Community > Posts By > tiffanyraquel
You feed them, clothe them, take them to school...etc? My brother is a Houston Police officer and he raises his own children. You DO NOT raise any one elses children. Maybe, you could say that if you were a volunteer at the YMCA, do the Buddy System with a kid or be a foster parent. But, police officers enforce the law. They DO NOT take kids home with them and raise them.
Would you attend the wake
When you feel down and hopelessly depressed you reach out for the people who REALLY care about you. Ok, you did not make it to the wake. But, please call your old friend and arrange to meet him/her so that they may cry, vent, etc. That is what people do when they care about one another. I am a soldier who just returned from Iraq. I wanted to committ suicide and I reached out to OLD friends. I am here now. What does that tell you?
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Little Girls
| keep the bloodsucking teenage boys away!
rate me 1-10
People are rating you a 1 to be funny. Only the one that falls for you can rate you. I would never had picked my husband out of a crowd of guys. I knew him through work. I fell in love with HIM...not a profile etc.
Potty Training Nightmare
I know soldiers and college kids who are not potty trained. They still get drunk and piss wherever they
Potty Training Nightmare
It may not be her job....but potty training is a 24/7 job. She can surely help and it is pretty neat to know that you can tell him about it later when he is all grown
Potty Training Nightmare
Tell him that the potty is hungry and that he needs to feed Really, it worked for me. Then, have him sit on the toilet and read him a book while letting him drink something. Eventually, he will need to pee. Tell him he did a good job of feeding the potty man. I swear kids really believe this stuff. Oh, and plenty of patience.
daughter J
Oh, funny story. My mother did not tell me crap. I went to the store and bought tampons myself. I cried reading the instructions. I put the WHOLE tampon in and could not walk. I had heard that it hurt to wear tampons...rumor by the way. Yea, it does hurt if you don't pull the carboard out. I pulled it all out before I left the restroom. It took me a few months until I complained to a friend and she laughed hard as hell. But, she taught me how and I thank her for
daughter J
First of all she will start her period when she reaches about 115lbs. I am a mother of two daughters, one is 20 and the other is 14. The 14 year old has not started because she is only 89 Have a sit down with your daughter before this time comes and let her know that when she starts her period it will be a cool thing because that means she is now a woman. Well, in a physical sense.
Buy her thin- winged pads. Also, buy her small tampons...cardboard type..not plastic. Those plastic ones are not for starters. She may cut herself because of the way they are designed. Oh, and some vaseline for her to insert the tampons. If it is summer this will be important ( swimming etc.) If not summer, then let her decide when to start using tampons. It is scary to alot of young girls. Find a teenage girl or relative SHE feels comfortable with to teach her how to use these items. The instructions will leave her in tears and confused. This is a big moment for a young girl. It can either be scary as hell of a very proud moment for her in her life. If you are not comfortable dealing with this it is alright. Just find someone she is able to talk with and have someone talk to her NOW...not once it happens. She should be prepared. |
Hey, I know that is, completely, heartbreaking. Unfortunately it does happen quite a bit. When you meet the " right " woman she will love you faithfully and completely. Make up with your brother though. Blood is thinker than water. But, he should feel remorse for what he did. Family is family though. She was probably hanging out with him too much. Anyway, you will meet a woman that takes care of you. I would never cheat on my husband and we deploy at different times. Don't give up hope.
Love,' Sgt Peters, Tiffany ![]() |
I returned from Iraq Dec 16, 2007. On January 28, 2008 I, seriously, attempted to take my own life. When I returned from Iraq all my friends had moved to other posts or gotten out of the military. I went stir crazy in my apartment. Anyway, there were other issues too. The pain inside that it becomes unbearable and you just want to go " home ". Your friend may have seemed alright because he was content with his plans, yet inside wishing there was another way to ease the pain. My prayers go out to him, his family and to you. We just don't think about the pain we will cause others because we are in such deep pain ourselves. Keep in touch with your friends, stay in tune with others feelings and watch for signals. Do some research. You may be surprised that more of your friends are depressed. There IS help out there! Be a friend and force them to get it or call the right people. Don't worry about your friend being mad at you. JUST DO IT!!
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Stop trying. Just have fun, be yourself, get through the boring stuff and she will walk right up to you. You might want to get involved in organizations that are interesting to you. You may meet the one for you doing the same thing you like. Clubs are not the market place for a woman to meet your
Good luck! ![]() |
My last tour in Iraq I formed a friendship with a Muslim Iraqi...not all Iraqis are Muslim. We never talked about religion. I introduced my friend to another soldier I knew. The first conversation out of the soldiers mouth was about religion. He was trying to convert the Iraqi to becoming a Wiccan and he was putting down the Muslim religion. We immediately got up and left. Over a cheese pizza ( thank you Pizza Hut for being at Camp Taji )we just started laughing. I always thought it was other religions shoving their beliefs upon one another. But a Wiccan to a Muslim in his homeland?
Let's all get together and have and old fashion Texas barbecue, drink wine, dance and laugh. God bless America for letting people practice their beliefs without persecution. The rest of ya.....get the hell out!
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Your not over-sensitive. Last time I checked, my beliefs, humans were not Gods and only God can judge. You seem really sweet. Your children are blessed to have a mother such as you. People who persecute others are " posers". There are many people who " claim " to be Christians, but they might want to go back and read the Scripture.
Oh and your right. Please do not try to take away our comfort in God. For most of us the world would seem hopeless. In the Bible God tells us that there will be peace one day. God is my comfort and my strength.
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I am a Christian. My pastor said do not shove it down their throats. My best friend is Mormon and I am Lutheran. I do not believe she is a Christian under my beliefs, but she is a human being and my friend. I don't believe you can force anyone to believe what you do, but you can show them through example.
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i now people sat you have one but where in my body is it does it have a physical shape what matter does it consist of You are attending college? You should take classes on grammar and spelling. now=know, you should end sentences with periods, use commas , etc |
who is god
You mean those bastards had vegetables and did not share with me. They must REALLY hate Christians. Damn them all!
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"Jesus" Fact or Fiction
Yes, you did.
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