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Topic: Lost Island
briancarr's photo
Fri 02/08/08 07:18 PM
If you were put on an Island alone for two weeks with food and water,and could only take three other items, what would they be?
Can't be another human.

DeathsTreaty's photo
Fri 02/08/08 07:19 PM
My Book, a Pencil with eraser, and a French/Chef knife ^^

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 02/08/08 07:19 PM

MarsNeverSleeps's photo
Fri 02/08/08 07:20 PM
A helicopter.

Danette_Giavanna's photo
Fri 02/08/08 07:20 PM
Edited by Danette_Giavanna on Fri 02/08/08 07:21 PM
TP, not using a leaf noway
Lots of reading material, boredom drives me insane
toothpaste, got to have fresh breath never know who is going to rescue you!!

curios789's photo
Fri 02/08/08 07:21 PM

A helicopter.

And fuel, and a pilot.

68chevy's photo
Fri 02/08/08 07:21 PM
Cigarettes, beer, and a lighter.

merlot42's photo
Fri 02/08/08 07:21 PM
Like the George Thorogood song... 1 Bourbon, 1 Scotch and 1 Beerdrinker

briancarr's photo
Fri 02/08/08 07:22 PM

Cigarettes, beer, and a lighter.
glasses glasses glasses smokin smokin drinker

PATSFAN's photo
Fri 02/08/08 07:22 PM
Speedboat , beer , sunglasses glasses

Brenda_Darling's photo
Fri 02/08/08 07:22 PM
Cell phone( i would be lost with out it!)
ciggerates(lots and lots)
a lighter:smile:

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 02/08/08 07:24 PM
glasses A gun would be something that could come in handy.glasses

misty_57's photo
Fri 02/08/08 07:26 PM
Ding Dongs

widowerseeking's photo
Fri 02/08/08 07:27 PM
who is going to take a computer, a machette and some rope could build a small shelter in one day, it does frequently rain on islands.

Johncenawlife316's photo
Fri 02/08/08 07:28 PM
A Jet full of gas already. And a MP3.. I need some kind of music to listen to, Plus a GPS system, to help me get back where I need to be.

briancarr's photo
Fri 02/08/08 07:29 PM

A Jet full of gas already. And a MP3.. I need some kind of music to listen to, Plus a GPS system, to help me get back where I need to be.

glasses glasses glasses

Gumbyvs's photo
Fri 02/08/08 07:29 PM
A butter knife, a duck billed platypus, and a brillo pad.

JustLooking3's photo
Fri 02/08/08 07:30 PM

Cigarettes, beer, and a lighter.

laugh I was going to say Cigarettes, rum, and a lighter

bgeorge's photo
Fri 02/08/08 07:31 PM

glasses A gun would be something that could come in handy.glasses


briancarr's photo
Fri 02/08/08 07:34 PM
dune buggy,jet ski, and a tent

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