Why I love my Mingle woman!
I love me a good woman from Mingle2. Ok. You know why I love her? 1: She is cool with me having friends here. (that is huge with me) 2: She is just as much fun as anyone. (also pretty big with me) 3: She knows I am flawed but, still has bad enough taste in men to fall for me. (I respect that in a woman) 4: She didn't LOL when she saw me naked. (it helps if you can go that extra mile ladies) 5: She expects me to put out.(sigh.....ok) 6: She gives the pure love that everyone here craves. Seriously. 7: She don't bust my chops about all the flirting I do with ManO and Ese' and the rest of the womenfolk here...She knows I only have sweaty sex with them and then cry about it later. 8: She is the smartest chick I have ever known. 9: With but a word or two...she lifts my day. (I value it soooooo much) 10: I bet she puts know what I mean. Aside from that, I was fortunate enough to meet, Mingle, and grow to know my Mingle woman. It was a long process but, I wouldn't trade it for anything. The good things in life are earned. I love you Soufie. The rest of you just got to really throw it out there.... Seriously....if you ain't willing to just throw it out there...don't expect anyone else to take that chance. Do it. You got one life. LOVE IT! krupa :-) You rock my world. Ahh, how sweet. So nice to see two people in love. Wishing you two happiness always. |
But, I am trying to talk about getting sex on the cheap while still treating a lady like a lady..... Oh wait! YB is buying snacks? I am all OVER that action.....!!!! Yowzahhh Of course I'd buy the snacks I would even ask him before entering the movie if he didn't mind. I wouldn't have thought less of him. I'd paid for a date when I asked a man out and I'm gone dutch. I've had dates where the man wanted to cook for me and I supplied everything. I don't have a problem contributing. If I'm correct this sounded like a first date in which he asked her out. He should have done a better job than he did. I would even buy you snacks krupa, but I don't think your woman would like that. ![]() ![]() |
I am even cheaper. I like museums and art galleries. They don't even have snacks. (Well, the art galleries do offer free wine, beer and hors devours.) I just get used movies cause if I am gonna spend time getting to know someone...I would rather actually talk to her or make out with her like a teenager. But, don't get me wrong....for a first date I do my best to impress. Wash and vaccuum the car. Gnaw my toenails. Bathe. I take a woman out and have been known to blow way too much money on a good date. Often for nothing. Still, I was raised by a disco pimp daddy so I was taught old school that a lady should be treated like a LADY. (Tom Jones or Barry White style) The point of a date is to make an impression. I understand your point more than you may realize Cara. You have raised four kids,and supported yourself and are approaching retirment. You have paid your dues woman. You do NOT have to settle for less at this point in your life. Stick to your standards and stick to your guns honey! So, it was a lame date. Sing it out girl...."NEXT!!!!" (ps...I can't afford you ) :) ![]() ![]() |
Here's my take on this for what it's worth. I would never expect a first date to sneak sandwhiches in for me unless of course she specifically asked too lol. And also he shouldnt have assumed you wanted a cup of ice. When invited to the movies though I would only assume he will buy your ticket not any concession food. Though he probably will offer to buy that too. Though it's not a bad thing either if the guy gets the tickets and the girl offers to get the snacks. I appreciate when a woman is willing to even offe to do that even if I say no its no problem Ill get both. This guy might just be trying to save some money and in the process looked kind of foolish. If yo had fun on the date besides what occurred maybe consider giving him a second try. If t bothered you that much though let it go. There's billions of other guys out there. There's a good answer. I wouldn't have mind buying snacks. |
My point was being raised in a different time and generation i havee never had to pay for anything when going out on a date, i've always but times have changed and things are very different in the dating world now . I not looking for sympathy i was stating my opinions thats all ![]() That's our problem we don't expect men to be gentlemen anymore. We women just accept any old attitude and ways men treat us now days, and use the attitude that I don't need a man to validate me or take care of me, I can take care of myself. Sure we can and we do. But come on, I'm not taking about being a gold digger here, I'm talking about and man who treat a lady with enough respect when he ask her out not to be cheap about it. I would have understood if he told me honestly he couldn't afford refreshments because he's on a tight budget than to ask me to sneak in food. |
i'm with you on this one girl. if a man can't afford to splurge when going out with a woman, say something (maybe she is willing to go dutch) a night home with a sammich and water is fine, but when you go out it should be something at least a little special Thank you. If you ask me out at least be able to afford where ever it is you want to take me, I would do the same for you. That's only the right thing to do. And that was low class to ask her to sneak the sandwiches in to the movie. I can't believe some of you felt she should have been happy she even got what she got. It's ok girlfriend, he was being cheap on that date. But I got to admit I was weak when I read it. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
When will I ever learn?
To everyone who responded I want to thank you for your honest replies, yes even Mr.Biscuit.
![]() After meeting with him I don't know why I came here first to the forum to vent. I guess I've read enough positive responses to others that I felt comfortable posting what happened. At my age one would think I'd be pass stupid relationship problems like this but I am human. I make mistakes, I fall but I get right back up until I get it right. And that's what I intend on doing. And you're right krupa, I met him here on Mingle2 but I shouldn't look at the site or any other men on the site in a negative way. I'm feeling good now, I'm not sad or upset. Thank you all for letting me vent, and I hope this thread will help someone else stand up and take control. I want you guys to know, I think you are awesome!!! |
msharmony, I just read the site you posted. Thanks for posting that it helped me a lot. I just posted a thread about meeting my ex. After reading it I feel better now and ready to push forward. Glad to be apart of a forum with nice understanding people in it.
When will I ever learn?
Ok, the last time I wrote about this subject I receive some very good advice, but being stupid I didn't follow it guys. I met my ex today and it didn't go so well. I ended up leaving fighting back tears so I wouldn't look so stupid in front of people at Starbucks. Honestly I know it won't work, and I've accepted that as much as I still care for him.
And as to not keep putting the both of us through any more drama I ended the almost 3 year relationship explaining why and that we both need to look for someone who is truly right for us. I stopped calling and,emailing him. For awhile I ignored his contacts all together. Today I broke down and agreed to meet him for coffee. He feel like I'm calling all the shots, and he feels used. Used he says. What is freakin wrong with this man? How long will it really take me to just stop going thur this? Is there something wrong with me? Has anyone ever gone thur this before? I'm almost afraid to meet anyone online again, or at least on Mingles. |
i wore this dress to my friends wedding. I thought i looked pretty... But not ONE person asked me to dance. I sat at the reject table by myself. Now i just feel kinda down. Unwanted. Unloved. Unattractive. You're a very pretty girl. But the boots don't seem to match the dress. |
Forgive me for being a naive little virgin, but what is the meaning behind this song? Kelis: singer, When asked about the meaning of the song, she told The Observer that "It means whatever people want it to; it was just a word we came up with on a whim, but then the song took on a life of its own. she likened one's milkshake to one's mojo; "A milkshake is the thing that makes women special. It's what gives us our confidence and what makes us exciting. |
Okay... so i just got reamed out by a guy because he asked me if i was "talking to" anyone at the moment. And i answered honestly... there's a guy i'm sort of "talking to" and another guy i'd rather be "talking to"... and he said i'm shallow and I'm one of the girls that feel the need to "talk to" multiple people just so i can use them and make myself feel pretty. I'm not DATING anyone, so i dont feel theres anything wrong with talking to multiple guys. I dont feel like i'm using anyone, and I'm not sure how else i would know who to go with if i didnt "talk to" more than one person... So whats your opinion... Is it wrong to be "talking to" more than one person in an interested way? Am i the biotch, or is that guy over-reacting (do note that i'm leading NO ONE on.. i'm not dating anyone) You're not wrong for talking to more than one guy, because you are not in a committed relationship with any one of them. It's the other guys problem not yours. You're not using anyone either, enjoy your life. |
" Dating "
wow so one 'a friend is a friend' and one 'a male friend is unwanted and disrespectful competition' ,,,not helping me out alot here guys,,lol Well you got think of it from a guys perspective. If you like this guy and want to date him then why are you interested in meeting other guys? Most guys would be jealous if the girl they were seeing was meeting other guys even if they dont admit it. And honestly unless a guy is gay the only real reason he wants to hangout with a girl is because he s attractd to her more than just as a friend. The majority of guys will not put the effort in to hangout with a girl unless they think their is the possibilty there could be sex or something more. Sorry to say but its the truth and jut natural. Just be careful seeing "friends" because your guy might just end up seeing "friends" of his own. Im not saying you would cheat or anything but you just got to ask yourself what you want when your with someone I guess. Lol its late Im all over the place ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I disagree with pretty much everyone. I believe you should be proud of the person who you are. Stand the hell up and don't worry about other peoples opinions of what you should be. Take a pic of you smiling cause you know you are good enough for ANYONE.....those are great pictures to post. If you can get the guts to post a real one makes fun of you to your face....No kidding! If you don't post a pic...I just assume you got a lazy eye with an arm sprouting out of your back. Krupa, those are very encouraging words. I always struggle with the way I look and being that I'm a big girl, big thighs, ![]() |
Do you have the guts...?????
I am soooooooooo ready. I'm not afraid regardless of the past. Each day is a new beginning, and all I need is a man who is unafraid too.
The Bible commands that husbands should love their wives and wives submit to their who love their wives don-t have to remind them to be submissive,its only those who withhold their love from their wives who struggle.women respond very well to love .lets hear from men ,wht do you think ? Wrong place to ask this question. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
What is sin, really?
Christianity is not a religion, but a personal relationship between God and those that have accepted Him. I don't practice a religion. I have a relationship and fellowship with God. The world looks at a few people who have gone off the deep end with bible scriptures and judge all Christian as being in a cult.
The bible does not have many interpretations, people interpreted it many different way, and that doesn't make it right. When God made Adam and Eve in the beginning, it wasn't so He would have someone He could lorded over and rule with an iron fist. Yes there are many different beliefs in the world. There's always this war go on with people who say that my religion is the true one. My relationship is based on faith, not a religion, faith in a God I have never seen, but have seen work in my life. A God I have never felt, but in his Word He says who so ever comes to me must believe that I Am, never said must feel that I am, hear that I am or see that I am, He said you must believe that I Am. Christianity is not an organization, and is not a set of rituals, it is a personal relationship with God. ![]() |
Live chat.
Will Mingle ever have a live chat?
Have a Happy Birthday Lex!
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Ok, so I met this guy online, begin exchanging emails with him. At first all he seemed to do is just send me nudges. I replied by asking, are you ever going to talk to me or just send me nudges? I really dislike when guys send one line emails. I began to get this feel that this wasn't headed anywhere and I was right. Last emails sorta went like this.
Him: So how's your day going. Me: Ok, stayed home today, not doing much, yada, yada, yada. Him: And I wasn't there to sex you up. What the freak! ![]() ![]() |