Stuff to ponder...
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Sun 03/31/13 11:12 AM
![]() HAPPY ISHTAR ! ![]() Her real origin was Sumerian her first name being Inanna,(the Beloved of An) whom the Akadians and the direct inheritors of the Sumerians , the Babylonians added Ishtar(approx. 2900 BC); while the ancient Egyptians called her Isis. That she was also the first female and 'mother' of the Indus civilization, but as their language is still for the most part undeciphered, Sumerian records tell of her dominion in a far away land named Aratta which just may be the land we now know as Harappa. She is often shown wearing what may be a modern flight-suit and with tubes attached, etc. even with goggles and sometimes a helmet and cap similar to the ones worn by modern astronauts... She is among the most ancient 'mother-earth' goddesses. She is also credited with appointing the first known King at the city of Uruk,(first of modern humans) know as Erech, in 'the Bible' mostly badly copied historic accounts from the Sumerians. Yes, Happy Ishtar, indeed! |
All is fair in love and sex, while consensual. Until someone asks someone else to put on a Scooby Doo costume. mrs santa I can do scooby doo? that's just an insult!! ![]() ![]() try Winnie the Pooh or that dog Clifford...I was really glad when those days were over,,,geez! |
Stuff to ponder...
I'd still like to know what idiot would put a Braille key-pad on a drive thru ATM; no blind drivers are allowed to have a driver's license, well, perhaps in California or Canada...
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wHaT iS sEx.....¿¿¿
sounds like 'wisdom' from a cheap six-pack of 2% beer...
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Sat 03/30/13 10:07 AM
![]() i will love to have a chat with hot girls You might want to rethink your approach on this one hun, I know that the ladies will not go for this, the young and dumb might. If you want young and dumb, try lol Start off by introducing yourself, and mingling, and making friends not skirt chasing.. ![]() and pray tell, what's wrong with 'cool' girls? ![]() |
Are You Living Your Dreams?
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Sat 03/30/13 10:42 AM
As I mentioned in a previous thread regarding our perceptions of 'reality' or dreams, i have come to the ironic conclusion that we all seem to be living in a dream; most certainly a series of random delusions, the only difference for myself is that I'm not naked and tied to a bedpost of some beautiful vixen at best not even her radiator...; it's like being in a weird film and there is no refund on my ticket... and when, but momentarily awakened, it is by my own screams; perhaps I have 'issues'...
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Stuff to ponder...
If a stripper gets breast implants can she write it off on her taxes as a business expense? Actually yes she can; claims like this have been legit for quite a while. Ask your IRS ... ![]() |
Stuff to ponder...
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Sat 03/30/13 09:45 AM
Why is there brail on drive-up ATMS? Because studies found that putting out Braille editions of Playboy Magazine and other ones was just too expensive versus the expected selling prices and projected returns, so it was decided to put Baille on ATM's and many restaurant menus including price lists of all brothel services in Nevada...hope this helps you. ![]() This thread is hilarious; mainly for the demented possibly... |
How to post photos?
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Can I Have Your Number?
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Fri 03/29/13 08:47 PM
I didn't see anything implying or stating phone numbers; perhaps your social insurance number, or possibly your cellblock and cage number...ummm, that would also mean your shelf number to be sure that you are real... or just your house, shack or tent number...He never specified which number; just if anyone is interested... could even be your birth number or the one that appears just under your 'mug-shot' taken after your arrest for failure to drive in a manner unfit to be misunderstood...
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Celebrity Look-A-Likes
The two most memorable ones I met were: When I lived out at the coast (Vancouver) I met a guy who looked exa ctly like Bruce Willis in a career exploration class I was taking, which just happened to be located just down the street from the movie studio. The instructor directed a comment towards this guy whos name was "Paul Richer" and asked "why would Bruce Willis need to take this course" lol A year later, I was taking another course and met a Johnny Depp look a like, same height, body frame and voice. He just happened to be a musician and I was told he had also done some acting. How strange is that? One day he was wearing Vintage clothing with the name "Johnny" written on the shirt lol I have noticed that one of our posters has used a photo of, or it certainly seems to be, a photo of the Belgian actor Jean Reno in a cowboy hat; dead ringer for Reno but none of the others used by this guy, has any resemblance whatsoever to Reno or anyone else for that matter...strange. |
Aliens, what would you ask
As a kid, I thought it would be great if aliens came down and wiped out about the the people of this planet(I was told a lot by family relatives that worked in the Langley, Virginia intelligence agency dealing with the realities of this topic.. Now, at least 98% should be wiped out after reading this thread.
strange and unusall names
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Fri 03/29/13 03:06 PM
One of the most hilarious books that I have on very strange names is "Remarkable Names of Real People " by John Train,1977
His front piece is of a Mr. Concerto Macaroni; others are Miss Buncha Love; Suparporn Poopatta, no idea if it's male or female...a Mr. T. Hee, a restaurant employee in NYC; with that name he should be working in Izmir, Turkey at the well known Ufuk Restaurant and while we're in Turkey, we could meet up with Mustafa (phonetically spelled out to the infamous "K" word,Kay-you-n tee), the Turkish Military Attache for Moscow, someone you wouldn't want to be introduced to while sipping tea as the people around you would be sprayed with it when you his name... ![]() Down in New Orleans, we find a Mr. Vice, arrested 890 times and convicted 421 times...and on the West coast we have a Mrs. Friendly Ley over in Mission Hills. Down in Texas, we have the infamous Ima Hogg; makes one wonder if she buys from Climax Underwear Co. of Cincinnati...This book takes you all over this insane world but it does make you wonder at the parents of all these people...did any of them kill their parents for giving them their names... ![]() (apologies but the built-in word censors wouldn't allow me to spell Mustafa's last name properly) |
~ Vikings
Traumer....I didn't know I liked this period til 'Vikings'.......thankyou for the information,appreciate it....... may just like it! I love the entire "Viking Age" which to me lasted until the Muslim wars of attrition on Constantinople, because many 'Vikings', Swedish, Norwegian, Dutch and the Rus tribes that settled many parts of Russia starting in the 8th century and founded their kingdom in what became the Ukraine, sailed on to the end on Europe at Constantinople. There they became the elite Varangian Guard of the Roman Emperors,(10th to 14th cent.) and defended it against all who attacked it. Other Vikings joined the military orders of the Church, especially those known by the popular name of the Teutonic Knights and others who fought in all the battles of the Crusades, especially Acre and Jerusalem. They were the flower of the Northmen, aka, the 'Normans' can anyone not like or appreciate the Vikings! (I actually met one Palestinian family descended directly from a noble Norman Knight and through the centuries had passed down his ancient sword that he had inherited from his great Grandfather a Viking warrior from Norway...incredible!) Did you see the film, The Thirteenth Warrior with Antonio Banderas" That fell into the Viking category. The original book, Eaters Of The Dead was great! |
what to do when your other half doesnt help with bills? Same as with a room-mate that stops paying their share of the rent; rid yourself of them. |
"A relationship with no arguments, is a relationship with a lot of secrets." Sonnie , Disagree; they both just may have absolutely no real personalities... |
Did you know...
During the first date, men last 1.1 seconds of seeing his date´s eyes, 0.85 seconds admiring her hair, and almost seven seconds looking at her lips (according to studies done by the University of Manchester). Can this be true? I don´t know. What do you look more (or just look) of the girl on a first date, guys? Only 0.85 seconds on their hair, and after all the time many spend on brushing it just so? Then again is 0.85 seconds enough to see any fleas or lice? ![]() Women always try better than males to generally "look good"; it is no great effort to always acknowledge this even with just an appreciative smile if she catches your eye. |
strange and unusall names
Google any ethnic group or Racial group for their baby names as a starter; you'll laugh yourself silly...then go for bizarre/ strange names; many are indeed worthy of winning a Darwin Award! Speaking of which, look those up also. I have 4 or 5 volumes now and a few on names; they are better than any 'joke book'!
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American Dream?
Good question. I was raised that the american dream is the picket fence, owning a home, having a happy healthy family. I dont really have an 'american' dream though. I think I am more humanist in most things. My human dream is that people would care for each other and treat each other with kindness, that noone should go without the bare necessities in life, and that everyone have someone who truly loves them and is in their corner. Bravo! |
There are no absolutes except infinity. Chivalry is misunderstood because it is a good idea and culture is in the throes of apathy. Generalizing is primal instinct. As humans we can then proceed to discernment. Sounds as if one has observed the truths about our society and civilization in general by combining Oswald Spengler and Frederich Nietzsche...Aldous Huxley, here we come! ![]() ![]() |