Maybe is Charles Manson decides he wants out at his next parole hearing they can hire him too. At his last parole hearing he said that he'd like to go back into recording songs...he expressed a desire to record his versions of the Beatle's songs...The parole board , of course, turned him down...clearly depriving his fans and music fans of the Beatles a unique musical experience. Damn, I wanted to hear his version of Eleanor Rigby re-done as Dr. Timothy together, they would have made a great singing duo! Does anyone have any of Manson's recordings? Yes, he actually made some before all his issues came out in public... ![]() |
Pet Peeves.
Edited by
Wed 04/03/13 11:28 AM
Pet Peeves...
Diners who brush their teeth at their table and spit into their cups... People who scratch or adjust their crotches, butts and/ or noses in public... No public toilets on streets for people to use Old people who line up in the express lines just to talk to the cashiers; same, who have way over the posted number of items and those who make mistakes or can't use their debit cards all the time talking about their health or hygiene problems to the cashier and loud enough for every one around them to hear....(I'd throw them out of the store!or have a line-up for people who have or want problems and one for the senile and lonely who want to talk to a lovely cashier.... ![]() when 3, 4 or 5 even line up behind their friend who is buying one or two items... Arrogant and loud and brainless alpha types seemingly on drugs. Rude and nasty people, even the old that carry canes and threaten others with them...(saw what had to be the ultimate modern version of jousting from the Middle Ages, once right in the main doorway of my local grocery: 2 old women both using those GD electric carts crashed into each other; one coming in, the other leaving. They yelled and cursed each other and began swinging their canes at each other...police came and separated them after about 10 minutes of this 'jousting tournament' Women who always loudly proclaim that there are "no real men left in the world" They yell that usually when they don't get their way in something...when queried as to what makes 'a real man' it is usually a description of some whining, complaining male that seems to beg for female domination over them: makes one want to throw up... Pick-up truck and SUV drivers who refuse to use turn signals; the drivers that try for right-hand turns from the far left lanes Religious evangelical fascists that are always proclaiming that Hitler was right about(fill-in-the-blank); Bigots who are loud and proud...(where's my gun...) Pedestrians on cell phones who do not look either at traffic or lights; who talk loudly enough to be heard a hundred feet away Politically correct artificial sycophants People who go about in clothes at least 2 sizes too small; they resemble many seen in the 'Wall Mart People' shows on UTube...(Gag!) No maid service for changing the cat litter... and some people wonder why I don't like to go out...the human race needs a thorough culling...vere iz zee doctur!? Ver iz zee doctur?!, doctor who? No you imbecile, doctur Strangelove!! ![]() |
Write a list of 5 authors that describe your personality. W.E.B. Griffin, Frederick Forsythe, Zecharia Sitchin, Charles Fort and Graham Hancock... |
Where do You Like Living?
Cape Town ![]() Amen to that!! Its on my list....i looooooove it!! You're from Uganda; spent almost a month in Kampala back in "77. It was a wreck and dead lying all over the city. Idi Amin 'Dada' was in charge then...not nice at all... Tried to email you but is life. Ciao! |
Aliens, what would you ask
Agreed, I'll send you some chains; perhaps drop it off into a Black Hole...
Came across a very well researched and fully documented history of the mystery U Boats that Hitler sent out on secret missions during and after the war.
It finally answers all the lingering questions about U 33 and the Royal family and it's trips to Scotland and its penetration of all British anti-submarine defenses to land and pick up some very high officials only recently admitted to in and around the Firth of Clyde.. Some of these people were Max Schiller, Otto Rahn and others and how the flight of Rudolf Hess was involved with MI6. MI6 is now suspected in murdering the Duke of Kent. Other items covered in detail are the U-boats carrying liquid mercury for destinations and purposes unknown; U-boat 530 and its secret missions about the Holy Lance,(Spear of Destiny) and 'Shangri-La' located in Antarctica, with many other U-boats directed to Neu-Schwabenland after dropping off many top Nazi politicians, Generals and their families on the beaches of Argentina; the 'Black subs'...anyone that follows all the Grail legends will find this book enthralling as U-boat 33 had direct involvement with Roslyn Chapel and the Grail search and Otto Rahn, a world renown researcher of many very esoteric subjects and again deals with the rumours that he did not, commit suicide but fled into obscurity. World War 2 historian Nigel Graddon chronicles a number of very mysterious U-boat missions that covered a wide range of astonishing activities carried out by personal orders of Hitler years after the war ended. Title is The Mystery Of U-33,Hitler's Secret Envoy, bu Nigel Graddon, author of Otto Rahn & the Quest for the Holy Grail;c. 2010 |
~ Vikings
Yesterday the new channel H2,(History 2) had an all day session of the series Ancient Aliens and that had an hour segment on the ancient Gods of the Vikings with descriptions of the weapons that many were known for using, with a good analysis of their possible technological aspects compared to weapons used by many other 'Gods' around the world.
It mouth watering to say the least. Also the entire mythology of Valhalla and the nine other worlds that the Vikings believed in along with a 'rainbow bridge' connecting earth to Asgard, Odin's home-world. Fascinating, to say the least. Did anyone see it?? |
...have long been gone saying,"last seen over a month ago" which could mean several months to years... meaning your prospects of finding someone to be basically zero if not into the minus zero odds. So, maybe for as much as this jaded creature is right, mebbe we should use the chat to petition the wanker running this site to remove those profiles not logging in after four months' absence, six months - whatever. Get rid of the dead wood we are forced to wade through to find the live people. A good coompromise would be a button which removed those who had not sent or responded in, say, two months from your searches. I mean, consider that you are here, so the chances of finding a compatible person is a significant quotient. If the long gone are vanquished from search, then it does not take three weeks to go through, trying to get an answer. Consider the old days. You went on a site, found a person to chat with, then spent the evening flirting and discovering a new friend. Worst case, that person was a troll. Here you are reduced to sending emails to a person who will never look at them. The site managers are the new trolls! They place non-responsive bait out there to show bloaded statistics to their advertisers and take satisfaction in the number of single people they can run around the bend. The site owners are the people who ten years ago could not get a date here!!! Okay, so the site owners are complete jerks, but they are simply capitalists who don't give a hoot about you and me. They are in it for the money and will cheat and subvert a wonderful thing for money. Is this a new concept? Once more, you gotta man-up here and wade through the garbage to find the most important thing in the human existence - love & companionship. Our presence here is one of the most significant examples of being human there is in modern America - you all are being wonderful in spite of losers and trolls who run this madhouse, and the empty responses they nurture. Good job! Now, where's my troll club? BRAVO!!! AUTHOR, AUTHOR! HEAR! HEAR! ![]() ![]() |
I don't understand most women. ![]() Most men don't understand women. When the book was written with that bizarre title, 'Men Are From Mars and Women Are From Venus", I did a cartoon showing a man smiling at his woman who was reading a book called,"Men Are From Earth, Women Are From Earth, Deal With It" and sent it to the author. He liked it and appreciated the sentiment...Men AND women are from Earth, deal with it or spend life alone, as we may die alone, there is no reason to be so self centered and arrogant that no one of the opposite sex wants you around. Whereas if they find you repugnant, well, there is nothing that can change that and alone you'll be for life. Hopefully then, the next one will be better. |
Edited by
Mon 04/01/13 09:03 PM
The Forums , while amusing and sometimes quite interesting are just excess time filler; same with browsing profiles, in which any with a microscopic amount of appeal or interest, have long been gone saying,"last seen over a month ago" which could mean several months to years. I have heard of some sites keeping the profiles of members that had been gone for a number of years because if they did remove them, their profile data base would go from 40 pages to about 10 pages meaning only about 50 actual females...meaning your prospects of finding someone to be basically zero if not into the minus zero odds.
I don't even bother anymore after seeing what the pattern was, so as for the time being, I still have some excess time and tune into the forums for the time being as at times someone makes some hilarious comments. |
My first reaction is to ask, “would you like fries with that?" Honestly, I think picking a boyfriend based on the job he performs or the uniform he wears is comparable to choosing your dentist, not for his/her qualifications or reputation, but for the comfortable chairs in the waiting room. ![]() |
Where do You Like Living?
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Mon 04/01/13 12:42 PM
Ideal for me would be an uncharted, uninhabited island in the south pacific with wild life and fresh water. What sort of 'wild life'? The type you have in a hot tub with those lovely Tahitian native girls and sip your coconut rum from the local coconuts all without needing to speak French... ![]() Urban, suburban or rural...I've lived in all and they all have serious draw-backs. I love the urban areas because of the proximity of Jazz clubs, coffee-houses, little European delis, the cityscapes of architectures and all the ethnic neighborhoods and foods in their restaurants, but so many cities one has to basically live like they do in Jo'berg, South Africa in a heavily fortified fortress complete with razor wire, motion detectors and remote controlled mini-guns plus all sorts of other weapons to fight the invading hordes at any given moment. You and your home is under siege come sundown if not 24-7. That is not living; reminds me of a Charleston Heston movie something like Soylent Green and Last Man On Earth. No thanks. Subs? Right, just like in the movies. The stereotypes are all pretty accurate from my experiences. I sure as hell don't wish to live down the street from Mr. and Miss Bubba and their 6 retarded, over fed children selling dope on the school playground along with all the stuff they steal from all their neighbors...reminds me of a horror version of a Cheech and Chong movie. That leaves rural; well, if you have wheels and can basically bullet-proof it; set motion detectors around your property along with booby-traps and razor wire your perimeter; have some bouncing Betty anti-personnel mines around; lots of trip wires and fully automatic weapons 'just-case', hey, you can still have a pool, and sundeck and enjoy your sun and sumptuous Bar-B-Q's, as long as you live in some South American country such as Brazil, Argentina or Chile or Uruguay; Paraguay is too much into the dope trade to fully relax in and now has US special Forces based there...supposedly to help stop the drug trade that was put there by the Israelis and CIA agents back in the early 70's...of course they are;not good. I'd much prefer the usual 2 or 3 military coups once every 2 or 3 years anyday, been there and done that...they can be fun. People down there have a great sense of humour on that topic. Their attitude is to stay out of the way and have a siesta. ![]() |
UFO's over texas
Texas should be no stranger to lights all over their skies ever since those UFO's over Lubbock in 1951 and elsewhere.
normal women
What is normal? Yes...we are waiting... ![]() generally it means sex on demand and agreeing with them at all times now I ask you, is that normal? So who is abnormal then? ![]() It is considered abnormal to go against the majority demand...uh, wait a minute, women make up the majority of the world's population, not males...oh feces, foiled again, er, make that fowled or soiled again... ![]() |
normal women
Looking for a stable women, had enough of crazy need normal You don't attract what you want, you attract what you are. ![]() |
One of the more honest and refreshing statements I've seen in a long time! ![]() Pardon the audacity, but my father just sent me this quote (from Abraham). I'm not "particularly" dogmatic but it just seemed to fit. Maybe not. Hope so! You have more harmony points with every person on the planet than you have disharmony points, because there is much more of you that is in harmony with your Core than you realize or that most of you allow. The closer you come to being in harmony with your Source Energy, the more in harmony you are with each other. When you think about other people and what they think of you, do you understand that what they think of you has very little to do with what you are? It has mostly to do with the habits of thought that they have developed. It has more to do with them as thinkers than it does with you as the subject of their thought. If nothing is more important to you than that you feel good, you can form a fantasy about someone who is in your life and they will begin to modify to meet your fantasy, because Law of Attraction is a very powerful thing. sounds like an old version of a John Lennon song about what we all need to get along in this world...naw, it would never work; shame really. |
normal women
Normal + Woman =???????.......Ummmmmm.....Those two don't really go together. ![]() ![]() I was going to say that it sounds like an oxymoron... ![]() |
What would it be like if you were half machine and half human? Ask in about another 20 years. By then we may have artificial/ 'mechanical; lungs, livers, kidneys, bladders and bowels, etc. either that or labs will be growing them perhaps... |
worst mingle
i use mingle so many time but still not getting any partner nor good friend not even got any respone from any one it is worst. Not scope of chartting. Wow, they give up so easily now days... This is "the Golden West"; instant gratification! Ha! if they only really knew... ![]() |
Clutter Junkies
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Sun 03/31/13 11:20 AM
How do you keep the clutter down to a minimum? |