Community > Posts By > savagirl

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Thu 12/13/07 02:20 PM

what is the SWARM? I don't follow...

I'm sure gustava has her own definitions and a long history of urinary tract infections to define it, but I'd call it less than desirable living conditions.

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Thu 12/13/07 02:16 PM

...Is it that only the non-marriage and family minded men and women are breeding?

Yes, we all got married and had children because we weren't "family-minded". You really need to wake up. No-one gets married (unless for a "green card") believing they will get divorced. As we used to say in 80's, "sh it happens" and then *presto* you're a single parent.

Even if you manage to snag an ATM with sperm, er, I mean, a man, chances are about 50-50, you'll be divorced within 10 years.

I think we get what we put into it. Be hateful to man, he may be hateful to you. Reduce him and you and your children will be reduced to maybe living in swarm.

It's not that simple and you are more naive than I thought if you really believe your own faerie-tale.

I'm living in the SWARM, baby!

I guess that sums up you also have your own set of aspirations and we can end exchange here.

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Thu 12/13/07 02:13 PM
Edited by savagirl on Thu 12/13/07 02:14 PM

Hang on . I gotta get undressed. I get in flight massage. Oh I'm on the net. Internet dating site. Yeah I got my auto dictation on see everything I say it types out. Can't use emiticons though. Oh put my shoes there? Ok. What's those? Cookies? The steward brought me cookies? Oh those are those chocolate covered peanut butter cookies. I love them. Got milk? In the bar. Gotta be kidding. I get milk and cookies and a massage? What? What? What? What do you mean? Who is on? Oh I gotta call? Who is it? No ask who it is. Can't be. He's on tour and he wouldn't call me and he's not in town. No. No. Oh its probably crazy brian playing a joke on me. I'll take it hang on

Whose crazy brian? Is he eligible?

no photo
Thu 12/13/07 02:10 PM

If you ever meet this man, see if he has a wealthy brother for me.laugh

I'd be happy to hook a sister up.

no photo
Thu 12/13/07 02:10 PM

...Is it that only the non-marriage and family minded men and women are breeding?

Yes, we all got married and had children because we weren't "family-minded". You really need to wake up. No-one gets married (unless for a "green card") believing they will get divorced. As we used to say in 80's, "sh it happens" and then *presto* you're a single parent.

Even if you manage to snag an ATM with sperm, er, I mean, a man, chances are about 50-50, you'll be divorced within 10 years.

I think we get what we put into it. Be hateful to man, he may be hateful to you. Reduce him and you and your children will be reduced to maybe living in swarm.

no photo
Thu 12/13/07 02:06 PM

you've got yourself 13 pages, not too shabby:)

As much as I hate to agree with you:) You are right about people having kids that probably shouldn't

I represent more traditional family values and I guess I'm a girl that was never made to become accustomed to living in a mobile home. I couldn't do that so I could not consider dating a man of those means. I don't mean to put anyone down. I'm pretty much a christian, not to bring religion into it, so don't start:smile:

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Thu 12/13/07 01:52 PM

See, here's the real issue. I'm sorry to hear that. I think she sucks. I'm a responsible, dependable, devoted person who values family and familt taking care of one another. I know it's idealistic, but I regard family/children as serious commitments. Everyone ultimately must commit to providing their part or share, whether it's money or time, cooking, cleaning and basically making a comfortable home for everyone to share and enjoy.

I understand where you are coming from, my main sticking points are few. Mainly when you are using words out of context. You say one thing and then say you mean the word to mean something else.

It is nearly impossible to have an honest discussion using the English language when you do that.

I'm being honest, but I understand what you mean here. I did not intend for my topic to turn into a debate about language use. That wasn't my idea about any of this, so it happens anyway. More funflowerforyou

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Thu 12/13/07 01:50 PM

I'm a sweet, smart, loving girl that would like to date men to find a marriage partner. I want to have children, a family and home.

Honestly, men, your appearance isn't everything. Grooming and dress matter. You should be an affluent professional or successful business person, being able to afford a comfortable home and vacation retreats. Excessive lifestyle isn't necessary rather basic luxuries.

Naturally, I would like a healthy love life but also understand men sometimes like variety. That's ok with me though I probably won't want to hear about it, and as long as you take care of your responsibilities.

seems to me as long as he's got the the bucks , to give ya things you don't care what outside activites he has.

So why don't ya post I want a SUGAR DADDY!!

WAIT I think they have a Sugar 4 ya. laugh laugh

No, I don't want a sugar daddy. I am interested in dating successful, marriage and family minded men.

Is it that only the non-marriage and family minded men and women are breeding?

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Thu 12/13/07 01:43 PM
top that

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Thu 12/13/07 01:27 PM

You also have no idea what my background or education level is. You also do not have to attain a specific level of education before becoming a published author. Much literature has been penned by people based on their life experiences, not their education level.

To think or suggest anything different would be a very uneducated assumption on your part.

The topic isn't about education either, buuuuut I'm aware of what you've stated above. The members posting here have just looked for a means of attacking and discrediting the point of my original post.

I imagine the men here aren't interested in financial responsibility to family and the women here like being single parents.

Interesting, seeing that I am a full-time single father because the mother saw no interest in any sort of responsibility.

See, here's the real issue. I'm sorry to hear that. I think she sucks. I'm a responsible, dependable, devoted person who values family and familt taking care of one another. I know it's idealistic, but I regard family/children as serious commitments. Everyone ultimately must commit to providing their part or share, whether it's money or time, cooking, cleaning and basically making a comfortable home for everyone to share and enjoy.

no photo
Thu 12/13/07 01:24 PM

I am waiting for the "l'Academie Charme Sava" to open in Chit-Chat!!

(Fondée et dirigée par Mlle)

Oui, d'accord!bigsmile

no photo
Thu 12/13/07 01:23 PM

...I imagine the men here aren't interested in financial responsibility to family and the women here like being single parents.

Ah yes, logic at its finest.... (and you call yourself educated...)

Educated is not really a relative term. I AM educated and noone can take that from me:smile:

no photo
Thu 12/13/07 01:18 PM

You also have no idea what my background or education level is. You also do not have to attain a specific level of education before becoming a published author. Much literature has been penned by people based on their life experiences, not their education level.

To think or suggest anything different would be a very uneducated assumption on your part.

The topic isn't about education either, buuuuut I'm aware of what you've stated above. The members posting here have just looked for a means of attacking and discrediting the point of my original post.

I imagine the men here aren't interested in financial responsibility to family and the women here like being single parents.

no photo
Thu 12/13/07 01:15 PM

Why cant we just get along and let this thread fade away??laugh

We get alonglaugh Just a topic of discussion. It's great the people on this site are so responsive. I'd even pay for gustava to attend charm school with my rich husband's money:wink:

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Thu 12/13/07 01:12 PM

I'll repeat. I'm using the same language as you are here that everyone understands. Also, like I've said, it takes time to get used to having ideas of your own:wink:

So are you saying that your definition of luxury is incorrect and you are now accepting that the real definition is right?

Nope, but I'm not really interested to know why you think you have the REAL definition because I'm not sure that you do think.

no photo
Thu 12/13/07 01:08 PM

I'll repeat. I'm using the same language as you are here that everyone understands. Also, like I've said, it takes time to get used to having ideas of your own:wink:

You certainly do have ideas of your own, it's just too bad they're all moronic.

Why are they moronic? Is it moronic to marry a man that can provide for his family?

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Thu 12/13/07 01:07 PM
I will also address the issue of my appearance. I believe it was musclehd? and a few other members that were interested to know what I look like.

I'm a very pretty healthy girl, but I suggest that their assumption is that only the very beautiful are deserving of a marriage and a husband that provides for his family.

I'm happy to forward a full and color photo to any man that is interested in dating a smart, sweet young woman who is interested in marriage and family life.

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Thu 12/13/07 01:01 PM

here's a definition of luxury from princton

the quality possessed by something that is excessively expensive

That definition states NOTHING. Excessive is a relative term. Expensive is a relative term. We know the meaning of poverty.

My definition is better than princeton's. I'm sticking with it.

If you don't mind..what is the source of your definition? I think this request is fair since you so casually disregarded mine that even included the source.

The source is irrelevant. Do you believe everything you read and everything everyone tells you. THINK for yourself.

So what you are saying is that everyone can make up their own definitions???????

I thought you were semi-educated, my bad.

The educated, and the ones who make it to post-grad school are the ones who THINK for themselves and yes, they DO write their own books.

I merely suggested that you THINK, but perhaps not attempt your own book just yet. It takes a while to get used to having ideas.

With a little more education you may learn the difference between writing a book and creating your own language.

I'll repeat. I'm using the same language as you are here that everyone understands. Also, like I've said, it takes time to get used to having ideas of your own:wink:

no photo
Thu 12/13/07 12:58 PM

Further, I find it interesting that more girls do not want a man that can offer these physical requirements and that there aren't more men PROUD enough to stand up and say that is what they'd LIKE TO DO FOR THEIR FAMILY.

I'll repeat. This is not a debate about what is and is not excess.

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Thu 12/13/07 12:57 PM

Language works only because we have collective agreed upon definitions for words, we collect them in dictionaries, otherwise everyone would make up words and nobody would understand anyone.

Luxury is not abscence of poverty, by it's very definition it denotes excess wealth.

Your definition also states NOTHING. Excess is a relative term.