Community > Posts By > MarsNeverSleeps

MarsNeverSleeps's photo
Sat 03/29/08 08:45 PM
"Now we sing dis stupid song!
Sing it as we run along!
Why we sing dis we don't know!
We can't make der words rhyme prop'ly!"

"Sound off!"
"One! Two!"
"Sound off!"
"Many! Lots!"
"Sound off!"
"Er ... what?

(pssst, how's that?)

MarsNeverSleeps's photo
Sat 03/29/08 08:40 PM
My pleasure, mate drinker

MarsNeverSleeps's photo
Sat 03/29/08 08:32 PM
Edited by MarsNeverSleeps on Sat 03/29/08 08:33 PM
Hmmm. Well, the question is what do you mean by "dating"?

If dating actually means, well, dating...don't call more than twice a week, and don't see each other more than maybe once a week. How long is too long? Honestly, I don't think it matters since there's nothing wrong with dating multiple girls--or guys, depending--at a time. Dating's supposed to be the relaxed, get-to-know-you-and-have-fun stage. Going into Relationship mode too early is virtually always deadly. So losing touch is up to you, if you've found someone new or just lose interest.

Now if by dating you mean *relationship*...that's different entirely. Obviously you don't want to let your significant other feel alone, left out or rejected. But in this case too it's a matter of disgression. How much attention is too much, how much is too little, and how much is exactly right, is going to vary from person to person.

Keep in mind that love is not a destination, but a journey. That includes constantly discovering, re-discovering, and re-re-discovering, your lover...and yourself. I don't think the question is really how much time is too much, but whether you can be a mature, adult human being and all that implies.

Since you're a guy, one more note: though it's essential to learn to be sensitive in matters of love, that doesn't mean you must become less masculine somehow. "Sensitive" and "manly" are *not* antonyms.

Hope this helps. Cheers! smokin

MarsNeverSleeps's photo
Sat 03/29/08 08:12 PM
Well, when he refers to imself in the third person, he's alluding to prophecies given in the Hebrew scriptures, what modern Christians call the Old Testament.

It's important to understand that Jesus was, first and foremost (during his time on Earth at least) a Jewish Rabbi, in an age when every Hebrew child had memorized inside and out the Pentateuch, the first five books of the Torah, by ten or eleven years old. Things are said and alluded to throughout the New Testament that we, two thousand years later, don't even catch, but to a Hebrew living in that place and at that time, were packed with significance and meaning.

A good example: when we refer to Jesus' teaching to "go the extra mile," we think its meaning is obvious--and to an extent it is--but what many people today don't know is that this was incredibly significant for its day: by Roman law, any visiting Roman could tell a Jew to carry his things as he traveled and the Jew would be obligated to oblige for one mile. "If you are told to walk a mile, walk two" takes on a whole new meaning when you've got luggage on your back and you'll be put in jail if you don't, huh?

Anyway, all that to say that the literary environment and culture in which the Gospels--indeed, the entire Bible--was written, was very different from our own, and it's important to understand these things in context, instead of assuming that since a passage doesn't quite meet our modern way of writing and thinking, it must be flawed, or that there's some deep mystery there.

Cheers, and God bless!smokin

MarsNeverSleeps's photo
Sat 03/29/08 04:39 PM

MarsNeverSleeps's photo
Fri 02/15/08 08:20 PM
LEDs by Optimus Rhyme

MarsNeverSleeps's photo
Mon 02/11/08 05:44 AM
62 here in my town in Central Texas. Gorgeous!

MarsNeverSleeps's photo
Sat 02/09/08 08:29 AM

Thank you for the wonderful incite, and you are right of course! Flirting is the next step for sure. But for a person who cannot even function with grace in mixed company it might be hard to suddenly flirt with someone. It would help to first develop a few very natural normal communication skills and feel at least comfortable with that. Sure you can jump right into flirting if you have the courage, but that is a huge step for a shy person who does not have confidence. To build confidence takes time and practice.

Thanks for you input.


This is true. Though I have seen some really hopeless cases get tutelage from a master and literally jump in to the Game in a matter of hours.

MarsNeverSleeps's photo
Fri 02/08/08 11:28 PM

A helicopter.

And fuel, and a pilot.

Gods no. ZPE-powered engine, so no fuel needed. And of *course* I'll fly it myself.

MarsNeverSleeps's photo
Fri 02/08/08 11:25 PM
Jennie, you're close, but not completely on the ball. Yes, it takes developing basic communication skills, but it also takes much more. For men at least, you have to be confident enough in yourself to flirt with her, tease her, "bust her balls" so to speak. But in a way that makes her laugh. There's a name for this: it's called flirting. Every single successful relationship I've ever seen, from my old middle school buddies to my grandparents who've been married for over 50 years, FLIRT with each other. No two ways about it. A relationship that isn't fun won't last.

The practical application of this is that you've got to learn how to be comfortable with saying things that most guys would never say to a woman. I can't tell you how often a guy will playfully insult a pretty girl, and a guy nearby will, trying to be the nice guy and do the right thing, apologize for McDaddy's "behavior." Long story short: McDaddy gets the girl. Always.

Jennie, your analysis sounds an awful lot like the usual advice to "build rapport." This is great in a business situation, but when meeting potential mates, it's best to BREAK it in a way that's cocky, fun and funny. You know it's true..."Hi! My name's John!" *firm handshake and eye contact* doesn't create NEARLY as much *attraction* as someone who *really* knows The Game.

And in the end, attraction isn't a choice, is it? There's no way to logically convince anyone to fall in love with you. Nope...all this operates on an instinctual level, so you've gotta learn to trigger those pre-wired "wow!" mechanisms. Simple as that.


MarsNeverSleeps's photo
Fri 02/08/08 09:06 PM
Edited by MarsNeverSleeps on Fri 02/08/08 09:08 PM
Of course. Fun to see the guy writhe in anguish as jealously courses through his veins. smokin

MarsNeverSleeps's photo
Fri 02/08/08 07:49 PM
I was going to be a fighter pilot until the military decided to tell me they don't take Touretters. Their loss.

I'll probably be a spaceship pilot for a couple of years at least, though. The SpaceShipThree is going to kick.

MarsNeverSleeps's photo
Fri 02/08/08 07:30 PM
I like going for a long walk around the neighborhood. Really helps focus my mind, and get out the excess energy. I also make a daily habit of simple meditation, and I'll do a good grounding meditation every now and then too. But if I need to just's the walk that does it.

MarsNeverSleeps's photo
Fri 02/08/08 07:20 PM
A helicopter.

MarsNeverSleeps's photo
Fri 02/08/08 07:04 PM
I could *definitely* pull off leather pants. Actually, come to think of it I should get some...

MarsNeverSleeps's photo
Fri 02/08/08 06:01 PM

Depends upon your genderlaugh laugh If you are male, just take your personal stuff like guys do. If you are female, do like they do, take everything except his toothbrush:angry: :angry:

I'd do the girl thing and take everything but the toothbrush. Turning gender stereotypes on their head is FUN.

MarsNeverSleeps's photo
Fri 02/08/08 05:59 PM
Wait, what about me?

MarsNeverSleeps's photo
Fri 02/08/08 05:55 PM

Yes, have confidence.. But don't look like you have it, because than you will be a player in their eyes..

A confident dork gets all the ladies.. :angry:

Believe it or not, gorgeous women LOVE players. Why do you think players get women in the first place? If it were a turn-off they wouldn't have so many dates, would they? ;)

MarsNeverSleeps's photo
Fri 02/08/08 05:52 PM

Have to do to get a women these day's ?
am honest careing i don't cheat or lie
i work hard.i don't clam to be prefact
i don't have a big fancy truck or fancy
thing's am just a guy nothing special.
can any one till me...?

Sorry bro, just 'cause you're "nice" doesn't mean you're datable (actually, it's usually the opposite)...learn the rules of The Game and then you'll have no trouble getting into the ring.

MarsNeverSleeps's photo
Fri 02/08/08 05:30 PM
Make fun of her for being paranoid.

No, really.

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