Community > Posts By > MarsNeverSleeps
Being told you are odd is just someone else's opinion. You are not odd, you are unique. "odd" is someone's judgement, it feels negative to me. That's exactly the wrong direction to go. Don't insist you're "just unique"...embrace the oddity! It's a lot more fun. |
Not bad. I'm usually extremely skeptical of Rate My Profile posts (and my skepticism is usually justified, unfortunately), but pleased to say I know some folks who could take a lesson or two from ya.
Cheers! ![]() MarsNS |
Matchmaking Game - part 57
yeah abot 213 pounds of meat Wow. Bet that was fun. Also: g'night Dungeon! |
Matchmaking Game - part 57
10 point mulie Niiice. Get some good venison out of 'im? |
Matchmaking Game - part 57
no dead things in the pics ![]() I'm disappointed.. How many points? |
I need a good headline...
"Step right up, STEP right up!"
I need a good headline...
"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls of all ages...!"
Matchmaking Game - part 57
lol how am I strange????? You use more than two question marks at a time. Case in point. ![]() ![]() ![]() I personally find it helpful to use two at a time only in very rare, extreme circumstances. That way folks know I'm serious. For example: coffee-flavored Coke?? |
Matchmaking Game - part 57
lol how am I strange????? You use more than two question marks at a time. Case in point. ![]() |
Matchmaking Game - part 57
Matchmaking Game - part 57
Matchmaker to the ordinary folks. Does that mean I don't get to play? Well you've piqued my curiosity so now you don't get a say in the matter. Sign me up! ![]() |
Can you laugh at yourself???
haha, niice!
I have Tourette's Syndrome. That provides plenty of reasons every day! ![]() |
Rate me Kill me Hurt me
MarsNS, elite conversation assassin, strikes again!
Rate me Kill me Hurt me
Edited by
Mon 03/31/08 08:42 AM
Pure. Gold. [edit: grr, why's it so hard to post links here?] |
Maybe it's me....
at lest u dont hav ppl iming u wif lolspeek. Try decoding things like pl0x, noofag, or one of my favorites: "gtfokthxbai".
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Odd poetry.
You, sir, are a master wordsmith.
My hat tips to you, and I offer a drink From Morpheus' vineyard as I drift off to sleep (g'night folks!) |
Happens quite often to me, and usually by military person's. I find it rude either way, but just pointing out it isn't always the liberals that attack others in the form of words. True dat. Boy, the Republican county convention on Saturday was fuuuun! |
Edited by
Sun 03/30/08 11:41 PM
Did you write that? It's amazing! Puts me in mind of some of the great poets. Almost like a cross between Shel Silverstein and "Rip van Winkle"
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Reign of Error
By Sudden Death
Whoops, there it goes again! [Please repeat.] Whoops, there it goes again! [Please repeat.] Whoops, there it goes again! [Please repeat.] Whoops, there it goes again! [Uh-oh, please explain.] I'm addin' up the final column of the quarterly report And I've been over-caffeinated since quarter to four I think I need a little more, 'cause this is the only way I can make it through another 22-hour day Then, as I feared, things began to get weird And the bottom left corner of my screen disappeared I don't think I like the sound my computer is makin' And I'm not really sure, but I think I smell bacon This can't be happening, I was almost done But now my backups are gone and I'm back to square [one] I have to do it all again, the whole thing is trash This time I'll use an abacus because hey, they don't crash Boot it up again, hopin' that it's all clear But my C drive is my D drive and my D drive disappeared My computer logs me in as somebody named Sam I can't get on the Internet and yet I get spam And here's another error, I don't understand Why it can't find my mouse when it's right here in my hand But what really ticks me off is when I think about the jerks Who got rich sellin' me all this junk that doesn't work Whoops, there it goes again! [Please repeat.] Whoops, there it goes again! [Please repeat.] Whoops, there it goes again! [Please repeat.] Whoops, there it goes again! [Ready. 1, 2, 3, 4...] When my computer booted up, I wanted to boot it real hard [ow] 'Cause my motherboard went and aborted the daughter card My modem dialed China and I couldn't make it stop Then my router started blinkin' like a Star Trek prop It auto updates although I don't know what for With every one my computer sucks a little more Things will break or run slow enough to cause me great anguish Now my printer's spittin' out some kind of alien language Word processin' should be simple stuff [erp] So why is 4 billion bits of memory not enough? I click a menu, pause, and watch the hours pass As my life drains away down an hourglass While I'm waitin' for my mouse to respond to a click I make a Voodoo doll out of a paper clip So when that office thing appears and tries to drive me insane I can maim and mutilate the thing and cause it some pain They put a man on the moon with 32k And I can't put my name on this report without it crashin' today Since I can't save or even click on a menu I'll hit any key with a hammer to continue (buzzer) Hal: What are you doing, Tom? Tom: I'm... working on a new song. Hal: I'm afraid I can't let you do that, Tom. Tom: What? Why not? Hal: Because nobody likes your music. Tom: What are you talking about? I've sold almost 10 copies of my last CD. Hal: I'm sorry, Tom. I'm afraid I'm going to have to crash now. Tom: What... no... wait! Just--just let me save what I've done... (buzzer) Tom: DAMN IT!! (restart sound) Whoops, there it goes again! [Please repeat.] Whoops, there it goes again! [Please repeat.] Whoops, there it goes again! [Please repeat.] Whoops, there it goes again! [Please be quiet. I am nauseous.] Me eyes start to twitch and my neck gets sore As the vein in my brain begins to throb a little more 'Cause I got pop-up ads that just don't want to stop And I'm not even online, I'm in Photoshop! And now I'm screamin', 'cause I can't believe I'm seein' All the type on my screen got converted to Korean Then I got an e-mail from myself About Viagra and a mortgage and some foreign wealth They put computers into everything, refrigerators, telephones, toothbrushes Damn it, why can't they leave 'em alone? I'm tellin' you now, I don't care how when or why The day my television crashes, someone's going to die! Whoops, there it goes again! [Please repeat.] Whoops, there it goes again! [Please repeat.] Whoops, there it goes again! [R-r-r-r-r-r-r-repeat.] Whoops, there it goes again! [Uh-oh.] All I did was click Start! Whoops, there it goes again! [I am in pain.] Whoops, there it goes again! [I am dizzy.] Whoops, there it goes again! [I would like to wind down.] Whoops, there it goes again! [I would like to have my medicine.] [Help, medical emergency.] [Please hurry. I would like to use the bathroom.] [I don't know where the bathroom is.] [Uh-oh.] [Please ignore last remark.] |
Silnt, maybe I did make a poor first impression on you, which I suppose is my fault, but please be enough of an adult not to insult me just based on my single picture and a nontraditional profile description. Thanks
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