Community > Posts By > William8

William8's photo
Mon 07/01/13 06:37 PM
The Jews obviously reject Jedus for personal reasons. They claim to understand scripture but hold to the Talmud as just as sacred and therfore bury the Torah and prophets in a mountain of interpretation that only favors Judaism.

The New Testament realies only on the Old for proof of the Messiah.

The Talmud is just an evergrowing bag of rabbanical wind that is ever trying to blow out the light of the law and the prophets, that all point to Jesus Christ.

The Tulmad is a testament of traditional toss.

There are plenty of examples of the Jews being stiffneckef and rebellious towards God in the law and prophets.

Jews are rebellious toward God and so stiffnecked that God can put them in concentration camps, as the Torah warns, and yet they still held to their Talmud traditions.

History has proven that Jews are stubborn and stiffnect so why would anyone follow them?

William8's photo
Mon 07/01/13 06:23 PM
Do you guys know that there is a society that call themselves Vehement, its. members vow to not have any children, they see beyond there own selfish needs and look to depopulating the planet, so that it may survive. They believe that all of mankind should stop having children and let the human population dwindle, even die out. This proves that there are enlightened people on this planet. Once we destroy this planet we are all dead and no Alien civilization is going to rescue us at the last minute, only Christ if you obey him now. Atleast this Vehement society is able to see the big picture, identify the problem and are tryin to do something practical and very nobal. Of course the majority of mankind live with their heads up thier bums. Secular education is the biggest threat, which encourages sexual exploration. Like they say if you want to fix the legal system kill all the lawyers. So if its better education you want, kill all the teachers. Atleast the Vehement society is doing something nobal and honorable.

William8's photo
Mon 07/01/13 06:04 PM
Secularism panders to perverts. Being a pervert use to be illegal but now it is the line being drawn in the sand. You are either on the side of perverts or you are not. Sure without Gods grace in illuminating our minds to the truth, people cannot help but be perverts. I was once a pervert in many ways. Anyone can change but no one can without Gods grace working in them. So it is Gods elect verses the world. Perversion is their mission, Christ is ours. I long for the day when they make acceptance of perversion a law, so that I can openly and publicly deny that law as a wittness against their perversed obsessive agenda. I laugh at their faces.

William8's photo
Mon 07/01/13 05:53 PM

21 Jump Street.

How funny was that!

I have recently seen After Earth, nothing epic but was interesting if not a little weird to see father and son together.

Evil Dead 2013 I remember watching the original back when I got my first pubic hair. I don't know which was more scarier. Back then horror was ground breaking, now its all been done. Still I liked it, but the ending was a bit stupid.

Man of Steel. Another onscreen character to live up to. Special effects are mindblowing. Story is a remake of Superman 2. Not as good but the special effects make it much better in that sense.

Star Trek Into Darkness. Again the special effects are mindblowing. It was an interesting spin on Wrath of Khan. Again the original made a big splash back when it was all groundbreaking but today they have the cgi which just makes the experience so mych more believable.

Now we really can believe a man can fly.

William8's photo
Mon 07/01/13 04:33 PM
Righteous women are therefore obedient, guarding the secrets of Allah's guarding and those you fear may be rebellious admonish; banish them to their couches and beat them. (Koran, IV, Woman, 35)

Respecting other cultures in our multi-cultural society is the law apparently. Muslims especially are given free reign because they have so many vital cultural needs, one of which is to be intolerant of all other cultures and beliefs, having to pray five times a day at a specific time.

The law says that we have to respect this. This can only lead me to believe that we must also respect their cultural practice of wife bashing. To not do so would be not respecting their cultural needs. To differentiate between prayer and wife bashing, would be hypothetical of the law and breaking this all important law of obligeing other cultures. That law cannot pick and choose what cultural traditions and needs immigrants can and cannot have. That would defeat the whole purpose of respecting other cultures.

If a woman wants to be a Muslim, then she must respect her husband's disciplinary authority. It's their culture, their way and I cannot be told to respect one aspect of their culture and disrespect another. If we must respect other cultures as this is a multi-cultural society, must respect every aspect of that culture.

We cannot force our own culture onto other cultures, while respecting other cultures. We cannot force feminism or democracy onto other cultures while making it a law to oblige other cultures in our so called enlightened society. We either respect another culture or we don't.

To pick and choose what they can and cannot do in regards to their culture is forcing them to adopt our culture. So a multi-cultural society is a fallacy. If you take pride in respecting other cultures then you have to respect the Muslim practice of wife bashing, or you are a hypocrite, and you're tree hugging utopian dream of everyone getting along is a delusion.

William8's photo
Sun 06/30/13 05:33 PM
Atleast England is our native soil and we can be proud of such a rich heritage and history. What about Shakespeare? Nothing compares to that! America is only a couple of centuries old and is like a child with dangerous toys.

England concerd the world through military might bit weapons of mass destruction, which seems to give them the bollocks to push other countries around.

America should stop playing grownups on the world stage and let the more experienced and rich countries run things.

America is going down the toilet and it is going to take the rest of us with it.

William8's photo
Sun 06/30/13 05:10 PM
Marriage can only be between s man and a woman just like conception can only be between a man and a woman.

It's delusional to try and fit same sex relationships within that catagory.

A man who wears a dress can be legally a woman but that does not change the fact that it is a man.

I remember when I was introduced to the homosexual world while watching the movie, Deliverance. "Sooweeeeee!"
"You got a purdy mouth."

No it has gone global and legal but that does not make it any less wrong.

William8's photo
Sun 06/30/13 04:46 PM

"Even as Sodom and Gomorrha,
and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication,
and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire."

Jude 1:7

Yes and as Peter explains in his second letter, chapter 2 that just like God destroyed the ancient world by a flood, he will destroy this present world by fire.

We can see a push by atheism to force every country to accept homosexuality.

The more countries they get to join the Sodom international community, the closer they come to fulfilling Gods final judgement.

Like the Lord said, if there be only a few righteous people in Sodom the city will be spared for their sake.

The world thinks that it is safe from God and when they finally rid the world of the truth completely, they will say PEACE PEACE but as as it is written, sudden destruction will come upon them.

It is all going according to what is written and what is written must come to past.

William8's photo
Sun 06/30/13 04:37 PM
The word freedom can be applied to many things, so what freedom is Paul talking about :smile:

William8's photo
Sun 06/30/13 04:10 PM
Of course a woman can ask a man out, a woman who is unnatainable makes him hungry, sounds like a psychotic stalker who must dominate women who reject him.

William8's photo
Sun 06/30/13 04:03 PM
What this is about being gay ewwwee!

Well since I am here it is obvious that priests like their boys young.

Maybe you gay guys should go to confession and swap stories...

amscray on the exnay...eeeeeeee!

William8's photo
Sun 06/30/13 03:57 PM
...If she is a woman

It's only stalking if she don't like you, so there is a grey area.

If a woman was stalking me I would consider that romantic and I would encourage her to keep stalking me.

Women are such funny creatures. I know we are two sides of the same coin, so similar yet so different.

It is important for a guy to recognize when a woman is not interested and respect that.

There is nothing more pathetic then a guy who keeps pestering a girl when she is clearly not interested.

This idea that women like to play hard to get, is not logical.

If a women likes a guy and she is not shy, she will show it.

But if a man does not respect a womans rejection, he is of the abusive type.

Call the police and screem if you are in public and never put yourself in a situation where he can confront you alone.

Guys like that do not like to be rejected and are dangerous.

William8's photo
Sun 06/30/13 12:30 AM
Edited by William8 on Sun 06/30/13 12:31 AM
I am 43 and have never had kids. I never had a high paying job and could not afford children.

I would love to have had kids but to not be able to give them everything, I would rather to have never been born myself.

I never had kids because I loved them too much to subject them to poverty.

Most people are just so stupid. How can I be of the same species?

William8's photo
Sat 06/29/13 11:55 PM
A government is only as strong as the amount of people who support it.

The only people who speak of how great America is, are... well Americans. They actually believe their own propaganda. America is a country that oppresses the poor and devalues human life for a profit. It's a pipe dream.

I wonder what the native Indians will celebrate on July 4th.

William8's photo
Sat 06/29/13 11:50 PM

Does that mean butt-sex laws are discriminatory?

A rose by any other name is still a rose.

Same sex marriage is a joke, it's no more a marriage then a man wereing a dress is a women.

Sodomy is not sex either. Sex involves the sexual organs i.e. repoductive organs of both genders.

Legalization of same sex marriage is just testament to the American dream world that just cannot deal with reality.

I will never recognize same sex marriage.

William8's photo
Sat 06/29/13 09:25 PM
Well we have to be honest with ourselves.

Jesus needs to identify sin before he can help us.

I am a man and am sexually attracted to women.

That's normal but I have to know where to draw the line, and do the right thing.

I would not consider two single christians flirting as a sin.

Jesus I think is talking about adultery.

Homosexuality is a sin just like adultery so just looking at a man and having sexual thoughts is a sin.

It's desire and what you desire.

Sexual desire can be very strong, and is not something that we can just turn off.

The Bible shows us what sin is so we can understand the difference.

We live our whole lives in the flesh until knowing who Christ is and why we need him.

Paul says that the flesh battles with the spirit and perfection takes time.

Our perfect standing in Christ is immediate if we recognize our sin and are forgiven in Christ, recognizing that Christ was punishes for all our sins like it says in Isaiah 53.

Sex itself was created by God, and was ment ti be shared with one man and one woman.

Which is a beautiful thing but fallen man, being only in the flesh has perverted it by seeking sexual gratification in many other ways then the way God commanded.

What did Jesus say, anyone without sin cast the first stone.

Sex is a beautiful thing if used as God intended and contrary to atheistic propaganda, the world would be much better and everyone much happier but they have already ruined any chance for that, yet blame God by not allowing them to have a perfect world, by their disobedience.

William8's photo
Sat 06/29/13 08:59 PM
I would like to celebrate the fourth of July by burning the British Flag. After all, that is the country we were supposed to have won our independence from.

Well that particular colony had a great advantage over the Kingdom.

Great Briton had to travel over sea to resupply the royal troops.

Still Her Majesty may retake what is hers again.:wink:

William8's photo
Sat 06/29/13 08:54 PM
I will honor all that this country means.

Well I hope that includes the 5th amendments happy

What it is... a banana republic with the most weapons of mass destruction and will remain on top of the **** pile as long as it has those weapons :tongue:

One positive thing I can say about the current Pres... even though there has been a black family in the White House for 2 terms, it is not covered in graffiti. laugh

William8's photo
Sat 06/29/13 07:33 PM
So, if a man sees a woman and thinks to himself, "She is sexually attractive," has he lusted after her? I think not.

Well he uses the word adultery so it may refer to a married women that one lusts after, or a married man lusting after another woman.

Sure I have seen very attractive married women and admired their physical endowment without ever considering the possibility of sex.

I have flurted with married women out of pure instinct.

I am thankful that Jesus makes it clear how wrong it is so that I can come to him and admit my weaknesses which he is also able to understand.

Jesus as Gods son had to impart Gods will but Jesus as a man can also sympathise with our weaknesses, making him the best way to God.

Jesus convicts, condemns and pardons for only he can happy

William8's photo
Sat 06/29/13 07:22 PM
They fornicate because it feels good and they don't think about the consequences. I've known unmarried women who have babies just so they can get more welfare from the government, and they are usually living with some lazy dead beat sperm donor who smokes pot all day.

Absolutely and that is the governments fault for allowing the unemployed make a career out of having babies.

For the government to not have the forsight not to see the ramifications is testament to the corruptness of those in government who want votes. We are now seeing 3rd generation unemployment.

Having children is a privilege not a right and you have to have a job first.

The government of every country is guilty as well. It all falls back on the governments who failed in their duty to make the hard decisions and not bow to the stupidity of the inbreed lowbrow masses, who are basically animals.