Wow I am going to write that down, thanks for the heads up.
Describe your perfect match
Big love handles
Well Jesus said whom God has jioned together so does that mean waiting for God or does it just apply to anyone you meet? Does God bring the right people together?
Partners Not Playmates
Adam was lucky, no other man around to compare him to.
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I prefer BMW
Beautiful Mature Woman |
Handsome or Character
I dated another women who hated affection altogether and only wanted to talk on the phone every night. That only lasted a week.
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Handsome or Character
Edited by
Tue 03/05/13 07:27 PM
Well there is always the problem of compatiblety in bed. I dated one women from another dating sight for two months but she was very conservative in bed. She liked sex but no foreplay. She was boring in bed.
Sugar Mommas
I would love a sugar momma, but since I am 42.she would have to be 78.maybe. I think my limmit would be 60 if she looked like Surgorny Weaver
Handsome or Character
Edited by
Tue 03/05/13 07:15 PM
You can't judge a book by its cover some women might not look like much but they have a great engine under the hood that purrs like a kitten.
i am new to this site.
Hello I am looking for love in all the wrong places
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Another casualty of Twilight
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Describe your perfect match
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God's Economic Plan
I believe that the New Covenant is the only one in effect now and any nation that wants to please God should become Christian and follow Christ.
God made two sexes for a reason
Mark 10:6 But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female. It is unnatural to have sexual relations with the same sex... Romans 1:26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: 1:27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. |
OMG I am going to have to ask these players for some tips.
I think it is a validation thing for women but sad. I could only be with a women my age or older. Never half my age and I have had the opportunity. Women are their sexiest between 40 and 60 anyhow. Why would I want to be with a women younger.
I don't believe so. Thinking in terms of that perfect partner or soulmate are the two things that make relationships go bust. Don't have such hi expectations. If we look for that perfect fit the majority will die lonely. Any old port in a storm I say.
what men want????
A women as atractive as you?
Edited by
Tue 03/05/13 01:55 AM
Well Adam and Eve became subject to Satans kingdom after they obeyed him. He has the power of death and suffering is a by product of that. Jesus defeated Satans kingdom by rising from the grave, hence his followers will also. Yet the world is under the rule and subjugation of Satan and Jesus is the only way back into Gods Kingdom. When Christ returns Satan and all of his subjects will be cast into Hell along with death. Jesus can do this for he paid the penalty for our sins so that Satan can no longer accuse us and became victorious over death, sins power, by bursting forth from the grave. What a terrible blow to Satans kingdom and power.
do we?
How do you determine that. Someone not that long ago said that a church was full of true christians because they were nice to him. I said that being nice does not prove that they are true christians. So he told the church what I said and this church excomunicated me. The Irony is that they weren't so nice to me. People always say that they are true christians evem me. So one persons idea of a true christian may not be another's I for one don't date Pentecostals. I have but I don't anymore which pretty much eliminates every women on the Christian dating scene.