Topic: OBAMA Supports 700 Bil Plan | |
So does Clinton...for that matter. So? Now? Are you going to still vote for OBAMA?
Obama calls on Americans to support rescue plan RENO, Nev. (AP) - Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama is calling for Americans to get behind attempts to salvage a $700 billion rescue plan for the financial sector. Obama told a crowd at the University of Nevada at Reno on Tuesday that if Wall Street fails, ordinary people will be hurt, too. The Illinois Democrat warned that if Congress doesn't take action, people will find it tougher to get a mortgage for a home, a loan for college or a loan to buy a car. Obama is proposing that the limit on federal deposit insurance for bank accounts be raised from $100,000 to $250,000. Increasing that limit, he says, would help small-business owners and reassure nervous Americans as well as help shore up the economy. |
So does Clinton...for that matter. So? Now? Are you going to still vote for OBAMA? Obama calls on Americans to support rescue plan RENO, Nev. (AP) - Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama is calling for Americans to get behind attempts to salvage a $700 billion rescue plan for the financial sector. Obama told a crowd at the University of Nevada at Reno on Tuesday that if Wall Street fails, ordinary people will be hurt, too. The Illinois Democrat warned that if Congress doesn't take action, people will find it tougher to get a mortgage for a home, a loan for college or a loan to buy a car. Obama is proposing that the limit on federal deposit insurance for bank accounts be raised from $100,000 to $250,000. Increasing that limit, he says, would help small-business owners and reassure nervous Americans as well as help shore up the economy. So did McCain, whats your point? All those globalists and those listening to them were in favor of the Communist handout. |
McCain supports it too.
Yep, I'm still voting for Obama. |
Well I just wanted to make it clear that it's BOTH partys that are at fault for this mess.
I still say McCain like BUSH were knocked down when confronting DEMS that this was a problem. So? Now! I have issues with some postions REPS take but this was not one of them. THEy tried to be responsible. REPS are fiscal conservatives while DEMS are tax & spenders. DEMS have to own this one why would anyone vote for DEMS who created this mess again? |
Well I just wanted to make it clear that it's BOTH partys that are at fault for this mess. I still say McCain like BUSH were knocked down when confronting DEMS that this was a problem. So? Now! I have issues with some postions REPS take but this was not one of them. THEy tried to be responsible. REPS are fiscal conservatives while DEMS are tax & spenders. DEMS have to own this one why would anyone vote for DEMS who created this mess again? So what you're saying is that you're going to ignore the more than 60 democrats that listened to the voices of their constituents and voted against this thing? Fact-Had Pelosi had all the Dem votes, this thing would have passed, Period. |
Well I just wanted to make it clear that it's BOTH partys that are at fault for this mess. I still say McCain like BUSH were knocked down when confronting DEMS that this was a problem. So? Now! I have issues with some postions REPS take but this was not one of them. THEy tried to be responsible. REPS are fiscal conservatives while DEMS are tax & spenders. DEMS have to own this one why would anyone vote for DEMS who created this mess again? Dems did not create this mess! Many hands were involved. |
Hear & see for yourself...REPS were trying to get regulations in place against the wishes of the DEMS. It's all there... no lies. OBAMA OTOH, was one of ther biggest money donor along with DEMS for their obstructions to regulating these agencies. |
Delusions of Grandpa.
I take that as a yes, you are going to ignore the Democrats that did their jobs, by listening to the American people.
How interesting, I feel bad for you, the day those partisan brain manipulated blinders come down. You are going to have one hell of a headache. I restate: If Pelosi had counted the votes from her own party, she would have known right away that she shouldn't have made the Blame Bush speech. Since Dems stood up and listened to their constituents, she came across looking a fool, same as Bush, same as McCain, same as Obama, same as anyone who supported the National Socialism of Amerika. |
Well I just wanted to make it clear that it's BOTH partys that are at fault for this mess. I still say McCain like BUSH were knocked down when confronting DEMS that this was a problem. So? Now! I have issues with some postions REPS take but this was not one of them. THEy tried to be responsible. REPS are fiscal conservatives while DEMS are tax & spenders. DEMS have to own this one why would anyone vote for DEMS who created this mess again? Dems did not create this mess! Many hands were involved. Right! It was deregulation of the financial industry that created this mess. Check out this video: Remember the Keating 5? John McCain was involved in that fiasco too! |
I feel that it was deregulation too.
Edited by
Tue 09/30/08 09:22 PM
These are important to see Hiker. Thanks. |
These are important to see Hiker. Thanks. ![]() Let's see. Where'd I put my tar and feathers? ![]() |
Edited by
Tue 09/30/08 10:38 PM
no bailout.
no free lunches. not that I would vote for obama, but he would be steering that money in the wrong direction were he, obama, to get in the White House. Admit it. He would do no less than Pelosi, Frank, Cox and Dodd ; exonerate their complicity in the debaucle of clintonomics and further encumber the nation in more debt spiraling out of control' Bush added to the mess, most certainly, but by the start of the war in Iraq, the federal debt was 5 trillion. Now it is 10 trillion and soon to be 11.5 trillion with a bailout. Bush didn't spend 5 trillion on the war did he? at 10 billion a month, quoting obama, 120 billion a year times 5 years is 600 billion, not 5 trillion. Believe what you want, but everything obama wants to do will accelerate that federal indebtedness faster than anything witnessed under Bush's watch, even if obama spends no more money than the current admiinistration does. Compounding interest is bankrupting the nation. wash the free lunches down with some KOOL AID while you can. Water and crackers await the unwary. ![]() |
no bailout. no free lunches. not that I would vote for obama, but he would be steering that money in the wrong direction were he, obama, to get in the White House. Admit it. He would do no less than Pelosi, Frank, Cox and Dodd ; exonerate their complicity in the debaucle of clintonomics and further encumber the nation in more debt spiraling out of control' Bush added to the mess, most certainly, but by the start of the war in Iraq, the federal debt was 5 trillion. Now it is 10 trillion and soon to be 11.5 trillion with a bailout. Bush didn't spend 5 trillion on the war did he? at 10 billion a month, quoting obama, 120 billion a year times 5 years is 600 billion, not 5 trillion. Believe what you want, but everything obama wants to do will accelerate that federal indebtedness faster than anything witnessed under Bush's watch, even if obama spends no more money than the current admiinistration does. Compounding interest is bankrupting the nation. wash the free lunches down with some KOOL AID while you can. Water and crackers await the unwary. ![]() No, the first thing Bush did to blow up the surplus (estimated, I grant you) was to expand the police state, such as the BATF got 3 times their clinton budget under Bush. So much for 2nd amendment rights... |
I take that as a yes, you are going to ignore the Democrats that did their jobs, by listening to the American people. How interesting, I feel bad for you, the day those partisan brain manipulated blinders come down. You are going to have one hell of a headache. I restate: If Pelosi had counted the votes from her own party, she would have known right away that she shouldn't have made the Blame Bush speech. Since Dems stood up and listened to their constituents, she came across looking a fool, same as Bush, same as McCain, same as Obama, same as anyone who supported the National Socialism of Amerika. YES! I stand by what I've been saying all them all out en masse. The point being if we want our govt. back we better get rid of them ALL. It's time we started thinking like one & cross party lines for the sake of our nation. YES! To answer your question. |
Well I just wanted to make it clear that it's BOTH partys that are at fault for this mess. I still say McCain like BUSH were knocked down when confronting DEMS that this was a problem. So? Now! I have issues with some postions REPS take but this was not one of them. THEy tried to be responsible. REPS are fiscal conservatives while DEMS are tax & spenders. DEMS have to own this one why would anyone vote for DEMS who created this mess again? Eliot Spitzer, NY Attorney General, objected to how the OCC operated. All 50 Governors and all 50 state's banking superintendents actively opposed Bush's changes to the OCC's new rules. These rules included more deregulation and the OCC looked the other way even though predatory lending was rampant. The Bush admistration looked the other way and did nothing to protect the American homeowners. In fact, the government chose instead to align itself with the banks that were victimizing consumers. It is not the totally the Dems. fault when they only ran the house for 2 yrs. of 8 yrs. The Republicans are famous for deregulation and that's what caused this mess. And...we all know that McCain is the champion of deregulation. |
well, all I have to say is...
keep spending borrowed money! That will fix the National Debt! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
It's sad that it's a FACT that DEMS were part of the problem & some on this board are in total denial of wanting to take them to task. Talk about being a useful idiot??
Wouldeee... you can't do anything with people who don't want to be confused with the facts. It's too much for them to bear. That's why I call it an evil deception. It is what it is... |
Well I just wanted to make it clear that it's BOTH partys that are at fault for this mess. I still say McCain like BUSH were knocked down when confronting DEMS that this was a problem. So? Now! I have issues with some postions REPS take but this was not one of them. THEy tried to be responsible. REPS are fiscal conservatives while DEMS are tax & spenders. DEMS have to own this one why would anyone vote for DEMS who created this mess again? Dems did not create this mess! Many hands were involved. Right! It was deregulation of the financial industry that created this mess. Check out this video: Remember the Keating 5? John McCain was involved in that fiasco too! This "mess" was created when three votes voted the Federal Reserve into power in 1913. The Federal Reserve, being our central bankpretty much runs this government. They have never been audited in history and we don't get to vote them in or out of office, yet they are responsible for the economy. Another major push forward for this crises occured in 1971 when our government, for some reason, thought it would be a good idea to not have sound money anymore. Let me put it to you this way. If our dollar were still backed by gold, gas would still be what it was 10 years ago. Inflation causes high costs for medicine and gasoline,well pretty much anything international by that matter. When was the last time you saw something made here in the U.S.? Clinton is largely responsible for the outsourcing of jobs and goods too. When pointing the fingers you can say the same thing about Bush, McCain, Obama, and most of congress. Their work has been pushing this thing through for years. (I admit i have no idea when Obama became a senator, but he certainly stands behind every idea the dems make.) Time to be color blind. The fact is, the federal reserve is trying to control the market, the market is self correcting, and bigger than any government or organization could ever be. They are trying to ride the bull and it's costing us trillions. |