I just
crass (krs) adj. crass·er, crass·est So crude and unrefined as to be lacking in discrimination and sensibility. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Latin crassus, dense.] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- crassi·tude (--td, -tyd), crassness n. crassly adv. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- crass [kræs] adj stupid; gross [from Latin crassus thick, dense, gross] crassly adv crassness , crassitude n Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003 ThesaurusLegend: Synonyms Related Words Antonyms Adj. 1. crass - (of persons) so unrefined as to be lacking in discrimination and sensibility unrefined - (used of persons and their behavior) not refined; uncouth; "how can a refined girl be drawn to such an unrefined man?" Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2008 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- crass adjective insensitive, stupid, gross, blundering, dense, coarse, witless, boorish, obtuse, unrefined, asinine, indelicate, oafish, lumpish, doltish They have behaved with crass insensitivity. bright, sharp, smart, sensitive, polished, clever, intelligent, elegant, refined, brainy (informal) Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002 crass [kræs] ADJ (pej) (= extreme) [stupidity] → extremo; [mistake] → craso; (= coarse) [person, behaviour] → grosero, maleducado; [performance] → malo, desastroso Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- crass [ˈkræs] adj [stupidity] → crasse; [insensitivity] → grossier/ière; [commercialism] → grossier/ière; [remark, comment] → grossier/ière Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- crass adj (+er) (= stupid, unsubtle) → krass; ignorance also → haarsträubend; (= coarse) behaviour → unfein, derb; must you be so crass about it? → müssen Sie sich so krass ausdrücken? Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I learn something new every day. |
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Thu 08/18/11 10:40 PM
I've never dated outside my race before, as they say, but I am very attracted to white guys (I'm black by the way).Do you think people still have a problem with interracial relationships? If you are in one or have been in one, how did people act towards you? Younger generations don't seem to have a problem with such dating. Perhaps it's because they see the stupidity of racism. As for me, I'd be flattered if an attractive black woman wanted to date me. However, she might have some competition. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
What does BBW mean?
Are all 'BBW' beautiful women? I dont think so. The guys nowadays refers every Heavyset chick as BBW. Or is it a way of showin some respect towards em. Hey, be nice to us BBW. We need love too. ![]() |
If someone upsets me, I just ignore them and talk about them behind their backs.
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I agree, I think most people don't even get pass the photo to read a persons profile because they've judge that people not to be their type anyway. I won't lie I have done it many times. For instance, if I see a guy who is he!!a fine in my opinion, I will not bother looking at his profile because I've judged him to be conceited and he'd look at me as not being his type.
I have seen literally thousands of profiles where a woman says "Looks don't matter, it's what's on the inside that counts" or "I'm looking for an intelligent guy." Yet, when an average-looking guy contacts her, or an intelligent guy contacts her, she never responds. So, I think a lot of people put what they think they're SUPPOSED to say in their profiles -- they don't want to be ostracized for being shallow and superficial. It's easier to try to make it look like they're above all that surface stuff and that they are, in reality, "so deep" that they need to get this across to any potential profile readers. Of course, it's a lie, but image is everything, right? Personally, I think they're stupid on top of being dishonest. All they're really doing is guaranteeing that they'll hear from lots of people they'll never REALLY be interested in -- just to maintain the false facade of having "depth." Is it worth it? Not for me. I readily acknowledge my shallowness and superficiality and I don't care what anyone thinks about it. I sure don't want to waste anyone's time playing pointless games, and I sure as hell don't want them wasting mine. I just love how you put things. You just tell is like it is. ![]() |
This is not going so good.
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boxers lace or silk? silk, cause you can slide easily in and out. |
I found this online and thought it would be fun to do. Don't ask the typical questions you might ask on a date, let's be a little creative with it. You can still learn something about the person who answers. Ask a random question, and someone else answer it. Let's see how many different questions we can come up with.
Ok, I'll go first. Out of these three animals, which would you choose to be and why? 1. A bee. 2. A bear. 3. A bobcat. |
I've never dated outside my race before, as they say, but I am very attracted to white guys (I'm black by the way).Do you think people still have a problem with interracial relationships? If you are in one or have been in one, how did people act towards you? Stare a lot at you. I've dated outside my race before and my last relationship of 3 years was interracial. The most uncomfortable thing for me was when people stared at us. He was a very affectioned guy also. He liked holding hands, and kissing in public. But I always felt people were looking at us. Of course some people still have a problem with it, but that's just the thing, it's their problem, don't let it become yours. If you care for one another that's all that matters. |
A sad day....
I didn't know her, but seeing all the post here tells me she was a lovely person. My prayers and thoughts go out to her family and friends.
First off the book never said no touching for ninety days. Touching as a sign of affection in a non sexual manner is probably the greatest thing to happen on a date when two people are working through if it needs to go to another level or not. There are men who will believe, no matter how strong the physical attraction is, that the woman "gives it up" to too many men quickly and is not respectful of her body. That could be an issue for them. I don't want to be one of a string of hos in a guys life, just like he doesn't want to be one of a string of hard heads before him. I have to hold myself to a standard of respect in order to get any respect from others. That is the fact of the matter, regardless to what time frame is put on it. I agree. |
We all have preferences, but preferences change. Do you have any requirements when it comes to dating? I'd love to date someone who is honest, sensitive, funny, playful, likes going places together, travelling, loves kissing and hugging, talking about anything and everything, an easy going guy with no drama in his life (like baby mama drama, or family drama), a working guy that has his own place, confident, and dependable. Cute to me would help, but I've met guys I wasn't attracted to at first, but fell for them after getting to know them because they have a good heart. Those sound more like preferences. Are they all requirements for you to date someone? You're right, ok let me do this again and this time these are my requirements. Must be first of all single, honest, caring, a christian, a gentleman, funny, (can't stand a dry guy) loves kids, working or looking for work, no drugs or smoking. |
We all have preferences, but preferences change. Do you have any requirements when it comes to dating? I'd love to date someone who is honest, sensitive, funny, playful, likes going places together, travelling, loves kissing and hugging, talking about anything and everything, an easy going guy with no drama in his life (like baby mama drama, or family drama), a working guy that has his own place, confident, and dependable. Cute to me would help, but I've met guys I wasn't attracted to at first, but fell for them after getting to know them because they have a good heart. |
I wonder how often the anticipation of sex is better than the sex itself..... I get a thrill out of all the non sexual stuff, like kissing, hugging, fondling, and even talking about our interests sexually , those are nice fillers that show interest without having to go 'all the way' with anyone,,, I get a thrill out of all that too, which causes me to go all the way. So until I get to know more about him and spend some quality time it's best I not touch or be touch. ![]() |
Also, you might want to check and see if your job has an employee assistance programs. In these programs you can get counseling.
Yeah, I know I need meds, and I know a psychiatrist needs to write them out. And I know for sure I have an imbalance. I have a lot of issues with depression and anxiety, but I've been managing without medication for years... It's just getting worse now for some reason. I guess I should have clarified... Really I'm just looking for some counseling until I can get insurance and see a psychiatrist. Sorry, I should have been more descriptive. Are you sure you don't have a thyriod problem? Have your thyriod checked because that could be a source that causes depression. Read up on it online too, it causes many physical and emotionals problems. Take care. |
Feeling really down.
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Sorry, no talent here. Me either. ![]() |
Men & Prostitution
In an age where you can die from sexually transmitted diseases, I would say goodbye. I agree with you on that one. |