Community > Posts By > tiffanyraquel
Can you imagine
men get the BOOBIES You seem like a really nice guy. I would stay off this forum if I were you. It will make you a devil. ![]() ![]() |
Really. ![]() Do you think that people of today still need these rules spelled out for them? Jeannie UH! YEAH!!!! How high is the divorce rate? Do you really expect us to believe that people are not pushing their sexuality over the limits set for our good? What about kiddie porn & the sex slave trade going on today...being perpetrated on innocent women & children being stolen from their parents for sex???? Female mutilation in some countries & slavery in the sudan!!!! Right under our noses yet you all want to turn a blind eye to that...just keep blaming God for man's sin nature thats out of control!!!! Uh... with rampant divorce, out of wedlock children & sexual disease going on please spare us the silly remarks. That's being in denial about the consequences. I, truly, cannot believe you have never been married. Hey, it is hard out there. You keep being yourself. There is someone that is made just for you. I hope he is kind, full of humor and quick to set you straight. Strong women such as yourself need a man who can handle you. He will be a very lucky man. Get off this damn site and get out there girl. Do what is interesting to you. That is the way to socialize with men. You cannot feel the chemistry online. Don't get me wrong I know that there are people who have found love on the internet. But, it should not be your only resource. I don't know you personally so I cannot say what you have tried. Hey, stop trying. Just get out there. Go fishing. People talk to people they have never met when doing that. Go out there with your fishing pole and bait and ask someone, " Hey, how do I do this?" You would be very surprised how many people will help you. It is relaxing too. If you don't meet a man, then you can at least make some great friends. ![]() I'm out there. God just showed me that humanity's standards have gotten so low that my sites were lowered to just accept it. One day I thought, "What the heck was I thinking???" when I saw so many godly & powerful Christian men that is. :) I just don't feel the need to settle anymore. I know what you mean though. I'm getting ready for His best for me & having fun along the way. Love you wedding pic. You're a lovely woman. I hope I'm not sounding's not what it's about. I really wish more people would see what I saw so they could have their best life too. Thats whats up ![]() |
Really. ![]() Do you think that people of today still need these rules spelled out for them? Jeannie UH! YEAH!!!! How high is the divorce rate? Do you really expect us to believe that people are not pushing their sexuality over the limits set for our good? What about kiddie porn & the sex slave trade going on today...being perpetrated on innocent women & children being stolen from their parents for sex???? Female mutilation in some countries & slavery in the sudan!!!! Right under our noses yet you all want to turn a blind eye to that...just keep blaming God for man's sin nature thats out of control!!!! Uh... with rampant divorce, out of wedlock children & sexual disease going on please spare us the silly remarks. That's being in denial about the consequences. I, truly, cannot believe you have never been married. Hey, it is hard out there. You keep being yourself. There is someone that is made just for you. I hope he is kind, full of humor and quick to set you straight. Strong women such as yourself need a man who can handle you. He will be a very lucky man. Get off this damn site and get out there girl. Do what is interesting to you. That is the way to socialize with men. You cannot feel the chemistry online. Don't get me wrong I know that there are people who have found love on the internet. But, it should not be your only resource. I don't know you personally so I cannot say what you have tried. Hey, stop trying. Just get out there. Go fishing. People talk to people they have never met when doing that. Go out there with your fishing pole and bait and ask someone, " Hey, how do I do this?" You would be very surprised how many people will help you. It is relaxing too. If you don't meet a man, then you can at least make some great friends. ![]() |
Really. ![]() Do you think that people of today still need these rules spelled out for them? Jeannie UH! YEAH!!!! How high is the divorce rate? Do you really expect us to believe that people are not pushing their sexuality over the limits set for our good? What about kiddie porn & the sex slave trade going on today...being perpetrated on innocent women & children being stolen from their parents for sex???? Female mutilation in some countries & slavery in the sudan!!!! Right under our noses yet you all want to turn a blind eye to that...just keep blaming God for man's sin nature thats out of control!!!! Uh... with rampant divorce, out of wedlock children & sexual disease going on please spare us the silly remarks. That's being in denial about the consequences. You have an awesome profile! You sound like a load of fun and a bit feisty I must say. No matter what your religion, I wish I had a friend like you to hang out with. I bet there is some interesting talk at lunch. ![]() |
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Sat 06/07/08 09:22 AM
I think abra and jb should get together too...a goat and a pregnant cow would make a cute couple.
I see Ms Congeniality is back. ![]() Aren’t personal insults supposed to be against the rules here? Or did they change that? Not that I care. But most people usually at least try to address the topic whilst they hurl insults in disquise. ![]() Now we have naked hecklers just slinging mud without even addressing the topics at all. It a whole new fad I guess. I did not personally insult you. YOU said that I was a " zoo keeper", then you must be a goat. You said it not me. Think sharp. |
I am a Christian. I do believe Jesus Christ is our Saviour. I never said that I practiced what I believe. I am a Christian who is going to burn in hell for eternity
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By the way, I don't go to Sunday school. Maybe, if I did I would be a better person. I really don't care where I go at this point.
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tiffanyraquel wrote:
Are you serious? I bet your lonely right now. I bet you wish you had someone that loved you, but you cannot be loved. You are unlovable. Your too angry. That is why your husband left. He could not handle you craziness. You lie. First you question Christianity, then you claim to be one! Read your tarrot cards and you will see an old lady with many cats hiding behind death. Talk about someone who is full of hate. A married woman who has logged onto a dating site and has been making extremely uncouth an ignorant quips about single people being pathetic because they are single? The things you said in your above quote are beneath contempt. They are utterly dispicable careless personal accusations intended to be degrading. And you call yourself a Christian???? ![]() You sound more like Satan himself with your hateful personal insults. I truly feel sorry for you girl. Someone must have really hurt you bad that you feel such a great need to lash out at others the way you have been doing since you got here. What are you doing on a dating sight cutting people down for being single and making terrible accusation about why their spouses left them when you don't even have a clue who the people are you are personally attacking? Is this how they taught you to behave in Sunday School? You can call yourself a Christian till the cows come home. Your behavior here is an insult to the name of Christ. You tell Jeannie that she cannot be loved? She is unlovable? And that's why her husband left her? I think you need to get a life kiddo. ![]() You have no clue who you are even talking to much less be in a possition to be passing judgments on people. and again who was it that died and left you judge and jury......boy we are casting alot of rocks and glass houses people.....take it down a notch. Maybe we should do a cooking class in here......and let you guys chill for a bit. What do you think? [/quo You are, also, married? Why are you here, as they ask me the same question? I think abra and jb should get together too...a goat and a pregnant cow would make a cute couple ![]() |
When I came back from Iraq this last tour I tried to committ suiced. I did not care if I went to hell or not. I am in hell. My friend shot herself in the face while there, my other friend had his leg blown off and etc... The world is full of so much hate and now I am. I used to be so nice. They found me and I was not breathing and I was so angry when I woke up strapped down in a hospital. Then, I come onto this website just to talk and people and they are so hateful. The world is full of $!hit. I just needed someone to talk to. I need to believe that suicide is wrong. But, if there is nothing after this who cares! Don't you people get it. You are arguing and you should be congregating to help one another. I will not come back to this site. It is too serious. I don't need sympathy. I am not writing this for that. I know that I am going to hell.
This is why I gave up on religion. The Bible is so ambiguous that it contradicts its own teachings. Think it's funny when Cristians say, "Oh I don't believe that part, I like this part better". ![]() I call them "Designer Christians". They just pick and choose which parts they like and reject the rest. Rather than getting into that silly game, I just recognize that the whole thing is total ambiguous and self-inconsistent. Better off just dropping the whole thing. After all, how are you supposed to be obedient to a God when you can't even say with certainty what they hell he wants. ![]() My previous pastor, very liberal, said that if you don't believe one part...then it is all wrong. You cannot have it both ways. Whoever said that to you Abra is very lost in the woods. I have read some scriptures, and I am a Christian, that I have had to wonder what he meant. The times were different then, Plus, if you don't read or speak the origianl language ( including slang at that time ) it is hard to interpret. That is why it is important to find a non conservative pastor, etc to answer our questions. But, even my pastor said " We could all be, love ALL people." I miss him so much! ![]() |
I have not gone to church since I left Houston. I found a Luthern church that I liked there. All Christian churches believe the same is the doctrine that is different. But, the reason I liked this church was because they did not knock on my door, they did not ask me for money, they smoked at the door of the church, you could wear whatever you wanted and they answered any of my dumb questions. Don't get me wrong...I am still confused. But I have faith that there is something bigger than us. I am like an ant....I just won't be able to figure it until it's over. But, I need to believe in something.
I have gone to Wiccan services numerous times and met wonderful people...but I just did not feel it like they did. But, I have made some great friends. They do this on post at Ft Hood. It is so relaxing.I get so emotional and angry sometimes hearing the Christians and the other religious persons debating. I wish you would all meet up barbeque, fish, baby sit one anothers children or just talk " normal". I am like a little devil and I get so mad. One day we will all know the real truth and the funny thing is we mat be all right. You think God does not know chemistry etc... Some people are given the " gift" and we accuse them of Satanism etc... We are so dumb compared to " whatever" created us. It may be one big test and we may be failing. ![]() |
Who wrote that women of Islam get fixed down in the privates and do not get respected. Wow! How ignorant ![]() I currently live in a Muslim country and although female circumcision is still practiced in the south of Egypt, it is illegal. Susan Mubarrak has campaigned against it for years. Its also not a religious thing. In Sudan and Chad they do it as a sign of womanhood You have been brainwashed. I think I just fell in love ![]() I saw women in Baghdad walking around alone wearing blue jeans and pumps. Some women choose to wear the cover. But, they do have a choice. There are women lawyers, doctors, teachers, and even radio hosts. Join the military for two years, go over there and find out. I love the Iraqi people. They just want peace. Their families don't move away when they get married, they just build another home. They take care of their elderly. Wow! If we only did that here in the USA. You are thinking of the Taliban!
Yep .. spot on. In Egypt its like that too. But then Spider is a little fanatical about his beliefs. Even when you prove him wrong. ![]() As much as I fool around on this site, seriously I care about all human beings. Don't you just love the Muslim practitioners. They NEVER discuss religion and we just have fun. My,Arabic, interpreter friends in Iraq took me to eat pizza in Iraq. We just talked about life. But, they don't understand the My Wiccan practicing friend brought up religion and they told him to fill up his mouth with pizza. They do not like to talk about religion at all. But, they respect everyone. It is those few Muslim, Christian etc that cause harm to human relationships. They are just human,they don't have the right to decide who believes what. Hey, though I am still going to mess with you non believers later...or until my hubby comes to visit again. I hope your thick skinned ![]() |
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Fri 06/06/08 04:23 PM
My church lets women be equal to men. My previous church told me that women should be honored and respected. Men should take charge and make sure their famly is taken care of. I say God created Adam and then said " Damn, I screwed up." Then he made Eve. See Adam was just a rough draft for prefection. ![]() |
Who wrote that women of Islam get fixed down in the privates and do not get respected. Wow! How ignorant
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But, I found out last night I am a zookeeper. Do they get paid well. Right now I only have a goat and a pregnant cow
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it was brought to my attention in another post i did, that i have made up what a man (or woman) ought to be. its been a couple of days since replying because i wanted biblical scripture to back me up. well... here are my findings and i am going to let the scriptures speak for themselves. Ephesians 5:1-4 "be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. but among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of greed, because these are the improper for God's holy people. nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, which are out of place, but rather thanksgiving." you all can also look up: Ephesians 6: 10-18 Galatians 5: 16-26 Exodus 20: 3-17 2 Timothy 2:22 feel free to add more if you have suggestion. this one go ahead and debate about if you want. I am a Christian..but I do those things. I use foul language, had premarital sex, make dirty jokes. Let us be careful about preaching....unless we are near perfect. Don't get me wrong. I know that you mean well. But, I don't want...Atheist,,,etc..too get the wrong impression. I know Arabic persons that say they are Muslim, yet in Iraq I saw them drink, watch them sell porn and smoke...even during Ramadan ( That means we hear the Word, but we don't practice it. I will not judge another or decide who is going where. I may be a complete #$%itch sometimes, but even I feel like I am being preached too sometimes. Do not repeat Scripture unless you practice it. It makes it seem like, we, Christians are better than others. We are not. I believe every person no matter what they believe or do not believe are human beings. Yet, I will dig into you when I get emotional ![]() ![]() |
iam so board
What type of board? Ouija board, checkerboard, cardboard??? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
it was on the news
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Fri 06/06/08 10:43 AM
Doesn't she know if you're gonna leave your kid at home you have got to use duct tape???? ![]() ![]() |
I am going night night now. Even the devil needs rest. While I sleep I will be content that somewhere in these threads you are still thinking of me.
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I am perfectly imperfect
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