Community > Posts By > William8

William8's photo
Sat 06/15/13 10:04 PM
Sounds right to me!

I understand the benefits of being single but since God made women the most beautiful of all creatures,
so mych so that some angels left their natural state.

Genesis 6:2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.

So I am not immune by your beauty.

Yet I must tarry alone until God grants me favor.

It has been said, the longer God delays answered prayer the better the answer when it is granted.

Amen too that!

William8's photo
Sat 06/15/13 09:56 PM
Good sex is when both parties have the desire to please the other.

Anything else will fail.

William8's photo
Sat 06/15/13 09:14 PM
Lifes tough but no one knows that more then Jesus.

God is a loving God that's why rather then destroy us completely, He has given us this very short stay here, to repent and accept salvation in Christ.

Things will only get good for those who have and for those who have not, but have squandered this opportunity, things will be a lot worse.

William8's photo
Sat 06/15/13 09:06 PM
I just finished the first season and loved it until they killed the best character played by Sean Bean. Stark was it?

Cannot understand why they would eliminate the best character in a series?

Also I cannot understand why a great story needs a lot of boob shots.

Is the story aimed at a male audience?

If I want to see boobs I can go to Google images and type BOOBS!

Maybe they wanted to target the widest possible audiences, both highbrow and lowbrow?

The most charming character though is the Lanister imp LOL

So I am dissapionted to see Stark eliminated and confused about the nudity but there is enough to satisfy my inellectual curiosity.

William8's photo
Sat 06/15/13 08:57 PM
It will not have the impact of the original.

Back then it was ground breaking now its all been said and done.

William8's photo
Sat 06/15/13 08:53 PM
Good luck but if you have a six pack, a good party really needs a keg laugh

William8's photo
Sat 06/15/13 08:50 PM
2 Thessalonians 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 2:4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

No it is a man not a chip, unless this man forces his followers to receive the chip in his name.

I still think Darwinism is the man's name. Even now government schools will not receive funding if they don't teach evolution as a scientific fact.

No one can deny that Darwinism has lead to such a great falling away from all religious belief and is Herald as the inly possible truth about our origins.

William8's photo
Sat 06/15/13 08:36 PM
Paul also says that marriage is the remedy for fornication for those who cannot control themselves and burn with passion.

William8's photo
Sat 06/15/13 06:40 PM
1 Corinthians 7:13 And the woman which hath an husband that believeth not, and if he be pleased to dwell with her, let her not leave him. 7:14 For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband: else were your children unclean; but now are they holy. 7:15 But if the unbelieving depart, let him depart. A brother or a sister is not under bondage in such cases: but God hath called us to peace.

So I think from that, that if anyone is saved while married to an unbeliever, they can stay or leave.

No Christian has to stay married to an unbeliever.

But if two Christians get married then it has to be for life.

And if anyone leaved a unbeliever, they can only marry a believer.

Finally though we are all better off remaining single but if anyone does marry they have not sinned but they will have troubles in relation to those troubles that come with being stuck in a permanent relationship happy

William8's photo
Sat 06/15/13 06:28 PM
I don't buy into this idea made popular by Pentecostals that the mark of the beast is a bar code or computer chip.

It is the number of a man's name.

I think that Darwinism is more likely the beast since it is the final push by Satan to bring atheism and sin as the main world view.

A clear line can be drawn from Darwin to doomsday.


It is a pseudo Christian heretical movement that has incorporated occult practices and new age teachings in the name of the holy spirit.

The man of sin, if not Darwin could arise out of this popular heretical movement doing miraculously and deceiving the whole world by these miracles.

Computer chips... no it's to do with a man's name and that man is called the Son of Perdition and Man of Sin.

Paul says so in 2 thess chapter 2.

William8's photo
Sat 06/15/13 06:16 PM
Women are very shallow creatures when it comes down to it and you need to be young, or rich or both to get their attention.

Character has nothing to do with it.

Men on the other hand will settle for almost anything.

So online dating is a tough business.

I set up a bogus online profile. and made up all these fantastic lies about myself to test my theory and got plenty of attention from women.

It's so sad but so true :angry:

William8's photo
Sat 06/15/13 06:09 PM
I am a big fan of the original as well, they really should release it with cgi effects just like they have with Star Trek TOS.

I wonder why they decided to can Blood and Chrome?

William8's photo
Fri 06/14/13 09:53 PM
No not dying, I have made my peace with God, according to His requirements, BUT I hope that my death will be quike and painless. I don't want to die horribly and painful.

William8's photo
Fri 06/14/13 09:49 PM
It is my fav. I have not stop watching it since its release on DVD. I finally got my hands on Blood and Chrome and will be watching it tonight.

My favorite episodes is The Captain's Hand, Hand of God, Scar and 33.

What did you think of the ending. I would like to see a movie or even series based on their days on earth.

I could imagine Baltar having a primitive tribe worshiping him lol.

Could be a great story of political power play amoungst tribes and kingdoms etc Game of Thrones type thing.

William8's photo
Fri 06/14/13 09:40 PM
I had no idea about Star Trek continues.

I have the three seasons with cgi spfx also the Animation series. Also all the Star Trek fan collective releases.

I would certainly be interested in a new series situated in TOS.

William8's photo
Fri 06/14/13 09:21 PM
Edited by William8 on Fri 06/14/13 09:28 PM
But all that is self defeating, instead of confronting our fear of death and helping to seek a method of prolonging our lives through science, we run to religion which has a long standing history of stifling science.

Oh the irony. Science has only brought mankind on the brink of extinction.

Overpopulation, global warming and dwindling resources , all the results of science, has set up the worst case scernario for the widest possible suffering.

Also inventing biological fairytales such as evolution, and supporting it through missinformation and humanist propaganda, is the biggest scientific fraud since the Peking man.

The Peking man was a complete fraud but sat in a museum and influenced thought about human evolution, for 40 years.

Think of that, a lie, a forgery hailed as the greatest proof of evolution.

Lies like that are still influencing thinking even today, Abiogenesis, beneficial mutations are just as bogus but just as influential.

William8's photo
Fri 06/14/13 06:09 PM
Yes what a gift. What a God to give both genders the ability to create another soul.

It's ironic that the act of creating life has become more important to many, then the fruit of the womb.

The wonders of God are so much, yet can be so taken for granted.

William8's photo
Thu 06/06/13 10:42 PM

I think evolution from one species to another has not been proven. In fact most of that theory makes no sense.

Neither has an intelligent deity or creator god been proven.

The argument evolution vs. a deity keeps the two sides distracted to the point that they couldn't see the truth if they were looking right at it.

And they are.

All life is determined by a very complex 4 Chemical code and you say that there is no evidence for an intelligent creator.

The DNA code is more complex then binary code and yet one could argue that binary code is proof of intelligent design?

The internal combustion engine is proof of intelligent desigh, yet all life works upon that same principle of consuming fuel to run.

You also claim that there is no sin.

What would you call an intelligent beings ability to destroy another intelligent being for mere self gratification, such as the rape of a child.

Sin is possessing the knowledge of good and evil and chooseing the one over the other.

Genesis 3:22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil.

William8's photo
Thu 06/06/13 09:53 PM

Evolution is a lie. All who have no love for the truth (that they might be saved) believe this lie because... THEY HAD PLEASURE IN UNRIGHTEOUSNESS. For this very reason men hide the truth for the sake of unrighteousness.
This entire statement is a lie because evolution is empirical.
I don't want to go way off topic but hominids do exist,16s rRNA and DNA homology are very strong supportive evidence for evolution.
What do the creationist have to debunk evolution?Ah wait a second here it comes............"the flagella" and it's spinning tail?Alrighty then.

Comparing similarity in species or DNA has been a common trick to support evolution.

The many differences though are not reconcilable.

DNA itself is far to complex to allow for any new genetic material to be transferred from progenitor to progeny.

To have any strong evidence for evolution, you have to demonstrate how new genetic material, that is not inherent in the species, can come about.

Since all life is determined by DNA then there are bound to be similarity between species, just as there are similarity in binary code and software.

An extinct primate is not proof of evolutionary ancestor, since many primate species exist.

Many species of animal have become extinct.

So any extinct primate is no more proof for evolution then any living one.

The discovery of DNA proved evolution from one species into another, impossible.

Even if benefitial mutations were possible and you haven't proven that they are, how can one freak biological trait become a universal phenomenon in a species?

On a rare few occasions babies have been born with six fingers, but it have never been passed on or become a universal biological trait, and rewrote our DNA?

Mutations are the result of mistakes in the transfer of DNA which only confuse the cell, since it can only read specific DNA.

These mistakes lead to lose of limbs etc.

One small mistake in DNA and the cell cannot read it.

Benefitial mutations was invented by Evolutionary biologists to keep the theory credible. It did not come about by emperical evidence.

It is just one of the biological fantasies evolutionist teach to keep the only support for atheism and secularism afloat.

Evolution is not supported by science but by atheism which just happens to be the dominating world view.

It is Darwinian ideologies that children are brainwashed in.

William8's photo
Thu 06/06/13 02:20 AM
You must have been captain of the debateing team indifferent