does the perfect man exist?
I thought I met "My Knight in Shining Armour" one time......he turned out to be a retard wrapped in Tin Foil.......But try try try ![]() ![]() ![]() |
No Execuse please
Many people seem to take pride in pointing out the shortcomings of others and making them feel bad about it...sad.
Small Talk
Serial killers. This is why "They" lock me here in this room and tell me "See? See why we can't let you have nice things?" No, but honestly...It doesn't matter what I break the ice with as soon as the question of "What do you like to do?" is followed by the answer "I like to study serial killers." Well, I mean, it doesn't typically go too far past that point. I had a friend once that whenever he saw a dead bird, he would pick it up and give it a proper burial or cremate it. He lost some girlfriends over that. He also liked to hurt people emotionally; he said it gave him a kick; we both used to place fake obituaries in papers of people who we didn't like, especially at work. We uses to make lists of people who had either hurt us, judged us or angered us and other things. The lists once had over two hundred names on them. The hit lists were for alleviation...but the hate was real. We were 15 or so at the time. We did all sorts of things together, but the one thing that I stopped was going with him to the hardware store because he would roam up and down isles fantasizing over the different tools to kill people with; 15 minutes at least always in the hammer section. Different strokes as they say. He went on seven tours during the Vietnam war and was arrested for sending his mother ears...he later became a grief counselor...go figure. |
Small Talk
If you're in a store, buying a certain CD, by one of your favourite bands/singers, sometimes someone will come up to you and say something like "Oooh, I love them", so you get talking about it. Or when I let my dog into the front garden, people see it through the gaps of the bars in my gate, and that has passers-by asking me all about him. I've been to group therapy before, and it was nice to just be able to vent to people who had more time to listen. I prefer group therapy, to one on one, as you can conversate with other phobics. My therapist told me a way to achieve inner peace was to finish things that I had started. Today I finished two bags of potato chips, a chocolate cake, a half bottle of bourbon and a cartoon video of Betty Boop that had been sitting in my VCR for 3 weeks. I feel much better already. ![]() Well, if a bona fide therapist says so...then I guess the healthiest thing for me to do is finish this bottle of wine I just opened. ![]() an' I'llllllllllll trink too dat! hic,,,,,oh wow, de colours! ![]() |
Easily Impressed
I find it depressing when people try and impress. Perhaps they should be oppressed...
Small Talk
If you're in a store, buying a certain CD, by one of your favourite bands/singers, sometimes someone will come up to you and say something like "Oooh, I love them", so you get talking about it. Or when I let my dog into the front garden, people see it through the gaps of the bars in my gate, and that has passers-by asking me all about him. I've been to group therapy before, and it was nice to just be able to vent to people who had more time to listen. I prefer group therapy, to one on one, as you can conversate with other phobics. My therapist told me a way to achieve inner peace was to finish things that I had started. Today I finished two bags of potato chips, a chocolate cake, a half bottle of bourbon and a cartoon video of Betty Boop that had been sitting in my VCR for 3 weeks. I feel much better already. ![]() |
Im thinking about clandestine activities. Car sex...good. Buttox print on window...bad.
Say Something Vague
Whenever somebody gives me too much change back, I never tell them, Ever.
If 2 + 2 = 5, I won't use pennies. I'll use 100 dollar bills! ![]() |
Small Talk
What are some good small talk topics you've found to be helpful ice breakers in social situations where you may not know many people? films/movies; fashion; how to do away with one's boss; bizarre co-workers; food; drugs; sport: should sex be allowed as an Olympic sport? How social services are all dysfunctional and managed by idiots and criminals; should NASA flights to Mars be racially balanced, not forgetting Native Americans, Arabic Americans, Orientals and anti gun lobbyists; make-up for men; would it be inappropriate to pack swim suits and pool toys for the trip to Mars drinking hair tonics, perfumes or after-shave lotions for cheap highs; do garter belt stocking fasteners go on under a woman's panties or over them...the list is potentially endless as it is hilarious. Use your imagination!..Hey, Cheech, pass me another joint, man! ![]() But Traumer, some of those might be better used AFTER you've broken the ice.... ....with your new cell or asylum mates. ![]() ![]() Aren't we all in the same asylum...??? ![]() |
Edited by
Sat 04/13/13 07:21 PM
I am still waiting for someone to produce five American pennies from two pairs of American pennies. Does devaluation of the currency come into play, as we all know a penny is no longer worth a full penny. So if devaluation is factored into your 4 pennies, how many more will you need to bring the total to full or two more perhaps...that way we could have 5 or 6 more... ![]() Besides economic value, how about copper value and production costs? I was reading something the other day that stated it costs 2.41 cents to make a penny. In that case... 2+2=9.64 ![]() Well...we do have a brand new form of math at long last! Make a formal announcement to the Press and you're up for a Nobel in Mathematical values for integers based upon the devaluation of the raw materials to produce money...CLAP! CLAP! ![]() ![]() (Don't forget, I recognized your value first!! ![]() |
I'm in the MOOD!
what is it we are supposed to be in the mood for again? ![]() |
Small Talk
Edited by
Sat 04/13/13 07:13 PM
What are some good small talk topics you've found to be helpful ice breakers in social situations where you may not know many people? films/movies; fashion; how to do away with one's boss; bizarre co-workers; food; drugs; sport: should sex be allowed as an Olympic sport? How social services are all dysfunctional and managed by idiots and criminals; should NASA flights to Mars be racially balanced, not forgetting Native Americans, Arabic Americans, Orientals and anti gun lobbyists; make-up for men; would it be inappropriate to pack swim suits and pool toys for the trip to Mars drinking hair tonics, perfumes or after-shave lotions for cheap highs; do garter belt stocking fasteners go on under a woman's panties or over them...the list is potentially endless as it is hilarious. Use your imagination!..Hey, Cheech, pass me another joint, man! ![]() |
Edited by
Sat 04/13/13 06:59 PM
I am still waiting for someone to produce five American pennies from two pairs of American pennies. Does devaluation of the currency come into play, as we all know a penny is no longer worth a full penny. So if devaluation is factored into your 4 pennies, how many more will you need to bring the total to full or two more perhaps...that way we could have 5 or 6 more... ![]() |
violent canadians...
Hold your breath and grab your chair for this...just before yesterday. |
does the perfect man exist?
I don't think ill be finding my knight in shining armorial anytime soon but hey its worth a try right! They say that the world would be a boring place if everyone were exactly the same. Yet, when I think of how interesting I am and what a pleasure I am to be around, I can't help but realize that a world full of me's would be absolutely brilliant. And speaking of things brilliant, my old armour is a bit rusty as I keep running out of Brillo pads. I know that you have been searching a long time; first it was Mr. Hot, then Mr. Cool; I'm a great combination of both right and knight; what say we make it a night... ![]() I get these bouts of creatively insane writing once in a while...I just couldn't he'p mase'f! ![]() good luck with your quest... |
The compatibility zone.
For me, a compatible guy... Reads. A lot. Fiction and nonfiction both. Bonus points for reading science fiction. Loves music. A wide variety. Especially classic alternative/New Wave, classic rock, jazz, blues, classical, Celtic. Enjoys live theater. Is articulate and is fascinated by language. Bonus: Can speak/read/write at least one language other than English, and/or is interested in learning. Is a "people person", outgoing and friendly, gregarious, and thrives on the company of others. Is adventurous, open-minded, intellectual and enjoys spending time with like-minded people. Is light-hearted and doesn't take himself too seriously. Optional elements for which he may earn bonus points: He writes. Extra bonus if he writes fiction. Infinite extra bonus points if he writes science fiction. He sings or plays an instrument He enjoys theater as a participant as well as an audience member. He is willing to dance with me even if he isn't a good dancer. Just out of curiosity ![]() ![]() |
Usually the best substitute for brains is silence; the brain is like a TV set, when it goes blank,it's a good idea to turn it off.
Here we have what Andy Warhol once described as a genius with an IQ of (perhaps as high as) 60. Isn't it remarkable how tolerant the public is, they can forgive everything except genius... An intelligence test such as 2+2= 5 is really meant to show a person how smart they could have been not to try it... ![]() |
I remember a person was arrested in Canada a while back for free speech. They have an asterisk beside their free speech that you can be arrested if your speech may cause problems. I don't know anything about police tactics in Canada, but I do know that Canada doesn't have the Bill of Rights that the USA has. What does it matter?...Human rights are not honoured by either country. ![]() |
I was going to post this 12 hours ago but this site crashed. Figures. This place must have been created by a man. Here is my rebuttal to your 10 points, which was obviously written by an insecure bitter loser who no matter how much he chased women, he constantly kept getting rejected. Sound familiar, gentlemen? Who is really the desperate one here? Remember that women get thousands of responses and have way more choices than men, who are usually doing the chasing. Knock yourselves out, men. There are plenty more where you came from. We are neither desperate nor worried. Rejection makes men bitter and nasty to women and they cut them down by writing essays on why the women are not worthy. How hilarious and transparent. 10 REASONS YOU'RE NOT MAN ENOUGH FOR US 1. If we are being sarcastic and intimidating, that means we find you unattractive and unappealing. If we found you interesting, we would smile at you and give you come hither looks. We may come off haughty for a reason. We realize you're not good enough. We are doing you a favor because we don't want to waste your time and especially our own. Would you rather we lied and led you on and toyed with you when you're obviously not attractive? 2. Since when did these attributes make a man perfect? Well-built, neat, romantic, hardworking, honest, God- fearing, faithful, dark, tall and handsome gentleman man from a good background who has a good job, drives a good car and loves a woman unconditionally. Or maybe realistically we should be looking for scrawny, sloppy, insensitive, unromantic, lazy, liar, atheist, cheater, redheaded, short, and ugly slimeball with a criminal background who has no job, no car, and will be a heartless, coldblooded jerk? Sadly, we don't have to look hard to find those types. 3. Desperation has a smell now? What exactly is that odor? Fishy? Sulfur? Sweat? Stinky feet? We'll make sure to wash it off better. Or maybe it's the smell of annoyance men sense when women see them as rude, irritating jerks. 4. First I pay too little attention to my appearance. 5. Now, I pay too much attention to my appearance. Looks like (no pun) a woman cannot win here, just like in any discussion with a man. Although, men will be quick to say the same about women. 6. If a woman was attracted to you, your libido would not be an issue. We are tigers in bed but only if you bring it out in us. How you do that is by complimenting and praising a woman, for starters, instead of cutting us down. We dislike rudeness, insults and snarky remarks just like you do. That's a major attraction killer and we will avoid YOU like the plague. Another attraction killer is stinginess. If a man is stingy with his possessions, he will also be stingy with his love. This is a well known truth. I didn't have to add all these tips but I was feeling generous. You're welcome. The other ways to impress us you will have to figure out by yourself. Good luck. 7. How are we boring? This needs elaboration. And so are you. I'll elaborate when you do. 8. We nag because you are a scrawny, sloppy, insensitive, unromantic, lazy, liar, atheist, cheater, redheaded, short, and ugly slimeball with a criminal background who has no job, no car, and will be a heartless, coldblooded jerk. We are just trying to make you into a better person. You should be thanking us that we even make the effort and take the time to help someone so unworthy. 9. I'm insecure? Maybe it's because you are unromantic and consider your work or sword collection more worthy of your attention than me. Show me the love, baby. 10. I just know my value and yes, millions of men find me attractive. Deal with it. I thought men want robots. They can't handle a REAL woman with thoughts, emotions and a life. Yup, go find yourself a robot, or better yet, an inflatable doll, since you are neither ready or worthy of a real woman. I'm made to recal something from Oscar Wilde's Woman of No Importance: "The ideal Man should talk to us as if we were goddesses, and treat us as if we were children. He should refuse all our serious requests, and gratify every one of our whims. He should encourage us to have caprices, and forbid us to have missions. He should always say much more than he means, and always mean much more than he says. The happiness of a married man...depends on the people he has not married. ![]() |