's.

Makes you wonder doesn't me this is NOT a coincidence. Do you really believe that a place like that could just let some crazy in with a military weapon no less, and shoot the place up? Not buying it for a damn second.

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Mon 09/16/13 04:52 PM
False Flag? laugh

Kleisto's photo
Mon 09/16/13 05:26 PM
and look at this! The guy had security clearance to be there!

The blurb about it is a little down the page:

This has inside job written all over it!

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