Love or sex
Love is when two people decide to work and support each other and share the same goals.
The sex is just a benefit But it's not the main dish. |
friends with benefit(fwb)
friends with benefits is nice for short term sex but if you want a long term friendship
where the two of you can help each other with life problems then its not a good long term solution.. sex is very emotional its like having a lot of money one day and then poof!! its gone the next day! better to be in a polygamy marriage than friends with benefits after a while of friends with benefits you will get tired of the person and you will want another person in short friend with benefits is good for a short term but but bad for a long term the moment you have sex with a person you will fall in love with them and so it wont go well with you if you stop having sex you feel depression thats why super stars are always on drugs because they get depressed when the person they have sex with leaves them or finds another person to fall in love with trust me bro you dont want to have depression in your life.. FwB will just bring depression yes its fun but you will have a lot of depression in your life. better to stick to one woman and then marry her so that you can get all the sex you desire to satisfy each other |
Serious Relationship
Having children is not a burden as long as you tell your man that you have children the first time you meet each other
let him know that you have children so that he knows that as a mother he will have to accept sharing your love with your will find a man dont give up men are not hard to please just be kind and be willing to understand then you will find a good man who will marry you and look after you and your children well. |
my gf broke up with me :(
time heals all wounds one day you will get over it and thank her for giving you a chance to find someone else.
You will find someone that truly loves you dont give up keep searching for a nice girl to love. |
Women who want only sex
Why is sex so important?
Sex is a way to show how much you are in love with someone Yes some people look at it for excitement. But in truth sex is the true way to love someone In order to find a good sex partner. A person should have pleasing personality. See you want to be a pleasing person to be around. You can be of pleasing personality by allowing the person you are in a relationship time to grow and experience life, as she or he fits. If it doesn't workout with your sexual partner that's fine it only means they is another special someone for you. Its okay for you to look for sex online. As long as you are a good person to love and be with. |
The Act of Breaking Up...
Breaking up is not easy and i understand how you feel about it.
The truth is dont hide your emotions you have to feel them. Yes you have to feel them, from the anger to the jealousy, to the arguing you have to feel each wave of emotion you are going through. And don't feel sad for letting the one you love go. Letting go is part of the healing process. You have to let go. Now it doesn't mean that you dont love her or him. Its just that you two have DECIDED to go your separate ways.Believe me its better to just end things quickly don't hold on out of false pity just let it go. Whether its done on phone or in person. The truth is that person wants nothing to do with you So its best to just move on. They are many good gals and guys out here on this forum waiting for you to scoop them up and show them a good time. So my answer to your question is it doesn't matter how its done the point is that the person wants to end the relationship if you want you can follow up and find out why they decided to let you go. But its best to just move on. Dont worry you will find another good person that will satisfy you and be a good companion to you, |
Edited by
Wed 04/14/21 12:36 AM
A relationship is all about getting to know someone first. Like what are their interests do you have anything in common? How would you solve a dispute between the two of you? You know such things. If that man and woman really love each other then the age difference wont matter weather he is older or she is older Age is just a number. As long you two love each other my dear that's what matters. So the answer to your question is yes.
Edited by
Mon 03/29/21 12:28 AM
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love, but no sex.
Its fine to have mutual feelings for the one you like.But if you are going to have an intimate relationship then most likely you two are going to have sex at some point in time.You have to make sure you really love this person.Because once you have sex.Feelings for one another change.Thats why some people say its better to abstain.But really as long as you two love each other you can have sex as long you two are faithful sex is fine.If you dont want to have sex then thats fine too.
You can still love each other without sex my dear.Take care. |
A good relationship is all about communication.
Focus on communication. If the two of you are communicating then that's a good sign. Remember to maintain a fair ground. If the two of you argue. Don't attack the persons character instead attack the facts of the situation. More likely than not. Always agree to disagree. |
Boys are cool they are still growing up..see a woman represents a mother most likely that woman has features that he desires to see in his mother..See?? Some girls are still learning to be tender and loving.While some girls mature fast..I have been meeting mature girls of some girls are mature and some women are not so mature..So its really upto the you young man to decide what he is looking for.
At the end of the day age is just a number.. What matters is communication. |
A partime boyfriend?...
Communication is important.
As communicate. If the person is not replying to your messages that's a bad sign. Choose easy communication first. That's the key to a great relationship. All the best. |
Why do men/women cheat? 😢
Good question dear.
Well men fear commitment. See men like adventure because of testosterone rush...its kinda like a natural feeling we men have towards life.Similar to the way women have monthly periods. We men experience testosterone rush.. It is possible for a man to control it but he needs support from his woman to understand that men love SEX..that's way its best to get married and agree to never stop having sex no matter what happens..Men love don't deny a man sex.Also some men just don't know how to control themselves.So it's best to know his character first before engaging into sex .Better yet get married or be faithful to one partner. |
Trust me you won't die from not having sex.In fact its very wise.Intimacy is in levels if you decide not to kiss Atleast hold hands..spend more time in public places.Stay away from dark corners. Its possible to abstain from sex.
Remember to set a goal on a date on when you are going to get married. Don't just abstain for no reason. Set a date of when you will get married make a commitment. Or else its almost like she has said no to you. Set a marriage date.Then you can enjoy each other safely. Take care. |
Why good girl love bad boy?
Sorry to hear that.The truth is that is not truth..its not true that "Good girls like bad boys". That's a lie.
People believe such things because of luck of self esteem. Always know that you are beautiful no matter your character type. Love yourself whether you are single or in a relationship. Enjoy life and be happy. Take your self out to dinner and dress nice. You don't have to be in a relationship to do that. Even if you are in one.Take yourself out and enjoy your life. |
love or sex
Sex is cheap.
Love is expensive. To be a man is not about sex.To be a good person full of respect for others and love for people is what's good. Love is better than sex. Loving a person for who they are is key to a relationship. Sex is the benefit of loving someone. Better to wait until you both know each other. Best to have sex in a marriage. Either way know a person first. |
Don't give up on yourself.
Don't be to hard on yourself. Rejection is part of life.Just embrace the bad and let go.Trust me you will find someone who loves you for who you are. You need to continue believing in yourself and your abilities that make you unique. Take care. |
Edited by
Tue 09/03/19 04:24 AM
Starting involves a lot of faith.
There is no right or wrong answer. Have courage, and learn to deal with rejection. See all about self esteem.Learn to see the best in you. In short know what you love about yourself.Is it that you are smart or is it that you know alot about cooking or what's your favourite bird..or plant explain your interests to someone. Ask them alot of questions. Ask alot of questions. That's how you start. |
Well this one is sensitive even though here is my thought.
Age does matter. If you are in love.Please understand the age difference. And adjust to how the both of you treat each other. Even though it doesn't mean the two of you can not fall in love. People fall in love to deny it is only heart breaking. The first step is to admit you two love each other.Then share your interests. If your partner likes something that you don't share the experience of what each of you like Atleast once a week.. Personally as long you make each other feel happy continue with the relationship even if the age is different. |
Edited by
Tue 09/03/19 03:52 AM
Let me be honest. A man wants a woman he can take home to mother. Meaning the way she dresses matters. See yes as men we like seeing those lovely bodies that women have but the key is character not just looking beautiful. She should have a good character. Her Character is Key. She has to be a nice person,kind and forgiving. A good Character that's what men want. |