Community > Posts By > wouldee

wouldee's photo
Tue 09/30/08 11:30 PM

what do you expect when they chop suech fishy bait up into bite size pieces and no one can tell heads from tails?


wouldee's photo
Tue 09/30/08 11:24 PM
here is a link to another novel by John Bunyan.

It can be read or downloaded or printed from this site.

It has many "Parts" just click them one after another.

It's a great book.;_ylv=0/SIG=11p4ajoo6/SIG=128ullu1a/EXP=1222845767/**http%3A//

wouldee's photo
Tue 09/30/08 11:10 PM
Edited by wouldee on Tue 09/30/08 11:15 PM
well, that's drama.:wink:

This link I am sharing is the real world and it reminds me of Hitler youth rallies.

Some might even call this reality child abuse.

sieg heil!:wink: laugh

then compare it to history from newsreel clips.:wink:

comparison :

auf los.waving

wouldee's photo
Tue 09/30/08 10:52 PM
HI guys.

I've been away.

working on ruining the bailout.:wink: laugh

you know I can.drinks

but race baiting is alive and well in this election.

I see it mostly in the obama campaign and it is very subtle.

Anyway, I thought you'd all like a little humor to lighten the moment.:wink:

Schlep on over to Florida and win one for Harvard.

Go team.drinks tongue2 :thumbsup: waving :angel:

wouldee's photo
Tue 09/30/08 10:27 PM
Edited by wouldee on Tue 09/30/08 10:38 PM
no bailout.

no free lunches.

not that I would vote for obama, but he would be steering that money in the wrong direction were he, obama, to get in the White House.

Admit it. He would do no less than Pelosi, Frank, Cox and Dodd ; exonerate their complicity in the debaucle of clintonomics and further encumber the nation in more debt spiraling out of control'

Bush added to the mess, most certainly, but by the start of the war in Iraq, the federal debt was 5 trillion. Now it is 10 trillion and soon to be 11.5 trillion with a bailout.

Bush didn't spend 5 trillion on the war did he?

at 10 billion a month, quoting obama, 120 billion a year times 5 years is 600 billion, not 5 trillion.

Believe what you want, but everything obama wants to do will accelerate that federal indebtedness faster than anything witnessed under Bush's watch, even if obama spends no more money than the current admiinistration does.

Compounding interest is bankrupting the nation.

wash the free lunches down with some KOOL AID while you can.

Water and crackers await the unwary.


wouldee's photo
Tue 09/30/08 10:17 PM

For all of the responses no one has directly answered the the Bible the sole source of truth for Christians?glasses

now you know by the answers given by those that duck it or missed it flying over their heads,huh?

those are the only answers you need, right?
:wink: laugh

wouldee's photo
Tue 09/30/08 09:47 PM
Edited by wouldee on Tue 09/30/08 09:48 PM
she was transferring her projections onto Newt Gingrich today as she stumbled into MSNBC while lost in the corridirs of NBC.

Apparently, she was furious over Newt's flip flop from being against the bailout and for it again, but not before he further explained to the American people once again that "mark to market" accounting only works in an inflationary economy and that a "rolling three year average" would work better under the current situation to stem the tide of irrelevant procedural rules not meant to enhance revenue to the Treasury in a downturn, but only in an upturn.

It seems manipulation accompanies tax accounting rules only convenient for revenue enhancement.

I wonder......

who's game is that? :wink: laugh

wouldee's photo
Tue 09/30/08 09:39 PM
Edited by wouldee on Tue 09/30/08 09:40 PM

What's a "congress"?


1 part bulls#it.
3 parts organized crime.
6 parts give me all your money.

then by this analogy, only New York and California should be in Congress.

Oh yeah, we are! LOL

fun, huh?

How about California secede from the union?

Take California out of the picture and the USA will be definitely conservative.:wink: laugh

wouldee's photo
Tue 09/30/08 01:48 PM

this is what you see on the site from the House of reps.

The House of Representatives is currently experiencing an extraordinarily high amount of email traffic. The Write Your Representative function is therefore intermittently available. While we realize communicating to your Members of Congress is critical, we suggest attempting to do so at a later time, when demand is not so high. System engineers are working to resolve this issue and we appreciate your patience.


Are they getting inundated by citizens calling for no BAILOUT!!!! ??????????????????

or did they shut it down to bury their heads in shame?

keep calling and writing them anyway.

No bailouts.

why? the market is up today.

some problem, huh? LOL

:wink: laugh

wouldee's photo
Tue 09/30/08 01:02 PM

the shadow government isn't even a government.

It is the Federal Reserve Bank.

The member banks call the cycles, call the plays, and honor what suits their purpose.

Enough of us lobbied Washington and the bailout failed.

Now the mainstream media is touching the meat of the problem.

We will never clear the federal deficit. It is beyond clearing now.

Repeal the Act of 1913....

It was legislated during recess in December by three present legislators and a quorum was established by default to send it to the President for approval.

It started there and the removal of a gold standard in 1971 allowed these bankers to leverage credit out of thin air. Until then, they had leveraged the gold by a factor of 12.

They make nothing but money and the currency is theirs, not the country's.

The debt is the country's according to thaT CURRENCY AND THE ASSUMPTIONS GIVEN THAT CURRENCY.

Repeal the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and establish a new currency backed by the economic engine of the USA.


Abolish the IRS and flat tax every dime of earned and unearned income, but let the Taxpayers be the Bank, and not the bankers.

A real S&L for and of and by the USA.

Both Madison and Jefferson would rejoice at such a thing.

Madison framed most of the Constitution with this in mind.

We took up "all men are created equal" and removed the shamefulness of slavery. That debate was ongoing from the start and accelerated in public support and will to remedy by 1841.

We can do this with our banking structure, too.

Neither a borrower or a lender be.

No more bailouts and no more government programs because all they serve to do is anger and dismay and confuse and distract us citizens from the usury strangling this nation, and that usury is the Federal Reserve Bank and their member banks and their major stockholders.

It is that simple.

And they are profiting by this bubble, if you haven't noticed.

All in all, the rich get richer and we get dumber and dumber.

Like being played?

Then keep up the partisan hatreds and tug of wars.

No more bailouts, the market didn't crash today, it rose.

Stop putting in sell orders to your 401k managers and the downsides will diminish.

Smart money buys on the dip. The dip is nervous pension holders triggering sell orders more than anything.

In 1980, 5% of the populous was invested in the stock market. Today 50% of Americans are.

See it?

Throw them all out. Even if obama wins, he will have a message sent by the people that incumbants are going to disappear every two years until they are all gone.

We stopped the bailout by flooding Washington with dissent and reason and did so enmass.

Keep it up and there won't be a bailout, but a witness of the perpetrators falling down and exposing their over leveraging.

Meanwhile, the bankers are buying up the distressed assets for pennies on the dollar and they know that is a windfall for them.

Where is our windfall?

When the wind blows them down and they fall? LOL

think people.

Pelosi's words are a dry snitch.:wink:

wouldee's photo
Tue 09/30/08 08:58 AM

this one is censored from US markets but is online in England. It will lead to homework.


this one and the related links will take all day to dowload into your soul.

GOT TIME????????????????????

think waving

wouldee's photo
Tue 09/23/08 03:13 PM
he saw me first , war.

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl


wouldee's photo
Tue 09/23/08 03:11 PM
when was the last time that a VP ever made it to President on merit by being elected in recent memory?

Bush Sr. as I recall is about it. out from under Reagan's wing.

LBJ stole it with distracting voters with the Gulf of Tonkin mess.

It is a dead end for Biden. He knows that.

He has a better chance ofbeing written as a great American by finishing his work in Congress.

That is his soft landing.:wink:

wouldee's photo
Tue 09/23/08 03:06 PM
27% of the prison population are illegal immigrants, according to statistics.

That skews things a bit.:wink:

wouldee's photo
Tue 09/23/08 03:02 PM
who knows, war.

half of the sheeple in this forum peg me as a delusional.

flee, bro.

before they label you a nutcase too?


wouldee's photo
Tue 09/23/08 02:59 PM
the world works with deal making, war.

the sunni "awakening" is proof of that.

The shia exodus from the streets of Iraq is proof of that.

We can never leave Iraq, now.:wink:

We have to keep an eye on the babysitters. They were sadaam's eyes while he was in power.

Any questions?

as far as the drug trade is concerned, the US tends to look the other way. All those dollars can be burned when found or put back in circulation when retrieved. But the government uses those dollars to fund law enforcement.

You know that, right?

It's a game.

a dangerous game.

America plays that game better than any other nation.

Sad to say, but the evil in this world cannot be rooted out by being unaware of it and far from it's center.

Let's keep it real.

How did Rudy Guliani clean up the streets of New York?

By wishing upon a star?

Nope. He got in the trenches and infiltrated the steets and cleaned them out from the inside.

enough said. enough is enough.

hey!!! I sound like Nobama.:wink: laugh

wouldee's photo
Tue 09/23/08 02:52 PM
grooming.:wink: laugh

looks like the powers that be have decided, huh?

colombian cocaine trade and Afghani opium trade discussions, huh?



wouldee's photo
Tue 09/23/08 02:48 PM
guns for drugs.

Ollie North was doing that in Nicaragua in the 70s.

and the whole Iran?Contra mess.

is that what you mean , war?>

just say it.

:thumbsup: waving

wouldee's photo
Tue 09/23/08 02:44 PM
Edited by wouldee on Tue 09/23/08 02:46 PM

and the poverty stricken don't vote 72% of the time even when registered to vote.

the most diligent voters are the government workers.

They vote 80% of the time when registered to vote.

who is controlling whom at the ballot box?

democrats love giving the poor a free lunch to keep them poor.

government workers tend to vote democrat to protect their jobs. They hate bush the most.

talk about patronizing and condescending attitudes?

I see government as a toll for acquiring advantage and privilege.

but that brand is worse than the other brand.

The other brand pays all of the taxes.

the top 1% OF TAXPAYERS pay 85% of the taxes collected.

I fail to see how the votes of the rich influence anything.

unless the rich are government employees.


that can't be true.


see table 7 and open it if you HAVE excel, or don't bother looking. It won't open with the most data to review otherwise.

wouldee's photo
Tue 09/23/08 02:29 PM
Edited by wouldee on Tue 09/23/08 02:31 PM
and here we are.

blaming bush for it.

and hating on the bankers.

Just remember that nobama's biggest fans and confidants and advisors benefitted by freddie and fannie games.

and nobama's biggest contributors to his bid to steal the levers of power are coming from money given by these behemoth gambling factories.

everyone was warned.

this is putting the fox in the chicken coop.

:wink: laugh

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