following the record limits the choices to the entrenched Washington crowd and that is the oonly experience that can speak to that .
But the record tells nothing. in every bill passed, thjere are aspects added to the bill that change the bill's character and content, and what may have been a good idea becomes a trojan horse for bad ideas. In light of that, every politician can justify not voting for an bill and the opposite is true as well. No bll is ratfiied in its original stae without mutations. The record is what we should absolutely ignore, unless all of the reasons for a politician's stance on any bill they vote on up or down is fully understood. The American Voter is too lazy for that. we get what we get. Washington is the mirror of Americans. ritilin addicted bi polar dysfunctionism. 5150. ![]() |
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Edited by
Tue 09/23/08 09:07 AM
change of heart.
KOOL AID is cool!!!!!!!!!!!! if you say that KOOL AID is a racist remark, then KOOL AID drinkers saying that can't drink KOOL AID. Where's the love? KOOL AID is for everybody!!!!!!!!!!!! So, in that light, KOOL AID should be drunk down or boycotting it will only lead to deprivation of those that enjoy KOOL AID, as a group so depicted by the ones that call KOOL AID drinking racist. HOW??????????? Because that suggests that KOOL AID drinkers are racist themselves, by inference. I cannot allow that characterization shape the image of KOOL AID. I AM FREE!!!!!!!! at last. Drink KOOL AID, my socialist comrades. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ahhh.. a good night's sleep refreshes the mind. ![]() ![]() |
Capitalist Terrorism
market up, oil down. dollar up against the yen and euro. tuesday morn. the market flip flops more than the candidates. I bet they get jealous and join forces to shut up the market like deer in the headlights paralyzed with vascillating bi polar symptoms. somebody poisoned the well. ![]() |
I vote for McCain...... Passing away within two years. Hip Hip Hooray! Hopefully he can use his millions and all those houses to pay his funeral costs, as that is going to one heck of a party!!!! ![]() yup. smart strategy. bye bye glass ceiling! ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Tue 09/23/08 08:35 AM
proof is that our elected officials are doing squat about anything until the game breaks, and even now, they are blaming themselves by blaming the other side of the aisle. tell them to get busy right now. or did they all quit their jobs and join the media talking heads in bloviating the days away? Both mc cain and obama are in Congress. You libs have the chair in both houses. have for almost t2wo years. In these last two year the mess showed up, huh? while your socialist buddies sit back paralyzed, the market continues to tank. yup. put a libtard in the White House. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Tue 09/23/08 08:29 AM
neither one of them is going to fix this.
they are talking heads. the experts are mired in rhetorical nonsense by partisan hacks vying for the most ludicrous soundbytes decrying their opponent's true measure. Meanwhile, mortgage lending restrictions have been taken over by the banking industry and NOW, market trends suggesting further devaluation of real estate are precipitating the bankers need to demand a more substantial down payment for the purchase of homes. They started doing this themselves last year. They require at least 30% DOWN. OR MORE!!!! they are pugging in falls in the market so the homeowner equity position will be intact when it occurs. Sounds benevolent to me. anybody applauding that? did they make the foreclosure mess worse and skid sales further by this action? where are the free lunch mortgage brokers that packaged the free homes bereft of owner equity upon origination? How could they go out of business with such attractive offerings. People are too stupid to see a great deal? Who screwed up here? who fixed the mess without intervention? WHy did Goldman Sachs re-incorporate as a Bank and forego its historic place in the market as an investment bank? It MORE than seems that the looney left is furious because their voters lost their homes wholesale. The economically challenged among us are always labeled as voting with the looney left, aren't they? It must be a republican conspiracy to bankrupt the democrats and apparently the republican fat cats are willing to tank the global economy at any cost to remove the stench of socialism from the face of the earth once and for all. what else could it be? The clintons always are quick to point pout that their failed policy directives and free lunch programs are defeated by these right wing conspirators. Vote for nobama for change. bring down those fat cat bankers and their terrorist agenda. I'd offer KOOL AID for you all to drink but the KOOL AID drinkers reminded me of it's racist tendency to depict libtards as KOOL AID drinkers. But, on the other hand, if you are not racist, then it must be OK to drink KOOL AID!!!!!! just sayin'............. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
McCain’s Worst Gaffe…Ever
now oil is down
stocks up dollar up against yen and euro. scary , huh? ![]() ![]() just like Washington politics, the market flip flops. ![]() yup. Washington can fix it. sarcasm......pure sarcasm. ![]() |
so your saying obama would fire himself? cause he's done nothing but look out for himself since he's been in congress it is Congress that can fire the SEC Chair. nobama can do that where he is now. So could McCain. think they will? not with the broken Reid and comrade peloshky paralyzed like deer in the headlights of clintonomics run away train of regurgitated free lunch programs like the eased restrictions on mortgage lending requirements, which the libtard losrt Congress has yet to fix on their watch. It's your baby. get to work. call your congresspersn and Senator and get it done. or sit back and add the 700 billion bailout package and pork it up for more free lunches. Instead, you all sit there like mondday morning quarterbacks whining about bush. It is clear to America that the looney left likes to whib=ne and point fingers instead of working on fixing anything that the right might remotely benefit from as a coincidence. just saying as I look at the snared predator floundering in a pit. ![]() |
none of them are qualified by the educational background.
keep looking. |
Welcome to Slavery
that comment should do its job and stop others from deciding for themselves, huh? ![]() |
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Edited by
Mon 09/22/08 11:12 PM
but you need to sit through this video and refrain from pulling your hair out when you do.
Both he and his wife have very subjective things to say about this campaign season and why nobama's racist attitudes do matter. But land where you will, nobama does it, not his opponent. and if you dare, scroll down on the site and click the videos of his supporters views, while reading the excerpts accompanying this treatise which helps shape nobama's content and character in his own words and those of his confidants. ![]() |
Welcome to Slavery
| Race-baiting for Obama By AmericanElephant • September 16, 2008 Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius showed that it is the Obama campaign who is without honor, stoking racial tensions and smearing the McCain campaign. Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius accused Republicans on Tuesday of injecting race into the presidential campaign, arguing that they are using “code language” to convince Midwesterners that Democrat Barack Obama is different from them. “Have any of you noticed that Barack Obama is part African-American?” Sebelius asked with sarcasm. “(Republicans) are not going to go lightly into the darkness.” Sebelius was responding to a question from the audience at the Iowa City Public Library about the tenacity of Democrats and whether they would fight for victory as hard as Republicans in the closing weeks of the election. She did not elaborate on her comment. The only thing worse than this pathetic and unsubstantiated attack is the fact that the AP and/or the Miami Herald now appears to be covering it up. So much for the politics of change. Categories: Blog Tags: barack obama, racism |
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The New Republic Race Man by Sean Wilentz How Barack Obama played the race card and blamed Hillary Clinton. Post Date Wednesday, February 27, 2008 DISCUSS ARTICLE [50] | PRINT | EMAIL ARTICLE After several weeks of swooning, news reports are finally being filed about the gap between Senator Barack Obama's promises of a pure, soul-cleansing "new" politics and the calculated, deeply dishonest conduct of his actually-existing campaign. But it remains to be seen whether the latest ploy by the Obama camp--over allegations about the circulation of a photograph of Obama in ceremonial Somali dress--will be exposed by the press as the manipulative illusion that it is. Most of the recent correctives have concerned outrageously deceptive advertisements approved and released by Obama's campaign. First, in Iowa, the Obama camp aired radio ads patterned on the notorious "Harry and Louise" Republican propaganda from 1993, charging falsely that Senator Hillary Clinton's health care proposal would "force those who cannot afford health insurance to buy it, punishing those who won't fall in line." In subsequent primary and caucus campaigns, the Obama campaign sent out millions of mailers, also featuring the "Harry and Louise" motif, falsely claiming that Clinton favored "punishing families who can't afford health care in the first place." A few bloggers and columnists, notably Paul Krugman in The New York Times, described the ads as distorting, but the national press corps mainly ignored them--until Clinton herself, seeing the fraudulent mailers reappear in Ohio over the past weekend, publicly denounced them. The Obama mass mailings also attempt to appeal to Ohio's labor vote by claiming that Clinton believed that the North American Free Trade Agreement, signed in 1993 by President Bill Clinton, was a "'boon' to our economy." More falsehood: In fact, Clinton had not said that; Newsday originally applied the word "boon" and has now noted the Obama campaign's distortion. In this campaign, Clinton has called for a moratorium on all trade agreements until they are made consistent with labor and environmental standards--and account for the effect on jobs in the United States. Obama makes a big deal about how Bill Clinton signed NAFTA. But he fails to mention that, within the councils of her husband's administration, Hillary Clinton was a skeptic of free trade agreements, and as a senator and candidate she has said that NAFTA contained flaws that need to be rectified. Ignoring all that, the Obama flyer features an alarming photograph of closed plant gates, having no connection to any action of Senator Clinton's, as well as the dubious quotation about her from Newsday in 2006. Newsday has criticized "Obama's use of the quotation" as "misleading ... an example of the kind of slim reeds campaigns use to try and win an office." Obama, without retracting the mailing (and while playing to protectionist sentiment in the party) said only that he would have his staff look into the matter--long after the ad has done its dirty work. Misleading propaganda is hardly new in American politics --although the adoption of techniques reminiscent of past Republican and special-interest hit jobs, right down to a retread of the fictional couple, seems strangely at odds with a campaign that proclaims it will redeem the country from precisely these sorts of divisive and manipulative tactics. As insidious as these tactics are, though, the Obama campaign's most effective gambits have been far more egregious and dangerous than the hypocritical deployment of deceptive and disingenuous attack ads. To a large degree, the campaign's strategists turned the primary and caucus race to their advantage when they deliberately, falsely, and successfully portrayed Clinton and her campaign as unscrupulous race-baiters--a campaign-within-the-campaign in which the worked-up flap over the Somali costume photograph is but the latest episode. While promoting Obama as a "post-racial" figure, his campaign has purposefully polluted the contest with a new strain of what historically has been the most toxic poison in American politics. More than any other maneuver, this one has brought Clinton into disrepute with important portions of the Democratic Party. A review of what actually happened shows that the charges that the Clintons played the "race card" were not simply false; they were deliberately manufactured by the Obama camp and trumpeted by a credulous and/or compliant press corps in order to strip away her once formidable majority among black voters and to outrage affluent, college-educated white liberals as well as college students. The Clinton campaign, in fact, has not racialized the campaign, and never had any reason to do so. Rather the Obama campaign and its supporters, well-prepared to play the "race-baiter card" before the primaries began, launched it with a vengeance when Obama ran into dire straits after his losses in New Hampshire and Nevada--and thereby created a campaign myth that has turned into an incontrovertible truth among political pundits, reporters, and various Obama supporters. This development is the latest sad commentary on the malign power of the press, hyping its own favorites and tearing down those it dislikes, to create pseudo-scandals of the sort that hounded Al Gore during the 2000 campaign. It is also a commentary on how race can make American politics go haywire. Above all, it is a commentary on the cutthroat, fraudulent politics that lie at the foundation of Obama's supposedly uplifting campaign. |
He nose is so firmly implanted into Bush's ass, it would take a surgeon to extract it!
Edited by mnhiker on Mon 09/22/08 09:59 PM hey braniac, this makes you believeable, huh? by the way, it's 'his', not 'he'. ![]() I want him fired too, but not nobama, as he can stay where he is in the Congress. Let him fire the SEC chief. send him an e-mail. I bet he won't listen unless you send him a check for $25,000. oh, yeah, I forgot! the free lunch crowd doesn't support nobama : the guys at freddie and fannie do.. good thing they got bailed out before the election, huh? They are flush with cash now. ![]() nobama 2008. |
prove it.
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Edited by
Mon 09/22/08 10:29 PM
she pushed against corruption with a smile and a great attitude. she is not in the loop, so to speak. she thinks on her feet. The only ones that need to see that are the ones that would recognize that for themselves. If they vote for McCain, it won't be because dysfunctional epithets hallmark their judgement, but rather because the rhetoriccal insults to their intelligence predominantly come from the left anyway. No one was born yesterday. good luck with those free lunches. Sounds like God might even be moving the liberals to actually think about cleaning up after themselves huh? Assuming nobama can get it and actually cut government spending. To hell with tax cuts. fix the mess. are you free lunchers up to doing that for... a change? ![]() |
Edited by
Mon 09/22/08 10:21 PM
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() nice edit there. kinda covers your tracks when commenting on intelligence, huh? just saying....... the title of your thread might just give people the wrong impression. we wouldn't want that. ![]() ![]() From now on I know to quote you. love that edit. ![]() |
Welcome to Slavery
I see it now. he ruined a perfectly got subliminal image. ![]() life is not fair , huh? it's no fun when someone plays the race card. let nobama know in an e-mail, won't you? ![]() |