And still gun hugging and forsaking the children... H Except they're not. In fact they care more about the safety of their children than you do, because they know and understand that if you take weapons away from the responsible people the only ones that have any will be those that actually desire to do harm, leaving them open to attacks and putting them at a greater risk of being killed than if you had let things be as they were. That's something you have yet to learn, and until you do, you are really the one forsaking them because in your desire to keep them safe and make yourself feel comfortable, you are in reality leaving them very vulnerable. It may be harsh but that is the truth. Except this isn't what happens.... You state the fantasy that you accuse me of. More innocents die from guns than are ever saved from the same gun supposedly being used to save their lives. That is the truth of the matter Your fantasy of the gun saving someone is part of the problem. Gun do not save lives, they kill. Jack Thompson estimates it was three seconds between his back door being kicked in until his bedroom door began opening, and he started shooting. "It's terrifying when you see somebody in your bedroom door," said Thompson, 78, of Brewers. Thompson got off three shots with his Walther .32-caliber semiautomatic about 4 a.m. Monday when the pistol jammed. "Then I was in trouble," Thompson said. He grabbed the loaded 12-gauge shotgun that always lies on his dresser and fired once. "All I could see was the silhouette of him coming in the door," he said of the intruder. Deputy sheriffs found Mitchell Saddoris, 22, of Kirskey lying in a pool of blood on the back porch of Jack and Judy Thompson's home on Oak Grove Church Road minutes later. He had a pistol wound to the abdomen and had taken a shotgun blast to his shoulder. He was going in and out of consciousness. Sheriff Kevin Byars said investigators believe a second person was with Saddoris at the home, but escaped. "Mr. Thompson did exactly what he was allowed to do," Byars said. "There won't be any kind of criminal charges against Mr. Thompson, because he was definitely defending his home." Byars believes the shooting was a burglary gone wrong. The intruders didn't realize the Thompsons had slept with their windows open, and Thompson had time to get his pistol when the couple heard talking and footsteps. Marshall sheriff's detective Matt Hilbrecht said investigators tried to interview Saddoris at Marshall County Hospital, but emergency room staff had put a tube down his throat. Afterward, Saddoris was transferred to Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tenn., where he was in critical condition and having surgery. Hilbrecht said Saddoris would face robbery, burglary and possibly other charges once released from the hospital, if he survives. "I'm sorry, but I had no other choice," Thompson said of shooting Saddoris, and added, "That's all that saved my life, I guess, was having a weapon." (The Paducah Sun, Paducah, KY, 3/20/12) .................... Kendra St. Clair, a 12-year-old at home alone one day during her fall break, called her mother at work to say there was a man repeatedly ringing the doorbell and banging on the door. When no one answered the door, she said he disappeared. St. Clair's mother instructed her daughter to get her .40-cal. Glock pistol and go into a bathroom closet. St. Clair heard him break in through the back door. As the man made his way through her home, 911 dispatchers kept St. Clair on the phone. He was inside the home for approximately six minutes before he made his way to the bathroom where St. Clair was hiding. When she saw the door knob begin to turn, she fired the gun. The 32-year-old intruder was taken into custody after being treated for a gunshot to the chest. (The Oklahoman, Durant, OK, 10/20/12) ....................... Scott Stith was in his bedroom when he heard a loud crash coming from the first floor of his home. He grabbed his .45 cal. pistol and crept downstairs to investigate. He spotted the silhouette of a man, but did not fire because he had teenage sons in the house and was not 100 percent sure of his target. He called out only to discover the man was an intruder who had broken through the glass of the back door. Stith held the 29-year-old intruder at gunpoint until police arrived. Everyone involved was reportedly unharmed. (Sandusky Register., Milan, OH, 9/29/12) ........................... I suppose none of these saved their own lives or lives of family members then? They must be gun toting loonies that want to protect their 2nd Amendment right just because it's there. I can find plenty of other examples. The part in bold .... That's Gun Control!!! Proper firearms training. |
Is there any area of life or society where the federal government should NOT play a role? The state has no business in the bedrooms of the nation. Pierre Trudeau |
Zee's Pub!
*sneak in with fresh batch of blue juice in time for New Years*
Aaaaawwwwww !!! You get snow Z? I think there's a whole 15mm of it here. lol Enjoy. |
Zee's Pub!
Edited by
Thu 12/13/12 12:17 AM
First this:
![]() to get this ![]() Oh yeah and warn Z ![]() oops old sign |
I agree, the charge should be against those who commit the act. Not necessarily in agreement about housing them with hardened adults though. Charged as adults 1st degree......Death penalty or life imprisonment 2nd degree .....19–25 years with clean record they won't spend these sentences in the kiddie pool. They will have to meet the sharks. |
First.. This isn't regarding Martin or Zimmerman. It's about a young woman shot for something so damned senseless as a cigarette by a couple of teen punks.
As to whether parents should be charged. No. They have to live with the stigma of being the parents of someone who would commit such an act. I knew a couple that owned a store near us. Two of the nicest, friendliest people you could ever meet. Worked hard to get their kids educated. One night their youngest who had just turned 18 that day called them. He told his father "Hey Dad. I just gave myself a birthday present. I shot a cop." He then proceeded to tell his father where it had happened etc. His father called the police and reported the call with his son. His son had indeed killed an officer. They had to sell their store, move homes to avoid all that came with their sons actions. So take the little punks, charge them as adults and since they want to be big bads let them play with the big bads and learn how they really aren't as bad as they think they are. |
Rive Sud
Springfield MO.
Edited by
Sun 12/09/12 04:30 AM
"Although Jews have, over the eighteen centuries since the Roman Exile, maintained a constant presence (albeit small) in the Land of Israel, the modern concept of Zionism - which led to the formation of the State of Israel - has its roots in nineteenth century Europe. There, Jews experienced the political and scientific renaissance known as the Emancipation, which gave Jews the chance to break their general isolation from the day-to-day affairs of the countries in which they resided. Many Jews adopted the ethno-nationalist political ideology that was developing in Europe at the time and set up moshavim - communities which were financed largely by Baron Edmund de Rothschild of Paris - and socialist communes (called kibbutzim) in Israel, their ancient homeland. The first wave of Jews who were so inclined arrived in Israel (then known as Palestine) in 1882, in what is known as the First Aliyah ("going up:" the way Jews describe their immigration to the Holy Land)."
"The Jewish claim to Palestine was also strengthened by the rapidly increasing Jewish population in this region. Under the leadership of future Israeli prime minister David Ben-Gurion, large tracts of land were purchased from Arabs, many of whom resided abroad. Alarmed at their ever-shrinking majority, the Arabs in Palestine began to take defensive measures. Palestinian Arab nationalist organizations were set up, including the Higher Arab Council, which attempted to influence British policy and to counter the activities of the Zionists. Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, tried to garner foreign support for the cessation of Zionist activity and for the conclusion of the British mandate. The British, in an effort to win Arab support, issued several "White Papers," which restricted Jewish immigration. Palestinian Jews, however, fought the White Papers by helping European Jews immigrate to Palestine illegally." So happy you agree with these statements. I really am. You agree that Israel is founded with an illegal population. You agree that the land was known as Palestine not Israel. That the only basis they have to 'claim' the area is "ancient homeland". That buying land, buying / building homes and flooding an area with illegals is acceptable to get what you want. So if the Cherokee, Cheyenne, Seminole, Navajo, Hopi, Sioux, Pawnee, Shoshone, Apache, Crow, Blackfoot, Choctaw all buy up lands and build on them, move all their peoples off the reserves into their'ancient homeland' they can also claim nationhood based on a claim of "ancient homeland"? I somehow doubt very much that the US would be as quick to recognize them, as quick to give financial, military assistance and as quick to defend their claim of "right to exist" before the UN or before anyone for that matter. Before coming out with the fact that the Amer-Indians lost it by war etc so was Israel lost to the Jews. What gives the people in what is now called Israel more rights than another other native peoples anywhere else? Nothing!! Sorry but the mere claim of land belonging because it is "ancient homeland" just doesn't cut it. I rather tend to think that the US was so quick to recognize Israel for 1) guilt over refusing Jews to escape to US during war and 2) the buddy system since it is an American Officer, Col. David Daniel Marcus, who was the first General of the fledgling Israeli forces with the knowledge and approval of the Pentagon. |
Edited by
Fri 12/07/12 04:32 AM
The Jews in the Mideast had long been persecuted minorities for hundreds of years. During WWII, Arab leaders sided with Hitler and Jews in Arab lands everywhere were threatened. The antisemitic rhetoric mounted and turned into open threats and eventually confiscation of Jews property and belongings. The overwhelming majority of these displaced Jews migrated to the closest place where they could find a welcoming refuge - Israel. The way this is worded would lead some to think that Israel was there as a safe haven during the war. Yet Israel came about in 1948 ... 3 years after the war. Insofar as Arab leaders siding with the Axis... "Meanwhile, back in Israel, the majority of the Irgun (the Jewish National Military Organization, or Irgun Tzvah Leumi - commonly abbreviated Etzel) decided to cease fighting against the British and, instead, assist them in Europe. However, Avraham Stern led a small faction of the Irgun against the British. Stern believed that the war in Europe was so important to the British that they would be more than willing to make consessions to Jews in Israel if this proved necessary. He even negotiated with the Germans and the Italians!" So during WW2 'Israel' was not a safe haven. Indeed many who tried to get away tried to get to the U.S. only to find the doors closed to them. Those who did try to get away from the war persecution found that they had to return to it. "Although Jews have, over the eighteen centuries since the Roman Exile, maintained a constant presence (albeit small) in the Land of Israel, the modern concept of Zionism - which led to the formation of the State of Israel - has its roots in nineteenth century Europe. There, Jews experienced the political and scientific renaissance known as the Emancipation, which gave Jews the chance to break their general isolation from the day-to-day affairs of the countries in which they resided. Many Jews adopted the ethno-nationalist political ideology that was developing in Europe at the time and set up moshavim - communities which were financed largely by Baron Edmund de Rothschild of Paris - and socialist communes (called kibbutzim) in Israel, their ancient homeland. The first wave of Jews who were so inclined arrived in Israel (then known as Palestine) in 1882, in what is known as the First Aliyah ("going up:" the way Jews describe their immigration to the Holy Land)." "The Jewish claim to Palestine was also strengthened by the rapidly increasing Jewish population in this region. Under the leadership of future Israeli prime minister David Ben-Gurion, large tracts of land were purchased from Arabs, many of whom resided abroad. Alarmed at their ever-shrinking majority, the Arabs in Palestine began to take defensive measures. Palestinian Arab nationalist organizations were set up, including the Higher Arab Council, which attempted to influence British policy and to counter the activities of the Zionists. Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, tried to garner foreign support for the cessation of Zionist activity and for the conclusion of the British mandate. The British, in an effort to win Arab support, issued several "White Papers," which restricted Jewish immigration. Palestinian Jews, however, fought the White Papers by helping European Jews immigrate to Palestine illegally." Even Israeli history from an Israeli site makes it look like they pushed for a fight and when pushed back yelled "We are being bullied" to the world. Now they bulldoze villages and clear areas in the name of 'security zones' and allow Israeli citizens to build, take over the land thus "repossessed'. How can they cry foul when the rockets that land wouldn't be landing had the land not been taken? I'm not pro either side. But when you start to push .... expect to be pushed back. You take from another .. expect them to want it back. That goes for the Palestinians as well. Want to fire rockets and shoot at people....put on a real uniform and show who you are instead of hiding with civilians. yup I'm still lurking. ![]() |
1... He is not the first President / politician to use the flag or drawing, approximation thereof.
2 These break those rules on Flag Etiquette ![]() American Flag outside the Republican HQ is touching the ground in that photo. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() And from 1971 the one I consider the worst but was considered funny, a joke. ![]() All these should offend more than Obama's approximation of an American Flag. That is if you are strictly going by the Rules of Flag Etiquette. |
Edited by
Sun 09/16/12 04:55 AM
There is a major flaw in the theory that the American government altered the tapes from N.O.R.A.D. and that is that the bases are Not solely manned, monitored by American military. Canadian Armed Forces personnel also staff and monitor these bases.
btw Before saying that Cheyenne Mountain is in the States realize that the radar bases themselves, which feed data to Cheyenne Mountain are located in Canada and have separate, individual recording equipment as well. I once resided at CFB Cold Lake, Alberta which received data from N.O.R.A.D. radar installations and is one of the interceptor bases linked to the radar stations. |
![]() So you saying a woman can't take care of themselves? Interesting. Damn !!! I never read the handbook. I do more than observe and report. Have arrests for theft, assault, narcotics, attempted bank robbery. Including one with nation wide warrants. That's a little more than observing and reporting I think. |
The Great Palestinian Lie.
![]() "He claimed with certainty that holding on to the West Bank and the people who lived in it was contrary to Israel’s long-term strategy. Popular resistance to the occupation was sure to arise, and Israel’s army would be used to quell that resistance, with disastrous and demoralizing results. It would turn the Jewish state into an increasingly brutal occupying power and eventually into a bi-national state." The "He" in the above quote being Mattityahu "Matti" Peled. The quote taken from his son's book THE GENERAL’S SON. Rather prophetic words said by a man who was a Commander in Israel's War of Independance, Military Commander of Gaza, who pushed hard for the Six Day War (to the point of being part of the 'Generals Protest' threatening to resign if Israel didn't go to war), Member of the Knesset. This man is a "Jew -Hating Murderer"? I have both defended Israel and Palestine in these forums. Yet as I read more and more of Israelis who know that a wrong has / continues being done the more I believe that Palestinians deserve their independence. |
The Great Palestinian Lie.
Since a counter response was so looked forward to........
I saw this while looking around youtube. I have a feeling that perhaps this gentleman has a slight more knowledge about the Israeli / Palestinian problem. "Terrorism is a terrible thing, but the fact remains that when a small nation is governed by a larger power, terrorism is the only means at their disposal" Matti Peled Served in Israel's War of Independance Peled served as the military commander of Gaza during the half-year Israeli occupation of the Gaza Strip Major General during Six Day War Member of the Knesset |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Sorry but the US will not call in Spetznaz troops to quell any disturbance. It is a joint exercise. Besides which there is already a treaty in place for such a situation. Now..Learn to sing 'O Canada' in both official languages. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Zee's Pub!
![]() every wonder why Karma called it blue juice aka BJ? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() *sigh*'s blue? Hmmmm I figure that you must be overdue for another bottle by now too. ![]() |
It made the national news north of the border. |
Edited by
Tue 05/08/12 05:55 PM
I got curious and looked up Ron Paul. If he becomes President he can't directly affect me but the policies he enacts can and most probably will have an effect onmy own nation.
All in all ........ not too bad. Would I be convinced to vote for him if I could ....... Sorry but no. There are policies that I cannot and will not agree with. His policies from Energy * Remove restrictions on drilling, so companies can tap into the vast amount of oil we have here at home. * Lift government roadblocks to the use of coal and nuclear power. * Eliminate the ineffective EPA. Polluters should answer directly to property owners in court for the damages they create – not to Washington ................ So then endangering human life, natural habitats and damaging ecological balance is all good in the name of big bucks? What happens when the damage caused affects other nations? Abortion * Immediately saving lives by effectively repealing Roe v. Wade and preventing activist judges from interfering with state decisions on life by removing abortion from federal court jurisdiction through legislation modeled after his “We the People Act.” * Defining life as beginning at conception by passing a “Sanctity of Life Act.” .................. He would prefer a return to back-ally clothes hangers? Repealing Roe vs Wade would turn back the clock on the right of a woman to decide what happens to her own body. The "Defining life as beginning at conception" part ... just seems to me that he is bringing personal religious belief into it. If it can survive out of the womb at conception .... then sure it deserves to live. That's why "The Court later rejected Roe's trimester framework, while affirming Roe's central holding that a person has a right to abortion until viability.[1] The Roe decision defined "viable" as being "potentially able to live outside the mother's womb, albeit with artificial aid", adding that viability "is usually placed at about seven months (28 weeks) but may occur earlier, even at 24 weeks."[2]" 2nd Amendment * Introducing legislation to repeal the “Brady Bill” and the so-called “Assault Weapons Ban.” .................... Make it easier for fruitcakes to obtain and bring weapons to schools / workplace that can be used to take more lives in a shorter time frame? |
Zee's Pub!
I'm still alive. I pop in once in a while to see what's happening. Usually just read without logging in.