Community > Posts By > Redrider1500

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Sun 06/06/21 04:03 PM

Ive had few relationships in the past where in I was older than my boyfriends. It was really unintentional. I always wonder why I am always linked to someone younger. Could be because I am very outgoing and fun loving person.
Could be. I never once went out with a woman my own age. It was always older than me. The one where I was the older, I married. she was 11 years younger than me.

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Fri 06/04/21 02:53 PM
I ride quite often.

First off, I'd like to sit on the seat, not the gas tank. Then, I'd like to be able to put a foot down at a light, or a four way stop, and not have to worry about toppling over. Next in line is my bike going to exceed the weight rating of the bike, or the tires, when that bbw get on with me. I've had a couple rear flats in my life, at speeds above 60 MPH. (One doing 85) I did NOT crash. (Wonder of wonders)

I've ridden since age 12. I'm 65 right now. So, that calculates to 53 years behind the bars. Between being married, and various girlfriends, I've been attached for 25 years. I didn't marry bikes, but since they have always made themselves available to me, and that I've enjoyed them for so long, me and the bike aren't going to part company.

There is no woman that will ever get between me, and two wheels. Want to ask if I would? After I get done laughing, I'll wave bye-bye to you and go riding off into the sunset.

No thank you.

no photo
Wed 06/02/21 04:31 PM

What does a man need to have all his heart and attention

Not to get nagged when he happens to see another woman in passing. My ex used to get bent out of shape when I looked around in public. I mean JUST looking around. I could count on her to get aggravated when we went shopping. If I saw something beyond a woman, she'd claim I was looking at another woman.

It certainly didn't make her anymore attractive to me. She managed to ruin that with me when she dyed her hair red. It wasn't until after she filed on me, I'd finally said that what killed my attraction towards her was the fact that she went red. It never occurred to her, that of all the women I might of looked at, none were redheads. I never dated one, had any interest in redheads. Then, all of a sudden, I became married to one. For me, it was depressing.

What women have to do, is get used to their men looking around. Chances are, that man of yours isn't going to leave you just by looking. It happens.

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Mon 05/31/21 01:44 PM
FM started out as a better way to transmit music. The bandwidth was wider and more detailed, it handled stereo. AM couldn't. AM also couldn't handle running engine static. Hence the invention of resistor spark plugs, and carbon spark plug leads.(It also got interference from the Duga Woodpecker.That went off when Chernobyl blew up.)) It also had fewer commercials at one time. Of course, that was short lived.

Now with bluetooth, satellite, or whatever they can sell you, that's getting more popular. I'm not sure whats all available, since music isn't a huge must to me. If I gotta pay for it, it isn't worth listening to.

no photo
Sat 05/29/21 03:49 PM

only advantage of being tall is , they can eat of a short person's head , but a short person canot do that to a taller person ... ha ha !!

True, but they'll punch you in the knee quicker than you could sneeze.

no photo
Fri 05/28/21 01:08 PM
I read your profile.


no photo
Thu 05/27/21 02:43 PM
On another forum, this subject was brought up. A few women were waiting for more messages from guys, they'd never respond to just the first one. I posted the question to them, what happens if it's just one and done? In their view, I wasn't trying hard enough. My opinion, they weren't the effort.

no photo
Wed 05/26/21 07:56 PM
Right now, 9 years.

If I went tomorrow, then I did, what could I do about it? I certainly wouldn't force myself onto anyone. There's no reason to go on some desperate search for a likely sex partner just because I hadn't had some in years. I did that years ago, with no luck. Not a road I want to travel again. Being desperate looks just awful on anybody. (me included)

I've had sex with a few undesirable women, and ended up not liking myself the day after. I'm at the age, that it has to be with someone I really desire, or I'm not going to bother with it at all.

no photo
Wed 05/26/21 03:59 PM
Never cross a meek man. He just might have a wicked left hook.

no photo
Wed 05/26/21 03:51 PM
I do none at a time. The rare times I did date, it was only one at a time.

It took some time to adjust to not dating much. Since I was never into the same things others were into, I guess I didn't mind after a while. Sitting around, talking and drinking got old fast. Watching a bunch of idiots chasing a ball around was worse. A few times when I was married, we'd get invited to parties. I generally sat and listened, they would talk about all the garbage I could care less about.

Now, I just don't care.

no photo
Sun 05/23/21 03:27 AM

Do I meet my wife's lover from 2 years past we separated now but she still has not told me the truth it's been almost 2 years now and I can't forget the hurt and pain
That you're bringing it on yourself.

My ex cheated on me. I never got a straight answer. She couldn't look me in the eye and deny it. After about a week, I decided that I wasn't going to dwell on it. I'd move on. About a month later, I realized how not cluttered my life had become. I could come and go as I liked. Do stuff that suited me. I didn't have to seek approval from anyone. Life got easy.

Then she tried to insert herself in a small way into my life. I wouldn't stand for it, mostly because she wasn't allowing me any information about what was going on in her life. She was just too guarded about it. I found out why, later. She managed to break up another marriage, and marry the husband.

That's cold. It told me she didn't give a hoot about me. Bye, have a nice life. If she died tomorrow, I wouldn't even make the effort to go over and take a leak on her headstone.

She's living rent free in your head. Time to kick her out. Don't even let her know you have. She doesn't deserve to know that.

no photo
Thu 05/20/21 03:21 PM

Nature meant for people to find a partner when they were young. If you really want someone later in life? You have to be more flexible. Compromise. Be willing to be open to more people. Willing to select someone not based on their looks but the person they seem to be. Be open to someone of a different race or religion. Shorter than yourself. Go older in your searching. Be willing to relocate. Accept someone with children at home. Someone who smokes. Over weight. Bald. Not such a good figure. Someone who doesn't have a few of your interests. Consider the wallflower. Some one with a serious health issue. People from other countries . A person with a lower income Otherwise you are fighting natures plan. On the other hand if you are rich and show the world you are in an attention getting way. You could like some of the entertainment stars. I don't need to list their names here. But you know them. Not just men but some older women have found partners later in life because they were known to be wealthy. But some over 50 do get lucky and fill their want list. But most won't. Time and health issue are against you.
None of your suggestions fly with me. What you suggest is making yourself miserable for a companion. Who in their right mind would toss everything away for a mate?

I had a great aunt who at the age of 84, got married. It took her just three years to realize it was a mistake. She at least got smart and filed for divorce at age 87. I had 5 great aunts that decided to skip getting married after their mates passed away. Oh, and my grandmother, who got widowed at age 33. She stayed single for 60 years.

no photo
Sun 05/16/21 06:32 PM

For men it would be as most women, even really short ones like taller men.

Don't count on it. I never saw any great advantage to being tall. I've heard plenty of sob stories about how men would wish they were taller.

no photo
Sat 05/15/21 06:14 PM

The gentlemen left when women started getting tattoo's, cursing, walking around 30+ pounds overweight like its no big deal, fighting, and basically looking like men with boobs. Oh yeah, let's not forget the entitlement these 200 pound beasts are out shoveling, all the while insisting to be treated like queens because of the "I know my worth" garbage.

Yeah, I said it.

It finally dawned on me, far too late, that it makes FAR more sense to just toss out $50 - $100 every so often, get exactly what is wanted (much younger, much prettier), with zero drama, zero time wasted, zero attitude, and then just get on with my day,week, month and life and be happy without all the nonsense of today's "modern woman".

Few here will probably admit it, but tons of men feel the same way. They've mostly all headed for the doors due to the feminist crap being shoved down everyone's throat.

You did and I admire you for it.

Now be prepared for the inevitable complaints about how you're too picky, self centered, or shallow. Some think it empowering to them. I think they're empowering themselves to live the rest of their days with a couple of cats.

no photo
Thu 05/13/21 05:46 PM

Personality test can be really great tools to get insight in self.
So is astrology. And it can tell a lot and help as it's very accurate, but you can let all these things become an obstacle too and try to get a connection based too much on such things.

Nevertheless, there are certain starsigns that I don't resonate with and this is the case for 9 out of 10 of these signs. So then I feel it's rather pointless to give that yet another shot. I did a few years ago, and the same annoying traits that seems to come with that sign surfaced yet again.

There are also certain signs I resonate really well with. It may seems odd if you're not knowledgeable in that field, but if I look at all my best friends throughout life... they were all from the same sign.
Some signs aren't in my life at all, and those are usually the ones I have nothing in common or to share with.

As I said the only thing is to make it not too big a factor so you don't rule out the heart/feelings.

I have noticed that myself, and I don't follow astrological signs at all. I came across a book called Sun Signs, and read it. It pointed out certain nuances of personality tied to what sign you are. It's rather scary accurate. Some are quite noticeable, like Pisces women. All Gemini's. Most Leo's.

Like I said, I don't put much stock in that, until it's too obvious.

no photo
Sun 05/09/21 05:45 AM
Because some women will go chasing after attached men. They want to see what the mated man does, how did he land that woman he's with. The man, who never had a woman come at him when he wasn't attached, gets curious about that forward woman, and decides to sample her.

I had several come at me after I got married. It sorta burned me, why didn't they approach me before? I got nasty with a couple. How did I get better, just because I have a mate?

no photo
Sun 05/09/21 05:28 AM

I've noticed that guys will be very attentive at first and then it falls off later

I guess they can't sustain it? Or aren't motivated

The title says a lot. The thrill of the chase. Some guys don't care for hunting, and running after their dinner. Farming was born from men deciding to raise their food, not run after it.

I get too many mixes signals from women. Now, machines can be obstinate. They can refuse to work correctly. In which case, it takes time to figure out the proper procedure to make them operate correctly. Machines will sit idly by, waiting for the proper input to make them work.

Women will not. They get impatient. They lost their operating manual long ago. And aren't big on letting you know you're doing it wrong. Until you lose a finger, or get injured in some way. It's like assuming a saw won't cut you. Get injured enough times, you'll eventually figure it out. Or stop going to the shed for that tool, and look for other ways to amuse yourself. In the meantime, that saw falls into disrepair. It rusts up, or just refuses to work anymore.

I stopped going to the shed. I'll work with what available. I might go look at it once in a while. But never touch it because I know I'll get injured again.

no photo
Wed 05/05/21 03:33 PM
I'd take it as how is this person?

Would we have fun? Are we compatible? Do we have similar interests? I'm able to forget what they were at one time. Those who, say were in prison, or perhaps they worked in the oldest profession, might like another person to forget who they were or what they did. I could apply that old term,"Forgive and forget" pretty easily.

If those who don't want to forget what they chose to do, I'm not so certain I'd like to be associated with them. They might find something to hang on me. I'm not into picky people.

no photo
Thu 04/29/21 05:30 AM

My store stopped selling my favorite coffee. I'm buying Folgers. Not my favorite.
I started out drinking Folgers. Then I found it at dollar general, for as much as $2 a can cheaper than any other store sold it for.

no photo
Thu 04/22/21 06:27 AM
Ten years of doing this, I've never come up with a good reason why no responses. I've asked the same question you're asking many times, I never got one satisfactory answer.

I've changed profiles, photos, nothing works. Then I looked at the numbers. In some areas, men outnumber women 8 to 1. Now, how does one overcome this?

Be stellar at selling yourself. Learn to sell an Eskimo an icebox. Learn to lie flawlessly. Be able to hold up a conversation with a cadaver. Dress like you just stepped out of the best menswear shop in town. Having a 6 figure income helps. Have a job with a title, in an admirable profession.

Or just learn than this is the way it is, and find some other form of entertainment.

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