Community > Posts By > Traumer

Traumer's photo
Fri 03/22/13 08:51 PM

Traumer's photo
Fri 03/22/13 08:37 PM

hi m male frm mumbai was looking for any decent female for dating but was shocked so many females likeing to be lesbien......y???

Once you convert, you'll be glad that you did...laugh

Traumer's photo
Fri 03/22/13 08:36 PM
Robinson Crusoe On Mars...

Traumer's photo
Fri 03/22/13 12:08 PM
I've watched a lot of "Zombie" movies and some of the 'Walking Dead' and have had some observations such as the shoe-laces on their shoes or even running shoes are always done up properly...I've always found that weird...also there are never Zombie children as such(or even pets) except in that hilarious movie "Fido". Love that crazy movie!:laughing:

Traumer's photo
Fri 03/22/13 12:03 PM
I looked up what songs were popular and # 1 songs for the year that I was born in; God, what unmitigated garbage! I'm thankful that I never had to hear them back then.
My father had a lot of old early Jazz and Blues records and I enjoyed those. My fist R&R song that I recall was Wake Up Little Susie by the Everly Brothers and from that point on I started actually listening to the radio programs for music other than the horror, crime, western and mystery programs that later became TV shows. Around the late 50's we had an apt. building across from our house full of "Beatniks" playing bongo drums, flutes etc. creating a new style of Jazz. They were 'cool' for sure and fun to listen to and talk with.:smile:

Traumer's photo
Fri 03/22/13 09:20 AM

Who Are The Biggest Heroes In Your Life???what what

Given the definition, as in the majority of dictionaries, I'm not quite comfortable in ascribing it to those , especially those in any military that I have admired and have tried to emulate. They all have earned their medals for valour and bravery under enemy fire by either legal and recognized armies and some by the commanding officers of mercenary armies in long forgotten 'bush wars' throuout the third world. "Heroes" sort of implies a form of worship that I have never ascribed to. These were people with all the traits or ordinary men and certainly most of the normal human failings at sometime or another. They were not as the ancient 'gods' of mythology nor did they think of themselves as such. Their deeds however, far surpassed those who as their jobs was as in regular forces do if they can but if not retreat and fight another day or die trying. Simple. Those that fight because of ideals for peoples that for all purposes God has abandoned, to me, and try to save them, putting themselves in harms way simply for the cause because it is the proverbial 'right thing to do' if you truly believe in the moral of their fight, then that goes far beyond those who are shipped out to fight for people that they really couldn't give a damn about and have to simply fight for their own lives because they have been put there by orders.
My CO during the Biafran war was one such man; ex Foreign Legion and later leader of the rebel forces in the southern Sudan fighting the govt. forces in Khartoum; Rolf Steiner. Another was Mike Hoare who led the mercenary forces in the chaotic bloodbath known as the Congo wars in the early 60's rescuing hundreds of trapped missionaries, town's peoples etc. and then led another force during the Biafran war and some missions during the wars in Angola and Rhodesia. With his attempted coup in the Comoros Islands he was retired back to South Africa limiting his activities to his international Wild Geese club of like minded mercenary soldiers. "Pay us in money or bullets, preferably both", as our saying went.
There were many others and most of us tried our best to live up to what we thought would be their expectations of us.Those men were real men; real warriors in the old classical sense complete with all the normal human frailties that we all struggle to overcome everyday of our own lives. For most of us, their 'causes' were our causes, but not always and it was nice to survive and have a reunion
and all get drunk together while we could.

Traumer's photo
Thu 03/21/13 02:34 PM
Observations on Dating: Dating is when you pretend you're someone you're not, to impress someone you don't even know.
Fellow employees often make the best dates. You don't have to pick them up and they are usually tax-deductible.
There is someone out there for nearly everyone, even if you need a machete, a compass and night-vision goggles to find them.
Dating could lead to courtship; it's that period of time during which the woman decides whether or not she can do better...and remember that courtship to marriage,is a very witty prologue, usually, to a very dull play once she shares your bank accounts.
You know your date is too old if you find out that her recreationa vehicle is a Lazy Boy recliner.
Many of us go on so many blind dates that we should qualify for a free dog (four legged ones)
As you get older, the 'pickings' get slimmer, but the people don't...
My favourite type of woman was always the one that would go out with me at least twice and if not, I'd rather sit home all alone than go out with some woman that sells her underwear on the internet.
Finding a woman to date is like finding a job; it is easier to find one when you already have one. I have very little if any luck with women. I once went on a date and asked the woman if she brought any protection. She pulled a gun on me...
There are many types of 'bad dates' one is when her multiple personalities begin arguing over splitting the cheque; after four beers or two martinis she starts calling you "daddy"... or after every pace that you suggest for dinner, she says,'Nahhh, there might be cops there'
I know one elderly couple that are dating; she is 87 and he is 93. They never argue, They can't hear each other...I went out with one several years older. She asked me if I'd like to meet her parents...she took me to the cemetery. All cannot be hopeless...
(Can it????) frustrated :laughing:

Traumer's photo
Thu 03/21/13 01:48 PM
If she is a prostitute and she solicits you for business, ask for the clergyman's rate...:smile:

Traumer's photo
Thu 03/21/13 01:35 PM
Edited by Traumer on Thu 03/21/13 01:36 PM

yeah I bet that will have them clamoring to meet me lol

Years ago, one of the female officers asked me if I was waiting for someone in the academy and I told her not really but that I was looking for a navel engagement. She thought that perhaps I wanted to enlist. I told her, no , I meant n-a-v-e-l- engagement. She looked puzzled for a second or two then she laughed and said that she'd have to remember that one...she laughed a bit more when I said it would be great if we could practice some navel warfare games...:wink:

Good luck!

Traumer's photo
Thu 03/21/13 01:24 PM
If you're going to reach for a star, reach for the lowest one...

Traumer's photo
Thu 03/21/13 01:19 PM
Edited by Traumer on Thu 03/21/13 01:21 PM

It's 3pm, and so I'm still alive. That stupid scientific theory didn't really prove damn all. It really IS a bunch of bs made up by conspiracy theorists. It hasn't changed damn all. First, you need PHYSICAL proof of it happening. Not just mental. You need to talk with an astrologer to truly know. Just taking people's word for it, isn't my style. So for all the people who said the world would end today, YOU JUST GOT CRAPPED ON BY YOUR OWN BELIEFS!! laugh. Next time, when a bunch of bs is made up, at least have some physical evidence to back it up. laugh

Complaining that the world hasn't ended isn't going to change it. Rest easy. By to-nite every one will be safely back in his or her beer stained, flea infested, duct-taped recliner, adjusting his or her underwear with one hand and cheering on Jean-Claude Van Damn or Arnie with the other. All tucked away in their own little trailer version of Heaven...laugh

Traumer's photo
Thu 03/21/13 01:08 PM

I thought this would be a great place for us women to chit chat about anything

Perhaps you should change this name to The Ladies Room.
There are usually hordes of them in any 'Ladies Room' talking away...laugh

Traumer's photo
Wed 03/20/13 08:20 PM

So I thought I would put that subject line to see if I can meet people from this area. I am kind of new here in away and want to meet people any Ideas?

Well, you could always hang around the front gate of the Naval Academy and whistle at all those gorgeous women officers and cadets coming and going; same for the docks where all the yachts are...laugh

Traumer's photo
Wed 03/20/13 04:24 PM

Wears Lauren Hutton's old Playboy Bunny costume

Traumer's photo
Wed 03/20/13 04:15 PM

pleasant gesture,,,,

what jerks would support violence against women for any reason anyhow?

not sure if we should force or can force other countries to abandon their own cultures though when they are reilgious based,particularly where family units are involved, just becuase our own is free from religion doesnt make it the 'right' or only way

our families have suffered greatly from alot of the 'freedoms' we adopted,,,,imho

it's international , and that is GREAT! (rather than just the west being perceived as Big Brother)

the interesting thing about this - if u read it - is that Egypt was part of the consensus. the need for the consensus is a message to conservative religious whackos that it won't be tolerated. it also sends a message at the end which specifies that culture and tradition is NOT an excuse for violence. as far as who would support this type of violence....oh goodness harmony, where have u been?ohwell

Cute, ahh chucks sweet and full of feel good golly-jee-whiz ludicrous crap. This has about as much power of law enforcement as the UN's declarations against slavery. Many countries signed those, including the very countries that turn a blind eye to slave auctions and kidnapping of children and women for slave rings operating in and around those same countries. I've personally watched UN personnel laugh and make jokes at the people being offered up for sale while getting stoned on hash or drunk at villages having the auctions...even taking photos of themselves with the slavers.Trouble is no one, anywhere really cares enough to actually stop it except by cheap words. The UN Security council has special intervention forces that could be used, but they need permission first by the offending country's govt. Ludicrous and downright insane. Bureaucratic hordes of the severely mentally-ill must have drafted those protocols. The paper that they are printed on are worth less than toilet paper. If one documents cases and informs the proper UN dept. they may be barred from even entering the UN building in NY. What they desperately need is a Neutron Bomb dropped on their HQ.

Traumer's photo
Tue 03/19/13 09:09 PM
Some years are worse than others, but it is somewhat hilarious if you happen to be there and see it for yourself...rofl
One would think though, that this Koro would have made its way to North America by now...geez, is ever going to get here?! Can't someone import it!?:laughing:

Traumer's photo
Tue 03/19/13 05:36 PM
Most conversation are simply monologues delivered in the presence of witnesses and a dialogue is a good monologue spoiled by somebody else talking. Conversation with women usually follow a pattern:, if you talk about yourself, she'll think you're boring. If you talk about others,she'll think you're a gossip. If you talk about her,she'll think you're a brilliant conversationalist. Best find other topics that do not involve fashions or shopping however.If at any public gathering, remember that the intelligence of any discussion diminishes with the square of the number of participants. Try observing it some evening. Polite conversation is rarely either.
Most women speak because they wish to speak, whereas a lot of men speak only when driven to speech by something outside of himself, like for instance, he can't find the remote...(just an observation!laugh )
It's fine to have conversations but one should let go of it once in-a-while.
Remember the (in)famous words of Oscar Wilde about conversations:
"I like hearing myself talk. It is one of my greatest pleasures. I often have long conversations all by myself, and I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying!"laugh

Traumer's photo
Tue 03/19/13 04:50 PM
I would love to see a Assault The Government With Weapons Day wherein everyone who has an assault weapon or even wants one all meet on Capital Hill one fine day and with bandoliers for the MAG's and extra large ammo clips for all the automatic weapons shoot your way into the House and Senate chambers and just hose them all down til no one is left moving. Then have a party. Hell, why not, it's what many really want to do anyway....rofl

Traumer's photo
Mon 03/18/13 09:14 PM

You should always be open to change and diverse ideas. Obama is too liberal for me and the tea party is too conservative...but both have some ideas worth hearing.

Same thing on the boards, I have a friend who despises guns while I don't but I still count them as a friend despite this big deep divide. If their side wins and guns get banned, oh well, that's the change I was talking about.

Do you think it's easier to change the way we think, as apposed to changing the way we act, or things that we do?

Changing one's way they think as opposed to changing a mode of behavior can't be compared. How someone thinks is at the core of their being as perhaps what their beliefs are.
Yet look that the thousands of Arabs and Jews that have intermarried out of love; a form of love that transformed them from mere passersby in a great challenge of all their respective thinking as well as many of their forms of behavior. With the right demeanor, motivation and a very special type of Love it does indeed seem perfectly natural to bend a bit and to change and adjust, We adapt to what is best for us and for those we love as they do for us. It makes Life more livable in harmony for all concerned...imho

Traumer's photo
Mon 03/18/13 08:48 PM

Online, in these forums anyway, you can meet some really cool people.

If you do meet someone, and have some interest and chemistry, but they are far away. Knowing you have some responsibility keeping you where your at. Ie. I have two younger daughters that need me around. So I can't just uproot, like I may if things were different.

How do YOU approach this?

Or you met someone, get along well and but a romantic chemistry doesn't come in to play, do you feel the need to spell it out to them? Is it wrong or right to chat but make no promises for something further?


give it time. that is my advice. since there is chemistry you may want to rush things but, internet chemistry can be false.
You have two baby gals so just take it slow. If the woman is pressuring you to meet, then let her travel to you, to a close neutral area.
Just be careful...and there is nothing wrong with being direct and assured about these conditions because until you finally do meet, the gal you have chemistry with could be fooling you...and making a fool of you.

Excellent; there is no such thing as "internet chemistry" can't be; it's like an oxymoron. The old term "Fool's gold" from the old Gold rush days is still a good term and people who have chased fool's gold' always ended up the fool, be it in mining for real gold or the gold of someone's heart.

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