I agree.
I would rather America be reduced to third world status than continue in these delusions that we can dictate to the world how things work in our present model that is broken. Will the world quietly let the US settle down and be a happy place of peace and contentment for people pursuing life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and conduct our daily affairs according to our Constitution declaring "we the people " and governing ourselves according to "of for and by the people" ? nope. we gave that up when we pushed globalism and open and free market participation beyond our borders looking for that boon of a bonanza that would manifest the dream of reaping rewards of consumer spending by a willing world ready and able to embrace servitude to Henry Ford's model of "the law of diminishing returns" and the monopolistic largesse of "economy of scale". The windfall we have reaped is the whirlwind. It's over. I want a lot of things too. Chief among them is to live among men that speak the truth willingly. Have you seen this utopia anywhere? I haven't. oh well.................. |
Remember Privatizing S.S.?
cynicism enjoys ringing musically to my ears.
Yes, Virginia's economy is definitely one growing in dependence on government white collar contracts. Real estate isn't worth spit there , either. Almost as flat as Florida. The US cannot borrow its way into paying benefits due SSI retirees. The excess has long been spent and future deposits from your paycheck through future witholding have already been committed elsewhere. Government borrowing has laready proved to be a lackluster attraction to foreigns with dollars to invest. They are buying US Companies wholesale now. The US Government knows this. Where will they borrow to payout the benefits to baby boomers? Nowhere. They are giving away the store as fast as they can without changing the laws that govern the actions of the free market capitalists that play the game, here and abroad. It is insanity and delusion to expect different results from the free market from the same "business as usual" structure to which the public treasure of America has poured itself into. They pour the KOOL AID and the country is drinking it. Drink too much and expect to puke. who wants a bib? ![]() |
America knows what time it, twice a day, huh?
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Remember Privatizing S.S.?
a negative profit of 500 billion. brilliant, huh? |
Remember Privatizing S.S.?
with a one trillion dollar bailout, which is what we are facing as a total between what the Fed has already done and intends to do next, we will have no SSI benefits forthcoming.
The strain on the capital requirements of sovency of the USD have shifted from public debt responsibility to an assumption that the bailouts will have a return on the publicly funded funds propping up "business as usual" There is no change in law to suggest that anything but collapse will ultimately accompany the bailouts of publicly trade corporations doing business in the US, especially if the owners themselves are not constrained to be American interests by law. There is no guarantee that social security or privately funded retirement accounts will be solvent and liquifiable upon demand without hesitation and delay. It is wishful thinking to assume that one is better than the other. Especially in the case of the US Government giving up control of one trillion dollars to the theives in the free market. If Obama is going to prove himself a liar above all liars, let it be that he says from the Oval Office that no "free lunches" are coming, kids. If McCain is a flip flopper and liar of all liars, let it be that he cannot work across the aisle and move Congress to make claen simple bills that change the laws that govern the daily conduct of business and the flow of capital insuring solvency and liquidity of the free market with some teeth in those laws. When the Fed declared 700 billion more to bail out the free market, it effectively baNKRUPTED ITS BALANCE SHEET TO DO SO. Does anyone get this? ![]() |
nothing changes if laws remain intact as they are.
Oversight must come with laws that have teeth in them, as it is consequences that constrain manipulation of law. remember, those that break the laws are those same perpetrators that laws are designed to constrain from practicing breaches of moral, ethical and anti-social behavior. Newt is right, there are wiser plans of action. No one has listened to him for years. He was the "mean man" in Congress, remember? BUt nothing moves America like tragedy, catastrophy and attacks on our way of life. Just when America was getting used to the way things work.LOL the happy middle ground between bi polar extremes...hhmmmm. Now the crisis in financial markets is too complicated for America to comprehend, huh? Think about the reality of the situation. NO one wants to work for their own abundance, but rather employ the law of diminishing returns to investment. Making idle profits while we go about our day. Disdain for sweat equity, the embrace of laizze faire capitalism that shares the fruit of endeavor with unaccoutable ownership and voting with our wallets when these values fall short of expectation. Stock prices are one thing, but ownership shares risk and reward. Only the most astute can foresee aversions to reward and escape imminent risk to value. That is why we have professionals investing in capital markets while the plumber fixes the faucet. What we do not have is a check and balance to dividend declarations. What we do not have is a universal rule of law determining the criteria for declaring dividends. What we do not have is any consequences for losses suffered by owners of faceless corporate sttructures, and are left with inadequate and vague guidances for corporate behavior. This whole mess would not exist if owners were accountable for losses in reciprocation to the reward of dividend participation in the fruits of the labors of the public corporations. SImply put, if the business loses money, a quarterly audit determines the amount needed from shareholders to bolster liquidity and solvency of the public corportion with threat of lawsuit to collect said recapitalization for safe business conduct. If the business makes money, quarterly dividends are paid to shareholders on the basis of the excess in store not required for lquidity and solvency of the business. This would limit the reward to those that stand behind the risks. Same principle should apply to taxation for the maintenace of our government. If you pay no taxes, then you receive no benefit from the government...no entitlements, personal or corporate. This country will not suck it up and play fair until this "consequence and reward principle" is a reciprocal one. ![]() |
Abdication by Palin
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Mon 09/22/08 02:00 AM
Bernanke is leveraging the balance sheet of productivity, basically.
It isn't necessarily inflationary. he is printing money out of thin air. there is no doubt about that. Stock prices are established by thin air too. It is all about confidence and trust. It is about expectancy. It doesn't msatter that the game was changed and the rules were manipulated and that those with nothing to lose and everything to gain were betting the farm. You see, productivity has become a buzz word for stealing the fruit and leaving the sweat of the brow. It is the uncontrollable federal debt that has Washington chasing ghosts. There is so much more to it than just some fat cats calling bad loans to clinton fans' free lunch program the culprit. That was just the wedge to expose the bigger problem of lack of liquidity that is inevitable when more dollars flow into fewer hands. If the Fed cannot get the dollars back to recirculate, they have to print more, even if to balance the daily actiivity at the clearing houses. Case in point. This week, Japan and the US added billions to liquidity to accomodate confidence in the clearing houses that handle the financial instruments tendering trade, all of it, great and small. That money found its way into fewer and fewer hands. The stock proices rebound and the market soared and gold rose like crazy. But the currency is out of circulation again. WTF? It is being hoarded as a back stop. I don't care who can see that or not. The faCT REMAINS THAT THERE IS NOTHING BACKING LIQUIDITY EXCEPT CONFIDENCE IN THE MArkets to play out according to the trades that are part of the balance sheet, in general. Printing more money doesn't answer solvency when liquidity will not cooperate. who has the deep pockets that makes supply and demand work globally? and what are the deep pockets doing? they are gathering eggs.into baskets. Where is the higher return, in Treasuries or securities? (include stacks in securities) If the rate of return is perceived to be safer and better collateralized in securities, then securities offer the more stable harbor for solvency. Treasuries lose their value as safe and profitable instruments; ergo price decline, ie deflation of capital. Hence, more dollars needed in balance. America is for sale, one company at a time. Boards will be comprised of 5%ers all invested in one another, much like commercial banks have done for decades. When foreign investors buy up stock and control boards, do you think any one government can exercise control over the decisions of the boards of those companies indefinitely? The scenerio of your globalist nightmare of World Inc. is accomplishing itself despite the will of the US or any other sovereignty. A self fulfilling prophecy happening moment by moment as though something had its finger on it to m,ake it come about whether intended or not. You would have to be a businessman riding the wave of unseen favoritism to understand that it is happening due to influences beyond human control. And yet, every decision made by men has this unpredictable element influencing the decisions made based on the immediacy of the situation as it happens. There is nowhere to go back to. It is a done deal, pretty much. It has to be. Those in control of the currencies and the accountibility attached to their balances is dictating how solvency is maintained by those with the balances on account. It is no longer assumed that government treasury bills are better than owning cash cows of an economy of scale that are too big to fail. and they are getting bigger and fewer. It won't change now. Bernanke has to play ball with the market or tank the dollar. There is no choice for Americans. We did it to ourselves. anyone shopping at Toyota, or Wal Mart, or the gas station is culpable, as an example, not necessarily as the culprits. America has created global prosperity. we are too small of a domestic economy to remain in control of the global economy. It is over, war. done. like I said before, I am OK with dwelling in a third world nation. Even though the mirror says we are the economic engine of the world, as Americans. and soldiers weaRING FOREIGN COLORS POLICING OUR STREETS? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() THAT IS ONE WAY TO KEEP THE US SOLDIER FROM TURNING AGAINST COMMAND AND CONTROL, ISN'T IT? keep drinking that KOOL AID!!!! we are so way off topic here, yaknow? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Capitalist Terrorism
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Mon 09/22/08 01:05 AM
you are dreaming.
he will siphon off votes from Mc Cain if anything and nobama gets the keys by default. Ron Paul is not being smart about it in his encouragement of the free thinking voter. Either he ,or another, must plan ahead, hold the attention of the media, lobby for housecleaning, teach and educate the ordinary citizen and encourage patriotism to grow before entering national elections which may do more harm than good. Mc cain's family and connections knows the game. Barack is blinded by ambition and is amm malleable in handler's hands that feed his voracious ego. It is time to be pragmatic, not idealistic. It is time to be realistic, not hopeful. It is time for cynicism. jaded cynicism. ![]() ![]() |
Speaking of the policestate
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Mon 09/22/08 12:54 AM
Do you realize what you just advocated is a violation of the patriot act and the Homegrown terrorist prevention act? Does anyone else see what these traitors have done to our nation? We have to put the social issues crap on the shelf. There is 2 new choices we have to make Freedom or Slavery, everyone gets to choose Now, those were 2 constitution killing pieces of legislation and it's both parties that are responsible for it. Scary thought isn't it? To think that the militias in this country and the survivalists porliferating in this country are going to be easy going civil libeertarians is wishful thinking. those extremists are not going to be any less severe than the US military acting to police safe and orderly movement in the interior under martial law. The whole mess could get ugly real fast. People don't like to think about these things, but the people are not paying attention to the world we live in either. All of the armchair Monday morning quarterbacking and pundit driven soundbytes fed to Americans like pablum is dumbing down the national conversation we have, politically speaking. It is esoteric nonsense and blame shifting rhetorical excuses driven by distraught emotions. Our national leaders know it all too well how the citizenry has reduced governance and duty to a philosophical debate about who gets the better entitlements and who is going to give the voter more free stuff with fewer responsibilities and make the voters feel less accountable for their votes. There are no consequences for the voters to bear, as long as their piece of the pie has their butts covered by their favorite brand of handouts. It comes down to the avarice and greed and laziness of Americans being coddled by the best cons in the game. There is no accountability anymore. The voter has nothing at stake. It is no longer a republic in that sense. It is looting sand pillaging of the public trust by whoever gets it all first. It is insanity. To say that advocacy is equated with a descriptive narrative of a potential scenerio is a paranoid delusion. Wake up, indeed. America is asleep for the most part. when we are all awake, we will see things differently than we do. In the meantime, groups and forces exist in this country thatv are not going to quietly obey martial law in the interior. Hide heads in the sand and pretend it doesn't exist and the militias and survivalists get away with building their infrastructure on their own models , on their own terms and conditions and that will not include what we, as Americans, are used to. On the flip side of that, ignoring fiscal responsibility and looting the storehouse of public treasure for gain has to stop, even more so. Americans have no stomach for that, and that is the more palletable approach to dealing with this mess we are in. There are no advocates for dealing with the problems we face as long as give aways and free lunches and entitlements are to remain on the table. Higher taxes, paying the federal debt, cutting public spending, and trade practices that put America first have to be implemented or the voters will continue to ignore what is happening and act like its not their fault, responsibility, or duty to deal with. McCain, maybe. nobama? no way. he is bribing the country with his free lunch program and h9is handlers are investing hundreds of millions of dollars into his advocacy for what? for nothing? please. too many KOOL AID drinkers for me. hope you all get good and drunk on the looting you are all purposing.(whoever YOU are, YOU may not even be here in mingle LOL) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
McCain’s Worst Gaffe…Ever
All I can do is laugh, this is a pathetic issue when looking at what we are faced with. McCain ridiculed over 13 car fleet AFP Barack Obama's backers Sunday branded Republican John McCain as out of touch and guilty of betraying US workers after it was reported his family owns 13 cars, including several foreign models. The Republican presidential hopeful and his family have already faced ridicule and criticism from Democrats over a property portfolio which includes seven homes. The United Auto Workers union (UAW) accused the Arizona senator in a conference call organized by Democrats of not telling the truth about always buying American cars, as the family fleet reportedly includes a Honda and a Volkswagen. "When he's in the midwest, he tells voters he supports the industry," UAW president Ron Gettelfinger said, referring to economically bereft battleground states. "That's a really a nice campaign line, but it turns out that John McCain wasn't being straight with the people of Detroit," Gettelfinger said. "We need a president who's committed to rebuilding the auto industry in America, not a president who buys foreign cars," said Gettelfinger. In the past, McCain has said he was proud to buy American cars, including in an interview on a Detroit television station. The latest flap erupted after Newsweek reported that McCain and his wife Cindy, an heiress to a lucrative beer distribution company, had 13 vehicles. Cindy McCain drives a Lexus with the private number plate "Ms Bud" which is registered to the beer distributorship, the magazine reported. Newsweek said that Obama and his wife Michelle own a single car, a Ford Escape Hybrid, which was dubbed by Gettelfinger as a "green machine" emblematic of a future generation of US vehicles. There was no immediate response to the UAW attack from the McCain campaign. http://www.theobamafile.com/ObamaLies.htm /10/07 Obama botched his facts in a speech criticizing the U.S. auto industry for "investing in bigger and faster cars while foreign competitors invested in more fuel-efficient technology."Obama stated that "while our fuel standards haven't moved from 27.5 miles per gallon in two decades, both China and Japan have surpassed us, with Japanese cars now getting an average of 45 miles to the gallon." But Toyota, which should know, has responded, "No carmaker gets 45 mpg; ours is closer to 30 mpg."Well, we're glad to see Obama's shifting the blame from the consumer to the automakers. That must explain why the Illinois Senator and Presidential candidate owns a HEMI-powered V8 Chrysler 300C. Obviously it's Chrysler's fault Obama bought a big 5.7-liter engine from them -- he just didn't have a choice. |
McCain’s Worst Gaffe…Ever
and better.
it doesn't get much more liberal that SF. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/g/a/2008/09/18/cstillwell.DTL Palin Derangement Syndrome: Obama's Worst Enemy? Cinnamon Stillwell Thursday, September 18, 2008 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Print E-mail del.icio.us Digg Technorati Facebook Slashdot Fark Newsvine Google Bookmarks Share Comments Georgia (default) Verdana Times New Roman ArialFont | Size: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There's a new affliction sweeping the nation, and it's known as Palin Derangement Syndrome. The phenomenon is similar to Bush Derangement Syndrome, a term coined by political columnist Charles Krauthammer to describe the personal animosity and irrational hatred directed at President Bush by his leftist opponents. But this time, Republican presidential candidate John McCain's running mate, Sarah Palin, is the object of wrath. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cinnamon Stillwell Palin Derangement Syndrome: Obama's Worst Enemy? 09.18.08 San Francisco: Sanctuary City Gone Awry 07.16.08 Islam in America's public schools: Education or indoctrination? 06.11.08 Fuel or folly? Ethanol and the law of unintended consequences 04.02.08 More Cinnamon Stillwell » -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The feeding frenzy began with the news of Palin's selection, but it was her electrifying speech at the Republic National Convention last month that really set it off. In one fell swoop, Palin managed to energize the Republican base, breathe life into the McCain campaign, launch some very effective jabs at Barack Obama, and quite possibly, attract the support of the 18 million Hillary Clinton voters. The attacks on Palin have ranged from patronizing to vicious to fantastical. She has been caricatured as an inexperienced rube, a baby-making automaton, an uneducated underachiever, a bad mother, trailer-park trash, a rightwing religious fanatic, a sexual fantasy, and of course, a fascist. No subject has been deemed taboo in the effort to take Palin down. What her detractors don't seem to realize is that in the process of insulting Palin, they are insulting the majority of the country. If being a self-made success story, a working mother, a church-going member of a small-town community, and a believer in moderate to conservative political viewpoints disqualifies Palin, what does that say about mainstream America? The inherent condescension at the heart of the anti-Palin campaign is coming across loud and clear and it may actually be boosting her popularity. The sexist tenor of the attacks on Palin is only furthering this process. Some of the worst comments have emanated from self-professed feminists who seem to resent the path Palin has taken in life, even as it parallels their own. The always independent-minded Camille Paglia is a notable exception, but by and large, the liberal, female establishment has turned on Palin . Never mind that Palin -- with an amazing record of professional accomplishment, a happy marriage, and five beautiful children -- is the personification of the feminist "women can have it all" ideal. What all the attackers have in common is an almost pathological hatred and attendant desire to project upon Palin all of their worst fears, prejudices, and in some cases, fantasies. In the pages of Salon Magazine, for instance, writer Gary Kamiya likened her to a "dominatrix," while University of Michigan Middle East studies professor Juan Cole compared her to a "Muslim fundamentalist" and a member of the Taliban. In what constitutes the lowest of the low, a number of Palin's opponents have focused on her children or rather, their apparent resentment that she has chosen to have children. The National Review's Byron York catalogued several of these in a recent column for The Hill. As he noted: Wendy Doniger, the Mircea Eliade Distinguished Service Professor of the History of Religions at the University of Chicago Divinity School, wrote that Palin's "greatest hypocrisy is in her pretense that she is a woman" and denounced "the Republican Party's cynical calculation that because [Palin] has a womb and makes lots and lots of babies -- she speaks for the women of America. "Carol Fowler, the chairman of the South Carolina Democratic Party, said that Palin's "primary qualification seems to be that she hasn't had an abortion." Other adversaries have questioned Palin's ability as a mother and in particular, a mother with a special needs baby, while still others have used her teenage daughter's pregnancy to undermine her credibility. But Palin's domestic challenges are shared by millions of Americans and tend to elicit more sympathy than condemnation. And everyone knows a male politician would never be asked such questions. Always eager to proffer their political opinions, a host of Hollywood celebrities have issued their own high-minded objections to Palin. Lindsay Lohan weighed in with her condescending belief that Palin is only "qualified to be" a "television anchor."Matt Damon likened Palin's candidacy to a "really bad Disney movie," and Gina Gershon went so far as to impersonate Palin in a vicious and unfunny clip that culminates in her stripping down to a bikini. The list goes on, but every time another one of these desperately out-of-touch with America celebrities tries to belittle Palin, it has the opposite effect. Despite her impressive resume, Palin has been dogged by accusations that she lacks experience and foreign policy know-how. Democrats have pointed to the first part of her recent interview with ABC's Charlie Gibson as a "gotcha" moment simply because Palin asked Gibson to clarify what he meant by the Bush Doctrine. As columnist Charles Krauthammer points out, the Bush Doctrine has held four different definitions over the course of the last eight years and has never been finally determined by the Bush administration. The term was, in fact, originated by Krauthammer. But Palin's detractors have ignored this inconvenient fact, as well as failing to notice that Gibson's pompous manner and ridiculously suspicious questions have become the real story. Generally speaking, a public backlash over perceived media bias against Palin may be brewing. US Weekly's decision to run a trashy cover story on Palin titled, "Baby, Lies & Scandal" (two months after a glowing cover story on the Obamas) has reportedly resulted in thousands of cancellations. In a larger sense, a September 4 Rasmussen poll notes that "51% of American voters think reporters are trying to hurt Sarah Palin with their news coverage, and 24% say those stories make them more likely to vote for Republican presidential candidate John McCain in November." The media has been fixated on Palin for weeks and one is hard pressed to go a day without hearing some or another allegation being trotted out. The worst example was when mainstream media outlets ran with a lurid rumor originating with an anonymous diarist at the leftist blog Daily Kos that insinuated that Palin's son Trig was actually her grandson. The falsehoods surrounding Palin on the Internet have been so widely reproduced that FactCheck.org, a nonpartisanw Web site, posted a listing of corrections aptly titled, "Sliming Palin. "The all-out assault on the genuine and likable Palin is certainly a blessing in disguise for the Republican Party. Not only is it galvanizing Republicans, but the nasty tone and hysterical nature are turning off potential Democratic voters. In particular, those Democrats who, in the words of Obama speaking after a fundraiser at the Getty mansion in San Francisco earlier this year, "cling to their guns and religion." When Palin referenced Obama's gaffe in her RNC speech, calling him out for speaking about Americans "one way in Scranton and another in San Francisco," it was evident that she had her finger on the pulse of the Democratic Party's discord. So too Palin's praise for Hillary Clinton and her reference to the "18 million cracks in the glass ceiling." In building on McCain's already existing strategy of reaching out to Hillary voters and others disaffected with the DNC leadership, Palin demonstrated a political savvy that the Obama camp never saw coming. In choosing Palin as his running mate, McCain displayed the boldness and forward-thinking that his Democratic rival Obama has yet to embody. By picking the conventional Joe Biden over Hillary Clinton as his running mate, Obama failed to live up to his own mantra of "change." He also failed to recognize a politically smart move when it was staring him in the face, as Clinton would have presumably brought millions of votes with her. In fact, rumors that the Obama ticket would seek to unburden itself of Biden and replace him with Hillary in the coming weeks have been circulating, and at least one Huffington Post columnist has suggested as much. Some have speculated that Democrats may be experiencing a bout of buyer's remorse over their choice of Obama to head the ticket. Obama's empty rhetoric about "hope" and "change" certainly pales in light of the actual reform implemented by Palin in Alaska and by McCain throughout his career. Meanwhile his brief resume and lack of political savvy and even at times, personal likability (his odd sense of humor comes to mind) have become liabilities. But Obama's worst enemy is not himself, or even Sarah Palin, but rather, the ranks of his own rabid supporters. If they keep it up, McCain could be laughing all the way to the White House. |
McCain’s Worst Gaffe…Ever
it gets better.
the liberal media is rethinking its course with regard to McCain. http://thinkprogress.org/2008/08/24/halperin-obama-houses-worst/ Last week Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) told Politico that he did not know how many homes he and his wife Cindy own. “I’ll have my staff get to you,” McCain said. ThinkProgress noted that even though McCain’s comment highlights his poor record on the housing crisis and his economic policies that primarily benefit the rich, many in the media leaped to McCain’s defense, saying the gaffe was not “a big deal.” Today on ABC’s This Week, Time Magazine’s Mark Halperin took the media’s McCain defense a step further, arguing that the fact that McCain doesn’t know how many houses he owns “is going to be one of the worst moments in the entire campaign” — not for McCain, but for Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL): HALPERIN: My hunch is this is going to end up being one of the worst moments in the entire campaign for one of the candidates but it’s Barack Obama. […] I believe that this opened the door to not just Tony Rezko in that ad, but to bring up Reverend Wright, to bring up his relationship with Bill Ayers. To their credit, some of Halperin’s fellow panelists questioned his logic. “I’m having a little trouble following your argument,” host George Stephanopoulos said. Watch it: It seems that the media all too often jump at the chance to defend McCain. Also last week, McCain agreed that the U.S. should reconstitute the military draft. Yet some in the media argued that McCain hadn’t actually agreed to this policy change (he did) and instead chose to give McCain “the benefit of the doubt.” Moreover, many media figures recently argued that the Russia-Georgia conflict was good for McCain, despite the fact that many of his policy stances toward Russia would have pushed the U.S. closer to war during this particular crisis. In fact, Halperin himself jumped in on this bandwagon, saying the Russia-Georgia conflict was great for McCain because it “allows him to talk tough on foreign policy.” |
the Greatest Generation is what the Depression era babies are called. That would be my parents generation. Ozzie and Harriet. Camelot. Chevrolets. a house in the suburbs and a 9-5 career in the city.
The Baby Boomers were many. That is me...smack dab in the middle of the largest group of babies to hit the market place and be catered to with food, clothes, educations, trinkets and the American Dream we were to expect from our confident and exhultant parents and their pollyanna world. But we were too many. We made our parents generation wealthy beyond imagination by the way they catered to our wants and needs with Wall street and Madison Ave. phing our wallets and promising prosperity. But we were too many and we had to scratch and claw and play by different rules to get ahead of the competition. And while we were clawing and scratching and making the information age and consumerism flourish, we were too busy to pay attention to the world around us and believe in it the way our parents believed in it. Dubbed the ME generation for good reason. Funny how it went. funny how it goes. funny how it is. Were they really the Greatest Generation? Really, were they? Obama reflects that utopian image we were spoon fed with. Is Obama the New Camelot? Nope. as CS LEWIS said, "truth never happenms the same way twice." Baby boomers aren't embracing that idealism. We are experienced in this life. We know better. We know the Greatest Generation used us and profitted by us and held on to that prosperity, not to deprive us, but because they never wanted to revisit the Great Depression again. No, we weren't too busy sipping in old sage, we were busy assimilating everything idealistic about America and trying to get that ease that the fewer numbers of our parent's generation enjoyed in terms of having a young and energetic and abundant crop of consumers to cater to, domestically. The psychology of American Life is complex, sophisticated, competitive, shrewd, innovative, demanding, and overpowering. Ego driven madness to be at the top of the heap and wear the Greatest generation's crown. Bravo. We have been so busy chopping wood, we didn't stop to sharpen our axes. It wasn't given us to pace life, it was thrown at us in a blur and we were told to bide our time and wait our turn. Now we have the levers of power. The baby boomers have the throttle. The Greatest Generation changed the game on us in 1971, while we were still in college and at university and starting careers in their businesses. No, they changed the game and gave us the dregs with Hamiltonian economics and avarice and greed. They didn't giveus what they had, they gave us something better for them. No. Camelot is a dream, not reality. Ozzie and Harriet were not real, only idealistic imaginations of wishful thinking. They changed the game in 1971, while some of us were dying, and others fleeing, and others rebelling, and others falling into complacent apathetic appeasement. We got this. It is our job. It is our responsibility. We know what they did. We are their legacy. No more. We got this. Wait a while obama. you have some things to learn yet. Let's get it on, Mc cain. You know what we have been battling through. You are us. We are you. We will fix this. Even though some of us, like Bills R Us and W. battle from their ivory tower lives to inherit the greatest generations dream and have forgotten who we are. We are not our father's generation. |
Speaking of the policestate
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Sun 09/21/08 10:39 PM
either join the socialsits in the cities....
or join the militias in the rural areas. don't like their politics, then start your own militia. civil war is inevitable if martial law is declared in a panic depression that will be part of a global economic meltdown. the cities will require being supplied by whatever the land produces and money talks and bs walks with this government that is too big to tell to shut up, war. they will take the land, and turn everything into public domain and change water and mineral rights under martial law and control commerce and issue new script, not dollars. we've been there before, to some degree at different times as a nation. we have been through government rationing too. don't think for a MINUTE that Americans in rural America are going to rollover for the city dwellers. nope. not going to happen. The cities will be hell, pure and simple. either we fix it with what we have or we fall down and break. Nothing will ever be quite the same now. ![]() |
Abdication by Palin
and you wou;ld let it tank.
and the anarchistic moddel of austrian economics rule the markets. nope. we disagree. I am pragmatic and cynical. you are idealistic and not readin the weay the world is, war. we agree that it is all over for us, but we disagree on how to repair the problem. I believe in buying time and educating the American people without selling them a biull of goods that cannot reapir the breach but add to it. so do you. but your ideas and those of the ones that you agree with are not in any position to make that happen. Nor will they be. Bernanke is doing it right. it will break, but he is doing it the right way. |
McCain’s Worst Gaffe…Ever
are you daft? it all started with these favorite Americans of yours getting into ARM loans that reset the interst rate after two years. that triples the mortgage, and by the way, the qualifying interest rate went negative amortization. they didn't read their loan docs, madman. they did this. and unscrupulous brokers sold the paper to international investors at a premium return on that risky capital. no one was in the dark but you guys that don't know what the hell you are talking about. and you all seem to be democrats too, except for one in here, and this is not about other members, so i won't defend his astute awareness about these things. it is absolutely amazing how you guys filter this nonsense and do not realize that amoral democrat sympathizers with no apparent conscience towards God are the worst of the bunch on Wall Street. avarice and greed, madman. avarice and greed. It knows no party, and isn't sexist and racist and philosohphical about conscience and morality and ethics and truth. It is a self serving dysfunction that uses trickery, lies, deceit and manipulation to win. keep drinking that KOOL AID!!!!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() the same ones that knew clinton was interferring in free market econmics with his little esasing of lending restrictions, brainiac. The republicans. but no..... you all wanted to see clinton's baby crash. enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! keep drinking that KOOL AID!!!!!!!!!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Abdication by Palin
would you have the smart ones fix it before the average Joe sees it break?
that kind of pre emptive strike by the White House would never fly. Alan Greenspan knew it an groomed Bernanke to take his place for the time coming when he could not be available to fix it. Bernanke is America's darling athority on the Great depression and deflation. He is the brightest and most capable mind serving this nation's best interests at the Fed. read his book. ![]() So far, he has handled this masterfully. This is a major major deal we are living through. You and the others had better wake up real quick and get with the program and realize that America's best and brightest are looking out for you. You will have to accept that as fact until you know what you are talking about. This is the horror of Hamiltonian economics. It was a dangerous play 250 years ago and that dangerous play just had to try its hand at making the rich even richer. You will not get this, but Henry Ford and assembly line mass production is to blame for turning the heads of the financial geniuses towards Hamiltonian economics as the model to further the can of worms that Henry Ford opened. With the currency backed by gold, he found a way to make money on an economy of scale that made him rich. The law of diminishing returns. The limitations of this law of economics is the limitsations imposed on the currency, not on innovation. Had the Madisonian model been left alone, prices for goods made with mass production would fall and fall and fall, and the middle class benefit. But releasing that Madisonian model by taking the currency off a tanngible gold standard backed by the gold in the USTreasury alone, gold itself fell in value instead of continually rising and the middle class began to erode when the the government starting printing money because the money supply had moved completely into the hands of the rich and the money supply could not tender payouts on demand at the banks. The rich didn't mine the gold, the rich mined the working man. whatever. keep drinking that KOOL AID!!!!!!!!!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
McCain’s Worst Gaffe…Ever
are you daft?
it all started with these favorite Americans of yours getting into ARM loans that reset the interst rate after two years. that triples the mortgage, and by the way, the qualifying interest rate went negative amortization. they didn't read their loan docs, madman. they did this. and unscrupulous brokers sold the paper to international investors at a premium return on that risky capital. no one was in the dark but you guys that don't know what the hell you are talking about. and you all seem to be democrats too, except for one in here, and this is not about other members, so i won't defend his astute awareness about these things. it is absolutely amazing how you guys filter this nonsense and do not realize that amoral democrat sympathizers with no apparent conscience towards God are the worst of the bunch on Wall Street. avarice and greed, madman. avarice and greed. It knows no party, and isn't sexist and racist and philosohphical about conscience and morality and ethics and truth. It is a self serving dysfunction that uses trickery, lies, deceit and manipulation to win. keep drinking that KOOL AID!!!!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Abdication by Palin
time to go huh?
want your free reign back to hate and share disdain for things by blaming the ills of the world on conservatives? cool, I can take a hint. bye. ![]() |
McCain’s Worst Gaffe…Ever
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() we wouldn't want him to tank too, would we? sheeeesh... some people. keep drinking that KOOL AID!!!!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |