Community > Posts By > tiffanyraquel
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The original post only asked for a count of people who were once Christians but are no longer believing in it anymore. He asked that there be no arguments and no discussion. He just wanted a count of X-Christians in this thread. It looks to me like his thread was hi-jacked, not by X-Christians but by Christians. When he completed his count and left the thread, they all seemed over joyed as if they had won some great spiritual battle or something. This is what it looks like. JB ![]() and he said things that i cannot repeat online ![]() or i might get booted... ![]() and i say, ![]() when the tables are turned? " ![]() That's what's up! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Why I am ....What I am.....
"A woman's heart should be so hidden in Christ
that a man should have to seek Him first to find her." I found this one to be a bit ironic. Back in the biblical days women didn’t have much choice in the matter, they were pretty much just fixed up with a mate for life and didn’t have much to say about it. The freedom of modern day women is actually quite contradictory to the biblical teachings. Modern day women have rebellious women to thank for their modern day freedoms. Not that I’m complaining. I would be the first to support freedom. I just think it’s ironic that modern day Christianity is so different from what the actual doctrine teaches. The actual doctrine was quite male-chauvinistic, and as far as I can tell it still is. The biblical story never really liberated women. They liberated themselves from the old traditions, yet they continue to cling to the very doctrine that not merely condoned for their oppression but actually proclaimed it to be the wishes of God himself. You always have something negative to say. Gheez. ![]() |
Please give me more information on this. I would like to send my youngest daughter.
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![]() Okay think...5000 plus people, mostly teenagers ages 13 to 18 in one auditorium and 1000 in another, with a few adults mixed in to keep us in line. We've just finished another night service and its our communion night. Now, you ask how do you get 6000 plus teenagers and chaperons to share one communion. You set the communion outside at the university's fountain area and you start a song...Imagine this song started sung in the two separate auditoriums...quietly...over and over again. By all these people...all these "youngsters" we quietly and slowly parade out to the fountain area...meeting up with the other auditorium together singing this song...even adding a round and echoes to it and adding beautiful ad lib to it... "Lord Prepare Me... To Be a Sanctuary Pure and Holy Tried and True With Thanksgiving I'll be a living Sanctuary For You" A short song, but beautiful in its meaning. This was done at the Presbyterian youth triennium back in July of 2001. I was going to be a senior in high school. I knew God. Prayed to Him occasionally, loved my church...but didn't really KNOW Him...truly in my heart until this week. I'll remember that week forever. It was lots of fun...but its the beautiful moments like six thousand teens and about only a sixth of that adults...singing quietly, peacefully such a powerful little song that truly touched me. God really works in wondrous ways. I needed to tell that story. Because I thought of it tonight as I was on here and figured that a sign. I know that song always helps can look it up in an hymnal its probably in there...called "Sanctuary". Its always helped me. Two months later, after the triennium and me coming closer to God in a way I had never imagined before that week...two months, almost to the day, September 11th happened. Having God closer to me after that week in July helped soooooo much during those rough times our nation and world went through and is still going through. Besides wanting to share the story I also want to note that if you have a child whose interested in camp or a large group thing, if its something good and appropriate...try your best to get them to it. That week at the triennium I believe truly changed my life and I'll be forever grateful for the having the chance to go. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Matchmaking Game - part 103
Sooner or later it will be " See ya later alligator". It is good your making connections now. You might need them.
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Matchmaking Game - part 103
Ok I am done for now...I need to flirt with the fun guy.....I told him be careful cuz people come into this thread and then never leave... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() (((((((((((((((DEB)))))))))))))) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Like Mele said I am married not dead....and hubby knows I am a huge flirt....gigglesnort. He probably just does not care what you do. Did you ever think of that? ![]() |
I worship Him, but I get angry and curse at Him too. Why does He let this happen. I hope I am here at the end of times. I would love to be a soldier for Him. I will do the dirty work.
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Most of the time I feel the same way as you.
If we take a serious look at the world around us , we can not find a perfect designer . So " perfect " exists only as a linguistic term and not as a reality . Wow! Your a freakin genious. ![]() The world is screwed up and is not perfect . Religions are a piece of crap and they are not perfect ....!. So who on earth or in the universe is perfect ??!!!. To make something is to design it too . For someone to have religion in their life is to have faith. So, faith is crap? Maybe, you are just sad and need a friend. When you are happy you see sunshine and beauty. ![]() |
Free Tarot Card reading
Edited by
Sat 06/07/08 04:47 PM
hmmmm lets try! Will I ever have a family of my own? I have a question to you. Why are you naked and on the phone on the pic? ![]() |
Free Tarot Card reading
Romance or real love in my future? A while back I asked about improved health of my daughter but then I became very sick. If you answered, thank ! I need to find time and read what sees to be many pages. Anyway, thank you for your time. ![]() Shaden: Your problem is that you hold yourself back from living your life to the fullest. You project your fears and inhibitions into your surroundings and you create your own obstacles. The limitations you perceive don't lie in the outer world, they are projections of your own inner aprehension and anxiety. As long as you greet positive suggestions with expressions such as "I can't" and "Yes but..." nothing will change. You can cut yourself loose from what you feel binds you and decide that you will find the strength to change your life for the better, and be more positive. When this happens he will come into your life. You will meet someone. ~ King of Cups. You may meet him around water. Boating, swimming, sailing, or a musical recital or metaphysical group. All this advice from someone who lives alone with her cats? ![]() |
Free Tarot Card reading
Will someone I know go on a trip to Hawaii?
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Edited by
Sat 06/07/08 04:16 PM
Your soul is not going anywhere until you pass this life silly. Maybe, you should go to the doctor and have your glands checked if your that worried.
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Some comments for creative: Although I agree completely with Abra, and he has said it better that I could have, I will ask this one question that many scientists and doctors have asked and been unable to answer..until maybe recently.... (below) Computers have no perceptual faculty, no ability to reason, no self-awareness, and no personal needs, wants, nor desires. Without our ability to perceive, humans would have less than that, as a result of having no ability to receive and process information. The question is: What specific part of the brain is sentient and aware? Where is the conscious will? What part of the brain imagines? What part of the brain dreams? Some say it is the pineal gland in the center of the brain that gives rise to religious experiences and other out of body awareness. The human brain processes information even better than a computer. It is basically nothing more than a biological computer receiving and processing information of all kinds from the senses. Given all of that, scientists still do not know what part of the brain actually is sentient and aware of self and has a will. So what might be the function of this gland? Does it connect us to our source? If so, if it is tampered with, will we die or loose our soul? Some call it the third eye. I think this could be a very interesting study. Thank you. for being so wise and educating us all.........................................................................pause................................NOT. |
So what might be the function of this gland? Does it connect us to our source?
I think this is the big question right there! The question that everyone ultimately wants to know, including believers in the Bible. The ultimate question is this,... "Are we nothing more than walking computers? Or are we connected to some deeper underlying spiritual essence?" Even believers in the Bible would have to agree that, if we are not our bodies, then our 'souls' are somehow interfaced to our physical bodies. Even Christianity is a form of "The Matrix". The only difference is that Christians think they know who is running "The Matrix". If we are nothing but our brains (as you seem to be claiming Michael), then in theory, a sufficiently complex computer could indeed become just as sentient and self-aware as a human being. Just as much 'alive'. And that may very well be the case. But maybe not. I all depends on what Jeannies has asked, "Are we connected to a higher source?" If we are, then maybe computers could never become alive in the same way as humans. If we aren't, then why couldn't computers become our equals? Our brothers? We already recognize that animals are 'alive'. But most people don't believe they have 'spirits'. And they certainly haven't had the 'enlightenment' of self-awareness yet. But who's to say that they can't evolve to that? How would that happen? Would an ape just one day wake up and scream "Eureka!". Would it be an instantaneous awakening? Or would it be a slow groggy realization that takes place over a longer period of time? Would it be something that an ape would need to be born with? Or could an older ape 'awaken' in midlife? How would we know when at ape has awakened? According to studies Chimpanzees do show signs that they borderline on at least a potential for self-awareness, but they haven't seemed to have quite crossed over the line yet. What would it take to cross over that line? Is that line all-important? Is self-awareness somehow significantly different that not having self-awareness? Or is it merely a different state of mind. A different viewpoint. Nothing fundamentally all that different from a non self-aware animal? Are animals that are not self-aware nothing more that biological robots that have no more 'life' in them than a battery operated toy? Or a computer? I don't think anyone would claim that. I think everyone recognizes the living aspect of animals and treats them like they are ALIVE. They are certainly 'conscious' if not 'self-aware'. We can see the difference between a conscious animal and an unconscious animal. If we are 'stand-alone' beings. Then computers could also become both sentient and self-aware too. They would just need a certain level of complexity. Other animals could also become self-aware. Why should humans think they are special in this regard? (unless of course they have been reading fairytales that claim that a Santa Claus God gave them the gift of life). OMG! You were asked a simple question and then your write a darn book. Come on. ![]() |
As I sit at my computer desk my big black cat carefully approaches wanting some attention. He wants me to hold him. He is such a big lovable baby. I raised him from two weeks old with a bottle. He has always been real lovable, wanting to sleep "cheek to cheek" or under my chin wrapping his arms around me. Animals feel and give love, or at least it certainly seems so. Especially cats if you are close them. A day does not go by that he does not want some holding and hugging. This is the cat I wrote about in my attraction experiment. He was delivered strait to my door. He was just what I needed and wanted and asked the universe for. Do animals channel love from source? I think so. My sister has a parrot who won't take up with anyone but her. I think that parrot thinks she is his mate. ![]() Jeanniebean You might want to get more. I really don't think that trip to Hawaii is going to happen. ![]() |
If we take a serious look at the world around us , we can not find a perfect designer . So " perfect " exists only as a linguistic term and not as a reality . Wow! Your a freakin genious. ![]() |
Some comments for creative: Although I agree completely with Abra, and he has said it better that I could have, I will ask this one question that many scientists and doctors have asked and been unable to answer..until maybe recently.... (below) Computers have no perceptual faculty, no ability to reason, no self-awareness, and no personal needs, wants, nor desires. Without our ability to perceive, humans would have less than that, as a result of having no ability to receive and process information. The question is: What specific part of the brain is sentient and aware? Where is the conscious will? What part of the brain imagines? What part of the brain dreams? Some say it is the pineal gland in the center of the brain that gives rise to religious experiences and other out of body awareness. The human brain processes information even better than a computer. It is basically nothing more than a biological computer receiving and processing information of all kinds from the senses. Given all of that, scientists still do not know what part of the brain actually is sentient and aware of self and has a will. So what might be the function of this gland? Does it connect us to our source? If so, if it is tampered with, will we die or loose our soul? Some call it the third eye. I think this could be a very interesting study. Oh, JB I see you do ![]() ![]() |
Can you imagine
![]() Can you imagine being God?? OR Do you want to be God, or do you have any similar kind of drive that you can find in yourself?? |