Community > Posts By > ybcat1

ybcat1's photo
Fri 08/12/11 02:39 PM
What do you do when someone won't let go of the relationship? I can be a friend but that's all. I realized there is no lasting future because of our differences. I've tried everything I can think of other than being means as hell. Nope, come to think of it I tried that too. frustrated frustrated frustrated

ybcat1's photo
Thu 08/11/11 10:28 PM

Okay, I'm confused.

Is there something now where men, who apparently have children, but not custody of, or apparently don't see their children frequently, say they just don't have kids? Or not mention it on their Mingle2 profile?

I've had 2 guys in a week do this and I find it somewhat of a lie, to be honest. Is it just how I'm seeing it?

And guys, are women doing this too?

Wow, who would deny their kids? That's so sad. Yes, I'll admit I have a few stinkers of my own. laugh

ybcat1's photo
Thu 08/11/11 06:05 PM

My first name is Ybarra(pronouced E-bear-ra). I didn't like it at first because it sounded to manly to me, and in waiting rooms when someone calls for me they always are surprised I'm a lady, they were expecting a man. Why, because my first name is a Spanish last name. So when people read my name they think my first name is my last name and my last name is my first. Wait I'm confused, whoa did I say that right.
My maiden name was "DeNicola", and they used to call me Dena Cola, they thought Dena was my first name, and Cola was my last..laugh laugh

so I hear you on that one!whoa

I like Ybarra! I think its really pretty!flowerforyou

Thank you. :smile:

ybcat1's photo
Thu 08/11/11 11:44 AM
I believe people who cheat are selfish. No regards for anyone feelings but their own. Any excuse used, it's still an act of being selfish.

ybcat1's photo
Thu 08/11/11 11:33 AM
Helen Keller (1880-1968) American Writer
Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.

ybcat1's photo
Wed 08/10/11 11:05 PM
<a href=" il ****/tuthuy/Song Il ****/56dlfoik0.jpg?o=57" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0"></a>

ybcat1's photo
Wed 08/10/11 11:04 PM
Edited by ybcat1 on Wed 08/10/11 11:04 PM
Just testing

ybcat1's photo
Wed 08/10/11 11:01 PM
Edited by ybcat1 on Wed 08/10/11 11:01 PM

ybcat1's photo
Wed 08/10/11 10:40 PM
Edited by ybcat1 on Wed 08/10/11 10:40 PM
Me and Korean actor, Song il ****!

ybcat1's photo
Wed 08/10/11 10:44 AM

Are you happy with your life as it is right now?

If not, how come? Are you doing anything to make yourself happier?

I'm happy with my life as it is now. Sure there's room always for growth in certain areas, which I work on all the time. When ever I go into one of those oh, woe is me pity party types of moods I try to remember there is someone worse off than I am. Just looking at all the things that are going on in the world now makes me count my blessings. But when ever I'm unhappy about any given situation I'm in I always try and find a positive way to solve it some way or other.

ybcat1's photo
Wed 08/10/11 10:20 AM
My first name is Ybarra(pronouced E-bear-ra). I didn't like it at first because it sounded to manly to me, and in waiting rooms when someone calls for me they always are surprised I'm a lady, they were expecting a man. Why, because my first name is a Spanish last name. So when people read my name they think my first name is my last name and my last name is my first. Wait I'm confused, whoa did I say that right.

ybcat1's photo
Tue 08/09/11 10:42 PM

Ladies and gentlemen. Would you choose beauty or brains. If he or she wasn't the brightest star, but had the looks and body that made you weak verses someone who wasn't so nice looking but had everything you were looking for in a relationship which would you choose to be with and why? Be honest now.

I wouldn't care if my man wasn't the brightest star so long as he understands me and is sensitive to my being his woman.

I wouldn't care if he wasn't so nice looking coz he will be the most good looking man for me if he'll cherish me and love me with all his heart.

For someone to be my man, he's got to be the one my heart longs for me to love and my mind dictates me to have - not just someone my eyes want me to feast on.

That made my heart warm. blushing

ybcat1's photo
Tue 08/09/11 01:47 PM
I think we're putting to much into this guys. Isn't it more a preference here we're talking about. Would you choose someone who is beautiful but not very smart over someone who is smart but not so beautiful. I don't think there is anything wrong with a preference.

If you gave your answer, I received it as being honest. We're not talking about what will happen down the road, that's a whole different conversation that could upset people if your answer is different from theirs. All of us in some degree are selfish by nature. My question was about preference, not your moral obligation to someone if something happened to them. I'm not judging anyone here for that.

I have a strong attraction for Asian men, would you call me selfish for that? That is my preference, but I wouldn't pass up a black, white, red, or blue man if his heart were right and we had the right tools to make a successful relationship work.

I'm not Halle Berry and I don't have a Phd, so where the hell does that leave me. laugh So while some guys might look at me and say, she not beutiful enough for me, or she's not smart enough for me, it's all good. You're not selfish to me. I'm just not your type, I'm some one else's type. It was just a question guys, let's not take it so serious. :smile:

ybcat1's photo
Tue 08/09/11 12:01 AM

I was married for 8 yrs and been single for 2 now.

(Got divorce because my ex was cheating.)

I find it easy to get dates but can't seem to commit to a LTR Its always in the back of my mind that they will cheat.

So how do someone get over it?

First of all you have got to stop seeing every woman as you ex. You have to give that person a chance to prove to you who they are without those thoughts of them. My father cheated on my mom several times, and she held that hurt in until this day. She was never truly happy with any man she was with after my father because she saw all men as users and cheaters.

My first and only husband cheated on me. It was a hurt that took 4 years to get over. We can't say what others will do are not do. People are human. I didn't want to live like my mom, bitter and not trusting. I'll still take a chance to find true love any day. Good luck to you.

ybcat1's photo
Mon 08/08/11 11:37 PM

Men say they want a good woman, but when they read a profile or look at a photo that simply says; I don't take crap! They tend to say you are mean, too serious and pass you by.

Come on! Basically, we are all looking for the same thing; someone to love us for who and what we are. It is just a matter of the right chemistry and the first meeting.

You will know in the first meeting if there is any connection or not. I have learned to not look at all men as potential mates. Most, are just not! Some people come into your life for a few minutes; others, a few hours, still others, perhaps a few days, week and so on. But seldom, will you meet many, who will be in your life for years. And they don't have to be intimate with you; you just may be luck enough to find a friend.

I'm in my late 50's, I'm tired of the dating game. I'm easy going, but I'm serious about what I'm looking for. I don't care about race, we are all God's children. Your integrety, sincerity, ability to love, willingness to work with me for a better us: These things are important to me.

So...that being said; just where in the heck are the real men?

Just asking.

They are out there. I'm a hopeless romantic, I'll always believe that there's a good man out there for me. They say you always meet them when you least expect it.

ybcat1's photo
Mon 08/08/11 11:25 PM

Ok, let me throw this at you.

Those who chose beautiful. Your telling me that if something happened to their looks their out the door? Beauty certainly has to go deeper than appearance.

Brains. So if something happens to their thought process, your done?

I see some of these answers as being a little selfish folks.

It was just a hypothetical question. Guess we would all like to believe that if something happened to someone we love we wouldn't leave their side because of it. Be it looks or brains. I don't expect people to response to a question I ask the way I would. To each his own. It's been interesting read everyone's replies.

ybcat1's photo
Mon 08/08/11 10:54 PM

Can she make a mean lasagne? Cause if so, I am in lust.

get over here my lasagne wants to spank ur butt

rofl rofl rofl

ybcat1's photo
Sun 08/07/11 11:32 PM
I think everyone has a right to any kind of relationship they want. The way I understood her question is why do men chase women they have no intention of marrying? Correct me if I'm wrong.

If it is not their intention of marrying, why chase women who are looking for marriage. His beliefs, feelings or reasons for not wanting to get marry is not the case. That's just being selfish. Look for someone who wants the same kind of relationship you want.

ybcat1's photo
Sun 08/07/11 07:00 PM

New here. Great site. Nice topic.

Grew up (530) Yuba City. Now live (916) Natomas.

Wow, you're real close to where I live. Small world.

ybcat1's photo
Sun 08/07/11 06:45 PM

How much of your heart do you hold back? How far in before you let it speak? If we all seek honest, and sincere people to love us for ourselves, then why does the world feel so lonely with out you?

Yeah sometimes the questions are just that, Too much to contemplate and not enough of a feeling from your heart.

When I fall in love I give it all. I find it hard to hold back. But I'm cautious, that's not like holding back is it? whoa