Experience ?
well, they do it all the time with innocent children , huh?
why not euthanasia? seems like a "progressicve" step. They like that word, progressive |
Experience ?
no big deal. she wants this in the White House. why? who knows....... her candidate for change just loves to say the most charming things, and nurture the most intimate of friendships based on inclusion and plurality. read for yourself how wonderful he is. I give you.... obama, the man. He will not make the following things public: 1. His actual birth certificate 2. His college transcripts 3. His medical records 4. Records from the days he worked with Bill Ayers 5. His parents were both radical communist activists 6. He was raised by his grandparents -not by a single mother she was always traveling the world learning/spreading communism. 7. How he traveled to Pakistan for 3 weeks during college with an Indonesian passport (WTF?). After he returned he changed his name to Barack Hussein Obama JR. He went with his room mates named Muhamid and Salid. 8. Founder of black panthers financed his college tuition at Harvard 9. He thinks America is the oppressor of the world and wants it destroyed 10. Not one person remembers him at Columbia, not one! Here are a few lines from Obama's books ' his words: -- From Dreams of My Father: 'I ceased to advertise my mother's race at the age of 12 or 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites.' -- From Dreams of My Father: 'I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mother’s race.' -- From Dreams of My Father: 'There was something about him that made me wary, a little too sure of himself, maybe. And white.' -- From Dreams of My Father: ; 'It remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty to the black masses, to strike out and name names.' -- From Dreams of My Father: 'I never emulate white men and brown men whose fates didn't speak to my own. It was into my father's image, the black man, son of Africa, that I'd packed all the attributes I sought in myself, the attributes of Martin and Malcolm, Dubois and Mandela.' -- From Audacity of Hope: 'I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.' Obama's Youtube Arrogance Just Became A Nightmare nice, really nice. I guess he never thought he would be this close to the White House. tell me elections aren't rigged. he is doomed. his handlers have another plan, huh? |
Abdication by Palin
Welcome to Slavery
Man, your hatred of Clinton and the Democrats has got you all a twitter. Correct me if I'm wrong, and I'm sure you'll try or lie, but weren't we running budget surpluses the last few years of the Clinton administration? you asked me that in another thread. at first, I tought it got deleted for some reason. I have come to find you asking the same question in here, as it turns out. so here's my answer from the other thread. of course we were. he raised taxes by taxing stock options on unexercised offers to employess from employers that were historically left alone until the contracts were exercised and the persoanl gain was realized. nice move. he raised the limit on taxable income subject to SSi withholding and stole more money from the middle class without the ones making less than 65k/yr ever knowing how he pulled that plum out of his bag of tricks. nice move. he interferred with free market forces and made easy loans for people that can't qualify to rent a house, actually buy one. That move made housing sales of new and existing homes increae like wildfire and generate capital gains revenues for the IRS. nice move. The subsequeny housing shortage that he manipulated into existence with his interference lead to demand outstripping supply and causing further inflation in house prices, forever altering normal cycles of supply and demand and secalating even further the capital gains tax revenues, nice move. and these little bon mots of clintonomics created two huge bubbles in the economy. the dot.con bust and the housing collapse. and the blowback was the foreclosure rate of resets in ARMs that got unqualified homeowners in the mess they are in the first place. and the worst rise in unemployment by one singular industry, namely the construction industry. and you credit Bush with that????????? you are on crack. all of which Bush is dealing wwith now. not to mention chasing bin ladin around the world, which clinton could have easily made a non issue and there would be no 9/11 and there would be no war in Iraq either. keep drinking that KOOL AID. |
Abdication by Palin
you have no explanation for calling dissent anything but fear of obama.
no substance, no argument, no substantiation, nothing credible, and that only becuase you had mischaracterized my posts about birth certificates with your subjective personal prejudice and filter, and when given the perspective you lacked of my motives, which was genuinely and siincerely and respectfully offered to you... come back with reminding me that you need no lectures. That's funny And now it's me having a problem. same story there too. It's somehow about All I gather is that you get out of this that I am afraid of Obama and I have a problem with you telling me that. And all of that based on a completely different conversation not about you. how rude. keep drinking that KOOL AID. |
Capitalist Terrorism
Edited by
Sun 09/21/08 03:36 PM
more than half of the fat cats on Wall Street are democrats. More no proof nonsense. That must thrilled with Obama's plan to increase their taxes. let's do the math. Gates is worth a cool 50 billion. most Americans are worth only the equity left in their homes which has been correcting to the tune of a 30% decline in value and retirement funds are all tanking. subtract the bill for the total national debt due each American of about $35,000 for every man, woman and child and you don't have much left, do you? If Bill Gates gave a million Americans $50,000 each, things might be different, huh? and apply the same to all the rest, of which half of them are democrats. you make no sense. keep believing your mentors and their fuzzy math. KOOL AID, anyone? Your blathering didn't address your nonsensical statement that "more than half of the fat cats on Wall Street are democrats." I don't blame you. It's indefensible. can't see it, huh? The majority of Americans, rich and poor, are democrats. lay off the KOOL AID. |
Experience ?
Edited by
Sun 09/21/08 03:33 PM
of course we are ageistic, legal or not it exists.
would you hire a Mexican National as a carpenter that is 25 years old for $15/hour or a 50 year old union or otherwise accomplished white, born and bred American carpenter for $45-50/hr? You can get three Mexican Nationals with gren cards for one American carpenter with a family and a mortgage and get things done, using wishful thinking, in a third of the time. Or, for a savings of 65% and less demands for fair treatment under threat of deportation. now compound this in every industry involving craftsmen and tradesmen and you have a different picture to look at, huh? Older Americans are kicked to the curb every day. And judging McCain on this basis is absurd, but age discrimmination exists and it is a hollow argument to employ discrimination against McCain in the ballot box for his age. How convenient and lazy to suggest it is a moral reason, let alone an ethical one not to vote for Mc cain on the basis of his age. Clearly, it could also be about sexism if Palin were to become President, should Mc Cain assume room temperature. you know, she should be at home raising kids. yeah right, like NOW and Gloria Steinem will fall for that. They only want that for Palin as long as she represents christian, prolife, conservative values. KOOL AID, anyone? |
Capitalist Terrorism
more than half of the fat cats on Wall Street are democrats. More no proof nonsense. That must thrilled with Obama's plan to increase their taxes. let's do the math. Gates is worth a cool 50 billion. most Americans are worth only the equity left in their homes which has been correcting to the tune of a 30% decline in value and retirement funds are all tanking. subtract the bill for the total national debt due each American of about $35,000 for every man, woman and child and you don't have much left, do you? If Bill Gates gave a million Americans $50,000 each, things might be different, huh? and apply the same to all the rest, of which half of them are democrats. you make no sense. keep believing your mentors and their fuzzy math. KOOL AID, anyone? |
In your OWN words…..
Edited by
Sun 09/21/08 03:11 PM
OK, I'll ask you here also... Weren't we running budget surpluses the last few years of the Clinton administration? of course we were. he raised taxes by taxing stock options on unexercised offers to employess from employers that were historically left alone until the contracts were exercised and the persoanl gain was realized. nice move. he raised the limit on taxable income subject to SSi withholding and stole more money from the middle class without the ones making less than 65k/yr ever knowing how he pulled that plum out of his bag of tricks. nice move. he interferred with free market forces and made easy loans for people that can't qualify to rent a house, actually buy one. That move made housing sales of new and existing homes increae like wildfire and generate capital gains revenues for the IRS. nice move. The subsequeny housing shortage that he manipulated into existence with his interference lead to demand outstripping supply and causing further inflation in house prices, forever altering normal cycles of supply and demand and secalating even further the capital gains tax revenues, nice move. and these little bon mots of clintonomics created two huge bubbles in the economy. the dot.con bust and the housing collapse. and the blowback was the foreclosure rate of resets in ARMs that got unqualified homeowners in the mess they are in the first place. and the worst rise in unemployment by one singular industry, namely the construction industry. and you credit Bush with that????????? you are on crack. all of which Bush is dealing wwith now. not to mention chasing bin ladin around the world, which clinton could have easily made a non issue and there would be no 9/11 and there would be no war in Iraq either. keep drinking that KOOL AID. |
In your OWN words…..
well, banking on obama to have a different philosophy than Clinton is a stretch.
knock one out of the park with that!!!! you are asking more more pain and punishment and messes to clean up when he is done bringing back clintonomics. swing and a miss, there. |
Abdication by Palin
it just galls you, doesn't it?
it's always about you. spare me the lectures...... what do you call your little shortsided snipes, learner? bon mots? pearls of wisdom? |
In your OWN words…..
keep dreaming.....
you guys are drunk with lust for power, huh? |
Speaking of the policestate
just imagine all the fun the demoncrats will have applauding nobama while he destroys all those pesky self righteous conservatives and bible thumping God and Guns rednecks everywhere. The party is just getting started. Ted Nugent for VP!!!!!!!!!!!! What a ridiculous post. Always thinking left vs. right. Just remember, when fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross. like nobamaisms? he does don his American Flag lapel pin when it suits him not to appear too much of an empty suit. that is most definitely what first comes to mind as fascism and errily similar to National Socialism. clintonomics pale to nobama's plans for benevolent dictatorship., no thanks. you got mixed up there. Isn't that 'right' or have I 'left' something out? I wouldn't want to dissapoint your attention span and train of thought. After all, you are joking , right? |
Welcome to Slavery
Clinton left in disgrace on January 20, 2000.
Bush has been cleaning up the mess in the oval Office ever since. and apparently, democrats have trouble knowing what their partisan leaders do. ....excuse me, don't do. the economy is fine, except for clintonomics unwinding right now. unemployment ois soaring beccause the construction industry in this country is idle, which is the blowback for clintonomic disasters giving mortgages to unqualified homebuyers and interfering in real free market economic models that actually work beautifully when they are messed with by demoncrats pimping their wares and pandering for votes with free lunches in exchange for extorting votes. it is called bribery. That is a felony. It is also a criminal act. Or an act of war. It depends on whose view of terrorism defines terrorism, and how it is combatted. |
Abdication by Palin
you miss the point.
the infant Palin's birth certificate is questioned and a greater controversy surrounds obama's birthplace. It is apparent that controversy surrpounds everything on the American political landscape. i just took a little of the hyperbole flinging around in this thread and actually took the time to do the most simple of things and give a helping hand to those in need of having their questions resolved. anybody can carry the ball and look into anything for themselves. I am merely pointing out that Americans don't really want to make the effort, and i get this kind of rhetorical response for actually being responsible enough to show a little due diligence. If more did this, the debate would center on the facts of the issues and not the purloined eomtions of the emotioally distraught Americans that freeze up when faced with actually participating in being constructive in some way while this country flounders in apathy and complacency and neglect of duty. Something you cannot see. Step back a bit and and be a little more objective and not so apt to ridicule things you cannot comprehend for yourself. Your opinion of me speaks to your need, not my incompetence. |
Welcome to Slavery
well rhen, since the democrats had the reigns of power in 2000 when Bush was elected, then it stands to reason that the democrats threw the election in 2000, while Clinton was busy pardoning criminals wholesale in his last days in office.
So why couldn't the democrats get rid of bush in 2004? The war? oh.............. so, how is it that the democrats are so worried that the republicans are going to shoe in McCain and not nobama? i do see a rant here against the fascist laws created by Clinton that arguably have been followed to the letter to intervene in the market and prop it up while it teeters on the brink of complete and total collapse. Seems the moustache paintd on Bush is actually Clonton.s and the democrats handiwork. National Socialism and Fascism and ther DNC conspiracy theorists are missing the point here. In summation, the article excuses the inept Congress that has the most abysmal approval rating eclipsing even that of Bush's in their heroic default of execution of Legislative Powers. They had two years to make the American people aware of the problem and did nothing. Just like Clinton's delusion that Bin Ladin was a law enforcement problem, not a National Security problem. This country is confused. it will even blunder the coup apparently under way. |
Abdication by Palin
Edited by
Sun 09/21/08 01:53 PM
go to this site to see photos of obsama's birth certificate, if in fact it is a legitimate one. certificate of live birth is the official title of legitimate docs, isn't it? something is fishy here. Born in the U.S.A. August 21, 2008 Updated: August 26, 2008 The truth about Obama's birth certificate. Summary In June, the Obama campaign released a digitally scanned image of his birth certificate to quell speculative charges that he might not be a natural-born citizen. But the image prompted more blog-based skepticism about the document's authenticity. And recently, author Jerome Corsi, whose book attacks Obama, said in a TV interview that the birth certificate the campaign has is "fake." We beg to differ. staffers have now seen, touched, examined and photographed the original birth certificate. We conclude that it meets all of the requirements from the State Department for proving U.S. citizenship. Claims that the document lacks a raised seal or a signature are false. We have posted high-resolution photographs of the document as "supporting documents" to this article. Our conclusion: Obama was born in the U.S.A. just as he has always said. Analysis Since we first wrote about Obama's birth certificate on June 16, speculation on his citizenship has continued apace. Some claim that Obama posted a fake birth certificate to his Web page. That charge leaped from the blogosphere to the mainstream media earlier this week when Jerome Corsi, author of a book attacking Obama, repeated the claim in an Aug. 15 interview with Steve Doocy on Fox News. Corsi: Well, what would be really helpful is if Senator Obama would release primary documents like his birth certificate. The campaign has a false, fake birth certificate posted on their website. How is anybody supposed to really piece together his life? Doocy: What do you mean they have a "false birth certificate" on their Web site? Corsi: The original birth certificate of Obama has never been released, and the campaign refuses to release it. Doocy: Well, couldn't it just be a State of Hawaii-produced duplicate? Corsi: No, it's a -- there's been good analysis of it on the Internet, and it's been shown to have watermarks from Photoshop. It's a fake document that's on the Web site right now, and the original birth certificate the campaign refuses to produce. Corsi isn't the only skeptic claiming that the document is a forgery. Among the most frequent objections we saw on forums, blogs and e-mails are: The birth certificate doesn't have a raised seal. It isn't signed. No creases from folding are evident in the scanned version. In the zoomed-in view, there's a strange halo around the letters. The certificate number is blacked out. The date bleeding through from the back seems to say "2007," but the document wasn't released until 2008. The document is a "certification of birth," not a "certificate of birth." Recently FactCheck representatives got a chance to spend some time with the birth certificate, and we can attest to the fact that it is real and three-dimensional and resides at the Obama headquarters in Chicago. We can assure readers that the certificate does bear a raised seal, and that it's stamped on the back by Hawaii state registrar Alvin T. Onaka (who uses a signature stamp rather than signing individual birth certificates). We even brought home a few photographs. |
Abdication by Palin
| ==Early life and career== {{main|Early life and career of Barack Obama}} Barack Obama was born on August 4, 1961, in [[Honolulu, Hawaii|Honolulu]], [[Hawaii]], to [[Barack Obama, Sr.]], a black [[Kenyan]] of [[Nyang’oma Kogelo]], [[Siaya District]], [[Kenya]], and [[Ann Dunham]], a [[White American]] from [[Wichita, Kansas|Wichita]], [[Kansas]].<ref>{{cite web| |url= |title=The truth about Barack's birth certificate |accessdate= 2008-06-13}}</ref> His parents met while attending the [[University of Hawaii at Manoa]], where his father was a foreign student.<ref>Obama (1995), pp. 9–10. For book excerpts, see {{cite news | title=Barack Obama: Creation of Tales|date=2004-11-01 | url= | work=East African | accessdate=2008-04-13}}</ref> They separated when he was two years old and later divorced.<ref>Obama (1995), pp. 125–126. See also: {{cite news | first=Tim | last=Jones | title=Obama's Mom: Not Just a Girl from Kansas | date=2007-03-27 | url=,1,3372079.story?coll=chi-news-hed | work=Chicago Tribune | accessdate=2008-04-13}}</ref> Obama's father returned to Kenya and saw his son only once more before dying in an automobile accident in 1982.<ref>{{cite news | first=Kevin | last=Merida | title=The Ghost of a Father | date=2007-12-14 | |
In your OWN words…..
Edited by
Sun 09/21/08 01:37 PM
pure brilliance in leadership. That will most certainly mark a change in direction for this nation. Well, yeah. After Dubya, the bar is set pretty low. I agree, but this Congress spanked him in lowering the bar to new depths. And that's why there will be far fewer Republicans in it come January. kinda redundant, isn't it? Congress has been democratically controlled for these last two years, learner. Are you democrats trying to shoot for a ZERO rating? I fail to see how that is good for the country. The democrats have already sunk too new lows all by themselves. Is it a game to see how low democrats can sink before they implode on themselves. fear and loathing? BDSM? I fail to see your argument as doing anything other than making my poinnt even more the eye opener that it is, judging from your remarks. oh well............ |
Capitalist Terrorism
amen |