Giving Him the Real Reasons
I broke up with a guy recently. He was baffled. He thought things were going so well and that the relationship had had real 'potential.' I found myself biting my lip to giving any details that would answer the question 'Why?'.
I should have liked to be honest and tell him he spoke too much about his mother, that I couldn't stand those plaid shorts and that maybe he should never even wear shorts, that I lost all sexual attraction when he actually allowed me to pay his beer, that having his car towed cause he had an expired tag AND no proof of insurance made him a loser...the list goes on. Yes, he did need dental. No, he shouldn't have only replaced the lenses of those frames. Yes, he did need a shower before we got intimate. Don't brag about a cheap, bad haircut. Driving a classic doesn't automatically make you cute or interesting. The list goes ON. I think he would benefit in a future relationship if he knew maybe some things to do or not do. Isn't that better for him than letting him scratch his head about my ending it, or do I simply have a greater sadistic side than I realize? |
Dating a Guy beneath Me
He's an unsuccessful 48 yr. old man boy, and his hands are always on me and affectionate. He's stroking my face, my back, my side and it's like a drug that keeps me sedated. He gets all serious and focused then and only then addressing my needs. Seems like he was addressing your needs before this I hate to be so hateful, but I despise his lack of sophistication and couth and I cringe when he speaks cause he has he nerve to use his voice and he'd really be better off to hold something back. You have to wonder about that kind of self importance and that it's typical of an unaccountable childish creative type. the nerve to use his voice It was his happy nature that drew me but what boy wouldn't be happy at home with mom keeping things neat and orderly. *takes note,,, always preface a slam with a compliment I must've grown EERILY BORED to mix into his lackluster world.. bj's on a faux print blanket, hj's at a picnic table, splitting tabs, a round on me for you and your friends. oral and manual stimulation with no intimacy? What happened to the touching and stroking? I tried calling it off and he accused me of using him and reacted badly questioning 'what? the nice guy doesn't catch the prize,' then threw me a bunch of flattery which is nice cause of my middle range insecurities.. 'If you weren't so good looking, I'd let you go.' He also has the nerve to be superficial. How could he let you go if you were leaving? Maybe it's a match made in hell. I can feel sorry for him and lift him on a pedestal he doesn't deserve and he can keep overcompensating and licking my feet. I didn't know pedestals were made of quicksand... and yes I know I'm a horrible person for disputing this whole story I noticed how it was embellished later to make it more dramatic -shrugs shoulders- There is a poetry and creative writing forum here also. I support you to use it! |
Dating a Guy beneath Me
Holy moly....he's getting blow jobs and hand jobs at the park? She has some good qualities |
Dating a Guy beneath Me
I feel the need to be very nice to him now. Something tells me your post and your personality are as empty as your profile... Obviously, there's a reason behind all of this, care to share? I breathe just like everybody else, now back to my post.. perving me before you replied? Why? I guess I vaguely wondered why you projected so much about emptiness. |
Dating a Guy beneath Me
only you can get rid of him, so what if he saids you used him Unless you are using him... and aren't willing to admit it. That's something to ponder that I did want part of his attention, but also, is he using me? It might have to be said I was using if I knew that I didn't really want to be with him long-term and basically had a lowish opinion of him. Come now, though, I can't be the only person who finds herself in such predicament... relationships are weird, can be weird.. I don't know... I think if you are willing to stay with someone because they "rub your back really nice", but otherwise you can't stand them. That screams "shallow" to me. The fact that you stated he had "the nerve to be superficial" cracks me up... pot calling the kettle black. Based on what you have said, I'd say you are using him as much, if not more, than he's using you. Considering no one else is fessing up to the same situation, it quite obviously is not so much an issue for many. That, or they are willing to take responsibility and move on instead of dragging things (and people) along. Maybe it's time to grow up and move on. I follow your logic, but really, don't we all have 'reasons' we choose to be with someone, tolerate them beyond the first week rush? |
Dating a Guy beneath Me
I feel the need to be very nice to him now. Something tells me your post and your personality are as empty as your profile... Obviously, there's a reason behind all of this, care to share? I breathe just like everybody else, now back to my post.. |
Dating a Guy beneath Me
i think its just a bunch of BS. i mean jesus.. make ya mind go WOW ALRIGHTTTTTTTTTY THEN!! ITS SIMPLE. if u dont like him tell ok be gone dude and walk off. u obviously are stayin round for some reason. so either kick him to the curb or deal with it.! and i think u need to address your own probs first b4 u bring someone else into your crazy mix next time. like maybe you are lil too high maintence or too full of yourself. so find someone who can deal with that. and u will ok. i cant wait to see what kinda replies come after this lol yep... thats the ticket I went and read her profile... not much there actually, Hey you reap what you sow? does that ring a bell.? personally you want that drama in your life.. so you deal with it. I am tired of these whiney people of poor me. get a life and then live it lolipop#3 I accuse you of loving the opportunity to post this! |
Dating a Guy beneath Me
only you can get rid of him, so what if he saids you used him Unless you are using him... and aren't willing to admit it. That's something to ponder that I did want part of his attention, but also, is he using me? It might have to be said I was using if I knew that I didn't really want to be with him long-term and basically had a lowish opinion of him. Come now, though, I can't be the only person who finds herself in such predicament... relationships are weird, can be weird.. |
Dating a Guy beneath Me
Sometimes I like to date girls beneath me; other times I like them on top. Nah on a more serious note, if you don't like who he is, get rid of him. There are plenty of classier perverts who would still give you your back scratching and other hands-on drug. except for the first part, i agree only you can get rid of him, so what if he saids you used him That is him being the manipulator like SK post. |
Dating a Guy beneath Me
ugh me cook slab of meat on fire...... do us all a favor,get the hell over yourself Sounds to me more like she needs to get over HIM! Getting closer |
Dating a Guy beneath Me
ugh me cook slab of meat on fire...... do us all a favor,get the hell over yourself Poor working gathering man.. must be tired of hearing woman down on man |
Dating a Guy beneath Me
Okay, one more thing. He is twice your age. He says he'd leave if you weren't good looking. He will continue to do whatever the heck he wants to do, knowing you'll take it until it's done. And it will only be done when YOU say so. He already KNOWS that when you meet someone closer to your own age, that you have lots in common with, etc etc that he'll be toast. Bottom line decide when this happens....sooner or later...up to you. The age thing makes it the 'prize' situation and thats just too much pressure anyhow. It is pretty funny he admitted he would be ok with me leaving but for looks. Screwy! |
Dating a Guy beneath Me
He does sound like an immature guy who is also a manipulator. But, if you don't want to be manipulated, don't let him. Take the wind out of his sails. But, you have to really look at why you keep allowing him in your life. Are you trying to resolve him, make him grow up? If so, don't bother!!! I think you are right, SK. I resent his attempts to manipulate. |
Dating a Guy beneath Me
hon you are soooooooooooooo young! There is a hellofva lot more important things in life than someone's back rubbing technique. How does he make you feel, about him, about yourself, about life in general? I could go on and on here but I won't. Focus on the bigger picture and the priceless gift you will be to a man, and find one that treats you like a fine piece of china. Back rubbing techniques can be taught. I have to agree with you, auburngirl. I knew I'd have to deal with reason in posting this.. |
Dating a Guy beneath Me
Go hire a massuese then. Yes, this would keep things from becoming personal. |
Dating a Guy beneath Me
I'm thinking you're just wanting attention... from him and us. That's not really what the post is about, but you'd then have to say that about all who post. |
Dating a Guy beneath Me
So, you aren't asking a question. I'm guessing you just need to vent, which is cool. What do YOU want to do here? I guess I'm discussing. I should end it. It is a pathology on my part to be involved with him, but look.. I've done it anyway.. |
Dating a Guy beneath Me
You knew what you were getting into when you started in this relationship. This is all on you. If it wasn't what you wanted (outside of you being eye- or arm-candy for him), then it's your own damn fault. You have nobody to blame but yourself. I curse my inner workings.. I am going to have to end it and walk away and not call cause I miss the way he rubs my lower back. |
Dating a Guy beneath Me
There's a WHOLE lot wrong with this. Not the LEAST of which is the "if you weren't so good looking, I'd let you go". WTF??! If they aren't with you for YOU....then he NEEDS to go! Yes, this was another moment he'd have been better without speaking. The worst part may be that he doesn't see himself. Perhaps I am slightly amused.. and experiencing a loss of appetite |
Dating a Guy beneath Me
I feel the need to be very nice to him now.