I just found one of my old novels that has to be , for me, one of the insane and hilarious novels that I've ever found and will enjoy reading again: "Dwarf Rapes Nun; Flees In UFO" by Arnold Sawislak,1985
a novel about journalism and papers like the Natl. Enquirer ; how they get their headlines and lead stories. Just the title alone is reason enough to get a copy! ![]() |
The 4400 was originally on USA Network, not the SciFi Channel. I remember watching the first season and I think I started on the second but then my schedule got all fouled up and I didn't have time to keep up with it. I might get through it all on DVD someday, unless I find it streaming online on a channel I can get with a Roku. A Roku??????????? What is a Roku, sounds like a fish... ![]() We need a lot more 'sci-fi' channels; with my 'cable-phone package, I've got a few hundred channels; one only plays Lois and Clark(????) but it is by subscription only(God, there are that many that like that old show so much!??? ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Just get her lots of lingerie from Victoria's Secret. You'll both be happy....
![]() |
I'm sofa-king bored ^_^
Sounds like a Couch Potato. ![]() having those 'salad days'... ![]() |
One seemingly forgotten Sci-Fi series that I found rather interesting as The 4400. I had never seen it on TV but came across it just after reading a few of its novels which were like finding the novels from Battlestar Galactica; very intriguing and I wanted more. The 4400 was well done and having met some that have been through the real abduction experience, they were glued to the entire series but all were dismissive of any latent 'powers' put into them and as far as that goes, to date there has only been one old man, at the time,from a small Mexican village, who had what doctors declared a near impossibility. He grew 3 sets of new teeth in the years after his abduction. Anyway, I hope to come across the missing 4400 episodes that I'm missing without having to resort to E-Bay...
What are you entitled to?
I'm entitled to nothing. Everything in life, including freedom, is a fight. You bet it is; I'm on side with Robert A. Heinlein author of Starship Troopers, (1959) who outlined what should be the rights and responsibilities of all citizens. |
another question is,why should Religious Organizations be Tax-exempt,heck,some rake in inordinate amounts of Money? Most likely it's probably because only the left wing socialists and communists favour taking the tax-exempt status away from Churches denying the people the right to donate their money to them to use in the many charities run by churches all over the world. Socialists and communists do not run charitable organizations along with a few of the more extreme political parties and if they do, any 'charity'/ monetary aid certainly would be directed their own organizations and most certainly be tax-exempt if they assumed power to run a country. Needless to say, however, that many would become their own 'charities' and funnel whatever funds they can steal or claim into those charities; all part of the usual policies to bankrupt a country. "Donating" to these so-called charities, though, seem to be used by both the 'right' and 'left' as SOP. Actually both seem to complain about the churches of all faiths/ creeds and their charities and especially their tax-exempt status, so in the end, only the confiscation of their moneys to enrich themselves seems to matter, whereas, if the ordinary citizens objected to giving to churches, they would not, but of course, no one cares what the people want or don't want; it is always what the criminals of the anti church political parties want. If they want extra cash, they can send their workers out to collect empty bottles on the streets. No one yet has managed a state policy against people making donations to their churches or charities...is this what is being promoted by objecting to the tax exempt status and how the churches dispense charity...Seems it is. |
where it's safe to travel
Personally..I am very concerned about the missing Hawaiian Islands.. (I think Canada ate them, hence the bilious green shade.) Tristan de Cunah is also missing! Same with the Grand Duchy of Fenwick, nobody is allowed there anyway... ![]() |
where it's safe to travel
hmm.. I notice that Canada is colorless.. ![]() ![]() the reason is that it's snow; that's because everyone who comes here even in August comes with skis, sleds and all sorts of arctic winter equipment...haven't you ever met tourists that tell you that? We are supposed to have snow and blizzards all year, every day! ![]() |
the taste of a woman...
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Happiness To You Is
Edited by
Sat 04/06/13 09:21 PM
I'm cheap an' easy; a bottle of Cointreau, a bottle of Bourbon...a bottle of wine, Mouton Rothschild, 1945...
![]() (If I weren't cheap, then a bottle of Chateau Lafite, 1787...) |
Now that's a fire. And yet it did not collapse. ![]() was it hit by a plane weighing more than 300,000 pounds traveling at 400 mph? damn that Newton.. No, and neither WAS BUILDING NUMBER 7. Which didn't have nearly as big a fire. But you see what it did. It collapsed. ![]() |
willing2 I am also an ordained minister. But to have a nonprofit organization and "church" I would have to file it as a non-profit corporation and I would have to keep good books and contribute to charity etc. etc. I did not do that because I believe that churches should pay taxes like everyone else. But I am an ordained minister, and the High Priestess of the FIRST Universal Life Church of Brutal Truth and Honesty. (formerly the Universal Life Church of hot-tubing and movie watching.) ![]() ![]() I tried and failed to get tax exempt status after I received my 25 dollar Minister/ Church certificate back in "74 (when still living in southern Maryland), for my new church, "of The Holy Diaper"; it was a joke,(our priest didn't find it funny though) but I didn't fill out the forms properly; A friend in Washington got his Minister's license and sent in his tax-exempt forms and got it for his new Church, "Of The Holy Sandal", then he made himself the charity...go figure. He gave it up several years later when the novelty wore off; I was still disappointed... ![]() ![]() |
Russia's tallest building burns- a raging inferno - but does not collapse. Wonder of wonders. They must be much better architects than us. I guess someone forgot to press the implode button and blame Islamic terrorists. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elq6iBFVMaI I just love the commentator's voice and cadence; it was like he was giving us a play by play of a golf game.... The Russians and perhaps even Putin are in shock just now; just wait and see if they suddenly invade some tiny third world type of country(no, not one in central Asia like Afghanistan; Tristan da Cunah perhaps... ![]() ![]() |
I loved the old Sci-Fi channel as it existed circa, oh, maybe 1996 through 2003 or thereabout. Watched Lexx, Stargate: SG-1, Farscape and reruns of Babylon 5. Once they began branching out into fantasy (which I don't mind but it ain't skiffy, yanno?), horror and soi-disant "reality" programming, they kind of lost me. And don't even get me started on wrestling (you could rename WWE to WTF and it'd be closer to truth in advertising). Changing the name to 'SyFy' was a prime example of epic marketing research fail, if you ask me. Did you know that 'syfy' is slang for "syphilis" in Polish? I live in Cleveland, where a LOT of folks know Polish, and around here references to "the Syphilis Channel" abound among disgruntled sci-fi purists. And the cheesy monster-of-the-week flicks? All right, maybe some of my dislike for those stems from my lack of a Y chromosome, I'll grant you that. Seems those go over better with guys than with women, and I say that as a woman who has otherwise been accused of having somewhat masculine tastes in entertainment. (I don't do many chick flicks as a rule, and I do enjoy The Three Stooges. Any questions?) Eureka!! (no pun intended!) A kindred soul!! ![]() ![]() ![]() But what really grinds my gears is all the paranormal stuff. I don't mind that shows in the Ghosthunters vein exist; I just don't like them muddying up the public perception of what is and isn't science fiction. In reading over this, I realize I probably come off as some kind of curmudgeon (can a woman even be one of those?) but I guess it's just that I tend to prefer space opera and hard SF. Well, unless we're talking Doctor Who or the aforementioned Lexx. And yet... I wasn't a fan of the rebooted BSG universe, having preferred the lighter feel of the original. Perhaps this stems from my having had my fill of "dark and gritty" in everyday life around the time it hit the screen, I don't know. These days, I get most of my sci-fi viewing via DVD or online stream. Not that I watch a lot of TV lately anyway -- when I'm at home but not goofing around here on Mingle2 or something, I'm often writing my own science fiction stories. Alas, there are only so many hours in the day. |
SHOULD AGE DIFFERENCE MATTER IN THE PURSUIT FOR LOVE? according to our western culture/law,,,,yes especially if 'love' involves sex,,,, You must mean the Us as we in Europe do not follow any set and rigid 'guidelines; just a very general one that is actually rather vague, merely based on consent. It has always been so. What may appear on law books does not accurately reflect our private affairs as if that was the case, France would have outlawed the 'mistress industry' which would have outraged wives all over the country and husbands, never mind the 'french-maid' girls and clientele and Bavaria would have forbidden the Beer Fest girls under 16 to wear breast revealing costumes... ![]() |
is there a place
where we can make suggestions for improvements on the site? On occasion, they open the 'feedback' forum, if they have the time and directive to make changes, right now, it is closed. Before you joined, hahafunnygirl, we had an 'Intimacy&Sex' forum, in which generally all such topics were placed. For advertising reasons/limitations, that has been in abeyance for a while, and we don't know if it will return. Meantime, the Rules: http://mingle2.com/topic/show/249134 and particularly: "a) No explicit, sexual, offensive, insulting or vulgar language. The Mingle2 forums are rated PG-13." How lovely, and newspapers are rated at a third grade reading ability(all except The Wall Street Journal, that is... ![]() |
How to post photos?
Thank you Miss Sofie; tried to log into Photoshop for about 15 minutes, no luck...I'll try again.
How to post photos?
Very easy :-) You place these tags on either side of the URL (link): [*IMG]link address here[*/IMG]WITHOUT THE ASTERISKS, of course. For example: ![]() A lot of people on here use http://www.photobucket.com as a host for pictures, it is FREE. And, it actually gives you the complete link to copy and paste to the forums. *You can click on QUOTE beneath this post to see how the link above rendered your thumbnail. This thread lays out the Mingle2 usable codes: http://mingle2.com/topic/show/199646 One more question regarding photos: can I download a photo to Mingle e-mail and send it off or does that have to be via a regular e-mail service like hotmail?? |
Where do You Like Living?
Cape Town ![]() Amen to that!! Its on my list....i looooooove it!! You're from Uganda; spent almost a month in Kampala back in "77. It was a wreck and dead lying all over the city. Idi Amin 'Dada' was in charge then...not nice at all... Tried to email you but blocked...so is life. Ciao! Whaaaat?? Blocked?? Aaaaayyyy man....let me check that out.... Mmmmmmm,those terrible days.....if you came back today,you'd not recognise a single thing-NOTHING!! Place has changed from dead to awake 24/7!! [/quotte} Long overdue; irony is HARARE, Zimbabwe in general is now almost as bad, thanks to Mugabe...it never seems to end. All during the war, old Salisbury was wide awake 24-7, like Party Time! ![]() |